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<br /> ' 18.Miecalle�n�ue f�r�ut�tan�
<br /> f�'' (�)doRO�ar�r No!NMMwd•Extentlon ot th�t{me tor peyn�ent or modific�tlon oi the dume secutod by thla Dec�o}Truet prantad
<br />-• • ;`.� by L�nd�r tq�ny�uccuwr M inta��t of Borrower�hdl not operato to ratea�e,In�ny mnrsnor,the Ilabillty of the origlml 9orrower �.
<br /> ;,"�,.,, , � �nf��1[�'��Cce�wr�In InUro�t. Lender�hall not be requlred to commence proceedlnps sg�inst euth succexear or ro}uae to �_-
<br />;��. ��� extMd tlm�for piym�nt or ethsrwlo�modHy�monluNan of tho tume�acursd by thln Dead o}Tru�t by reaeon of any demend� _
<br /> m�d�by th�otlpin�l Sorrawer�nd Borrower'�succattor�In Interott. �•
<br />,_.,.;,r_.:.•.� (b)L�ndw'��aw�ti.Without�N�atinp the ilabflity o4 any othor p�rcon Ilcbto for the�nyment of eny obllnstlon heroln men4toned, --
<br /> " t �nd v►hhout�tfrcttnp th�H�n o�chK¢�of tfii�Ds�d of Trust upon any portlon of th�PropertY not thsn or theretofore retee�ed aa
<br /> .,�,.����, acudty tor the tu0 enount ot�11 unpald o61V�atlon�, Ler�der m�y.from tima to timc snd without notico(q roleese eny peraon so
<br /> :v�. -� N�ble,Uq�xtend th�m�tudty o►att�r any of the terma of anV euch obligntlona,llil)pront othsr Indulpences,((vl roioas:+or roconvey, _
<br /> or oau�e to b�r�la�ed or nconvsy�d at�ny Slms at Lender's optlon nny percel,portion or dl 04 the Prapeny,(vl take or releaae eny
<br /> . M1 3� oth�� �dditlanol Recurfty for rny oblipetton hereln mentloned, or (va make.compoaltbni or o4hK-wreng ento wlth deGtore in —
<br />'"'r t�tation th*f�t0. f It: ''11��?.wlr.'��.?�s�i�
<br />.J� f
<br /> 7 � ��)�ryq py L�ndK Not s W�i�►M'•Any forbearanco 6y Lender Fn exeMif�lii�+�MStBht or , �The procu ement of 6
<br /> � �fford�d by sppHo�bls I�w, shMi nat be e walvsr of or prec:ude the ex�roii�bt��h�Q��i�f►t,
<br /> In�urinc�a►th�paymmt of t�xe�or othsr Ilen�or chupes by Lender eh�D not"be e v�a�ver of Lender'a rlght to acceter�te t:�s
<br /> ' � moturity of th�Ind�bt�drt�es e�cund by tht�Deed ol7ruet.
<br /> •�v.;-. ' (d)a����a��eo�d;Jp1nt�nd Sww�l LI�bINtY:C�ptfom.The covenente and epreem�nt*hasin cont�lned ehuU
<br /> `, " bind, �nd ih� r{phta h�r�unde �haU Inure to, the re�psctivs auccessors �nd ssotyn� of Ls�d�r+nd Trustor. Afl covsnants and
<br />=.I�:,-����.� aprNrtwnt� oi T�uttor ahMl bs bfnt �nd aeveral� Ths c�ptbns �►d h�adlnps of th� psnpTapM oi thls DNd of T�u�t ero for _
<br /> -�=;;�,�''� eortv�nl�nce only�nd are not to be used to fnterprot or define the provlNons hsreof.
<br /> `.,�;�; ,_ (�)p�quht tpr Noda�,ihe p�rtisa hereby reGusst that a copY of enY not�ce at default herounde►and a copy oi any�otice of
<br /> �:�u7y�,;r, t�l�h�raundt►bo mdl�d to��ch pNty�to thls Dcad of Truat at ths eddross aet forth above in the m�nner prsacribed by appllcsblo
<br /> �"" I�w.Except for�y other notice rsqulred undet�ppllaable I�w to he plven In�nother manner,a�y notke provlded for In thls Deed of
<br />:� ,�,_�i. Trvst rhsfl be pluen by rttsillnp such notice by certlfied mall addresaed ta the other partlee, at the address aet forth ebove.Any
<br />"--��a� not{c�provid�d for En th;s Ds�d of Trust shell be affecttve upqn maillnp In the msnner dastpnated heroln.If Trustor is moro th�n one
<br /> Tn"4�; perwn,notfca eent to the�ddrest�et forth ebove�hell be notice to sll such perwna.
<br />'._��,: � (f)lnpaotbn, Lender m�y moke or cau:e to be m�de ro�wn�ble entdes upon and Inspectbns of the Property, provlded th�t
<br />_�,�.�, L�ndK�haN plve Tru�tar notics prkr to�ny suc;�Inspectlon epscttylny raaomble ceuss therefor reteted to Lender's tnterest In th�
<br />,.,:�;°, propKty.
<br /> _;,��,�' (q) Rteonwy�na. Upon paYmer►t of atl �um�secured Ay thts Deed �f Trust. Lenda ah�ll requs�t 7ru�t�e m rsconvey the
<br /> p,rap�ty w�d �h�q ourtenda thl�Dat�of Trutt �nd all notes svldencln�indebtbnsts s�cund by thls Dead rif Trust ta 7rustee.
