<br />Qu��ier �f Section 25, Ta��nship ii Nort�, Ran� 1 l V4rest of th� bth �.Ivf., r�all
<br />C��ty Nebrask� and ciese�bed as r"�llours: Be�uing at a�oisz� on tne E line of
<br />said hTE Quarter, sai� pc�int being 27 i.fi6 feet sout� of t}ie NE corner a� said 1��
<br />C�uarter; tlience r�nning southerly, atan� an� u�on the E ii.-�e as said hrE �'t:a�- a
<br />�:stance oi 2,36; .82 feet to the NE comer of said �E �uarter; ther€L� aefiectL°�� Ief�
<br />�J� de�rees Oo minutes 46 secanas and a sostherly, aiou; �d upon *�he E
<br />iir:e a� said SE Quarter, a distance of �,64a.6� �e�t tc� ti�e S� cornvr o�said SE
<br />Quarter; thence defiecfi�g ri�t 90 degrees I7 m�nutes 35 seccnc�s anci run�-sizg
<br />wv� alang and upaa the S Li�.e of said SE Qua.�e� a d�s�ance oi 2,6 3 ..b0 ize�
<br />#:o the SW �orler of said SE Quarter (SEll4); thence de�ecting �i�t �� ciee�ees ��
<br />ar:inutes 52 sec�nds and �z�ing northeriy, ai�ng a.rfd upog ��ze �j .iiae c 5`e?:C`1 .�i
<br />Q�arter and the Vv i.ine af said IVE Quarter, a dista,�ce of S,OGb.%3 feet t� a poin�,
<br />sai` point bein� 291.94 feet S ot the I�TW corner of said ?�7E Quarter; thence
<br />deflecttug rignt b9 tiegre:.s {8 mi��utes OG seco�ds at�d ��ri�g e�.sterly, a distance
<br />o� 2,634.L1 feet to the point ofbeain�ing
<br />P�ce? 5: A tract of ia.nd camprising a part of th ?�T� Quarter and alt or" c?�e SE
<br />Qua: �e� of Sec#io� 30. Township 1 I Nort�, R.ange I O West af t�e 6� P.M., uali
<br />Coun"ry, Nebraska, and deseribed. as follo�rs:
<br />�V�11L1LA1� O.t L�1, ilL 1iV111�1 Vi �r"� 11�' �1141��i� llivii�v 1uu31:11� YY'�DL`iE�s'�� �lJi.�.. rr<<t:
<br />�tpon tne Iv line af said N� Quarter, a clista�.�e of 1,514.55 fuet to a�aint c�i
<br />c;.�.-��azure; thence runr; southeasterly, along and upon the arc of a c��r�Te to �.i�e
<br />Ieft wi�ose radi�s is 10�.6I feet, of which, the ir,iiia? tarigent c�r said curve
<br />coi:scides witll the plPviousiy described cou..Yse, a dista:zce �i �8.37 ie°� (Ion� �narc
<br />di st2sace = 5759 feet, long cl�ord deflecting Ieft ? 6 de�ees i 7 minuies �0 seconds
<br />from *,he previansly d�scr�`bed course} to a point of tangenc.y; thcnve n�nn��b,
<br />soa�fi.�westeriy, aiong and upon the s�uthwesterly gro :OI].a3.tI0Il Oi ` zhe �i..:�al tang�n:
<br />o; t�.e previously descrioed curv�, said r�rolangati4n defiec a ieft 15 degre�s I;
<br />minutes 50 seconcis frorn #he chozd of #he previously described curve, a ciistanie of
<br />2�3.17 feet to a�oint af curvature; thence -nmring southwesterly, a1on� an4 upon
<br />the arc af a curve to the righ� whose radius is 494.?4 feet oi whicli, the init�iai
<br />�angent af said ctuve coincides with t3ie,orei�zousiv �.escrii�ed course, a aisiance o2
<br />2�3.94 f�et (long ehor� distance 28b.�6 #'eet, long chord ciefl�ci:ing rieh�t 16 degre�s
<br />2b ?ninutes 30 seconds from the previai�ly descriae� c�urs�} ta a point oi
<br />tangency; thence r,,,,n;,�g westerl3�, along an� u�on the wesierly pr�ion�ation oi t�e
<br />nr�ai iangenfi oi the previousl3� descxibea curve, sa�d prolon�ation deflectiug rgai
<br />I5°2o'3Q" nom the chard of the previausly described curve, a�i.stance o� 57t}.84
<br />�e�t ta a poin: on the W line of said NE Qua��er saict point bei�g 243.74 feef S�r
<br />t�e lti'� c�rner of s�id N� Quarter; thence defleci�ng Ie� 90 de�ees ? 3�.i�utes IS
<br />seconds and �+��n;ng soutlaerly, along aud upon �:nL Va' line af sai� 1'v:�. Quarte_ aric
<br />t�he 'vV line of saici SE Quarttir, distauce of 5 ,02i.0� a eet to tha S�' com�r o� said
<br />SE Qua�� thence de�e: �ing lefi S9 dejrees c2 seconds �5 �i�.uies and -��-���ng
<br />easte�Iy, aiong and upon the south Ii.�e o� s�id SE Quart��, a ais�ance o* 2,64Q.S8
<br />ree� to the L� corner of said SE Quarter; t�.ence deflec�g ie� 9s�°G7"Q5" and
<br />nruning �artherly, along and ugon the E line of �� Quax2er, a di�ta�ce ar 2,6�9.C9
<br />feet tc tbe SE cc�rner of said IVE Qt:arter; thence deflecung left 00 degrees 16
<br />V
<br />