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<br /> • �ft1C1f�li IfO�Cf�l!!�S�t C�.i�G Q(�ORCfIy. ,Alf il�i�ltKS!G�i�tl�5 S�{i�)i�SO�G COY!!CQ�t�1.4$ECOilty
<br /> �itldUdlt. l�4f 1�G�Cj011lj tS[lfEtSOd(O�D�115$CCflttty�It11tOMf�t�1G°�OpMJi-« •
<br /> ` StXtROW[R COVENANfS th�t Barower is tawfWiy aeised�die estaCe 6etehy convtyed aad hac the'�ht to&ant
<br /> � artd�nvry the Prc�perty atd dat iht Ptopaty es meecum6ered.exapt for encumbr�arxs of�+ecad.• Ba�wer waa�ats and �
<br /> wiII defend Sene�lh►�e htie to tde Peepeny agaiast a{t ciaiiiu fu�d dem�od.s.subject fo any e�cum6rmces of tecad.
<br /> TEIIS SEC[JRTTY QISIRUMEI�T c�mbines uni€am coven�nts far national use and noa-unifam covenanu witit . •
<br /> - 1Lniee�vui�tiq�spyy�risdictiontoc�itt�ies�seturi►}►ias�ume�cros�nS�ealp�'ape�LY• •
<br /> UNffORMCOYFNANi'S. Bamwec�odf.endercoven�ntudag�eeasfolloWrs: `
<br /> l. ���eN�tlri�eiMl a�i I�k+iMi�7�����t� BamwGr shati P�P�Y PaY when due the •
<br /> pr�cipai daad itxa+at aa t6e de6t cv�drnced by dx Nae and anY P�MY�t and tate charges due under the Note.
<br /> 1 �i�Mh for 73tres aM Ir�ea�oe. Subject to�PPlicabk 1aw aw a wriuen waiva 6y I.ender,Borrowa sba11 pay w
<br /> Lendtr oa�da moM6tY WY�s�e due imder the Nae,unn'1 th�Note is psid in fuII.a sum E"�")for.(a)Y�Y
<br /> t�xcs and acs�a�which m�y�ttain priority over tbis Savrity L�wnent as a lien a1 tbe Property:(b)Y�Y���
<br /> prym�ts a pwnd ceats an the Ptopatyt if-aap: (c}Yearr�►d�z�d ar'PuP�Y�O P�iw�ns; (d) Y�Y� - -
<br /> �uance pemiums.if aay: te)Y�Y�S�Se insutance premiums,if aay:and t�ar►Y �P�Y�bY Borrnwer w . ,
<br /> I.et�der.in uco�d�nce with the pmYisiaas of pazagraph 8.•in tieu of the paryment of moctgsge iaw�ance prem�ums. 'Ibese
<br /> ik�as aoe c�llaA"Eccxow Itea�s.' Laider maY,at any tirtte.coilect and iald iiuMls in aa amount not to euaeed the maximum
<br /> amount a ksder fa a federalIy rstated mortgage toan mo►y toqui�e for Bamwer�s ssctuw account under the fede�al Rral
<br /> Estate SetitempuPtucedutes Act of 19�4 a�c amended from time to pme,12 US.C.�2601 u seq.("RESPA").uoless anaher _
<br /> taw that sppiies to tbe ptmds sets a ksser amoun�. If so.Laider may,at any time.coilect and dold Funds in an amount noe to
<br /> - exceed the ks�er art�oant. i.lfldet.may e�mate tl�e amount of Fvads due on�tl�e basi�of cui:+eqt dlita aod rasoaabk
<br /> estimates of expeud`'ipues of futu�e Escmw Items ot otherwise in�witi�applicabk faw.
<br /> ` - T6e Ii�ods s6�11 be 1�etd in'w u�stitut�an whose deposits a�insated by a federat�ag4tx.y,instrwnentality.or eatity
<br /> �fu�etudin�l.etKier,if 1.eoder is such an institution�or in�y Federal Home l,oan B�aic: I.ender shall apply tLe Fvnds to pay -�
<br /> tl�:Lgctaw Items. L,ender may not charge liottnwer far i�oldmg and apptying the Tw�d.s,aanually anaiyzing t�ie e�croe� .
