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,NS ._ `_.--�-�-- • . �l .:r; : --� ;, - .' <br /> .� - --�--- -� �--- .-. - ' . ."' -.�4c'����_:,: <br /> n,y .. .... . . . . ._ , a .,n: .q.. .�u..,,fip,� .�. �i . •.': � ' "<Ltii:�sf..----� <br /> . .. <br /> :!� .•.:.,r. , .. . ��. '�rv. ._�.• . . v: <br /> . .. `.. ,. �-' ':L.14.a :.,.. . .� . . � _—_r — ___-_ <br /> . � <br /> . -e. ,.., �. . }[tL�_ <br /> • . . n�._.. . .:`.q-`�.Iu . .n y^�9`�'.w`n++ ....... ......_ E!!°i <br /> �• <br />... `-'4.'�c�`�� " ._Il�+(1:i.4Yli1l ' '"'1�1..- ' �..._.: . . .. .. . . .. . . __. <br /> t �. <br /> "�w�sm��B <br /> � ' . TO�FTHER WITH ell tha Improvements now or herenfter eracted on ttla propnrty. And All eascments, appurten�ance3, and - <br /> �•• fixtures now or herealter a purt nt ths ar�p�t:.AI!ranl.�coments and udditions shnll nlso bo cavFred by this 3ecuriry Insirument. <br /> �� • All ol tho 1oraUoing Is reterrad to In !h4a S�curity Inslrument ne tho'Proporty.' <br /> BVRROWC-R COVENANTS that Borrower Is hwlully aclzr,d ol thu ostoti) hc�roby convoycd c.nd h�s tha n�ht to Urnnt nnd� <br /> . convey tha Property and that tho Property Is unencumbered. oxcept lor enr.umbrnncas of record Qorrow�r warrunts nnd will� <br /> "• ���; dafend generelly tha tillo to tho Property against all claims and demand�. suh►nct to nny encumbrnncas oi rRCaid. � <br /> - '" . �#� THIS SEOURITY INSTRUMENT combinos unifarm cov�nants lor nnti�nnl uao and non•un�tarm covc��ir�nts with limitad = <br />�'-;;,,..,�,� . <br /> . . ' vadatlons by Jurlsdiction to constituto n unllorm socudly ln:.trum:nt covarin{�rr�nl proporty. �` <br /> � '�,:t�� UNIFORM COVENANT8. Borrowor and Lender covenAnt and eproo as f�l!awa: � <br />-��`" 1. Payment of Principal end IMerest; Preqaymnnt anrd Late Chergea. Eiarrnwor shall promptly pAy when~ ��= <br /> � � due the pdncipal oi and Interest on the deht evidcnced hy the Nota flnd any pmpayment ond lato chnrpos duo under tha Noto. <br />;_*:`", � 2. Funds for Taxes and Insuranee. SuhJect to appllcablH I;nv or to n writton waiva�r hy L.ondor, Iiorrower shail pAy _ - <br />::,;�,�,-•._ to Lender on the duy monthly payments aro duo under the Notu.unlil thu Notn Is pnid In tu!i. � sum('Fundn') lor. (e) yearly --.- <br /> ��� loxes and assessments which mAy attAin priarity over this Securfry Inattum�nt ao A Ilen on tho Proporty; (b) yearty leasehold <br />== payments or ground rants on tho PropeAy. If any; (c) yeady hazerd or prop�Ry Insurenco prom'aims; (d) yendy tlood Insuranco� �c= <br /> _ � promlums,If any; (ej yearly moAc�ago Insuranca premiums. (1 any; and (fl any sum� pAynble hy Barrawer to Lander In occordance = <br /> _ _,. :;�:��, with the provislons ol paragraph B, fn lieu ot Iho poyment ot martgc�{�o Inaurr�nco premiums. T�wSO itoms cue called 'Escrow �- <br /> Items." Lender may, at any time, collect end hold Funds In an amaunt not to excoed th� msximum amount a lender for e <br /> ;�,�r: `: tederally related mortgage loan may roquire tur Borcower's escrow account under the lederel Raal �stnto SQtUnment Procedures <br /> j,.�k,_, Act ot 1874 as amended trom time to time,12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. t'RESPA"). unioss anothc�r law thflt �pplles to the Funds <br />:;N'�:�� , sets a !esser umount. H so, Lender may,at eny time, collect and hald Funds in an umount nat to oxcoed the lesser amount- <br /> � " ',' Lender may estlmate Ihe emount of Funds dua on the basls of curront daln and reasonablo c+str.natos oi eupcmditures of future <br />':'��ti�^}, • Escrow Items or othenvise In accordsnce with applicable law. <br />-`�?s,'R%�;� The Funds shall be held In an institutlon whoso deposits aro Insur�d by e tedeml agency, I:�stn�mnntaliry, or entity (inctuding <br /> `'i"'- Lender, I1 Lender is such sn Institutiun) or In any Federal Homo Lonn Banlc. Lender shall ep�if lhv Funds tu pay the E�craw <br /> �`,*��'� Items. Lender may �ot chflrge 6orro�v�r tor holding and opplyinfl tho Funds, annuafly analy�Jn4 lha oscraw ecr.ount. or veritying _ <br /> "�;*�'"�° the Escrow items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funda and applicabte law pum?ta Londor ea tnnke such e <br /> ""e.