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<br /> , �, �or dkr t�in8 of anY Pa�t�E t[�e PmRerty,a fa ccx�veyance in lieu of condennn�4ia+.ace Ercieby�a'ssigned ard . . �
<br /> . s1W�be Qaid a L,ender. - � shatt 6a applied w the smns secuned 6y this`Securit�r .
<br /> Ip�tire event of a tatal taking oF tl�e Prvperiy, P��
<br /> `fns�nt.wt�el6er or noc then du�with aay excess paid to Baiawer. In tNt evenc of a partiat taking of the graperty in .
<br /> y���f��a vatue of ilx ptoperty unmediately before�he taicing is.equ�l to or�acer than the araount of the sums , .
<br /> ,: - . ,sacuKd bl►thjs Sec�ty In.mumeat immed►ately before tlie tati�g.unkss Borrower and l.ender aherwise agre�in�uritutg. <
<br /> tho sums suUied by this Socu�ity Inswmrnt stiall be reducad iry thc amount af ti��saceeds multiplied by die following ,
<br /> ftaction: (a)tbe talat yno4�t of the sums secuted.immediate.ly befare the taking.divided by tb)the fair market value of the ` ,.
<br /> P!''oP�nY immediaiely btfae the taicin& AnY balance shall 6e p3id to Boirowu.�In tlie event of a partiaf taking of tUe
<br /> . ' Froperty iod which thc f�rmaiicet vaiue ogthe Property'vnmediatelY befExe the t�lcing ic l�s tf�ac►th�amount vf the wms _
<br /> secwed immed'iately befcxe�he ta�ing.unkss Barmwer and Lender athenvise aSree n°wri�nS or unless applicabie law
<br /> , otlxtwise pm'vides:ihe pmceeds shap.be applied to ti�e sumssocueedbY this Secusity Iastrument wfiether br not the sums a� _
<br /> ltxn duc. ' '
<br /> if tltt Pkq�erty is ab�tda�cd by Borrower.or if after notice bY 1-endet to Bortower that the condemt�or offers to make
<br /> ari awacd ar settk a cl�im far damages.Boaower fails to respaod to l.onder within 3Q days afcer the date t6e notice is given,
<br /> � L,ender is wtl�ized to cotkct and�ppi�the procee�,at iu option.eid�er to restoration or tepair of the Property or to the
<br /> sums secut�ed 6y tt�ic Security Instmmrn�whether or not then due.- ' slwli not eattad or
<br /> Unkss t.ender and Barower atlxswise agiee in writing.any appiication of proce�ds to P���P�
<br /> postpoae t1x due due of the monthly payments refemed to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> l� ��a � �� g�,t gy },� Not a {P9ive� Extension of�he time for payment ar
<br /> - modificatiai of amatizaaa►of tLe sums secured by this Secuxiiu Insuument granted by Lender to any successc►r in mtet+est
<br /> of Aormwer shail aot ap�rate�°rek�e the h�bility of the o�sguial Borrower ot Borrower's successors in interest.l.eader --
<br /> _- —. si�at!not be eequired ro cammcnce pruceedings against any�ess�in i�t�t°�'��to excenA time for payment or
<br /> othe�wise modify amatization of the sums secuced by this Security:[nstr�TM±+�+"b,�reason of any demand m.�e by:the origisial'
<br /> -- Boinnwer or Barower's snccessors in iatenest. A�forbearan�xby Lender�_�ercising any nght or�y stiall not be a
<br /> _ waiver of or pncctude 1he eaercise of any right or�edy. .<., The covenants and a ments of this
<br /> 1L SMnea�ars aad A�i�a+Bowd;J�int aed Seretst l.iabi�ty;Co-si�ers. �
<br /> - . Security Instnui�ent sh►t1 bind and•benefit the successors and assipis of Lender and Bormwer,subject ia the pmrisians of
<br />->�: paragraph 17, Borrower's covenants and agreemenu shaU 6e joint and seversl. Any Iiorrawer who cars�s this Seeuriry
<br /> Insmu�nt but daes nat eaeeute the Note: (a)is�-signing this�Securiry Ins[rument only to mortgage,�t and convey that _ _�
<br /> Borrowa's inteiest ia the Propecty under tHc tecros of this Security lasuumen� (b)is not personally obli�a�.to pay the sums �u�-�:_
<br /> secuned by this Security lnsttumen�and lcl agrees that Lender aFtd any other Borrower may ap�e ta exoe��.�;modify.forbear �,.,�-_-:-
<br /> . or make any accommodarions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument ar the Note without �hat Borrb*�r's• ��=°__
<br /> - consen�. - . : �-
<br /> 13. Laa�n Charges. If the loan secured by [his Securiry Instrument_"ss subject to a law whicb secs ma�cimu�.L�t �`�_
<br /> charges,and that law is finally inEerpreted so thaa the interesc or other loan cF.,ar.ges coltected or ta 6e collected in connectiun . '•��-�_�-
<br />;_:;;Y with the lnan excer.�!the permitted limits.then• (a)aay such toan charge sha�T�e reduced by the amount necessary to reduce �
<br /> h
<br /> the charge to the permiued limi�and(b)any sums already collected from Bomawer which esceeded pemutted limits vr•ill be •
<br /> refunded ro Bar�ower. Lender n�.v°ct�aose to make this refund by reducing the principa{owed under the Note or by maldng a —_____
<br /> . direct payment to Borrower. If a�;nd reduces principal.the s�dnction w�ll be t�eated as a panial prepaYment w�tfia�any
<br /> ,• prepayment charge under the Note. ' —"--=-_--
<br /> -- 10. Notices. Any notice to 8orrawer�_a�-ided for in this Security instrument shall be given isy delivering it or by , ����
<br /> mailins it by flrst class mail untess applicable Ia�•requires use of anather method.'Ihe notice shall be dir2eted to the Property �_„,�,:�:_
<br /> ` Address or any ather addresc Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice ta LenQer shall be given by fitst class :,_:,�,^,t r;�.
