-.�5- - �"��:t, '� . . ' -' .__.......�..---..sa�-�'a'--�: _ __ . _ �� —_.
<br /> '"`FR��!S..S.'.`��� , � . . . � := . . . _ . , � ... . . ` � • � ' '
<br /> � '� . C ' ' � � ` ' . . , ��C ���
<br /> . . �� l � . . . ' � . . ` - � �� . .� .
<br /> , • r . ��fWi LGR�R�uir�s i�!G��������� .�i�W����D{7��{1Ai���L+GR�� � .
<br /> . •.ppn,val.YhicA�s�n1l n�t be�w�sanaWy vaithheld IP�sanorra rails fo maiataie cove�agt aescti-bed.6m►e.t.a+aer msr.at .
<br /> . � �ap�,��r��e to protecti Lsad'er's ri�hts in dre Ptoperty in sxad�ecc with p�ragr�i�7. , ,
<br /> ' AII�uransa PdicKS and�enew�s s�l!b��p�a�tQ�`��l include A�d�S�B�clause. t.ender
<br /> . ,sTuU fiave t�e rig6t to hoid t6e pWicies and renevvats. It Lendec t�eqaires.BoRawer shati.ptomPUY Siva to l:endcr ali nceipts � .
<br /> � ' �P�P���toewal notioes. [n"d�e evrnt of tosv.Borrawer shafl give p�m�notice to ihr insu�ance rairier and
<br /> � ,t,rnder (,�nder may make poof of loss if not m�de pranpdY bY Bamwer. - �
<br /> Unkss Ltnd�er and Bom�wor ati�r�rvist ygree in wtiting.inwr�nce pcnceeds st�ail be appiied w restarrtioo ot repair of
<br /> - � ' the ptupetty damagcd,if the tesooruion o�np�ir ss eeorans�c�ftY feast'�k an��ettder's secunty is aa kssened. If thc '
<br /> t�esta�ian a np�ir is a�t ecawmicalty fa�sible oc Lender�s sa�arity v�r�Id 6e kssetkd.ttte insuea�xe proaedt shal!6e .
<br /> � ��m����y���ty l�nt,wlKther or not tbea due.with any excess paid to Boaower. If _
<br /> I Baisower ab�ndons the Pcopeety,oc does aot answrr within 30 days a naiee from Le�ider thac ihe msurance eaaier fias .
<br /> offered�o eeate a ctaim.tl�en Le�der may rolket the fisur�ce pmaeds. i.endec maY use the pcoceeds to repair ar astae
<br /> , the P�upaty a w pay smns socuned bY this SecurieY Inst�umen4 w[�etixr or rot�en due. '[�e 30-day periad w71 begit4 wtxo • ..
<br /> �1,e uodce is givea � Ucarion of to st�U not exund ar
<br /> i7ntess t.ender and Bartovra atbeiwise agrce in writitig.any app' P�� P��P'� ts. If
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthlY PaYments seferted to in Qaragnphs i�nd 2 oc chauge ibe�ctiount of the PaYmen
<br /> w�d�paragraph 21 the Pt+opercy is xquircd by Lender,Bormwer�s rigflt to any insuracrce poticies and Proceeds resniting-
<br /> ` ��to the P[operty prior ro the xquisitwn shaU pass to Lendzr to tlx extent oE tbe sians secu�ed bY this Secur►�Y
<br /> Iustr�nent imrtkdiuety qia w the acquisition.
<br /> 6 OoaP!�c� Pr+eserrstion. Mwteaao�e aad Protection of the Pr�perty: Borro�►K's I.oan Appiiatian:
<br /> 1�oid�, Barcower shall occupy.est�bluh.and use the Property as Bormwet's prinnpai residence within sixty days after
<br /> the eaec�ian of.this Secu�ty L�tnanent�d shall coniinue to occupY!he P�PeriY as Rortower's principal residen�x far at
<br /> lease ane ypr after the date of occupancy. onless L.ender aherwise agroes in rvridng, whicb consent 's6aU not be �
<br /> � unneasonabty withbeld.ar unkss eatenuuing cu+cumstances txist which are beyond Borrower's caalrol. Bomo��sha1�'
<br /> destioy,dunage or imptir the PropertY•albw the PiopeRY tQ detatiorate,ar commic waste on the A+upetty.
<br /> be in defwlt if any farfeicu�action or pcocee�ing.wbether civil or criminal.is begun that in l.ender's good faith judgment
<br /> _ . •cauld�+esuit in forfeitiue of the Prope�ty or otherwise m�er�aUy imPair the lirn created by this Securiry lnmumeat oc
<br /> - Lender's security inteoes� Boaower may cure such a default and reinsiate,as provided in paragraph�8,by�+usinS thc acuon
<br /> �;V —_,— - :ur prace�dingsa be disaiissed with a tuling tha�.in l.ender's good faith detertnination:t�cecludes farfeiture of the Borrower's f _..