�..3.. <br />;f.;.},��- charge. However, I.endEr may require 8ortower ta pay a one-time �hnrga for en IndependeM roal estato tax reporting serv co <br /> used by Lender In connectlon with thfs loan, unless applicablo Itnv provides othervvisa. Unlosa nn agro�xnent Is made or <br /> -,-_y?yc,"+'• eppllcab!a law requlres Interest to be paid, Lender shall not be requi�r�d to pny Borrower any ii�torost or oAmings on tha Funds. <br />_� Bormwer and Lender may agree in wdting, howwer, that Interest shnll be pAid on the Funds. Lpnder shali gfve to 8orrower, <br />�;'�5.},y wfihout charge, an annual accounting ot the Funds. showing croditu and debfts to th2 Fundf• t�nd tho purpon�9 for whfch each <br /> � debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledgad as additlonul security for all surns securnd by ihe Socuriiy Instrument. _ <br />`,2�� M the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts portnfttQd to hn hnid by applicable law. 4ender shall scaaunt to Borrower �;_ <br /> ,�-r;� for the excess Funds In eccordance with the requirementa o1 appitaable luw. If the emount ot tha Funds held by Lender at any <br />- time is not sufficient to pay ihe Escrow Items when due, Lender mny so notify Bortowor In w�'T.ii�, and, In suc:h case Bortower <br /> II�� shall pay to Lender the amount necessery to make up the deficlonay. Bortower shail mako up tfie doficiency In no more than <br /> _--=-�-a,,.-..��y� tweNe monthty payments,et Lender's sole discretlon. <br />_==_,°�s�� Upon payment in Tull of all sums secured by thls Socurity Inatrument, Lender shall prompiN retund to Boirower any Funds <br />��-�"� held by Lender. 11.untler paragraph zi. �ender snaii acyu��n o�s�.�;iha ^ropa�:y. .ar.��r, p:lo:'.0 2hs s��s!sq�nn nr �ia ot the <br /> -� Property,shall appty eny Funds held by Lender al the time of eoqulsitlon or sale es a credA ep�in&t tho sumn secured by thfs <br />_�_���� SeCUrity Instrument. <br /> --- 3. Applieation of Paytrnen�s. Unless npplicahle law provides otherwfse, ell paym�nis recolvod by �ender wider <br /> °—= paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: flrst, to any prepayment chnrgea duo under the Note; socond,to amounQs payable under <br />:;�� paeagreph 2; third,to interest due; faurth,to pdnr.ipal due;and last,ta any late ch�rc�es due undor tho Nate. <br />-_ 4. Charges; L9ens. Borrower shall pay All taxes, assassmente, chargms, fines and Impositlons �;ttdbuteble to the = <br /> - Property whlch may ettain prio�ity over this Secur(ty Instrumant, end teusehold payrr�nts or ground ronts, fl any. Bonower shall -- <br /> pay these obligations in the manner provided In parngraph 2, or tt no� pald in that manner, Borrowor shall pay them on time <br /> -- ____ d4ectly to the person owed payment. Bortower shall promptty fum�sh to Lender all noticos of amounta to 1>e pald under this <br /> ----- paragreph. If Bortower makaa thcr� F�y:���ts directty, Bortowor shall promptly tumish to 4ondn� roeeipis eridencing the <br /> paymen4s. ___ <br /> Borrower shai!promptly discharge any lien which hAS priority ovor this Socurity Instrument unless Borrower: (a) egrees in ��•- <br /> wrtting to the payment of the obilgatton secured by the lien (n a manner accept�blo to Lendor; (b) contostn in good faith the <br /> Iien by, or detends egalnst enforcament of tho ilen In, logal proneedings whlch fn tfie Lendet's opinion opniute to prevent the <br /> enforceme�it ot th�6en; or (c) secures irom tAo holder of the Iion an ngraoment satfsfnatory to Lender suboidlnating tho Ilen to _ <br /> this Secudty Instrument.It Londer determines that eny part of the Property Ia subJect to a Ilen w�,iah may attuin pdority over this <br /> Security Instrument,Lender may glve Bortower a n�tice Identifylnp tiio Ilen. Domower shall sntisfy tho lion or tn!co onn or more of <br /> --�-�� tho actions set fort�Abnve wllhtn 10 days oi tho giving o1 notice. <br /> � 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall koop the improvements now exlstinp or hero�fter