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<br /> �::'tioc3ET'�R,�TH au We�pno�s;a�r cr Laeifta aecwa'ce ebc�iope�,,i:aod atr�ma�ts.appu�ta�s. .
<br /> . �od fi:ores�r�haa�Eer a pRt af the popaty. Ali rtplaoemmts a�d ad�itioos ah�il a[sa be c�overed 6y this Sec�ity .
<br /> ' b�nmt. AD nftbe fo�eaoio�is te[a�ed tp in dns Securiry Lna�unent at the"Aropetty.". .
<br /> ' HORROWFR�70VENANTS tmi Bono�rrr Is Jsvrfulty seised�of t6e est�6eneby canveyod aad fiia tbe dght tfl graot �
<br /> `aod cairey the�topecty aod t6�t d�e Ptvpesty is�imcumbe�ed.exapt for�of c�coN. Baaower warraots aad
<br /> � wiri defeod�aiaaAy d�e tide w the Pmpe�ty a�unst aU claims and demards:su�ja�to any sncmnbancss of rocQrd.' ,
<br /> � . THIS SECUIt1TY A�SIRUME?NT cu+mbines uniform wv.;tnnts for mtioa�l nse aad aon-w�ifam'covmants witA .
<br /> _.-- �- -limItMxa�by�tocons6a�ea�eifamsoauityir�thaeacroveringcealpiap�erty�. . _
<br /> � � [JNIPORM COYENANTS. Bacrawa iud Lendera�v�et aod ag�ee as follows: '
<br /> l. l��we�t�hi�ei�M a�1�PuP�J�eat s�i I.alr Cl�r� Basower st�ll P�PUY PaY�dae the
<br /> � priocip�i of aad'm�est m tbe debt evi�Jaxxd bY the Note aad anY F�PaY��and jate c6arges due uader the No�
<br /> � i b'�is t�'li�ses atl L■ra■eG Su6jocK to appiicsbie law or to s wntten araivu 6y Leoder.Bamwar s1nU pty w
<br /> ixader on the�y nwat6lY P�Y�sre due under the Nat�w�W tbe Nac is psid in full.a s�un("Ftinds''i far.(s)Y�Y
<br /> taxes�d s�es�r6ents wi�ich msy��cy over t6is Senuity losoroment as a lien oa tLe Ptope�ty:(b?Yatly leasdwld
<br /> • . � paymeats ar ato�aid tdus oa the PYapetty,if any: (c?Y�9 ���PrOP�Y iasiu�ce pnem�tt� (d) yar1Y flood
<br /> �i�nance pe�emiva�,�f aay;(e)Y�Y �E�»p'���If.any;and(�a�►Y�P.�ri�bY.Hocn�wer ta
<br /> Lwder.i�t aocad�ooe widi t6e provisioos of p�rsgrapb 8.in lieu oi tlre payment of mortgage insur.u�ce p�ums. T6ese
<br /> iteaqs a�called"Fsciaw Ita�." Lender mty,u my time,colkst aod hold Fvn�in aa artrount rrot w eacoed t6e muimum
<br /> amouot a{mder fa a federaliy relaRd ri�cgage laan mry raquine for Bormwcr�esaow account�nder t6e tederat Rat
<br /> Litate Setdpne�R Pmcadiars Act of 14T4 as�meeded fran titn�to dme.12 U.S.C.$26(?l et s�q.("RFSPA"1.unkss anotber �
<br /> Iaw�Unt�pplies to the Funds sds a lesatr�mount Jf so.Laider mry.at any tune.colkct aad hotd Funds in an amowit aot to
<br /> .exceed tHe tesser unount. l.etKier may estjmate 1he anwm�t af t�mdc doe aa We bttsis of camnt dua and.teason�ble . •
<br /> est�nntes of expendiwnes of futu�e Ese�w Items or att�erwise ia xcadanca with applieable 1iw.