<br />-i� in�in tlie Pt+nperty or othes material impaim�e�rt of the lien c�eated by thu Secar�ty Instrument or Leadet's se�aritg
<br />= �cite�e�, gorrower shall also be in defaWt if Borrower. during the toart applicatiai process, gave.materialiy fatse ur
<br />='`�; � inaccarau infotmatia�t ar statements to Lender(or failed to pmvide L.erMer wQth any materia:�infom�ation)in connecuorE A�tls.
<br />�..�` 'tt�e lc�an evideace�by the Nate.including.but not limited to. repriesentations eonceming Borrowery oeeupancy of�the
<br /> -•� • Praperty as a prtnc�l'resideitice. If this Security Insuument is on a leasehald.Bmrowec shail comply�.-itb all the psuvisions
<br />-'°" of�c lease. If Bairowcr acquires fee title to the Pnnperty.the le�sehold and the fee titte shall not me�ge unless Lender agrees
<br /> -_-`� . to tLe m�rSer in writing.
<br />-��' �. protettioe of I�"s Rights ia fhe 1'ropertY• If�Borrower faits to perfona d�e covenanu and agraments
<br /> -'� cantai�d in tfiis Security [nnr�iinent,or thece is a tegal proceeding that may signifir�tly aff4d Lender's rigt►ts in the
<br /> property(such as a proceediug in bankruptcy probate.for condemnation or�orfeiture or to enforce la�s cvr regulations),then .
<br />-"-�s'. Lendet may do anc!Qay for whateve'r is necessary to protr,ct the value of the Property and l.ender's re�ts in the Propetty.
<br /> � Le�der's acdons may inc[ude pa3�ing any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument.appeassng
<br /> in court,paying reasonable actocneys'fees und entering on the Pcoperty to make repairs.Atthaugh Lender muy take aetion
<br />- under this paragaph 7.Lender�ces not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbarsed by l.ender under thi.c paragraph 7 shall becortse additional debt of Borrower secured�y ihis
<br /> - - � Securiry Insttume� L`nless Sorrowec and l.ender�gree to other terms of payment.these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br />- date of disbursement at Ihe hote rate and shall be payable.with interest,upon notice from Lender to Barrower requesting
<br /> � . �+Yment.
<br /> S. Mortgage Insu�an�e-:Lf Lendet rcquired mortgage insurance ac u eonditioc�c�making tbe laan secured by this
<br /> Security instrument.Borrower st�all pay the premiums required tn maintain the morr�. insurance in effec� If,for any
<br /> � ""' reason. the mortgage insurance coverage req,uire d by l.en der lap�es a r c e a ti e s t o b e i n e f f e c K.B o r r o w e r ti h a l l p a y t h e
<br /> _ ' �;� premiums required ro obtain coverage sub��andally equivalent to the marr�age insurance previously in effect. at a wst
<br /> — . substantia l ty equiva leM to t he co�t to B o r r o w e t o f t h e m o r t.�a g e i n s u r a n i:�:�v i o u s l y i n e f f e c t,f r o m a n a l t e mat e mort ga ge
<br /> _ - in.n�r approveA by Lender. [f sn#istuntially equivaleni nicrr�;�e insurance coverage�s not av�ila6le.8artower str�1[Fay to ,
<br /> ��r'. � Leasd�r each month a sum equai to ane•twrlfth of the yead�:ir;i�rtgage insuraacc premium being paid by Borrower whe�the
<br /> :!:.: :
<br /> _.^.;� insuranee coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lendet�i;l ucecpt.u+e and retam the�e payments a�a loss ceserc'e� �eu
<br /> = aF mortgnge insurancc. Loss reserve payments may no Ionger be rr,yuired.at the option nf Lendcr.if mortsage iasarnnce
<br /> coverage(�n the amaunt and for the periad that Lender requires►prmided by an iasurcr approvecf by i.ender agsdn becomcw .
<br /> available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuircd to maintain mortgagc insurttnce in effec�ar ta provide a �
<br /> •� tosg reserve.until the mqnirem��nt.far mortgage insurance end�in acc�rdance witB any«ritteo agreement betweeo Borrower
<br /> "': and Lender nr applicuble law. :
<br /> 9 Inspectbn. l.cnder cr it.agent may makc rcasonable cntrics upun and insp�:rion�af the Propeny. L.ender shall
<br /> . give Harrower notice at the urrn:of ar prior tu mt i��speetian specifying reasnnablc cau�e for ehe inspection.
<br /> ," 10 Condemnallon. The procceds af any award��r claim f�r damagcs,direct ur consequcntiat,in connec�inn with any
<br /> �, � SinglcFamily..}annkMae�FrcAdk�tx11ti1�1)R111�tiTRl:�1Eti7'--UnifnrmCavcn�nlc 9;95 Ipq4r?�dhiki.LCCi
<br /> creal 1.�+►e�eyebefr Paa+.�n�•
<br />-' - .�.,' Tufkdt!('a0 t�fAS'i6i�77,iJi':1.{ti6741•113) .
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