<br />deerees 1 S minutes �4 secands and n��n;�g souther'�y, a distan.c� of 2,239.85 fe��
<br />tc� a point on the S�'.�in� af said SE. c�uarter, th�nce deflecting �i�hr 90 de�'ees 1?
<br />�inutes OS sevonds and n,,,ri�� westerly, alorg and upou the S Iine af sai� S�.
<br />Quarter, a distanee ai 9F�7.70 feet to tlze S�` corner of said S�' Quarter; thence
<br />eieflecn.n� righ oo a����s ao ���.��� �� �e conas and nlnnin� w�ste�Iy, aion� an�
<br />upan tn.e S Iine of said SW Quarter, a distance of 2,002.33 feet to the point of
<br />be�i.nging.
<br />P!�RCEL 3: A tract of lanci comprising a�a�-t of tne i�IE ��~ter a�d a pax� of �hA
<br />S�', Q�arter, all being in Se�ti�n 19, Towa�ship 11 Nort:z, F.ange 10 �;i�'est o� ti�e tit�
<br />P.M., Hall Counry, Neoraska., a�d a part of the I�'E Qu�rter c�f �evtio� 30,
<br />Townsfiip 1 i 1Varth, Range 10 �7tTest oi the 6th P.�., HaL County, Nei�raska, said
<br />�act bein� more par�icularly described as fa]Iows: Beganning at a point on ;he �
<br />Iine of th� NE Quarter a� sai� Sectio�.19, said point �einQ 2? 2. l� fee� S of tne'_��
<br />corrier of #he � Quarter af said Sectio� I9; t�ence r��nnirg s�ut�'ierly, a.tang a��
<br />upon the east line oftne l�E �uarter of said Seciion l�, � cist�nce ot 2,429.�' feet
<br />tc� the �TE ca�er of ti�e SE Quarter of said Section 19; tiience des7ecting rz��: OG
<br />ae� 00 �inutes 46 secands and nm.ning southerly, 2lflztg �td �por the E. :i.ne o�
<br />�se 5E Qua.�ter a� said Section 19, a distauce oi y,664.48 feet tg �e � coreer �f
<br />�e I�� Quarter �f said Seciio� 30; then�.° derlectin� ri�ht �9 deT- �:��inutes
<br />�ti seconcis asid rn��� g westerly, al4ng a�� upon t�e ?� 1?ne �z tbe NE Qua.� �f
<br />said Section 30, a aistan�e of 1,S I4.55 feet to a poi.nt or curvatuze; �,ence r�nr�n.g
<br />s�uthwesterly, alanD and upon the arc of a cT3nre io the Ief� wiiose =adi�ts is ' 0� .�l
<br />ieet, a aistance af 58.�7 ieet (long chard aistanee = 5i.59 �eet - iaug chord
<br />de�.eetiug Ief� i6 dea ees 17 �nut�s,j0 sec�nds fr�m the previous?y describ°d
<br />cou.rse) to a point oi :an�;.ncy; then.ce de�ecting le� lb de�rees I7 rr:inutes �0
<br />sec�nds fram t�e cnard c�z tn° previously flescribed cu,�je and �ning
<br />s�ut�.weste�iy, a ciistance of 283.1 I ieet to a p�int af curva�xe; thence nuzni.�z�
<br />sauthwesteriy, along an� upan #he arc of a cutve to tne rigb.t whose radiT,�.s is
<br />�94.?4 ieet, a aistance af 2$?.94 f�et (Iong chard distance - 280.46 - long chora
<br />deflecting ri�ht I6 de�ees 26 minutes 30 se�onds .from the previaus�y cescrit��d
<br />C.iuiS°�� iC3 3 T i�7BI1C� O.B�eG u`1D T1�lY ��� t'�.°�"iE�& t�.1 a"IilIltit�3 i� 5�C^vu� 3IIt�
<br />n.u��g �ortherly, a aistance of 3,6�1.07 feet; tnes�ce de�Iecting Ieft 89 deg:e�s 58
<br />I�.L�tite5 �3 SeCOIldS c'�11t1 n�nr5in�g west a distance of I4130 fe�t the�ce
<br />deflec�g � 89 de�rees 57 minuies 36 seconds and rtuuzi�g norther�.y, a
<br />ciistance of 1,942.19 feet to a point on the N Iizse of the I�:� Quarrter of said 5e��ian
<br />19; fne;�ce defleciisig ri�ht 90 degrees 08 minutes 00 second.s and ru.-�ning easter?Y,
<br />alang and upan the norti� line oi th� 1`�TE Quatter of said Sectio�+ Ig a distance o�
<br />l,^9�.68 fi�t io a poi.nt being 4a9.2Q feet Vv' oi the NE co�er af �e I�� Q'�.arter of
<br />said Secnon i9 *lience defiecting r?ght 84 degrees 44 �inut�s 2C seco�ds and
<br />,,,,��ng southerl3; parallel with the E li.ze oi the �IE Quarter of said 5ection I9, a
<br />�.istance o� 212.12 ie°�; thence aeflecting lezt 39 degrees 44 �r�irctstec 20 seconds
<br />anci n �asterly, parallel with the I�,� line oi the N.� Q�:ar*ei of said Sec:ion I Q
<br />� ciistance of 4C�.2L� feet to the point of be�nning.
<br />�'arcei 4: A tract af ia�d compr_sin� a gar: of the 1'�` Quarte: and aIl of the SE
<br />r
<br />