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<br /> I.EmM�ru DamYn.l.enCer Ie hereDy easlgnee au compeneertion,ewerde,dameyea and othet paymente or rotlet(hetelnalter"Procaetl�"1
<br /> In connectlon wlth condemnetion or other 4ekinq of the Property or pert thereof,nr for conveyence In Ileu of condemnetlon.6ender�t�atl
<br /> teken or damsged, Lender thafl heva Yhe option in Ico sole and a�aolute difcratlon,to�pply oll auCh Ptuco�de,elter dAUun4lnp tharo4torn
<br /> ell cost��nd expeneee incurred�y It in conneotion w(th euch Proceede,upon sny Indebtedno�a eecured hareby end In euch ordar ae
<br /> ' � " Londer mey dstermine,or to�ppty NI wch Proseeda,�tte�uch deductlont,to the reitorstlan af the Propeny upon euah condltiqns u �
<br /> • '�'� �Land�r may d�tumine.Ilny sppilcnbn of Pirocseda to indebtedneaf 4h�ll not extend or poatpone Yhe due d�te of�ny paymant�und�► �s
<br /> � . .a: the Note,o►cun eny defauit therwnder or herounder.Any umpplied fund��hall be p�kl to 7�uetor. t=
<br />-'•1� p � B. Pwiorm�nu by L�ndsr.Upon tM occurranca of �Event of Oetautt henunder, or If any act I�tekm or Ip�l procNdlnn �
<br /> cammenced whlcn meterlelly eitecto Lender'a Intereat In the Property,Lender may In It�own dlecret�on,but w(thout obliq�tlon to do�o,
<br /> , �'�and without notice to or d�mtnd upon"I"rustor snd wlthout nte�sinp iruetor from�ny oblipation,do�ny�ot which Yn�a4or hra oprQOd �
<br /> ' C 6ut htl�to do�nd m+�y�Iw do any atho►aat R dseme nacessiry tA protact the�ecurhy hsreof.Trustor�hsll,ImmedlatNy upon d�m�nd =
<br /> . =�__1� �theretor hy lender, pay to Lende�all coats and expenaea Incurred md suma expended by Lender tn connactlon with the exercf��by :�
<br /> �•���__-,�• Lcnder of the Yore{�oin� dQhta,topether with Interant thareon st the def�ult nte provlded in the Note, whicA �hNl 6e addsd to the �=-
<br /> `� � indebtednes�securrd herNsV.6.eade►ehell not lnaur�ny liabi;ity becauae of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. -
<br /> 9.H�twdow MatK1N�.Trunor ehcil keep the Rapeny(n compH�nce w(tt►dl appticAble lewe,ordinancee and regulstlona�elatinp to
<br /> ,.,� � IndustrlN Aypiena or environmentsl protection(collsctivoly roferred to herein aa"EnvironmentN I.aw3"1.Trustor shnll keep tha Property �'
<br /> trse f�om 49 eubstancas deamad to bo hazardous or toxia undnt rny Envlronmentel Lar�a lcollecdvety refarrtd to hereln es'H�rarAous �
<br /> M�te�ixla"I,Truetot heraby wsrnnts nnd�eprnsents to Lendar that there are no Huudoua Materfel on or under the Roperty.Tn�etor
<br /> hereby epreea to Indemn4fy snd hold hemnle:cs lender, ite dkectora, offlcero, emptoyees snd agnnts, and eny auccessoro to Lender'e
<br /> Interest,irom ond egalnat an�and oil c�aims,c�amages,lossna end IiaUliitiaa a►lafnp In connactlon with tho presence, use,dlapoael or
<br /> ,��• �%,�� ..�•�_ tronsport ot any Hezardou�Matedsts on,undas�,from or about the Propony.THE FOREGOINO WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATtONS,
<br />""�"� TRUST.
<br />_�;'��:,�'�.
