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„ ._.X .. . ... � i <br /> '��14NM► ' . ..., . �. .. .� •� ... .. � .. _ ..-t._..-� - <br /> . . . -• �'�T._..A_ ___-_—--_. .. <br />. . . _ �.... �• . ... ... ..�i'`���a5��!':Ll' .rfllrMk� ',—` ' -`�M� --_aw-- _--._"_.-n .._-'.--......,.--••--- -- <br />�`��TTCiz�A./.1S*t.�..�.... .� . - _. <br /> ��`"'�`�'• � •, Borrawor may curri such a d�dnull and rolnstate, as provlded In pnre�raph 1B. by cnusing lho acqon or procaeding to 6e - <br /> ��� .-� ' _: <br /> dsmissod with a ruling tFint.In Lend�u'a �aod taith dr.tcrminntlon, preciudos forlciture of the Borrowar'� IMarost In tho PropuAy or <br /> — dher matcdnl �mpnirment ot thct If�n creutad by t61s Sacurity Instramanl or Londor'3 socudty hrternst. 8ormwer shall nlsa bo In °'` <br /> dehuil It Borrowor. dudn{� thn tonn npplicatlon process,pavu matodally lalso or Inaccumlo In}armntlon or etntcmcnta to I.cndcr (ur <br /> lalad to provido l.ender H�{th E;n�� mntorinl inlounntlon) i� connecllon with lho lonn ovldenced by thu Nato, Includlnp, but not <br /> f;n,lts�d tn, reprenrninUonn cnncorning �orrovrer'3 oCCUponCy ol lho Property n3 a prinClpnl rosldenco. II ihl� Secudty� <br /> ''�” s.� Instrumont Is on e Inasoholtl, t3��rro�vor ahr.11 compty with all the provlslonc ot the leaso. If Bon•ower acqulros foo UUo to tho� <br /> �'"" �' Piopctry. Iho Icsaanhold nnd lhn fno tltlo ehAll not merfla unloso Lendcr agreQS to tho morper In wrillnp. [�: <br />=- 7, ProtQC4lon of Learl:��r'e Rlghte In tite Prop�rty. If Horrower lulla to peAorm tho oovenants nnd nr�rocmento � , <br />�''>"�v � con4�lnnd in thin Secudry Infltnimnm, or lhere Is e loflal proceeding lhat msy slgnl(Icnnpy aBect Lender's rlghte In tha PropeAy� _- <br /> �eueh en e procaading In bnn�:n�ptay. probnto, for condomnatlon or foriei!uro ar lo entorco Inwa or regulatlons), then Lender may Q <br /> -� do and puy lor whstover Is nnnonsary lo protoct lhe vntuu oi tho Property and LenCor's nghts in the Property. Lender'n AcHona� �rY <br />' �� may InctudA paying any sumr ennured by o Ilen whlch has prlority over thls Security Inatrument, appearing In court, paying� R•F <br />:_,�.__.�'�� '- <br /> reasannbta ettomays' taos and ontnrinp on tho Propeity to mako repalrs. Although Lendcr moy taka actlon under thls paragraph� �� <br /> � 1,Lander does not hav�la dn so. _ <br /> ' �.� My amounts disburqod b►� Londc:r under pnrnpraph 7 shall become eddiUonal debt oi Bortower secured hy this Secudty ___ <br /> hstrument. Untecs Borrownr and Lnndor epree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear Interest trom the dato 01 <br /> �� d�sbursement et iho Notu rntu nnd shall bo payobie, with interest,upon notice trom Lender to Bonower requesting payment. _ <br /> �: <br />_,:�.� � 8. Mort�9ego Inawr5lttr.�. if Lender requlred mortg¢ge Insuranco es e conditlon oi making the loan secured by t s <br /> -- Security Instrument. Borzqwr�r shnii p�y lhe premlums required to malntain the moRgage insurance In ettect. If,tor any reason,the <br />'�.��,'�'���;," . mortgupo Inswnnce covnmpe raquln:d by LPnder lapses or ceases ta 6e in etloct. Horcower shull pay the premlums required to <br /> ;;��i' '-" obtuln covemge substuntl�l"� oqunrniant to the mortgage Insurance prevlousiy In eftect, at a cost substantially equlvalent to ihe <br /> _ � ' . <br />--:'�,�c,", cost to Borrawer of tho mnrtflngo fnsurnnce previousty In ettecL from an altemate moRgsge insurer approved by Lender. if <br /> �s- substentially equivatent martqa�fl Inaurance coverage Is not avallabte, BoROwer shat! pay to Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> =:.a..`-, <br /> �._,�...,, one-twelfth of the yeuily mortqapo lnsurnnce premlum being pald by Bortower when the Inoumnce coverage lapsed or cessed to _ <br /> =;v--�u;�;� ba in e(iecL Lender wlll aacept,uao and retaln these payments es a loss reserve In Ileu oi mortgage insurance. Loss �eserve <br /> �- .