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<br /> �: . .. , ,
<br /> � � �ic�k�hat I.e�kr roq��. The in.wnince tacriee poviding the inwranoc xE�il he N�by�Cxmwer+-uhjeq laten�kr's . .
<br /> < a�or�F whit,fi afi�l nut 1�uncuwrn�hty wi�hhekl. if&xmwer.[ails to m�in�ai�covcrr�r�ks��rihcd ahnve.txi�kr nwy�at '
<br /> � 1.snderL aptioA.a6wiarn+rer.�e ta{xwoctl.srxlerZ nrhts ia thc Prapeny in•rcrerdancc K ilh�•rrs�r'rph 7• ' � , _
<br /> All�mvradce policies wKf�rvatr shall he�cceepwbk co Lender nnd sh•rU inctude a�u,n�i ax�n}.1�e ci�use. Lender • -
<br /> �i}Ipve Yhe ri�to Aotd Rl��wlicies�nd raiewals. tf l.ender requires.Borrower sh�l{prompt{Y�ive to Ler�der all taeipts
<br /> otpud jx�aniwns and r�enewa!notiodF. In the event d loss.&�rtowu si�atl�ive�xompt notice to�he in�ur�nce carriet�and,
<br /> - �- - —[s�let; t.sikkr m3y m�Jce proaf dM�:.itn�1 m�ic�n�ty by 13orr�iwer. _ - _._.._
<br /> Untess Lendrr�d Sorrower olherwut aYree in watieg.i�wr�ce pcaceats�-ri16t appiied!a ratoratian e�re�ait:ot•
<br /> ' tfx Pfroperfy dun�ed,if[Ae restorxion ar rcp�ir is ecanomicalty fasi"bk aM`Lenderr security�is na lessenod., If;�hc
<br /> restaatian or�ep�ir is nat economirally kaiibk or l.ender�aceuriry wcwtd be lessened;ttie iraurai�c�proceeds shatl:bis
<br /> spplied w d�e wn�soewed bY this Saurisy lnsaua�ant,what�er or not thee►�ue.wish aay excas pcdd'ta�8asrowrs.. It: ;_
<br /> Baiower ab�oidoia the Ptoperr,{,a does t�ot a�nswa within:•3b days a notice from i.ender tt�t the ins�rance carritr-li�s , .
<br /> atfaal to sec[k s c4im.thea Leader may colkct the iasu�ance proaeds. Lender n�sy use the jxooeeds ta reppir ao testa�t.
<br /> the Roperry cr to p�y wms secur�eel byth'rs Secucajt.fiauumeru,�wlkthu ar rto�then due. The 30�day Period�wili.�in wKta��:� _
<br /> - tbe trotice is pven. � �
<br /> __ Unlas Lender and Barrowec otherwise�ree in writins.any applicatioa a�+pmceeds to Rrinei�l shall nat e�terad'aai: ,
<br /> _ posrpooe the due data of the�nthty�►yments mfer�ed to m ppsrgr�hs I�ad 2 or change the�unt of�ha payrdaiXS:,tf(
<br /> - uMr,�paragraph 21.the Propetty'is acquired by Lender..BcKtowctI�rigH�to any i�sursnce polic'�es:uW Procesds res�Jti�$�'. _ .
<br />-_ _ from dunaEe to ilie P�operty prior ta the acquis�Uon shali�ass ta C�ender to the esttnt of the soms secured 6y this Seaiiify
<br /> Iiuuwna�t immediately�srior to�he aaquisiciou.