<br />_':,'�• •, TrustM ahaN nconvey ths RopsrtY wfthout war►tntY and wkhout chwp�to the per�on o�psrtons lepally entitled tAaeto.Trustor
<br /> :?"t<��,, �h�ll pay dl can�of rscordttbn.If eny.
<br /> _ �.�j�������.�w..ry.�,�.n*,}1s�ddittond securttY for ths payrt►ent of the Nots,Truator hereby�n►Ka lert�du und�r
<br /> _�^;•'-.� ths N�br�tk�Unifarm Cornm�rclal Cods��ecurity Interest(n eM tixtura,s4uipmsnt.and othK puwn�i propercy usvo:�a;�rie�.��
<br /> ;�-�c�,� vriih th�rseA sstate ot 4mprovem�nt�locat�d thsnon,�nd not otherwhs decland or dwm�d to be�part of ths raal Mt�t��scund
<br /> �`:� h�nbY.ThI�Innrument�h�ll be conatrued a o 5�curfty Agre�msnt under w)d Code, ad u dx d�ccor�dsd t?is l.endK unuent
<br /> ������ �emedfes of a aecured party unde�said C�d�t�addkbn to ths rtght�snd remsdlss cnrt
<br /> -°"`s""�� to tha Oeed of Trust;provkled thrt Lenders rights and remedles under thls psr�prph shall be cumulattvs wkh,�nd I� no way e
<br /> --- limintlan on,Und�M's riyt+ts r►d ran�dles under�ny other securitV�8r��4 WBned by Bortorrer or Trwtor.
<br /> -_-- �' (p INnR rd Enqn�a�eM. Trustor hereby wart��nt� and �►res�nts that there I� no dafauh unda ths provldor►s u9 any
<br /> _._:-�� moK9�p�,d�ed of mnt,leue or Purchw eontnct dacribtnQ all or �ny part of ths PropertY, or other eonuect. �nstrumeni or
<br /> _�.���� p���t�n�ticutk►p�Nen er aneum6ranc���nst�II ot�►y part of ths Propsrty Icollective,'Liens"1.exhtiny n of the da't�nf
<br />_._._.��_� th{s Dead of Trost, �nd tfiat �nY and N� exl�tlnp.Uens remdn unmodfflsd excapt ss dtscbsed to lender tn Tninb�'e written
<br /> --=_� ai�O�un at qerss �nd encumbrances provlded tor her�tn:7ru�tor shall timely perTorm s11 of Trustors obNp�ttom, cov�n�nt�,
<br /> "-°"'''�tL reprosentKbna�nd wutantbs unde�sny end ali exfstiny and future Uena,shall promptly forw�rd to t.endK coptss of NI notkes of
<br /> ---- — de}wh s�nt fn connectfon wkh�nY end el�exlstln0 or futuro l.iena, and shsll aot wkhout Lenda's prio►written consent In any
<br /> m�nnK modity thr prqybbm of ot afbw anY future�dvencet under any existin0 or tututa l.f�n�.
<br /> _ �) qp�{�bn o} Parm�nts. Unbaa othsrwisa requlred by law, sums pald to Lendsr hereunda. Indudfnq without limft�
<br /> -- ---- ���o}p��p�1�nd{nt�nst,fnsurence proceeda,condemnatlon proceeds and rent��nd profks,shNl M�pNed bY Lax1a*to
<br /> - --- - - ths�rrwunte due�r►d owlnp from Trustor and bortower in sueh ordr,r es Lendar In ft��oN discretlon dsan�de�trabie.
<br /> (�(y Sww�4�ty. It any provisbn of tht� Deed ot Truat conflicts wrdh �pplicsbls Iaw or ie dedarad tnvaUd or atherwi�s
<br /> un�nforcabfe,such confHct or invN�itY�a i tt��d the provlrQlon�s of thleh0�of Trost �nd hs Note �re dedared o�be
<br /> .,;`R,� �Hsct whhout ths confNatMp pro
<br /> ---- saverrsle.
<br />- = p1 T�tn�.The terma'Yrustor'and'Bartowa'sfi�ll Include both Q7npular�nd plur�l.�nd when the Trustor snd Borcowar are ths
<br />= — sam�parsoMd.those terma ss uaed in thie Oeec1 of Tvuat�h�ll be k►txchmpeable.
<br /> _ (m)poy�9 law.Thts Deed of Trust Rh�ll l»governed by the lawe of the St�te of Nebr�ak�.
<br /> Trustor h�ea oxecutad thls Deed of Trost as of the dete Hr�itten ebove.
<br /> � =�' �7�=�--�-.� " "./""�� Truator
<br /> T?�?� � � RANDAI,L LSS WILLIAMS T�ustor
<br /> �������e�� � V IJ�l�� �/�.GQ/YiV�+
<br /> _=_;'-�r,:� '�—
<br /> _ CRISTINS SUS WxLLIAMf3 Trustor Ttustor
<br /> --����� �
<br /> .°,;:�-.�-
<br /> -'_'-'�`��"�,�;�� Trustor Trttstor
<br /> �����a
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<br /> N8C 3467C lNonaprlcuttunt D�ed)Rw.QI80
<br /> 1�88 N�tionel Bmk ot Commnee Truat�nd SeWnQ�Assoditlon,Llncotn.NeDresk�
<br />