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<br /> �. 6 period�,dnt t.eader raNires. �Ue iqsu�e cartier providieg tbe biwrmce shaU be chasee 6y BoROwer subject to l.cnder�. , ,
<br /> ,�pp�oval�vGicb sA�ll not bc wre�saiu�Y�witM�cfd. If Bar�ower[aiLs ta maintain eavrnge d�cribed above.Lender�nay.at �
<br /> � - `. l.eudec's ojNioe.oM�irt coven�e tn pe�ect f.ender�rights ia thm Ptopen�r in accadance with p�ragraptr 7.` ; <
<br /> �All iawnnce poliei�s and renewats shall tie accepta6k to t.endtr and�q inciucte a�ivKtard ma�tg�gc ct�use. i.en�kr
<br /> sTtall have the right W boid drc pdicies and.renotYais. If l.et�der c�equui�es.BnrroKrr shall pr�mptly give Eo l.ender al!_[i�ceipt� �.
<br /> .: . of p�d pemiums and re�ewal�es. In:thc tveet nf Ioss.Bcxmwer shali give pmmp[.notic�to tt�e insutance canier�d . - .
<br /> �r:. lender may mate pioof of loss if not m�fe pranpllY�y Barower.
<br /> • �Uakss Leudet aqd Eturmwer otherwise agree in wTitirtg,ussunu�ce prtirrgeds shsp be appl'�ed to restoration ot repair of
<br /> ` ` _the ptnp�.dama�if:ihe,resto�ion or rcpcur ps c4onamicaily feasible and Lcnder s�ecurity is not tessentd. If the
<br /> instor�tion a nepur�s�at,cra�omica![y fe��bk or i.ender's seiurity wc�utd 6e ies�e�ed.tir insur.u�ce prucefds rtr�13 is�
<br /> �pplied to tLo-sums savied by this SecuritY[nsnumerN..wf�her or�ot ti�due.asrith aay exces�Paid to Borruwer. !f
<br /> Bonowar a�andon�the Prapeery.or does not answ�er vviJtin 3ff dayy a notice fcam Lender that tbe insur.u�ce cacrier ha�.
<br /> offen�f•to settic�a cl�im.ti�e Lender may collxt the insur�nce pmcceds. Lender may ase the pra�eeds to repair s�r nestore
<br /> � thc Ftopecty or,to pay sums securcd by this Seruricy Instrurt�cn�wfkther or not then duc. The:i0-day peri+od wit�6egin whcn �
<br /> tha notice is given. . • . '
<br /> Unless l.ender and Bamwer othe�wise agree in sxtiting.any applicatian of pmceeds[o prineipal shall not eatend or
<br /> •postpone the dae date of tbe manQdy payments aferra!to in p�tagr.iphs t and 2 ar ci�ge the amount of�he payments. !E
<br /> iutder pingr.�h 21 the 1'toperty is acqautd by I.endtr,Bortower's right to any insurance pe�licies and proceedc resulting
<br /> irom damage to tbe Pruperty prior to�he acquisiUan shall pa�s to Lertder to the extent af the sums secured Isy lhis Security
<br /> Ir►su�unent immediatety pricx to the acquisition.
<br /> �i. OecYpll�j'� PrlSlrY�lt10l� MaintensOl'e Aud PcOticfbR o� !ht Prope�tyi BOROVil�'S LoYR A�IiCifjOqi
<br /> [,eseeLolds. BomnKer sha11 occupy,estabtish,and use the Praperty as Borrower's principal residence within siaty days after
<br /> the eaxution of�his Seeurity Instiwnent and shaU cantinue to occupy�he Property�s Barower's princigal residence for at .