<br /> ' fnail to I.ender's addr�ess stated herein or any other uddress Lender d�ignates by natice to Borrawer. Any notice proc���zd.t'or ":�,� -� :;�
<br /> ,. ::-s.-=,:
<br /> � in this Security lnstrument shall be deemed tn have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provide� :-:ahis
<br /> � - =����`_
<br /> � � � p �1S Goveening I.uw:Severability. This Security In�trument shaD be gavemed by federat iaw and Ihe law af the .;_._,�;�_ry;,
<br /> - , jurisdiction in whic6 dse Property is lacated. ln the event ihat any provision ar ctau�e of�his Security Insirument or the Nate �,a��;.
<br /> confticts wiih applicsi6te law,s.:�i contlici chall not affect ather provisions af th's�Security]nstrumem or the Note which can
<br /> c
<br /> . � 6e given effect without the rds�.r7i�:.ing provision. To thi�end the pravi�ions o i t hiti Securi[y lns t r u m e n t a n d t h e Note are _�n���►£;;_
<br /> •.,! ;, decla�ed ta be severabte. �` �` �'�
<br /> ;� 16. Borro���pY ��-��"bWe��halt fie given onc confarmed copy of thc Notc and of thit Securirn Ins�trument. ��.
<br />, � � �� 17. 71r9nsferu-ft�e PtoprMy oe a BenetF�cal Interest ia Borrower. li'aU or anY Part of the Pco�eitt or any interest in , �, �,,;,;,_.
<br /> ��� it i.r•suld or transferted lar iP�beneficial interr,t in Borrower is sold ar tran.Peaed and Borro�ver iti r.at a ns�tural person) ���:�- �
<br /> without Lender�:prior written cansen�Lender may.at itw optinn,reyuire immediate payment in full of ull sums secured by .. ';;E��
<br />-" thisSecuri►Y lnstmment. Nowever.this optian tihull nat bc exerci�ed by Lcndcr ii exerci�e i�prahibited by federal ta:x;�.t of ;' ��i•,���:
<br /> . . the date of this Security Instrument. ' ;�F`°'`�-�'
<br /> • ,, (f Lender exercises this option.Lender tihall give Borcawer natice of accefera�ion. The natice yhall prnvide a period af �
<br /> no�lexs than 30 days from�Ae d�te the natice is dclivered or mailcd within which Borrower must pay all tiums rc�ured by this
<br /> - � Security tnsisttmrnt. If Barrower faits to pay these tiums prior to Ihe expiration of thiti periud. Lender may invoke Any
<br /> � rer�!ies permitted hy this Secu^ty Inytrument without furthcr nnticc ur dem:md c�n Borro���cr. . .
<br /> . ' _ : �.;---- Y8. Borrowers Right td 6tQinstate. lf 8orrower mectti cenain con�itium. 8nnower�hall huve the right W have ,
<br /> enfe�:sement of this Security(n�tcc:ment discontinued at any time prior ro the csriicr of: Iati S duy.(av tiuch�sthec{►ericxt a�
<br /> ' ..:�t SirmtcFsm:ty•-F:a¢eie�Lae:FrtdAk�f�cl'�IfUR�tlrti'fRl"VF:�iT••l�nifurmCurcnant. 9�911 ip�itran)bpac�•r� . '1 ,
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