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<br /> � � 14th September , 19 96 ,by md.m�npG� �
<br /> � THI'1 Df:fdO OF TRUST,la m�de aa of the --deY of
<br /> /s \G-.
<br /> _'. �,.� ths Tnntoc, _ ���'L LEE WIL'LIJ�M9 and CRISTINS 9LJS WIT,LIAklS, �IUSBAND AND WIFS �--
<br /> � �.,:�;.�
<br /> ,,..;,,,
<br /> =�"- � � `J ,�09 S0� viT� pTcAtJp ygt,ApQD N8 6880�ereln'Trustor,"whether one or more).
<br /> wtt�so mtiilit�a�ddress(s
<br /> � �;kw•�� �-
<br /> th�Tni�ter.. �NK OF DONIPHArI I --
<br />-,':"':t.:'�'� who�e mNli���ddresi��
<br /> p0 gOX H DONIPHAN IJE 68932 therefn'Truatee"l,emd
<br /> '4
<br /> �s"•'.��r ths Ber►Qflef+xy. �T'�K OF DONIFIiAN , •
<br /> ,y,
<br /> •-' "'° - PO BOX A DONIgHAN NS 69832 (hereln"Lender'l.
<br /> ' �" w0ul�n m�iRng�ddress I�
<br />'._-ti!.`•'�c.
<br />_���t,,.,k FOFl VALVABLE CONSIDERATION,includfnp Lander'e extennfon of credft Identtfied hereln to R3��+ �$ w=�I�s
<br />_�-N;*- cRZrxiers svs w=r�.u►ris
<br />°:;.
<br /> _ `••a-"�� (hsrotn'BoROw�r".whetner one vi nNioi'w:ttt:ist�2!!�d!!�•watwrf,the
<br /> _�.T�•ir��+t
<br /> -:�.°,x''.' �eK;elpt Of.Whb:fi!s he�eby[CIt�lawledyed•7Nnor hereby irtevocably gronts,transfen,convays�nd�ssipns to Truatee,IN TRUST,WI7H
<br /> _�•+•.�:`'� pp1NEH OF SA0.�.fo►ths benefR end security of Lender,und�r and eubJect to the tertna�nd conditbns hereinsfter set forth,th�real
<br />- ;r.t,�„_:
<br />__=y_�:�_�� DPO3wrtY.tle�rib�erl ea tolbws:
<br /> �"�'='°— LAT 02i8 (1) r ILd $LO(.K ONS (l)r IN CLAUSSEN COUNTRY CLUB
<br /> y��^a _ry�!�!
<br /> -++:-,iiY`�i
<br /> ===_ _--..-}�� a�xa is�+sm, ris 6eaoi-
<br /> �-s�=��" PROPBRTY ADDRE83: 709 $GOTH VINS
<br /> = -=�,.�
<br /> `��'�_'_.�'�� Tp�ether with sll bufldinps,improvamente,fixturea,atreets,alieys, psss�pewaya,essemenU,rt{�hts,privilegss�nd ePPunenances
<br /> {acntocA thsreon or In snyw+se P��nfnp theteto.and the ronYa,isuiss�nd profite,reveraions�nd remNndas th�rwf,and cuet�penond
<br /> _-- p��yr that fe ettochsd ta the Impravements eo as to constkute a flxturo,Includinp,but not ltmked to,hsattn9�nd coaHnp�4�ip�►t7
<br /> ---- �nd ttx�ether wvitr the homestead or marhel tntereate, If e�Y.which intere�t�are hereby releaaod end waived;all of whir.h, Indudinp
<br /> rc�Iaeorn�nta and addit}ona thereto.ta herebY de��ared to be a part of the roal eat�ts secured by the Ilen of thle Deed of Tnist and�U of
<br /> �T th�[tr.raipoin0��n9���'�to here(n as the'Property'•
<br /> --� — Thia Deai oi Trvst shall sxure(e)the payment of the principal sum and interest svWa�ced by• promtsaory�ote or crecllt
<br /> --� �� September 14, 1996 ,having a matuNty date of Septemher 25, 2002 ,
<br /> aprrnmK►t dated
<br /> _ 21,114.68 , w►d�ny and NI modificatlo�a,extembns snd renr:wwals
<br /> --- -- in ttrn oripinal principal emount of 1
<br /> � tMr�f or thereto sr+d anV and sli future edvancos and re�dvancea to Borrower tor any of them If more th�n onel hereunder purouent to
<br /> �.-� on��r��e Drom�ssory rrotam or credit eprexment�(heeein cellaf'Npte'i:(b)tho payment of other euma sdvanced by l.ender to protoct
<br /> "� ' t�Q a.eeurity o}ths Note;(c)the perfortnanca of ell covenente�nd agroements of Trustor set forth herefn;and lcn all preaent and tuture
<br /> ���'' (nd�txtednea�snd obiiqatbns of Bortowcr lar eny ot them ff moro than one)to Lender wheiher dtrect,indfraot,abaolote or contir�yent
<br /> °'i'�"�`"��� a�wvMtber arbinp by nots,euaronty,overdreft or otherwtse.The Nato.tt�is Deed of'truat and any and�II other document�th�t securo
<br /> - �°,���:.;-� ; thT'Note orolhervvise executed�o conneMlon therowlth,Includ�np wiihovt Ilmitetion gueranteea,�ecadty agreements end assgtnments
<br /> --�_---- a}qC��e Md ronto,ehalt ma Rmferred to herein es the"Loe�instrumento`.
