�_ _ .;_ _ j.r, ,:r.i. . . �'- _ '.'S.M
<br /> i . . _(..t:` �� � .. . _. _ .. . . . _ { .
<br /> p=. . ..� � .' ''[ _ ' _ - .,...'"'. _.w. - - -_ --�._�56._.zf`}.
<br /> � � _ . . . y C . . , .. . .. -.. ' - .' .. _ J_S- .
<br /> " • � f t < . , . . . _. �� t. � .. �.� ����� � '•j, _ � T�.
<br /> _ . ��;,:., 1.��' .
<br /> pe,ri�d+c da�t l.��nda�g�ii�es.,.Tf�a�a�ee caRier providin�tde jnsuiance stwll tic ita�en iry Bcx�nwrc�utyoet to I.e�tert�.
<br /> , __� appoval wAich�fali mt tie wre�waaa6ly Mrwhireid. �if 8arovrer f:d�to m�intain cuvcru�:�ksCribMf�bave.Laida mdy:ak.�.__'. _ -
<br /> � l.eederl�op�ian.obain ooireragc to praiect t.ender3�ri�►in the Proparty ia arcordanre wi�A purs►yr�ih?.
<br /> ` . AII ix�aaca pdictes�w!raiew�s slat!be accep�a6k to lrender and sl�tl i�lwk A xt:uKlacrl nw�8a8e clnuse. l.e�kr
<br /> . : e1�F{bav�e the ri�ht to hotd the poC�cies and ip�ewsls. If Ladec nqui�e�Bwtower stwll pramplty��lve ta i.ender aU resxipts
<br /> of p�W pamiu��nd trcnewat naices. In Ihe tvmt oP Mss,8orrorver shall give{xampt aotice to the insur.uue c�icr and
<br /> Le�rler. L�eml�r may,mhta p�noPni k�s.�if rat made�xom�ly by R�xmwer �
<br /> - ,--Unles+lsader.aed Narawu ahecwise.ayee,in writing,inwr�nce pcacaJs shait he appt'�ed to nest�ian ar�ir of
<br /> ' tht ptope�tY dam�ed.if the teuaratioa ua r�ir is eca�omicalty feasi'61e and Lende�s�tity fs ziat t�d. ff tt�e
<br /> ,. rcs�aa�ion or�eprir is rot eca�amirr{Cy'te��e ar Lerdcr'�secvnty�tuuld ba kssa�e0.the iaw►ance�xucroeds shal!be .
<br /> �ppliod w tbe sums socuRd by this Seauicy'InsotumeM,wiKther ar not thete ct�e.vviQ�aar►y excess p�idto Eormwer. tf
<br /> � Banowe��bans tNc Property.a�does aot mswtr v►dthin 30 days a natice frrni►.i.et�der thit the in���s c�rriei has
<br /> ot�od to feuk a etpim.qKn t.�.�ndee ma�coHoct t�e i�oe pm000ds. Lendar nsay teRe iht p�oceeds to repoir or resto�+e
<br /> . _. 18r1+loge�t or to pay swns securod Fsyv:l5i�Saaqcit�;.TasOn�;.wl�iet Aa n4t t1�e due. The 3Q�day period wi116egi�i v�tKSr.
<br /> di�rsutiet�a rven. " • - �
<br /> " , Ubkss t.endec aon�$a�towae ollk[wise�c'a�p��it'i�s�nY apptication of pmceais to prineipal s6o1�noc exzend or
<br /> - patpone the due dat�o�8Se maNhly PsYments refcrtYdto ia pnragr�ph.�/a�d 2 or ctwnge tfie amaunt of thc pnynams. Tf
<br /> T_ � undec pangrapFt 21 tti�,Pt�p�F is acc�uind by[.ende�.Romnwera rigllc is�►aay insur�policies ard procoeds�+esuttiag
<br />:�;- . front dtmaae to the P�npeit�F'p�'����W����it pwsg to i�ender to tlse extent of tGe sums secuced tsy this Security
<br /> (mtnnneMimmediuely prior ta the aequisition. -
<br />-_ f� Qeerp�cy. �'rauvatia�. M�Mte�s�ce asd PrMection of ti�e PtopertY: Rorrurver's La�n AppBcatlon; ---
<br /> - I.ateMolds. Qartowu shal!occupy.esta61is6,and use the Property us Rarrower�s princ�pal nsidenca within siaty days after _—
<br /> - the eaecutidn of�his Savriry Inshument and shall cauinue to ocwpy the Prope�ty as Bartowets princi'paf�esidence for�t. ------
<br /> � ? ieast are year afrcr the datc of oocupnncy,.unkss Lender aherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not b� ___
<br />;:s� umeasanaMy withhcid.or unfess extenuating cu¢umstances eaist which are beycsnd licxaswcr�s control. B�xrowcr shal!na —_
<br />�: desltuy,d�msge or impnir the PropMy.aQow the Property to detesioratc,ar cammit wa.ue on I h e P r o p e ay: B a R a wcr s h u l l - _-
<br /> -= be in defauft if any farfemae action or prucading.whether eivit ac crininwb is begun that in Lendes's good faitl�judgment ---
<br />. cauld �ssult in forfeiturc of the Ptaperty ar aherwise m�arially impair the lien crcated by this Secucit��f�strument or ;,,„��___
<br /> � - "i L.endera aecurhy interes� Bormwer may cure such�defnult and ninstate.as provided in pat�graph 18,by cra�ig tl�e action �rses.
