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--- .�...:.. �' � • <br /> „�' ' -----.—.... .�.. . _. <br /> i����`• � _. ., : ' , .�. .,.r,,..: � � <br /> ��. .nr�. .. . .. .�.. ... . ...x�yRlR^,t�Sltkt4lplA��trrro�w._;o.t- .�. .:. _ ._ ._.....:,.'.��.,...�... -. <br /> . . � .,._ � _..---. .._ . . ..� . ... . . . .. . .i.. <br />� .. - ' (. ,: � ti — <br /> ' " • , 17. Transior of ths Property or a Beneficlal Interest in Borrower. i� nii or eny part of tne Property or -- <br /> __- anY interust In Il Is sold or trnnstnrred (or II a ben�c�al Intorost In Borrower Is sold or transferred nnd 8oirowor Is not o nnturul � <br /> � peraon) without Lendcr's prlor written consont, l.onder mey,nt its uptlon, requlro I:nmedlatc payment In lull of alI sumc securod by <br /> Ihi, Socudty Instniment. Howover, ihls optlon shpll not be oxercised by Londer il oxerclso Is prohibited by lederal Inw as of Iho � <br /> dnto 01 this Socurlty In,trument. <br /> - 11 Londor vxorcisos thts uNtlu��, L�ndar shali �Irs Borrownr notica oi accelcratlon. The noticc shel! providc a perlod o! not� <br /> • , lose thun 30 dnys from the dute tha notico Is deliverod or mallod witliin which Borrower must pny nll sums saGUrod by this� �, <br /> Securlry Instrument. II 9orrowor lulla to pay lhosa sums prior to tha oxplrAtion ol this period, Lender may invoke eny remedlos � {. <br /> `"� � permittod by this Secwity Inatrument without further notice or domund on Borrower. _ <br /> 18. Borrowe►'s RIgh4 to RBII18tatB. If Borrower meots certaln condltions. BorrowPr shnll hnve the right to have � � <br /> ' aniotcement o} thls Security Instrument dlscontinued at any Umo prior to tha earller ol: (q) 5 days (or such other period as � � <br /> ,L 4:���� _ <br /> appilcablo law may speclfy lor relnstntement) befora snle of thu Property pursuant to any power ol sale contained In this Security = <br /> �;y Inst�vment; or (b) entry o1 u judpment enforcing this Securiry Instrument- Those conditions are thet Borrower. (a) pays Lender all � _ <br /> "'�� sums whlch then would bo due undor thls Socudty Instrument and the Note as fl nu accoleraqon had occurred: (b) cures any =-. <br /> ,.v�,MwatIR1�� = <br /> , � default of any other covenpnt or ngreements: (c) pays ell ex�enses Incurred in entorcing this Sacunly Instrument, Including, but _ <br /> " nat Ilmlted to, reasonabie attorneys' fees; end (d) takos such nctlon as Lender may reasonably require to assuro thet the Ilen o1 = <br /> , ; . thls Socarity Instrument, Lendar's rights in tho Property and Borro�ver's obligation to pay the sums secured by thls Security <br /> p� InStrumenl chall contlnue unchenged. Upon reinstatemenl by Borrower, thls Security Instrument end thc� obligatlons secured <br /> ' • ., heroby shall roma(n fully eHectivo es II no acceleration had occurred. Howevar, this right to relnstate shell not apply in ihe case <br /> ' � oi accelerntfon under paragrnph 17 <br /> , 19. S818 Of NOt�; Chenge af Loan SorvlCe�. The Note or o a partini fnterest in the Note (together with thls <br /> , Securiiy Instrument) may be sold one or more times without priar notice to Borrower. A sata mey result In e change in the entity <br /> ,'� (Icnown as the 'Loan Servicer")thet collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secudty Instrument. There elso may <br />• ' � • he one or more changes of the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale o1 the Noto. if ihere Is A chan9e of the Loan Servicer. <br /> . � Bortower wiil be given written notice oi the change In accordance with pa►egmph 14 above and appllcrible law. The notice will = <br /> state the name and address of the new Lo¢n Servfcer and the eddress to which payments should be made. The notico wlll also - <br /> ,, contuln any other informatlon raqulred by applicabia law. <br /> � * 2Q. Haxardous Substances. Borrower shell not cause or pertnit the presence, use, diaposnl, starage, or release oi <br /> � any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shell not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything aBecting the - <br /> Property that Is In vlolatlon ot any Environmentnl Law. The preceding two sentencos shall not epply to the presence, use, or <br /> storege on xhe Property of small quentlties ot Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be npproprlate to normal <br /> ' ' residentlal uses and to malntenance of the Properly. <br /> �` Borrowar shall promptN glve Lender written notice ot uny Investlgation, claim, demnnd. lawsuit or other action by any <br /> . govemmental or regulatory age�cy or prfvate party Involving the Pruperty and any Hazardous Substanco or Environmental Law oi <br /> y,,, which Borrower has actual knowledgo. I1 Borrower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or rogulatory authority. that any <br /> .. , ..