<br /> kast one yqr after the date of ocapancy. unless I.ender aherwise agrees in writing. whicb cwuent shaq not.be
<br /> � _ unneasonably withbeld.or unles,s eatenuatiag cirewnstancas ext�t which are beyond Bomawer's control. Horrower shalt not
<br /> destroy,damage or impair the Property,a(Iow the Ptopaty to deteriarate.or commit wa,te on the Piropertv. Borrower shall
<br /> 6e in defauit if any forfeiNce actian or procading:whether civil or criminal,is begua that in Lender's good faitb judgrtKi�t
<br /> ' couW result ia fafeitune of tfie Pmperey.or aherwise materiapy impair[he lien created b}�this Secuatp Instrument or
<br /> `— � Lender's secvrity�inte�st. Bofmwermay care sach a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing tfie attion
<br /> or proceeding to 6e dismissed with a ruling tha�in l.ender's gaod fnith detemunation,precludes fotfeiture of the Borruwer�
<br />:::�;; a�teresE ia t!��ta�ty nr oelxr matesia! impaicment•of the{ien cmate�i by�his Secucity Instnrme�t or Lender's security . .
<br /> intertst. Borrowar shall also be in default if Borrower, during the toan application pracess, gave materiaqy false or
<br /> {:z, inaccarate infomkvian or statements fo Lender Ior faited to provide L.eeder with any mttterial information)in connection with
<br /> - the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited to.repiesentatio�ns coaceming Borrowery occupaqcy of the
<br /> Property ac a principal�sidence. If thls Security lnstcument is on a leasehotd.Borrower shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> - of the lease:If Banower acquims fee ti11e to the Property.the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless l.eni#er agrees
<br /> �:''� ' to the merger e�w-riting.
<br /> - - , 7. Ftote�:tion al l.eoder's Righis in thr Properts. If Borrower faits to perform thc covenanu and agreements
<br /> ° cantained.in tisis Security Instrumea� or there is a tega[�s�oceeding that may significanUy affect L.enders righu it�the
<br /> � Property(sach as a pcoceeding in bankruptcy.probate.for condemnaaan or forfeiturc or to cnforce laws ar rrgutations).then .
<br /> •'`���=' Lender may da attd pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propeny and i.ender�rights in the Froperty.,
<br /> �_�-..
<br /> •�,��'.: t,ender:s actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien whirEr.has prinrity over thiti Security iostnrment.appearing - ,
<br /> in court,paying reasanable attomeys'fees and entering on the Praperty to make repair.c.Ahhough Lender may take action
<br /> . � under this paragaph 7.Lcnder does not have to do so.
<br /> -'' Any amounts disbursed by L.cnder under thic para�aph 7 shall becamc additionat debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Securiry lnstrumenl. Untess Borrawer and Lender agree to othcr tcrms of payment,these amounts shall be�r interest from the
<br />-- data of disbursement at thc Notc rate and shal[bc payable.with interesi.upofl notire fmm i.ender ta Barrower reyuesting
<br /> ' paymen� `_
<br />�''� 8. Mortgage Insurance. IP l.ender required mortg��insurance As a canditian of malcing the loan•secured by Ihis .
<br />,;;;'� �, Security lnctrumenti Barrower shall pay the prcmium4 ra�rs'u,d ta maintain the martgage insurance in effec1. If.for any =
<br /> reason. the marfgage imurunce coverage required by tr�:-;.�r lapses or ceascti to he in rffect. Banower xhaF� paq the -
<br /> �.,.�:.:, premiums required to obtain covcrage substs�mially equ"i�atent to ihe mortgage intiuranre previously in effect. at a cact -
<br />,y%:`-.�,'.r_;,�� substantially eqaivalent to the rnst to Borroµer of the m�rtgage insuraa,�previously in effect,frorte act altemate marlgage , F
<br /> -�?�;�:� insuret apprazs�;by Lender. If�ubstantiulty cquivalent mortgage ins�cew�-�coveruge is nnt avuilabte.�rrowcr shal!p�y�d, -
<br /> ` Lender each month n sum eyual to nne-twelft(t af the y�eacly mortgage insivancc prcmium t+eing paid Y�y Borrnwer whcn the
<br /> ~ i2:.�r�nce c�verage lapsed or ceased ta he in effect. l.ender aill accept,u�e anQ r.Hain Ihe�c payments as a loss resen�e in lieu -
<br /> ' " �'�n�nSaSe�ntiurance. Losc re�crve paymenis may no[onger bc re�uircJ,at thc option of Lender, if mortgage in�uruncc
<br />