��,r payments mny no lonpor bo rr.quired, at the option ot Lender, I}martgage (nsurance covoruge pn the amount and}or the pedod <br /> r:"��:�,�,'?�' Ihui Lender roqe:res) provldud hy are (nsurer approved by Lender agaln beaomes avaflable and Is ohtalned. Borrower sh�ll pay <br /> the premiums requlrod to maintuin mortgagu Insurance In eflect, or to provide e loss reserve, until the requlrement for mortgage __ <br /> _'`.`�� msurance ends In accord�nae wAh uny wdtten agreement between Borrower and Lender or applicable law. <br /> - �:��" 9. (DSpaCtlon. Lendnr or st�� agont mr�y mnke reasonabte entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall glve <br /> ,'�`•'•;��,, Borrower naUco at tho tirno of or pdor to an Inspectlon specitying�easonabte cause fur the inspectlon. <br />;i;�:?f:_:;•.' 10. �ond3mnat6ror�. Tim rroceeds ot any eward or claim for damages, direct or conoequentlal, in connection with nny <br /> -"� condemnntlon or oYhor t�ktnp oi eny part of the �roperty, or for conveyance In Iieu of condemnation, are herehy assigned and <br /> '��''';� ahc�ll be pald to Lendor. <br /> ����:�,��'� In the event of a tatEd tcddng o1 the Property, the proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by thls Securfty <br /> -n�'�•:� NstNmctnt,whothor or noi then duo,with any excess paid to B�rrower. In the event of a partiai taking of the Property In whlch <br /> --=�%�:.�.] Iha lalr markot valua of tho Ptnparty Immodintely betore the taking Is equal to or greater than the amount ot the sums secured �- <br />_ _:�, �_� Dyl 1hIS SBCUfIIy 11161fU�fIflllt 1(f1if10tffAtCly oefiore tite taicing, uniaa� 8unutvc� di�u L2i3ci Gir�iiiio8 orjiL'� �Z Y:�2�ALJ, :a� SSSR:E - <br /> --s� sacured by this Security Inflinirnnnt shall be reduced by the emount of tho proceeds multiplied by the following fraCtlon: (a)the <br /> _.-��"""�� lotal amaunl 01 tho sumr socurr.d immediately before the taking, divided by (b) the lalr market value of the Property immediately <br /> -----= before the taking.Any bolsmce shnll be paid to Borrower. In the event oi a partial taWng of the Property In whlch the tafr market <br /> =----"'�� vatue of the Property Immodiatul��before the teking Is less lhan the amount of the sums secured Immediately betore the taking, <br /> ;��t� unless Borrower and Londar otBUrwise agree In wdHng or uniess applicable Iaw othervvise provides, the proceeds shall be <br /> = epplled to tho sums securqd by thlu Security Ins,rument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> -� It ehe Property is abandonnd hy BorrowEr,or i1, eftor notice by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor oHers to make sn <br /> award or settio a clafrn tar dcimnQos, BortowEr talls t� respond to Lender within 30 deys after the date the notice Is glven, <br /> � � lender ls authodzed ta coi;mot unc9 apply the proceeds, et its option, efther to restoretion or repair of the Property or to the <br /> cums secured by thls Soourit�� Inut�umont,whether or not then due. <br />-_=-r� Unless I.endo► end 9ormwer mherwise ugree in wdting. eny application of proceeds to pdnclpal shall not extend or <br /> � postpone tho duo datu of the monthiy payments referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or changa tho amount oi such payments. <br /> 1�. Borrower Nwt ReE��sed; Forbearance 6y Lender Nnt a Walver. Extension of the time for payment or <br /> _ �� modiflcatlon ot amortlwtlan ot ttie sums securzd by this Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in Interest of <br /> Borrow�tr shall not oporatu ta n�leese the Uability of the original Bortower or Bortower's successors fn interest. Lender shall not <br /> - be requlred tn commnnoe procoedings agalnst any succos::.