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<br /> ' ccnde�rw�ation or ad�er nkio��any�a`at of tbe Property,a for convcyance.in C�eu af conde�v[ion.�e h��eHY��5�� -
<br /> � � �11 be p�id to t.entier. � � . ' � � , `
<br /> , ' ta the ereet d a tata�iaking oE the Ptope�ty.tixs ptoceqds stwf�'bC applied w the sufis�!ry tlns Securiry
<br /> (nstnvneet,wbettKr'oi not then due.with aa�eacess p,aiQ to Bortuwtr, In the eeent of a,partial taking of ttx Properry in �
<br /> � �ttte f�ir muket value of the P�operty immediateiy 6efar the taking i�equat to or grcat�er th�n tho anxwnt of the sums . �
<br /> serured'b�r this Security tastrumertc imrsxdiately Eefare the talcing.unl�ss Borrower and Lender ot6erwise ag�ee'irt�vriting.
<br /> � tt�sums securod by this Security.Insuumeni sl�If 6e�educed�y t�he�wunt of the pnoceeds mulriplicd by the fullnwing .
<br /> � fe�tian: (a)the Wtal art�ount of the sums se¢utied immediuely before�he taking,divided by @)the faic snarlcet value of the
<br /> pl�vperty Ima�cdiat�4y,6efon,the taking.- AnX bai�r�ce siuU.6e paid m Barower.,in tUe evtnt of a partiai taking of the '
<br /> . PtopMy in which�he f�ir muket value of the Propercy immediatety befon the laking is less t2ean the amouut of tf�e sums
<br /> secunod immediatety befat+e the tating,unkss Bamwer aitd Lrnder otheiwise agrre in writing or unkss applicabk taw.
<br /> . �ise provides.the procoods si�lt be appliGd to the sums secur�ed 6y this Securiry Imm�ment whcthes or not tl�e swns ace
<br /> [f�he ptupa�y is nbrndmed by Boctower.or if.after notice by Ltnder to Ho�rower that the condemnnr offers ta mak�
<br /> � an aw'cd a setUe a elaim fa dunages.Baaower fails m nspond tolxnder within 30 days afur thr daoe the naice is given. �
<br /> Lend�r.is authari�r�w cal�ect and apply the poceods,at i�s option,either to restoration or repair of the Pr�operey or to the
<br /> sums seavted by this SecuritY It�strument,w1�elNes or not tha�due.
<br /> Unkss Lenckr and Hamwer otfktwiso�in writing,any application of proceeds to principal sh�lf rtot extend ar
<br /> pob;tpon�t1w:due due of the•monthly paym�nts�ferred to ia paragrapies 1 ar�2 orchange the amourtt of suc6 payments.
<br /> 11. eorrower Not Relaeed; Farbean�ace By. l.esder Nat s Waiver. Eatension of the time far paymeat ar .
<br /> - modifre�ian of artarti�tion of the sums secunod by tGis Seciuity Instrume►u granted by I.er�der m aay successor in inte�est
<br /> of Burrov►�er shatl not opesace to nelease the liability of the onginal Barawer or Barrower's suatissors in interest.l.ender
<br /> sda11 not be Kquired to coRUnence p�etdings against any successor in intec�st or refuse to extend time fot paymeat ar
<br /> alheiwise modify amoRiaation af the s�uns secuied by this Secudty Insuumeat 6y reason of any demat�d made by tbe original
<br /> Borrowa or Bamwa�s successo�s in mte►est. Any forbearance by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy shaU nuc6e a
<br /> waiverof ar pRClude the eaetcise of any right ar remedy.
