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<br /> . ;A - � '� � ' . , .' ' � .i ,._2..
<br /> - "" ''.:"'i'• . _ _– - ' .,.. . ___ _""–_.__-- __ _. __ ' _. '-._..—
<br /> ' � '` . _ :� –�. . � .. . \` . .. . ' �_. .. � ._' � - .
<br /> .--c...�. :Jt .. . ' ...v . . .C.•5 . C . . '. ' . � � .. , . . . , , ." _ .
<br /> • .� . _ 105��
<br /> ; -
<br /> . . . � �. Toc�tc w�.�����«�a�n no�«�e�oea oR�,�,►. �.�"�. ,
<br /> � aod f�xara now«�e�fier i p�et of the p�vpeny.` Att tepl�oema�cs md�ddidons shatt atso be_oorered bg tbis Savacg . .
<br /> � 6qt�uroa�t AU of the fae�aing is tefeaed w in this Security I�wneocps the"P�opetty" . . ,
<br /> . AORROWER COVENANTS thu Harrowet is tawFully seisod of tbe estaze he�eby ca►veyed and das the�Fght to gmt �
<br /> ': �od convey d�Property and t6at tDe Prope�ty is una�cumbaed.ezcept for encumtxa��a of recoN. Barmwer Wamnts aad •
<br /> � w11 ddad�eaer�ily tAe titte tQ�!u PmpertY a�,�insE all clauas aid demsnds.su�bject w 9ny eacum6rao�s of raca+d.
<br /> TWS SECUg1TY INSTR�JI�FIT.can6ines 4�� wvenanu fa'mtionot use aod tron-uuufa�m oovawus with
<br /> - -- - -._. . . - - � � - -- - -
<br /> limited v�adoos by,ju�iSdict�to ccmUnite a uooifono sacucity iastrumeot coverin8rqt p�opncY• . ,
<br /> TJNIR7R.�C�OVENAMS. Borrower uid Lender•coveamt ud agnx as follows:�
<br /> L Ftj�nt d�1�d Iatersst;Pre�t!7p��s�d Lst�Ci� Bormwer s1�aoc�tlY P�Y�dae d�e
<br /> priocipl of aad inlaestaa tbe debt evideaaced byt tbe Nae aad.any�pnpayment and tate ch�rges duc under drc Note.
<br /> S.� Fi�i�fec'I�es s�Lwe�ee. Subje�t m�appl�cabie�Uivr ocw a w:.spne waiver by Larder.BamMer sTnll paY to .
<br /> I.ender on the dry a�oottilY paYme�a m�dne'm�dar d�d�Nae.wwl;tha[Naoras�paid in full,a sum("Iim�"}for:(aa�Y�Y
<br /> . wces aa�ausaa�neats wbich maY atnin prv�scY,over,tl�s Secvriry.�ismusxnt as a lien oa tbe Prnperty;(b)Y�Y�
<br /> PRY�a �rents m the Propatg.rltilKtY�.(c)Yarly 6armd,br�gioperry ia�u�ace prcmi�(�B Ywer�
<br /> ins+aaox pce�niwas,�f any:(e) Y�Y��V��if�ny:wd (fl.�Y�P�Y� bY
<br /> Isader.in�aad�nce wrth tbe pmvisjaac of p�ragrapft 8,iu lieu of the payment of mortgage i�ce premIums._These
<br /> iu�s ara caljlad"Fscmw Items' l.ender may,�t any tbae.coUect and hald Ii�nds in an amount not to eacad tbe AuunmwoqE
<br /> - amaaiu a laubr far a fedenllY n��S+Se tou►may requir+e for BoROwu's esccaw accouot.under tLe federat Ral
<br /> , Estsue Stulement•Ptuced�ces Act of 1974 a��mended itoat titt�W time.l2lT.S.C.§2601 u seq.("RESPA'7.untess arwtha
<br /> - 1aw tl�t applies to tbe Fueds sets a tesser aWno+m� If so.l,end�er msy,at any time,colIcct aad hold Fvr�ds ia w aawunt aat w
<br /> - _ excad tbe iesser unount. Le�ed4s nnY��a�Ge t6e amount�Fw�ds due a►the basis oE cv�rent claq aad nisan�bie
<br /> - . �stim�tes of e�wKS of fature F�crow Iteau or othawise ia accocdance with applicabk law. .
<br /> - . . 'll�e Fuads s1�11 be held in aft it�stitutian wbose deposits ue uuuted by a foderal agenry,instrumeataiirs.vr eatiry
<br /> - (inciuding.I.eMer.if Leader is such mt ins6tution)a in any Federal`Home I.oan Bank Leader s�W1 applp th��?�s[o PsY ',
<br /> the Escro�r I�ass: Lender may not chuge Bormwer for hokGag and applying the Futds.umuaity a�iyzc�c.r�e�scrow
<br /> , accamt,ot va�i'YinB the Fscrow Ite�ns,untess Lender p�ys Baruwer inurest on the Fupds and app�cdb3�•t3w pemuts
<br /> i.endra to maYe sncb a cbarge. However.Lender may require Borcowa to pay a onatime chazge for aa�i�endeat nal
<br /> � estate tau repor6ng seivice used by Lender In colmectlon with this toaA,pNess applicabk!aw provides�s�-Unless an �____-.