<br />- _:,.;..,,� 10./IMipnm�nt o1 INnW.Trustor hereby�saiqns to Lender.and pnnta lander e aecur(ty Interest tn,all present,futun�nd�h«
<br />- r�g rrnt7.lasut.v end pfofite of the Pte�txty;pnovlded th�Trustor ehell,n�►tN the oacunence ot en�v�nt ot�ofauR h�►eundar,have �_
<br /> �`�",�`"' the►i�ht to coqect�nd rstain�uch rente, lssuea and profht s�they become due and psyable. U�►qn the occu►renco of en Event of
<br /> �"��'' � Defautt,Lender mey,either in pemun or by�8ent,whh or without b�ingfny�ny actbn o►procendinp,or by a ncefver�ppo{nt�d by a
<br />'`�.:.���•�.,�,.
<br /> �" court end wkhout regard to the�dequacy of fte necurity, enter upon and t�ke possestian of the Propmty,or any p�rt th�reof,{n it�own __
<br /> ' � nKne or in the name of the Ttuatee,and do any eate which (t deems neceseary or dealrsbie to preeerve ths value, mnkst�biNtY or
<br /> ''" �. �ant�6ftityr of the Praperty,or any part thereof or inte�eat U�srein,or to tncrease the(ncome theretram or protect ths secuNry hsrwf and,
<br /> • r with or withmut takinp poasession of the Ptoperty,sue for or otherwlse collact tha ronte,issues and profite thereot,taciudinp thoa�past �-
<br /> �;::�L� due and unpaid,by noti4yin�tenants to meke paymente to iender. Lendor mey dpply ro�ts,isauea end profite,less cost��nd�xpenasa
<br />,!,. �,•, ot crpentkn�,r.ei zollactton inctudin�attomay�'feea,to�ny indebtedness securod hereby,all U such ord�a►ea Lender may determine.Ths
<br /> ����r`�• enterin� uparo and tektnp poae�sion of the Property, the cotleatton of euch renta,tasuoa ertd profita, and ths�ppNc�tton thweof�s
<br /> -;�.�''., �tore�said,thNl not cure or waive any defautt or not�e oY defm+h hnrounder nr(nvaiWste eny act dane in responaa to wch defauR or
<br /> YP}�q;�Y. � pursaant to such �otiee of defeuft snd, notwithater+dfnp the cortt(nuance in poases�lon of the F'roperty or tho coHectton,recNpt�nd
<br />-�°��'�.,� �pplicatfon of ronto, laaues Qr profhs, Trunee end Lender ehaif be entftled to exerclae every rlght prov(ded for In a�y of th� Lo�n _
<br />='�;.:"': Instrumente or hy Iaw upon occurrence of eny Event of Dsfwft,Inciudtng wfthout Iimketlon tho ri9ht to exercise the�iowa of safe.
<br />- °'°"��-- Funher,l.mda'�Nyhts and�smedfe�uncier this pxqreph�hell bs cumW�ttve with,end in no way a Iirr,ft�tWn on,La�tlK'r rtphts rW
<br /> =-:�"$�`���` remedies under u�y�ssfpnmsnt of leaae�anrJ rente recorded egainst tho'Aroperty. Lender,Truatee�ns the recefva ah�N ba Habte to
<br /> -='�''3"��,. account only for thoae re�4�sctually received.
<br /> -_��caad"�'" � 11.Ewnta oi OM�uit.Th�e tollowinp shall conatitute an Event of Do4mutt under thb Qaod of Truat:
<br /> r = ia)Faifuro to pay any Instdlmer►t of princ(psi ur inte►eat o4 uny other eum aecured hereby when due;
<br /> � - - (b)A broach of or dafauit under any provlsion contslned t�the Noze,thio Dea�04 7rust,nny of tfio Loen InatrumenW,or�ny
<br /> - --� other Ifen mr ancumbnncs upon the Property;
<br /> - (c)A writ af executbn ar attechment or eny slmtisr procesa EhaA ba entered epofnat Trustor which shaH become a Iten on tMe
<br /> •�= Property or any portion thereof or intarost thaeln;
<br /> -��—. (d!There ehNl be filed�y or agatnst Trustor or F3orrower en ection Under eny pcasent or futuro fsdersl,at�te or other at�tus,Itw
<br /> --�� or rsput�tion r�l�tlnp to bankruptcy. (nwivency or other rotief for debtorr,or there sh�M be appolnted any tiustce, recetva or
<br /> -°
<br />