<br /> ,;��`'���`� Truator covenenta�ntl.ngreas wkh Lend�er ea followe:
<br /> ,y'`y,�. . �.p��y=o}Md�bt�dnns.All indebtednaaa ascurad hereby ehail be pakl M+hen dae.
<br /> - �~ � ..�`'C.t�i1 -
<br /> . _ . ; 1.�:;� Y; .' 2,7'ttw.7�ni�'tor ta the owner oi tha Rroperty.hes ths right end authority to convoy the Roperty,and waR�nta that the Iten created
<br /> h�iroby(s s f:tst end Prior lien on ths PropQrty.except tor Itens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writinp end detivered to Londer
<br /> butoro ezesutlon of thie �eed of Truat,end the executlon end deldrory of tfits Decd�of truat doea not violato nny conttact or othor
<br /> p'aigatbn to whlch 7n�et�r la�ubJeat.
<br /> 3.7�cn.Ass�tsrt�►ts.To gay before delinquancy afi texes,epeclel asaesnments end ail other cherges eyainst the PropeRy now or
<br /> ' ' hlroeRer tovted.
<br />, .,`� 4,�muranc�.To keep the Property Insured sgafnst damege by fire,hszarda. Ir+�cluded wkhin the term'eMended coverape',�r►d
<br /> • �--_�^�- ' �"� wch other hnzerds es Lender may requiro,in amounts end with companies aa���b1e�o�L�nd���to ad�cnlleac endico�maromit�sa,
<br /> •�a' � -. 3� in:sured,wlth br�psyeble to the Lenaer.Ira case oi ivno iii�:.m o.:...`.rT-�-•-•---•--- �- --- -
<br /> � ` Y .:. :,� cii cldms thcreonder�nd sha11 have the option of apptying all or part of thn ineurence procee�a(i)to any Indabtedness aecurad horeby
<br /> end in euch order a�Lender msy determine,(fU to the Ttustor to be used for the repatr or restoratlon of the Ropertyr or iiii)for eny othor
<br /> � . ? purpo:e or obJect aat�staatory to Lender whhout effecting the Ilen of thia Deed of Trust tor the fuil amount secured hereby beforo euch
<br /> � �� p�yment ever took pisce.Any epplicetion of proceeda to I�debtednesa ahall r►ut extend or paatpone the due date of any payments untler
<br /> •� � ' th�Note,or curo eny defauit thereunder or hereun dar.
<br /> 6.Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,TrusYOr shall pay to Le�der,In such manner ss Londer may dasigneto,sufticient nurns
<br /> . Property,(L)the p emium�onhthebproperty Insuran e`requlredfhereunderwand Iiif)the p emlu�ma on eny mortgege I sur nce requiredtby
<br /> Lender.
<br /> 8. MdntMane�.R�pdn�nd Ccmpli�n��w�uw�•Trustor sholl keep the Roperty in good condition end repair;sheil prompt y
<br /> ' repalr,or repface any tmprovement which may be damaged or destroyed;sha�.l not commit or permlt sny weste or dete�ioretlon ot the
<br /> � ��"�� e Property;shall not remove,demolish or eubat�ntiatiy otter any ot the Improvemonta on the Property;shall not commtt,euffar or permk
<br /> ,� 7�rusto�e coat�nd expense ell Ifena,e cumbrances'anid cherpes tav ed,iropoaed ur aasesaed�geln�t thelProperty opanyppartthereof.e et
<br /> ' Necua��tr+o�w�+am.+o«m A«.ersa
<br /> 186e N�UOnal Bsnt o1 Camm�ra Trutt xd 6�vinp�AuoNaUa+.11�cN�.t�V�Mka
<br /> .--r.�rm�c^...�...'"'.--"--'r-r.-.,.."`-.
<br />