, : t .: _
<br /> -,,
<br /> . N . '_ " .ti. . �. . .� .! :� ._.
<br /> ' : i
<br /> "__ " '��.;i _ _. ..'_ " " "__ '_ . . _ " " __' .
<br /> - �� ��� • �, ` .• : � . . _� �_ ... __ _
<br /> __� ._�- ..�,�.i _ .. . . . '_" .. . _.._ . - � . . � . _ ._..
<br /> �s,- : , � , . - - _ : g2,.., xo�� � .
<br /> app�c�bfe V*►nw�r s�Y fa re�emeat)eetcoe tale af�e Aopaty Purswot�o a�l►Po�es af sak codained in tbis
<br /> ��t ;. ` Secoritq Ia+t�aea�a tbl antrY oE s j�t���'°t tBis SaaQitY 1a�. 7Lose cad'idgas ue t6st Bam�vcr: ta)
<br /> ' '� p�ys I.mdes all sums wHicb thea woWd be dut undot dds SecwitY lesonm�t and d�e Nate as if eo aocaieraua�n had; „
<br /> � aoc�rred:(b)auta aay aebuhq�any adrer oovenmes or�neeerents:tr)P�Ys all�xPea�s ia�r�e�ie eefa�u�g this SecuritY ,
<br /> tau�meet.iocNdiaE+b�not iiittited!o,t+q�on�bie attomeys�fed:and td)t�ica such action as Lender may neasoa�blY
<br /> � t�pcPtite b tes�e Mat tAe.lia►at tbis Stcuriry�nst�ana�e,Lenderb�i�hts in the Ptopeity and Bamwer�obtigation to pay th�
<br /> � saras secu�ed by thi� 5ecuriry Insaument sb�alf contiau� uachaaged. [Jpog teinst�tement 6y HoROwer. this Security
<br /> ' � Iast�nmdst and the oEi�g,�tions aecv�ed heneby sh�i!�emain fulfy effeaive as if rw accelaation htd occu�red. However.this . �.
<br /> - tiaht to ieit�taMe sAtll twt�ppty in the c�se of�ocekr�tia�m�det parsg+ph 17. �
<br /> • tf. S�1e d Nok;Crs�R at 1.ai�Ser*ieR.- 'i�e Nate ar a pa�Uat iate[est in the Natt t�8�.�i�h this Sec�rily
<br /> lnsiiueneet)msy be soW ane a tnoe�e Iimes wiWaut priar noticc to BoROVVer. A sak rt�ay nwlt eR a chaoge in tUe.e�itx
<br /> (imown as iNe'Lo�n Service�")t6�t cdk+cts moethlY F�Y��under the Nate�nd ihis Secwity Iasaumen�. Ther�e atso
<br /> may be ane or mone ch�n�es of the Lmn Servica wuelated to a sak of tlie Nate. If thec�e is a changa o[tbe Loan Senicer.
<br /> . Boenwa�vi[I Ee girm,writpen notice ot the ch�aae u�accad�nct with p�rag�ap�!4 abo�e�f ap�ticable law_ Tbe iwtice
<br /> . will stue t6e mme aad addrcss of tbe new La�n Servica aM dre sddress to which ptyntaxg should be rn�0a 'i�e notice wi'il �
<br /> '. atso contain aay otber infarm�tiat ioquurcd bY�PP�iawr. ` . .
<br /> �1: Hu�riae S�i�.Bo�a shaU na ca�se ae pem�ic tAe prcseno�use.disPas�l=storige.ot rekast d any
<br /> Har�Mais Subsancea on or iR ti�e Ptopert�t. Bortower shat!mt Ao.na aUow x►yarc etse w do.�ything aNeqing the
<br /> Prn�eRy_tb�ai is in viotatiart of any Enviran�ai Law. '11�e pceced'�ng two sentences sball nat appTy io the pnsena.use.or
<br /> ��p��pmpettY M s�mll qu�xiries of Hazudous Substar�ces d�at ane grnmllY roca�ized to 6t appeopriate to no�mal
<br /> - nsidentiat uses aod to maimenu�ce of t1��Y.
<br /> - « Bo�mwer abail pe�nmptlY 8ive Lender written notice of any investigation.c1a�m.de�nand.Tawsuit or ottxt action bY�Y
<br /> gavtrtuaental a tegulatay aBencY or prlvau patty involving the PmptrtY and any Hara�dous Substaace or Enviroru�xntal -
<br /> Law of whicb Bamwer has aotual irnawk�dge. If Bo[rower kuns.a is aotifiad by aay govemment�i or agatuary
<br /> authaity.that any rea�ova!a other remediario�of any Hazacdous Sobstuxe af�ating the Property is necessary,Borrnwer
<br /> �P�P�Y nte all aecess�rY temediatactions in ac¢ordanoe with Fnvironmtnta!Law. .