<br /> =,�� .a�ount.'ur:vecifyiag tbe Escmw Iums.wJess l.ender pays$orrowu intaest on the Fiu�ds and a �cable law
<br /> PP�' P�r�nits�::
<br /> - L.aWe�to make snch a cl�uga However,Lender may rcquite Bom�wer to pay u�1�.���othet��es�
<br /> -- espte tax trporang savice use�d 6y.l.ender iacuaneclial with this�aan.unlcss aPp�. _ P
<br /> ag�eement is made or appTicabk Iaw requins interest to be paid,Leader shali not be iequined to pay Bormwer auy intenst ar
<br /> earnings at the Ftu�ds. Bot�ower and Lender may agree in wriqng,howaver.that ic�erest shall be paid an tde E3mds. 1.ender
<br /> _-- shaU give to Bamw�r.witbout clxtrge:aa annw�l acconnting of the Fuads,showuJg crerGts and debits to the l�nds anQ d�e
<br /> -y. ! p�upose fa whicb each debit to the Fimds was made. The Funds are piedged as additional secmrity for all sams secured 6y.
<br />=.:.s � this Securiry Insuumen� . . . �
<br /> -- - ' If the Funds held by 1.eader e�ccood the amounts permitted to be held by applicable tav�:beitdef,sl►aD;accounE to
<br /> = �'•Bamwer for the eacess Funds in accordance witt�the iequiremeats of appticable 1aw. If the amoimt of tUe.Fv�idc befd 6y
<br />- - ,�kr at any time is nbt sufficient to pay the Escrow Items wdep due,l.ender may so notit'}r Borrowe[ut"v'viitufg,aad,in
<br /> �uch case Botrower sh�ll pay to I.et�der the amount neccssary to?rr�ke up the deGciency. Borrower st�a�t-make up thc
<br />= deficiency in no more than twelve monthtY PaYments.at l.ender�s sate discredon. .`-
<br /> Upon payment in fuil of ali sums secut+ed by this Security Fr�nent,Lender shall promptiy refund ta Borrower azg, . _
<br /> � , Funds held by Lender. If.ander paragraph 21,Lendea sha11 acqujre or sell the-gropaty.l.ender.prior to the acquisition os
<br /> f � sak of tt�Property,shall apply any Funds hetd b}r�,ender at the time of acq�saion or sale as a cr�edit against the sums
<br /> � secu�d by this Securiry Instrumenti ' _
<br />�'' 3. Applic�tbn ot Aayments„ Ue�lESS applica6le law provides athenvise, all payments received by Lender under
<br /> �, u � paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fas*.�asry prepayment charges due wider the Note:second.to amounu payable under
<br /> ' � pac�graph 2;third,to interest due;fourth.to principal due:and last.co any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> :>=_� � 4. CMArges; Lkes Borrower shall pay al&tozes.assessmenis,charges, fines and imposItions aurIbcaable to the
<br /> ' . pbperty which may attaicz�riaity over this Secarits€�strumenb a�lqschold paymenu or ground rents.if any. �Ormwer
<br />- �.• � �- � � shall pay these obligaaacs.c�the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrowet shall pay them on
<br /> time directly to the persw�owed paymen� Borrower shall promptl�famish to Lender all notices of amounts to 6e paid under
<br /> .� ' ; a� this paragsa�Fs. tf Borrotivet makes these payments directty.Brnrua�er shall promptly fumish to Lcnder receipts evideacEag
<br /> ` � B�o�rrow��r shalt p�?.1y discharge any lien which has priarity over this Sea►rity lnstrument unless Bomnwer:(a)agees
<br /> irt writing to the yaymecicc wb the obligation secured by�e lien in a manner acceptable to 1.enQer.(b)contests fn ga�od faith the
<br /> lien by:or defends againsi enfacement of the lIen in.legal proceeQings which in�he Lender�s opinion operate ro prevent the
<br /> •� , ` enfacement of the lien;or(c)secures fram the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to.1 ender subordinating the lien �
<br />- to lhis Secudty Instrument. Ii Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a tien which may attain priority
<br /> aver this Secudty Insuur�eat,Lender may give Borrowcr a notice identifying the lien. Batrawer shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> one or more of the actio��et forth above within 10 days of the giv#ng of notice. -
<br /> " ;y, ; S. Haz�rd ar Pt��rty lnsurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hercafter crected on the
<br /> .�_.�- " ---- ____ - --- Propeny insured against toss by fire,tu�ards included�ithin the tcrm"extended raverage"and any other hazards,inciuding _
<br /> • fluods or flooding.fa which Lender requires insurance. This insurance yhatl be maintained ln the amounts and for ihe
<br /> ' Fan�361a !!!r q�Re2rJ6po�e�►
<br /> � ' ,i. � -
<br /> . '�� .
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