<br />-= 4 Ocd�p�cg. Pc�avatio�. Maisteaawct sud Protection o� tbe Propert�,-Barroarer's Lm� Appiicstioo;
<br /> . Leaseliolds. Bardwer shall occupy,atablish.and use tbe�lioperty as Bormwer�prineipal midence uithin sixty days ifte�
<br /> _- ... . 'the exavtian of this Saurity tnsanm�ent and sha1�cauinucio accupy the Pro�CCty as Barrawer�s principAt ra'rdenc�€ar at
<br /> -- - last a1e ypt afta the date of occupaiicy, unkss I.eiider attxtwise agnees in writin�, which consent shali not be '
<br /> unneasonabty withheiQ ur�.niess eatrnu��anvmst�nces ezist which ane bey�nct Barmx�s c�n�ml. Barrawer�il ne►t . '
<br />. destmy,damage or impair tbe P�aperty.aUaw the Praperty to de[eriorrte,or commie w�ss�e on the Property. Borrower sh�ll
<br /> be in default if any fodeiture sctian or pmooed'mg.whether civil or crimi�al,is besun ttta[in Leadu's gaod fxith judpnenc
<br /> = coutd rcsuU in fotfeitw�e af the Praperty ar.a�herwise macerialty impair the lien,crqted by this Security tnstiument ar. . _
<br />- �� ' �L.ender�se�curity inter�st. Borroxr,r may cure such a defauic aad i+einstate.ati Qrovided in p�r-.+grapb 1 fi,by causin`g the xtion
<br /> _ : . or prtxeeding to he di��missed w�tb a mliAg tha�in Lendeos gaod fai�h detertnin�iian,prcclucks forfeiwre of the Bormwer�s
<br /> ., , intae�in the 1'r�crty ar ather material impaim�enl of tAe lien c�icd by Q�is Sccvrity ln,Trumeni or Lenctes�serusity
<br /> �- •• incetesG Borrowa shaU also be In default if Horrower„ during the loan applic:{tion proceu. gave materiafly false or
<br /> �accu�ate infom�atcon ar�tatemrnts to Lendtr(ot failed to pmvide Lender with any materwl information)�connectic�e with :"
<br /> . � .�: � ct�e lo�n evidencec3.:by;ihe No[e, including, but not limited ro,ieprese�srations conceming Borrower�occupancy�:c�°.t6e ."'�
<br /> * Piopeay as a pdncipaFiesideace:�tf this Security lnstrument is�ir.a lr�A1d.Barower shaA compty witnail the p�,TU�qans
<br /> ;r:,� , of the lease. If Borrowerac�}�'es tea title[o the Praperty.thc�casetw;da.'sd ehe fa tide shall nat merg�unlas Lenderagras ---
<br /> ` .� to the merger in writing:. . ' •• : : � :
<br /> - 7.,`Prntediau,af�I�r's Rights iQ�t�ie Prnperty. Tf Barrower�fails ta pedartn the cavera;�ris�und asrcements �-�—__—_--
<br /> • ,^ contained in thia'SaeuRty:�ir.'straa�!oc�therc is a legal pmceeding that muy significantly affect I.�:it:.`r�rights in �he ��
<br /> Y.�, Pm�erry(sueh ns a prneeed►n�.��tl�nkrup�cy.�rabate.far c��demnati�a or forfeimre ar to enf�rce I1NS o��regulatipns�),then �'�""`���--
<br /> • ' ' ` Lcndermay da and pay fo��.hhtever ix nacex5ury�o prorecccihts v:�tuc�f�he Pri►peny.md Lenders rishtr in B�w Prcqs:Tty. ` r'-•`�r ��a
<br /> � - l.ender's•rCtions may inctude puying any sums seeured by a 1i�n which has priority over this Security lns�trumen�a�iing - ��''�' `
<br /> . in court.paytng reasonable anorneys'fees and entering u»the Propercy ta make repain.Although Lendu may tak���fu�� � ;
<br /> under this para�raph 7.l.ender does not have to do so. � ' � =
<br /> _ My ama�nts disbursed hy Lender unda�his parograph 7 shall becomt additional debt af Horrc:�securtd by this
<br /> Securi�y Instrument. Unless Borrowerand Lenderagra to athcr terms of paymenb Ihese amaunu shall brat intaest fram the ��,,;�u
<br /> date of disburseaxnt at the Plate rate and shnU be a abte,with inttres�u n notice from l.ender to Barrawer r uesting ��• .•._`ai.I�'���_
<br /> P Y Po e+l ,s;����.;:.�
<br /> paymem. � �''a�ir:':
<br /> j S. 1ltortgage Insu�ance. ff Lender required mortr::._e�intiur�nce us u condition of m:iking the'.`.�an secured by tbis � .