<br /> � As used in this pangr'aph Z0."Hazar�Sa6stanas"are tlwse suDst�nas defiaed as taaic ar hu.ard��us substu�ces by
<br /> --= Euvitona�tal Law acW ihe folIorwmg substances: Sasotine.te�asene.od�er ftammabTe or to�c petrofwm pmduccs,wsic
<br /> _� pesticides and herbicldes,voia6le solvents.tnaterials containing asbestos or f�a�aWehyde.and radioxtive mate�ials. As
<br /> � used in t6is puagraph 20."Emironmental L.aw"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is tocattd
<br /> . thet rstsueto heatth.safety oceaviranmenral pcotection.- . =
<br /> , ` NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender fuN�er covenant anQ agrx as folto�vs: � �
<br /> . 21. Aecekrstior Reaiedies. l.eader ahaU E1�e eotke to Borcai�er prior to accekratbo tdlo�vtna Boma�tr's
<br /> = hreacb�f spy ooveas�t Pr s�rea�t L t6ts Secu�ity Ins�meat(but aot Prbr to aoceleratbn Qnder pa►ag�pb fl °-
<br /> uwlas,ppliae�e la�v provides aherwise). Tde aoti«sban speciey: cA>�aefauu;(b)tne actfon reyai�ea a earE uK =
<br /> defaWt;lc)a datti aot kss tban 30 dpys lraa tbe dste tbe aotice is givea to Borro�ver.6l w6icN tbe defaWt must be _
<br /> c�rM:a�d(d)tUst t�itaer to c�e the defa�lt o�or befo�e tbe date specified�a tbe natice eesy ns�tk ia�ecderatlas at
<br />_= tl�e soms aecued by t�is Seearits'I�a�t sMd ssk ot t�e Property. Tl�e�atioe sbaU fortl�er iKora�Borrawer of
<br />.- tie ris6t to nei�stste atter accekration n�d t6e rigrt to brin�a court adioa to asserl tLe aoa-e�iste�oe o�n detaalt ar
<br /> ....- j awy attier detme af Borrv�r,er to acceieestion md sata Ii tbe tkfauit is sat c�rnl on or be�ore tUe dste sp�citled is
<br />;;�: � f8re r�otice.L�ender at its option►may reqaire immediate paYmrnt in tull ot atl su�s sccared by this Secarity lastromeat _ -
<br />.. - - �vi�out tpcqrtr dea�nad aed may invoke tl�e power af sAk aed any Mi�er remedies perndttcd 6y s►ppticable Isw ---
<br /> n
<br /> ����:' � Lender shaR 6e entitkd to colkct All expenses incurred in parauing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21, t_�
<br /> �'`.�-}��� ' inctudin&but not limitcd to,reasonabk attorneys'fees and costs of titk evidence.
<br /> : �4"'..
<br />- , , r � It the povrer ot sak is invaked.7irastee sdal!record a notke o�default in eac6 count9 in which any pAr!o�the �=
<br /> J I Propertp 1s located and shall mail rnpies of suc6 notice in the manner presce�bed by appliqbk taw to BorroRer 9nd to --
<br /> the atl�er ptrsons presa'ibed by applkable Istw Atter tUe tlme reqaired by applicable law,71r�ta s6aU 6ive pablic -'-�;
<br /> o o t i o e o�s a k to the p e r s oas And tn tfie manns� rescribed by�pplkabk taw. 1lrustee.without tkmand on Borro+ver.
<br /> sbaD sell tUe Property at pu61k auctbn to the h�g6est bidder pt thetime and piace and uade�the teems desi�ns�ted in �==-'
<br /> .- t6e nMice o�ssk in one or nwre parcels m�d in any order 7lrusta ddermtaes. 1lrustee nwy Postpone sak ot al!ar any �-�s-
<br /> �- : "� pucel of!he Property by public anaoe�ment al the time and place ot aay previously scbcdukd sAle. Lendee or its "-+
<br /> - . �h �51��Y Pprchase tMe�P'ioperty at�y sale. .
<br /> • - ' Upon receipt of pat�m�at ot the�e,bid,Tr�ms�stnp dellver to the purchaser Trusta's deed coaveying the
<br /> praperty 7'he recltals in�fie;IYu.atce's�ed sh�116e}�ma tacie e�idence of th�truth ot the statements ma�e t6erein. . --
<br /> � ���:r, '� �, . '[lrnsta shall aplply the praceeds ot the s�e in the following orders (a�is all casts nnd expenses ot exercisin$�por�ec
<br />- ��!""%; .
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