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<br />A traci c�t � and cornprisin.g all o�: the N�4T� Qua�-ter anc� a par� o� the hIE C��.arter ir_
<br />S�crion �, Townshin 1l North, Range 1{l West �fthe 6fhP.I1�1., Na1� Coun�r,
<br />Ne�raska desc�ibed as: F3e��ing at the I`�'� eQ�ner Qf said h�� Qua:-ter; �ence
<br />n�-��.n� eas�ez�,y, along and upon the N Iine oi said �?��V Quarter, a�.s�ance af
<br />2,541..%3 fee: to the I�'� c��ei ot said i�'�. Quaiier; thenc� tiefiect.i_.ng lef: s�0
<br />degrees QO minutes 3a seconcis aaad ,nn;ng easterly, along and ztgon th� �a ;i�,; oi
<br />sai� N.E Quarter, a disiance oi 741.�4 feet; thence d.efleciin�ri��# 89 de�rees 39
<br />a�ir�utes 33 secands and r��g sout��.erly, a distance gf 2,545.4� feet to a point on
<br />the south liaie of said NE Quarter; thenc� deflecting r�g�t 90 degr�es 20 m:nu��s � S
<br />se�o�ds and �.�iug westeriy, along an� upo� the �S Ii�e �i said 1�,� �sr��ter anc
<br />alonQ �d upan the S line oi said NVv Quarter, a distance of 3,311.44 iee* Eo t1�e
<br />SW corn�� of said I4'W Qua.�er; tlaeaee cieflecting rigi�t 88 de�ees 58 g?uuies ��}
<br />seconds ana. �unuiilg nflrtherly, alang aud u��n �he ��T ii�e oi sair NW �u:.� �
<br />d;sta�ce os 2,645.?6 feet to the �oint a�begis�,��ing.
<br />_�: tr3�t oi land compnsing all of the S�� Qttart�r and a pa� of tt�e SE Q�a.-:er �:n
<br />5ect�o� �, Townshi� 3I Nort�, Rat��e I.�i V�'est of the t�th t�.I�., HaII C��..�.t��,
<br />I��ebraska and describe�. as iollows:
<br />�;effi„^;n� at t.�e Iti?Vv cam.er of said SVY' Q�:arter; then�°. �7�,rin� e�steriv al.or��
<br />anc ��.po� ti�e N line of said SW (,.?uarter a�� siong anci ups�rz t�.e N iine ar sa}d SE
<br />�ivart�r, a dis:ance of 3,311.44 feet thence cieflectin� right 89 de�rees =9 minutes
<br />C� seconds and ru�ning sautheriy, a dis�ance of 2,5a3.33 i��t to a paint ori :he �
<br />ii�e oi sai� SE Quarter, t���.ce ciesecting rig�t 90 degrees i 5 minut�s 2? se�onds
<br />and n:�ning westerly, along and upo� tY��e S Iine of said SE (�u�er, a distance csf
<br />62Q.47 feet ia the SE comer of said �W Cuarter, thence dPfle�u.�.g Ieft 00 d�grees
<br />O1 mint�tes 1C� s�co�ads and rn�,n;rj �,resteriy 31C3Il� 3�.� LT�3dIL r�'t 5 line of sa.id
<br />SW a Qist�nce of ?,56922 feet to the S"�31 ca�ner oz said S�� Qua.rter; :heace
<br />de`Iecting right �� dea ees 1�` minutes 3Y seconds an� rurini�� na�ther�v 3?4Il� 3Ilt�
<br />upon the W line of said SW t'�uarter, a distance af?,o'49.59 feet t� the point af
<br />� a
<br />b..ginr.in�.
<br />�'arce� 2. A tra�t ofland com�rising all of the �R� Q�aiier a.�� a;�art oi the S�'
<br />�ua. of Section 5, Township 11 North, Ran 10 West ot the b� P.M., HaII
<br />Coun.ty�; lriebraska, andirore garticuiarly described as foIlows: 3e�_nni�z� at the
<br />SVv ca�er oi saici �W �uarter, frience �nning no�.�erl�% �1ong a:�d it��n the Vv
<br />u.nP of said SW Qu�.�ter, a aistanc C3i �,���.�� fe�t It3 �L ?�,'�' carn�: o� sai�. S�%v';
<br />�� °nce deflecii�g right 8Q degrees 59 minutes 47 seconds aud r,�.r:�i�� eas�eri}�,
<br />af��g ar�d ugc�n the N Iire or"saici S�T Quarter a�ci ti�e ?4 izne af sai� S� Quarter, a
<br />aistance of 3,524.06 teet; t�:ence defleciing ri�h# 82 degrees Gl mi�utes �� secends
<br />and r�nuin� sotitheasterly, a distan�e af4I�.C3� �eet th�nce de�ecting rght 07
<br />�
<br />