erected on the <br /> --- - Properry insured agalnst toss by fire. hazards included within the tertn 'extended coverago" Hns1 any other hazards, Includ�ng <br /> - Iloods or flooding,for which Lender roqulres Insurance. Thls Innurnnco shall be maintalnod in tho 4mounts and lor ihe perloda <br /> that Lender requlre�. The insumnce carder providiiip the Insurnnce shall he chosen by Borrownr subJect Io Lender's epproval <br /> - - which shall not bo unreasonebfy withheld. If Bortower teils to m�intuin covev�c�a descdbed nbovo, Londer moy, at lender's <br /> � option,obtain covernge to protect Lender's righte In tho Property in accord¢nce wttn paragraph 7. <br /> All Insurance pol)cles end renewels shall bo ecceptnhlo to Landar and sha11 includa e standard mortgage ciause. Lender <br /> _-�� shall have the dght to hold the policles and renowals. If Lendar roqulros. Borrower shnll promply gNo to i.ender ell receipts of <br /> - pald premlums end renowal notices. In tha event ot loss,Bortowr,r shail gNo prompt notico to thm fnsuranae cartter end Lender, <br /> ------ - Lender may make proof ot loss i1 not mado promptly by Borrower. <br /> --_-�� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwiso egreo In writing. Insurt+nce proceeds shall be upp5�od to rustmntlon or repelr of tho <br /> a,,,..._,,,�j Propert�;damaged,M the rastorntion or repair ls economicalty teasfbl�and Lender's securiry Is not lossenaci. II the restoratlon or <br /> � repair is not aconomlcally fea�ible or Lender s secudry would bo lessenad,thct insuronee procoods shall GQ applled to the sums <br /> �'-Rr-_'a-`,-�� securod by this Secutity Instrument, whether or not then due, wfth any excecs pald to Borrowor. It E3orcower esbnndons the <br /> f?-�'�!`'"��'� PropeYty,or does not answer within 30 days a notice trom Lendar th�t the Insumnce cartler hns oflerod to settie ¢ clsim, then <br /> -�r.—��_�a-.n;�. <br /> -_-��- •;%�; Lender may collect the fnsurence proceeds. Leoder may use tho proceeds ro repair or rostoro iho properly or to pay sums ` <br />- _=���1 secured by this Secutity Instrument,whelher ar nol then due. Tlin 30•dc�y podod will 6egln whm tho nolice Is given. <br /> �"�= �. , , Unles� Lender and Borrower othenv(se agree In wrlting, 1ny applicatton of proceods to prinot}�al shall not extend or <br />`°���`-�•_^y � postpone the due date of lhe monthly paymenls reterred to In nnragmphs 1 �n�2 or chango thm amnunt of the payments. It <br /> µ'�,��•� ' P 9 P Q Y �J Y p 4 <br /> __r�,,,, under ara ra h 21 the Property Is ac ulrod b Lender, Borrowor's ri ht to en insurance po5u�ms anci roceeds resultin, om <br /> 1:�ji�r,:�;.. damage to the Property prfor to the acquisftlon sh211 pass to Lender to the ext�nt of ths+ suens by this Secudty Instrument <br /> _ ._��'S'�'' Immediately pdor to the acqulsition. <br /> .�... � 6. Occupancy, Preservatlon, Mnintonance anm Proi�ction ot tnv f�ropoity; norrowere i.oan <br /> _�.� <br /> -_ - s,s Applieatlon; LuasohOlds. Borrower shall occupy. ostablish. und use the Property as Borrowor's princ!pal resldenco wtthin <br /> a �,, sixty days efter the executlon o1 thls Security Instrument and shall continuo to occupy tho F'roperty ns Bartower's p�incipal <br />- . _ � residence tor at least onQ year efter the dato of occupancy, unless Lender olhorvrisv agrees In wrlting, whlch consent shaU not <br />(y- • ,�:.,'•:._ be unreasonably wilhhold. or unless extenuating circumstnnces oxist �vhlch aro beyond Borrowet's control. Borrower shall not _ <br /> ;; � destroy,dnmage or impair the Property. aliov�tho Properry to deteriurot�, or commH waste on thm propeAy. Borrower sholl be in _ <br /> - ,, detault if any torfeilure ection or proceeding, whother civil or crimmcd. is bogun thut in Lender's g�c�d talth jude�ment could result _ <br /> � , In forfeiture ot the Praperty or otherwise materiaity impair tho lien creatad by this Secunty Instrurrmt or Londer's securiry interest. - <br /> . ,r+ _ <br />' ' � � ,,Zj� <br /> y,.��':., . . F73t6.LMG(3NG) c�m��7 0�•, -- � �. <br /> ..,' <br /> t,�J,T;rct.:�� - <br />_ . . •� <br /> 9fiU56 r <br />