<br /> '3Yse F�eds sh�ll be heW in an Lutitutiaa wlwse deposits u�iasurod by a federAl agency.ias�umentalit�r.or eatitx
<br /> (includmg i.wder,if Lcader is such�n iruticutioo)ar nt aay Federal Home I.oan Bantc. Lender shalt apply ttie Fands ro PaY
<br /> tbe I?semw Ytems: I.ender may not ahuge Bon+mees for ho}din8��Y�S t6e Funds.wnu�lly analyzing the esemw
<br /> � �ccount,or vetifyiog ttie Escraw Ite�ns,unkss 1.e�Wer p�ys Borrower i�tecest oa the�and appiicable law p�rmits
<br /> Lender to mtke such a chuge. Howe�ret,L�ender tnay i+equize Borrawer to�PaY a ona�e r�ige for an independent nal
<br /> �estau tas.repastirrg service nsed by IxQd�.�r in cannectioa with this laan.ualess applicable iaw�svides ott�er�vise. Unlass an _
<br />-= agtoemeat is�made or applicable law i+�quins intec�est to 6e paid Lender shai[not 6e required'lv Pay Batnwes any Intetest or
<br /> - eunings on the Pbnds. $oaower�nd Le�sder may aga ia writing,however,that interest shail be pa'rd on the Funds. Lender
<br /> "_ ', , s�all give to Ba�+nwer,witMwt chatge,an annual aceotmting of the P�mds,shawing ct�dits and debits to tht Funds and the
<br /> - , pitrpose fa which each debit to tt�e Ponds was made. The Punds aie pledged as additional security for all sums secured by � •
<br />- tfus Sxm�itg insuamet�� ,.
<br /> - If tb�i.�unds held by Lender exceed the amounis permitteA to be held by apptipble law, Lender sUall accaa�t to '
<br /> � . BoimRZr�+rthe oxoess£unds in accor,dan�e with the t�a�uiaemetns of applicabk law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> Lender at aay time is mot sufficient to pay the�scrow items wl�en due.Lender may so notify Bormwer in writing,and,in
<br /> -- s�tch case Eiormwer s�at��aY w Lender the amouat neeescaiy to m�lce up the�cienc.y. Bormwer shall maice up the
<br />= defic�encg bs no mone d�azi twelve mc�hly payments,at L.endtr+s sote discrction.
<br />= UPon PaYment in fult of all se�s secund by this Security Instrument,Lender shaU pr+omptly refund to Borrower any -.
<br />-�` . Funds heid by Lender. If.under par�caph 21,Lender ahall acquire ar seU the PropeRy.Leader,Prior to the acquisidon ot
<br /> - sak of the Ptoperty,stsa°�apply any Funds held by Lencier at the time of acquisitian or sate ag a credit against the sums
<br /> - sec�c�ed 6y this Securicy�.�amen�
<br /> 3. Application af itiyments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all payments reccived by Lender under `
<br /> _ paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:f�rst,to any prepayment charges due�nder the Note:second,to amounts payabte unckr _
<br />= paragraph 2-third,to interest due:fourtb,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Kote. -
<br /> - 4 C6ar6es;Liees. Horrower shall pay all ta�ces,assessments.charges. fines and imposidons amibutable to the -
<br /> - ' Pmpecty which may attain priority over this Security Insd�ument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Borrower _
<br />- shall pay these obligatians in the manner provlded in paragaph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower sh�ll pay theri�on -
<br /> "" time directly to the person owed paymen� Borrow�s�iall promptty fumish to L.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under E.
<br />�- this paraga,�b. lf Borrawcr makes ahese paymenrs directty.Sorrower shall pramptly fumish to Lender receipts evzdencing ' =
<br /> y' ��y�� . �.
<br /> �f` Bo�r�er shall promptly discleau�z any lien wfiich has priority aver this Securiry Instrume.�t unless Borrower.(a)agrees �
<br /> �� — in writing to the pa�me�t of the obliga[ion secured by thc lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender,(b)contesu in good f'aith the -
<br />'�`r lien by.or defands aga�nst enforcement of the lien in,legal praceedings which in the Lender's opinioa operate to prevent the -
<br />�:n enfore�ment af the lae�:�sr(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an agreement sadsfactory to Lender subordinat�ng thc lien �
<br /> '� to this Socxuity Instrurnen�. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject tn a iien which may attain priarity
<br />��.
<br /> over this Sa�atity Insaus.ent,l.ende�r.�ay give Borrower a notice's3enGfying the lien. Horrower shall satisfy the lien or take �.'
<br />�r:; � one or mos�e�f the acDions set faM abave within 10 days of thc gfivi:tg of notice. .-
<br /> 5. Nazard a P�aperty lasurartca Borrow�:shall keep 4�e improvements now existing or hereafcer erected on the �`�
<br /> '' Property insured agaiast toss by fire,hazards inclu�dt within tE�e tetm"extended coverage"and any other 6a�rards,including �"
<br /> -- -- � --" - -_� floods os#Iooding,for which Ixnder requires insur�rce. 'fYrrs insurartce shaSi be maimained in the amounts and for the �
<br /> • �
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