<br /> ���_
<br /> y.,, � �or procecding to be 3i�nissod wttb a�ling tbas.-in�.eadccs ga,d f3itd determinatian.Precludes forfeituce efd�e BorrowecS .-. ���._:-_.- ---
<br /> 3::,:`.d�.;.:,:;...
<br /> intenest in tt�e�en�ar aher material impnimu.mt of the lien created by Ihis Secuary I�trunx�rt or{.enifer'�security :yt-�,�,�,�.
<br /> � intenesl. Borrower shal) also 6e in defuult if Borrower, �uring 1he foan application �c, gave materially false or rv�--�'�-
<br /> . � , inaccurate informadon ar staterne,nts to Leader toc failed to provide Lender with anp inateriai�rifonnation)in connection with ;*,���_
<br /> . ��._ tire loan evidenced by the Note, ineluding. but mpt limited to,representations ccxicemin Borrower�s oecu of th� '-��x= ��_
<br /> s �y ,<<; �
<br /> ' � ' Property as a prir�cipal�es�e. if tbis Security IrEStrumeni is an a leasehold,Basrnwer shall comply witb aU the pravisians . _: �:_- -
<br />�� •�� oE the kase. If Harawer uires fee title to the PrapeRy.�he leasehotd and the fce tide shall not merge unless Lender agrees ���T���
<br /> , . acq ---�
<br /> '. , �f ta the merger in writin� ��'�<-•
<br />'. t�-x 7. Protectloo a�Lender's Ri�ts in the Prnperty. [f Barmwer fails ta perform the cavenants�nd agrcements ���r�=
<br />-���;•' .� cantuioed in this Seeuriry Instrumeest;or there is a,lesal praceeding that may signiGcantly aifect I.ender's•rights in thc ��"�"�-��'
<br /> �:�.
<br /> . �: FropeRy(such ux a proceedmg in bankruQtcy.p►tA6r-,�.�,far caademnntian ur fart'euure or to enf�rce laws or n�utations).theo �•: _ ,':�?� �•
<br /> "."�� " ` L.ender may d�And pay far wh�tever is aeces�c,a c�s rntect�he vulue af�he n rnd l.rixlerk ri �its:i,r��e Pro `�` `,,'-;±'� -
<br /> P � Y' 8 PertY• �•:�;.`�--�_•
<br /> - •Y�" ;�r I.ender3 xtions may include paying any sums ser�reQ by o Ilen which hns priarity over�his Sr.curity Instniu-u:.t,appeartr,g ( t�
<br /> � in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repuirs.AUhaugh Lender may take acaiari k • `,�• '�-'
<br /> ' ' ?'�;;�' under this patagraph 7.L,ender does nc�t have to do so. t. � .
<br />' . �'t< '' :+ Any amoums disbursed 6y Len�er under this para�aph 7 sha116ecome AdJitiana�debt af Borrawer secured tsy this , ,.,��
<br /> ;" ''� �i ,. Sccurity Instrumen� Unless B�xrower and l.tnder agree to uther terms of paymem.these amauots shaU bear interest from�he ..:.=-__
<br /> . ; .:� date af disbur.�en►ent ac t�hc Nac rnte And shall tx.payabte,with intere�.upon naticc fram Lender to 8orrawer requesting :�__
<br /> �. '�",�:�� • ' payment. T--
<br /> !-�`�'�'-z S. Mortgpge Insaranea Ii l.ender reyuimd moags►ge inxurnnee ac a canditinn��f makins�he ic�an tiecured by this • �-
<br />`-.; �.�. �`-�!'�{�'�f ' Securlty Instniment, Horrower tihtdl pay the premiums requircd fw m�imuin the mongage iaru�uacc in effcc�. If,far Any "r=��.