� in Interost or retuse tu extend Ume tor payment or othenvlse <br /> - modi(y amortizalton o1 thfl sum:�secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by tho orlginal Borrower or <br /> B�rtower's successare in Intarr�ct. Any torbearance by Lender In exercising a�y right or remedy shalt not be a waNer o1 or <br /> precludo tho exercise ot any ri�ht or remedy. <br /> 1?. Str.ccessors a�etl Assfgns Bmund; Joint and Several Liabllfty; Co-signer�. rne covenants and <br /> agreem�nts of this Socurity Inobument shell bind and henofd the successors and asslgns of Lender and Dorrower,subJect to the <br /> provlsions of paragraph 17. Burrower's covEnants end agreements shall be Jolnt and several. Any Barrower who co-slgns thfs <br /> - ---= 5scudt�r Instrumont but doos not exacute the Note: (a) Iss co-signfng thls SecuriN InsVument only to mortgage, grant end convey <br /> ihat Bottower's Intnrest in thn Proparty under tho terms o1 this Security Instrument; (b) is not personaliy obligated to pay tho <br /> - aums secured by thls Soourity Inativment; end (c) Qgrees thnt Lender and any uther BoROwer may egree to extend, modify, <br /> � lorbear or mako any aacommadatinns with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note wRhout that Bonower's <br /> = consent. <br /> _ ------- 1$. LAAII CNAI'g�D3. II tho loan secured by this Securtty Instrument Is subJect to a lew which sets maximum loun <br /> =•?�;i�� charges, end that Iaw i� finnl`��intarpretod so that the fnterest or other loan cfiarges collected or to be collected fn connection <br />"' --r.-���� with tho lonn exceed tho porrnSi�ed Ilmits, then: (a)uny such loan charge shall he reduaed by the amount necossnry to reduce <br /> ��=•��?J'� ihe Charge to tho ponniriud limit; end (b) any sums already collected trom Borcower which exceeded permitted Ilmits will be <br /> ---�pi°-6'i retunded to Bortower. Lendur may chooae to make this retund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a <br /> ���_=�-.� direct pnyment to Borrowor. If e retund reducas princfpal, tho reduction will be treated c+s a partfat prepayment without any <br /> :"`=��``''� re u mont charpo undor tha Note. <br /> .LY:�_.!��_ P P Y <br /> �x�� 14. NOlICe3.Any notlno to Borrawer provlded foi in this Secudty Instrument shail be given by delivedng It or by malling it <br /> ":r..`�� by first class mafl unls�s�applioablo law requlres use of anot�er method. The notice shall be directed to the Properly Address <br /> or eny other addres� Borrower deslgnetes by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shell be given by flrst class mall to <br /> ,��`.��'� Lender's uddrnss stuted hnro�i or nny other eddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. {Uiy notice provided for in this <br />_ - '" SeCUdty Instfum�nt shali bn danmutl to hAVe Doen grven to tforrower or Lender w�en give�as prorided in inis pirtayrnpii. <br /> -_�;",�.���',;� 15. CioVef0111tg L11,�t+; SOVerebility. This Security Instniment shali ba govemed by fedoral law and the law of the <br /> ��.�;�,��� � �urisdicitan tn whlch tho rropvrty is loceted. In the event that any provision or clause ot this Secwity Instrument or the Note <br /> - - � � conllicts wfth appUr„nbl� I�,�v, such conOlct shnll not o%ect other provisions of this Secudty Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> `'r ��� given efinct without tho conftic:ting provislon. 7o this end the provfslons of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to <br /> ---:;_'••`_.� - be sovemblo. <br /> -_�' •� ,;.,�- 16. BOrrow8Y�3 C�}Ly. Borrower shall bo given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securlty In3trument. <br /> -_ .��. /`� <br /> - ....., .u .� � <br /> -.� j1- tlT• Pa ��3 of 5 l <br /> F731G.LM013/`J61 9 <br />—,.l`��sii� �� -. <br /> . . ' � 4!U3b <br />