�� - f�...,^.`!$� ... 0:�:�. ....^.:L'C.�2$��0.. Q� .^.� ~°.�3!<�.^..... GJ5°}9...,,. 3hECfir�y Prn�arfv ie ngra<cwr� R�nny�rcu ghall �fmmMlY tAkw All <br /> . },.:_ , m . . u n o no nna _ <br /> �"�;� necessary remed�at actions in acaordance with Environmental Law. <br /> �"�y��' As used in this paragreph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances deflned as toxlc or hazardous substences by <br /> _ � Environmental Law ond the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammeble or toxic petrafa»m products, toxlc <br />�-��r''� '' pestiddes and herbicldes,volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or lortnaldehyde, and radloactivo matg�ials. As used In <br /> h:u!Y��', <br /> ��:, puragr�ph 20. 'Environmental Law" means federai laws and laws ot the Jurisdictlon where the Property Is located that relate to <br /> ='''•::�� ''' heaith, safety or environmentel protection. <br />-�=='n'.rl±°: <br /> __�;�n�� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenunt end agree os foliows: <br /> -- —s1; <br /> -R..,°,r:�-�,� 21. AccAl�Tation; Remodies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior 8� Acceleration <br /> -�'�°"; follawing Borrower's hreach of eny covenant or agreement (n thls Securlty In�ttrum�nt (but not <br /> .[b?�vo�'``.�.,�r. <br /> _,._,7g�,i1,�,rt . prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless appitcable law pravides otherwtse). The notico <br /> =y��.�k:;�;:.t;,: shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the action requlred to cure the default; (c) a dates not less then <br /> � "°""'='---° 30 days from the date the notice Is g(ven to Borrower, by whlch the default mwst be cured; and <br /> .-ry•��!�r�h➢��; <br /> �,.�,;�,5;�#j (d) that fallare to cure the default oro or before th� da3e s�ectfied in thv notice may result In <br /> -__:_��:;;���� acceforation o1 the sums secured by th(s Securlty Instrumunt and sale of tho Property. The notice <br /> �°���:�. sh�li fuHher inform Borrower of the right to ro7astAte ARer acceleration and �the rlght to bring a <br /> v ������'� court actlon to asaert the non-existence of a default or any other dofoRae af Borrower to <br /> `' -_-��� acceleratlon end sale. If the default Is not cured on or bafore tho date spocifle� In tho notica� <br />—'—'�'_°""�' Lender at Iis option may require imo��mdiate payment In full of all suma sec�red by this Socurity <br /> '�"'g��-`�;,��� Instrument without fu�ther demsnd and may invoko the power of sale and nny other remedias <br />- =— permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expanaes 9ncurred In pursuing <br /> =-='���� the ►emedles provided In this paragraph 21, Including, but not Ilmited to, reasonable attorneys' <br /> =_'�°'.;�-'Fn;� fees and costs of t(tle evtdence. <br /> ° =�'�""""' If the power of sale Is tnvoked. Trustee shall rocord a notice of dofault it� �ach county In <br /> �"�;;".�''�* , which any part of the Property is located and shall mail copl�►s of such notice in the manner <br /> ��:. <br /> - , `r;�< prascribed by applicable law to Borrower anci to the other persons proscribed by applicable taw. <br /> `;'..;: • � A4loP the time required by applicable Inw, TrusB�e shall give public notiae of sale to the persone <br /> _ .,;� . <br />_ and In the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without domand on Borrower. shpll sell <br /> , tl�e Property at pubiic auction to thm highest bidde� at tho time and plr�co ant� under the terms <br /> '� designat¢d i� the notice of sale ir� one or more parcels aa�d in any oraler Trustee determines. _ <br /> '�.• � Trusiee may postpone sale of all or any parce9 of the Property by publlc announcement at the <br /> �.. •'• k time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its dosignee may purchaso the <br />-- •�� ' Proporty► at any sale. <br /> t Upon receipt of payment of the prfce bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purChaser Trustea's <br /> ��� � _ �_3__ deed convevina the Proaertv. The roclt3ls In the Trustee's deed shall 6o nrima facie evidanca of <br /> . „ -�� -� ' thv truth of the statements made thereln. 7rustee shall apply the prnceeds of the sale in the <br /> „ . " followtng order: (a) to all costs and exp�nses of exorcising the power of eale, and the sale, <br /> - , including the pnyment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred, not to exceed throe <br />- , 9'0 of the principal amount of the <br /> note at tha time of the declaration of defaul4, and reasoreable attomey's fees as permitted by law; . <br /> � ' ' (b) to all sums secured by this Securi4y Instrurvn�nt: and (c) any oxcvss to the person or persons � <br /> legally ent(tled to it. <br /> ,. � /j� ct71G-LMG(3�961 �.� .t -��, � �� � <br /> . . <br /> ' 'I��IJb <br />. <br /> t <br /> � <br />