<br /> Seeurity ln.r�trument, Roru�wer,Iiall puy ihe�r�.�niums�ec;�::�d tn m��imain ihe mangs�gc inzumnco ir_,effec�. Ii.far any � ' � -.
<br /> reation,the munguse insuranc��uver.�e reaui-:d by Lc^:S;r lapses a; c�sev�u be in effect. Nurrawer xhull p:�y the (. • ,
<br /> � �' prcmiums rcquind to obtain:�sverage subs:ar.:ialty eq�::.�rw;:: to Ihe r.-.rsr.�ge insurance pieviausly in effeec, at a cost • �
<br /> ' ' k. su�.YantiuUy equivalent to tht�to Hc�rrawer M the mc�-�R:insurance prtviausly in effect.from an altemate mc�r`age .�. -
<br /> _ ic�suces nppraved by Lendcr. E:;;:.bstan�i:�lly eyuivs�tent mnF=�pe insunncc rnvemge i�nnt:�vs�ilabte.Borrower shall;s�,y ta �
<br /> ,,.� Lender wch mon�h a sum equal to anatwelfth af the yrrrly'r�ortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when�he - ,���=
<br /> . insuranc,e coverage lapsed or ceased ro be in effect. Lender w�U accept,use:s.�3 rctain these payments as a loss rese'rve In lieu � � '
<br /> �' ' ot mongage intiur�nce. Loss reserve�raymenta may na longer he�equired,srt Ihe op�i�n of Lender,if mnngage insursince ' , � '
<br /> F ' ':� cover.�ge tin tIx�mnunt und foe the penixl that l.cndcr requirsx?providecl by an imurer:ippmvcil hy Len4cr ugsiin decamcs
<br /> � • ;�,;;� available and is obt�incd.�orro•w�et shvll pay the premiums e�i+ired io mnintnia martgage:nsur.�nce in effect.or to provide:� j .
<br /> ' ..'�`�;���'• las reserve,umi)Iht reyuirer.;.n�fnr mnng:�ge inyuranee e��:�in accurdunce with an}���•taTrn:��;reemrm heta�ecn Bnrrnwer
<br /> '"=-= � - and Lenderc�r;�licabte taw. � •
<br />- t 'i;T$.�_:.:. -� . � ' .
<br /> �� �,, x; •. 9. Inspeciiun. Lenda or its ugent may m:ike rca�on:�Me entries upon and in�pec�ions nf the P.r�;,�.rty. Lendet alud!
<br /> give Borrower notire a�the tir�e of or priar to.in inspec�ian s�;rif j•ing re:�.anuble csiu�e far thc inspeccr«;.
<br /> ,�.�.„','�:-R lA:�Cundemnutlnn. TJ�C jrttl'CC<Iy Of:m�•:�H•ard ur��l:�im�fur ct:ima�rs,dircci ur cn:ti�c��eicri�iat.�n�„nncr�icm�ritb:my r ,�3;'
<br /> -�-�if�r;ad;•�. �_"•
<br /> ' . •., �".� ci��t,'±�e:fiily+--Fa�mltllut/}irdd"u�AKl�fIfUk111Nti'{Iil'AtO:N!'--I.r.�r,�t•t'a�e�.�r.., �iWl Ipu;r?�r.ti�:�,�:,•.a {. :�,
<br /> :���*;`.':�; .. .
<br /> - .��,. . ,'•'�' . . f.rrv:.t:sS�smacYmhs txa.�� ���`'� .
<br />; .��►.t:Y:�s_:`.�1-.� �a(rtG�r I,tl; :sv�a;:r;h:1;Ef;'.YiM G:.i:'�t 1C�! ' .
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