<br /> agament is made ot appticable law requires iate�est w be pai0.Lender shall nat 6e cequired to pay BoaoRer ais}+inurest or _ -
<br /> eaanings on the Fvnds. Boaower arsd I�ender may agcee ia wnting,however,that iateiest shall be paid on the Fttnds. l.ender, ___
<br /> �. s6aU give to Boimwer.witbout charge.aa anaual acconnting af tbe Funds,showing credits and debit�to die Funds and the ' _-
<br /> _ -. - purpose for wtuch eaci�debit to the Fuads was mada The Funds are pledged as additional s�for all sums sacumd by = _ ---
<br /> - this Secaricy Iasonrmen� . f_.�
<br /> If the Fands held by Lende�exceed the amouats permi tt e d�o b e held by applicable 1aw,Lender s��accouq[to �
<br /> •� �wer fos the excess Fuads in accordance with d�e�egwremenu of appiicabie taw. 1f the amount of tbe F�3s held by
<br /> �?^t=:-
<br /> .. . ;B.�der at any time is not sufficient w pay the Escrovc�tem�when due.La�der�a.5''so notify Borrawer irt�"''-�;.�+�. �.
<br /> � _,':`' � . . svi�case�asawer shaU pay to Lendcr the amoant necessarY to saake ap tht daficieaey. Bonowet str�:�ke up the. : :�:�;_��;
<br /> �'��.�`� " de£scieac�usao more than twelve mom�t�paymenu,at Lender s sole c�scredon. � ' . -c-ia��;:
<br /> �,; �' .��,, • . UPon payment in fuli of a11 sums securod by this Security Insu�ent,Lenc."r shall P�or�tF�-nfund t4 Bcsirower a� ' �u`•��.'�:;.
<br /> � �unds deld by Lender. If.under ParagraPh 21,Lender shall acguire ar sell the P�erty.l.endei,prior to the ar�1isitian or .-,_ -
<br /> � 'sale of the Propetry.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acq��an or sale ac a�redit against the sums . _
<br /> �' secured by this Security Iaswmen� • .
<br /> '• 3. Applicattoo ot Payments. Unless appIicable !aw provides otherwise.all payments re�eived by Lender und�
<br />,. .-��� paragiaphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fust,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second.cr�amounts payable undee � •
<br /> ;�,_ paragraph Z:third,ro interest dua fourth.to ptinc�pal due:and las�to any late charges due under�Note. : _
<br /> . . 4. C6uga; Liea�.' Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments.charges.fines artd lmpositians attrib4Zable to Ne
<br /> : `r � propetty whtch may attaia_�zioriry over this Securiry Inmument,and tease ho l d payments ar ground rems�af ac�g.�Sprrower - - __
<br /> ` sball pay these obliga6ons ia the manner provided in paragrayb 2.or if not paid in that manner.Bormwer str�I��Say them on ` ���_ -
<br /> , " time dire c t ly to t he person owe d p a y�r:e m. B o r r o w e r s h a l l p r o m p U y f u m i s h t o L e n d e r a l l n o d c�s o�a m ounts to 6e�paid under _
<br /> .� ' ,`
<br />;;;`�,'.'�+', , `K this para�gaph. If Borrower makes�:es.>�ayments directly.Borrower shall prompUy fumish ta Q.ender receipcs evideacia� '� • -
<br /> ,°<:�.. thepaytnents. � .
<br />:�:�:� - Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over tl�is Securiry lnswment�:Iess Boma�er:(a)agrecs %
<br /> in wridng to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable ta Lender;(b)contesu i�s�uwd faith tt�e ,��.-`` �
<br /> d i n s w h i c h i n t h e L e n d er's o inion te fs p t event t'Ee� • ��'�i�<<��'
<br /> � lien by.or defrnds agalnst enfarcement of the lien�n.legal procee g P � 3 .;,-_:
<br /> ' ''° enfactment af tho lien;ar(c)secures from the hotder of the i�en an agreement satisfactory ro Leader subordinating the liea • - _-
<br /> to this Securiry Insirumen� If Lender determines that ony part of the Properry is subject to a lien which may attain priariry � .
<br /> . ��"� . .. . . .
<br /> ,. over this Security lnstrument,Lender may give Borrower a noticc identiiying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy t*e lien or take
<br /> ;��.:._i �;•' � one or more of the actiars set fanh above within 10 d,�;�s of the giving of nottce. • =4:'�'•,: . ' '
<br />. `, . :i,.,.._ .
<br /> ' 'i `•t-..� "� S. H�sd or Pr6gerty Insurance. Botrow�-er�a11 keep the improti�ea:.�c�now existing or hereaf[er ecected on the
<br /> - '-''��_��'`=r'-�-`=�- P►operty insured ag�inst Ioss by fue,ha2ards included within the tecm"exte^ded coverage"and any other haza.�s,includiaa ' `'�:_
<br /> �'�,���' ` floods or ftmoding, for which Lendec requires insurance.�This insurance shaU be maintained in the amounts and for the . � �•
<br /> .. N,�.;� • '�; .
<br /> •!�' ;1�:��� :; Fwm3016 9I�1 (Du4e2oJ6pogesl �� �'�' ..
<br /> '':;�. .
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