<br /> . :.. ..:.�s• �'_ �-�--
<br />�i�;f`, � � rcason. �he mi�ngabe insurunce roverugc r�.�uimd by Lr.nder''i�i�ws or ccaxcs ta tx: in effccl. Horrower tihu11 puy �he � . � s-`�
<br /> <�:�;•� • . ..
<br />�'`� �� ,,:�;�'=: " premiums uired ta a�i::n cavera e Sub,taniw;CC�� uivalei:c•::�ihe mort u e insurance revioust in ef&et,ut a cost : '��-
<br /> , �1 S v �c S b`, P Y �. , t,-yr:_�-•_
<br /> •� � ��•'.j tiubstantially eyuivaleae r�.�c�e cost ta Barrawer�E Q.7e�:drtgaie:it�.�urance prev�ou,ly in effec►,iram Aa atte�c'ate martgage . =_ ___
<br /> r "',r",". insurer uppmved hy l.en:rtr_ IP sub4tantinlly e��iuc�u�t mor[ga�-�mtiunmrc cavrr.�ge is nut avnilahlc.Borrcwer shap�rry to • : � ____
<br /> ' . Lendcr e�ach memth u sum equab td o�r��wcifth oi'thc y�:�rly mcar�3ge insur.incc premium bcing priJ by Borrawer when Ihe : �--
<br /> e• -
<br /> ` insurnacc caveragc lap.ted arc�r�i��e in effect. Lender will ncrept,usc und ret.+in these paymentK ns a lacs rescrve in lieu , �.�-_-
<br /> .. _ ai mangage in.tiumnce. .l�usrr r��:�;pnyments m�y no langer l�e rcyuired.t�t�he opti�n��f l.ender.ii maAgage iacurance � . --��--•
<br /> cover.�gc lin the amaune a.a��e�RR�,xriixl�ha1 lA��cr re��uires)praviQcd hy su1 inzarc�uppmvcd By Lender f�giiin herat�es ( , � . �: :`�,.
<br /> � � . � availabte and is obtaincn�.C�.�^-ehzc s..tiatt pay�hc premiumti requircd M maintat�i.n.or�gagc in.surancc in tffect.or to provicte A � • _ .
<br /> . ���, • lc�.c rea+erve,until Ihe tey�uiri�trcl f.�±�inrtgage intiz�r,in�e endx ln accurdunce.'�ii!'�:my written a�recnxnt het�veen Borrower � .
<br /> ,. ,
<br />'`�;',�• ' :�� ''�7s,�i,•.�' And l.ender or n�licubie taw. : ?''`�
<br /> ::^'+�'rc.=�,..:.••. i�� �!'� `��'
<br />•��:<' 4. lnspection. l.ender or its agent may m:+ke reasonahfe entrics upan ancl inspectianx of thc Praperty. l.ender�Ita[3 ;
<br /> - •� i�:�.i�^-�:��-��;.�-" give�orrower notice at the time of ar pri��r w an inspecfiem speci�";�rtil rc„�sunat��e euuse far tlee i�tipectiuR �.- _.__.
<br /> ; �' 's'�.. � 7. � . .
<br /> � i=-.••-�':.: • 111 (.onArmnalion. Thc pr�xecdy of any a�harA ar cl.�im tisr damage�.i�:r�t ur cumcyucntiul.in cc�nnection wi�b:my '�
<br /> � ���,: .
<br /> �#�,���-. . . SingWWamily..Fannirll•re�#dielHvclltil6'11R111Nti'1'Rt.S1Y.YP-•Und'onot'oven•rnh 919i �pe,�e3�,j61N�,�e�J . '
<br /> . tY�'ySi�:�,;� IJt:�lytriBWnea�VtaM.te[.� � '
<br /> I�-� � �.•j ��S�r. . � . . to tMkt 1;�II.t,9(�M1.'��7t11907�O Y,S101&7U4p31 �
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