<br /> 12. SYCSesrars�d A�'8ou�:.ld�t a�d Sever�l Lbbilit}r;Co-sip�ers- 'fhe cavenaats and agreemenu of this
<br /> Securiry Trtsa'urt�ent siiall bind and beaefit the success�xs�nd assigas af l.ender and Bomower.suD,�et co ehe piavisions of
<br /> . puagraPh 17.Bott�nwer�s covenants and agncements s[xail be joint and several.My Bomawer w6o co-signs th�s Secarity
<br /> Insm�mens but does not execute the Nae: (a)is co-signing this Security Instmment oniy to mortgage,grant and cpnvey�hat
<br /> 'Sorrower's interest ia tde Property underthe terms of this Secciaity Insuument; (b)is na pe�oitally obligated to pay the sums -
<br /> secured by this Security Ir�cd'umen�artd(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agcee to extend,modify.forbear , ,
<br /> � or make any Rccammodations with regard to the te�ms of this Secunty Insuument or tLe Note withoui that Borrower's
<br /> , con.xn�
<br /> l� l.o�n C�araes. If the toan secu�d by thi��ecurity Insuument is subject to a taw which sets maximum taan
<br /> chatges.and that law is finalty lncerpr�ted sa tfiat th�'�..rest us other toan,eharges coltected or to be coltected in connection
<br />- _ with Ihe loap exceed the permittcd timits,then: ta��r.v such loan charge shatl 6e reduced by the aru�wnt neces.sacy to reAuce
<br />-= = the charge to ti�e permitted limit;and(b)any sans�a�y collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limiu will be
<br /> nfundod to Borrower. L,endcr may choose to mzi:�r�is.c#und 6y reducing the principal owed under the Note or by maktng a
<br /> ainect payment to Bomnwer. If a refund reduces�i�.^e�l�the ccduction wil!be ur�f as a partial pt+epayment w ithout aay .
<br /> p�payment chazge under the Note. � � '+ . �..
<br /> — 14. Notlees. Any notice to Borraw�er provid�l.fvr in this Security InstrumenY shall be given by deli�eFmg it or by =
<br /> mailing itby 6rst cls�ss mail untess applicatile!aw requims uxe of anotfier methvd.The notice sha[I,b�direeted to the Properiy -
<br /> _ Address or any wtter address Barrower designates by no�ice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by first class -
<br /> mail to Lender�s address stated herein or any other addres.c Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for =
<br /> in this Secudty Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Boaower or�nder when given as provided in this �;
<br /> ParaBrnPh• � `
<br /> - 15. Coverning LAw:Severabil(ty. This Security Instrument shaU be govemed by fecleral luw and the law of thc _
<br />- jurisdiction in ahich the Property is located. In the evem that any provisian or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note _.
<br />�`:� conflicts wi�applicable law,sacfi conflict shaA not uffect rnher provisions of this Security instrument or the Nate whicb can. • _.
<br /> Ue given effecr without Ihe conflicting prwisian. Ta tius ertd the provisians of Ihis Security Mstrument and the Note are -
<br /> �rlared to be severable. • -
<br /> , . 16. Borrower's Copy. Bortawcr shatf be given uri_conformed copy of the�:u�and of this Security Insfn!r.�nt. °
<br /> 17. 7i�sfes of the Proptrly or a&�aetkial Interest in Borrower. If alt cr;:n;paa of the Propedy or any interest in '
<br /> i�is sold or tmnsferred(or if a benescial"interest in Hanower is sold or transferred ascd Borra«c�.is not a natural penon) _
<br /> without l.ender's priar written cansen�Lender may.at its option.require irnmedizte�ayment nn Cu.i of all�ums secured by =
<br /> . this�Securiry InstrumenG Nowever.this optian shall not be exercised by Lender if ei;:�ise is prohibited by federal law as of =
<br /> � � the date of this 5ecurity l�strument. • , : ^
<br /> i� If Lender exercises t6is option.i.ender sh�U give Borrowev notire of Acceler�iiors: The notice tihall provide a per�od oi
<br />=���, noi Icss than 3Q day�:from the date the natice is delivcred ar mailed withln which Borrower mu�t Ray all sums secuced by this _
<br /> Y;,y� Security lnstrument. lf Harrower fails to pay thcse xumv prior tu ilie expiratian af thiv periu� L.ender may invoke any _
<br />, . remedies penstilted by this Sccurity InStrumcnt withaut furthe�n�4ice ur iiemand on 9orrower. • �
<br /> - = --= 18. Barowrer's itight to Reinst�te. ff Born�a�er me�ts ccrtain canditions. tior�auc�r shat! have the right ta hAVC =
<br /> enfarcement of this 5ecurity tnstrument divantinued ac any time prior to the eartier��f: (a)5 days(or such ather perial us --
<br /> ' SinglcFamity••EannkSfrNFiMdie�tyct.\IFUR�IIVS"fttL�fEr7-•UnitormCoscn:uur 919s iru.4�4�fn�cr.., .�
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