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<br /> � _'�+»----�-' .' _ _,.. ._._........
<br /> _ ' wi,M,..:_. . . ._ -..__. -� -
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<br /> � , � •
<br /> =: �g6`.. ���ai�i����� _-
<br /> A• b� otherwi�eaac�x d by the pax�tiee in�wri ing. except �e n��Y ..
<br /> N� �In�n�ai.n the building end its improvemen�s and a]1 per�onal
<br /> proper�y sr�ld under �he p�rties' Cok���:ac� �or SaZ� �£ Iter,7
<br /> Estmte, in good condition end xepdir.
<br /> �, pr�X all general a�nd speaiai ta�xes a�nd all special aesessmsnte
<br /> of every kind levied nr easessed dgainat nr due upon said
<br /> property before delinquenay� d�n��o� s ch taxes.�E�EFIGIARY
<br /> Gopies of receipta show3nq p ym
<br /> D. Procure anc'. main�ain p�licies of atl-risk insurance on said
<br /> 3.mprovements, in sums and undexwritten }ay compt+z�ies acceptable
<br /> to the BENEFICIARY, in an amaunt of a� least One Hundred FifCy
<br /> Thousmnd Doll.ars ($150,000.00) , which poli.cie� sht►11 name the
<br /> �EtiEFICIARY �s ac?c��t�ionnl i�naurad, with the� losg praaeed�;
<br /> p�►yr�le to the parties as t�h�ir intereste may a�pear
<br /> h�reunder. TRU"STORS agreo to provide BEHEFICIARY with capies
<br /> of auch polic�.es ar certifa.cates of inaurance duri.nq t&e term
<br /> of this indet��edness, wbich pnlicies of insurance may not be
<br /> aar�cel].ed by said car.rier wi�hout fifteen (15) days written
<br /> noti�e to BENEFICZARY.
<br /> TAUSTOR3 covenan� and agree that a failur� to make any -
<br /> p�yment, eifiher principal or intereat, on the No�e seaured hereb�v ,.
<br /> when due and pnyable, or a fgilure to comply with any of the
<br /> i:vvciac�T'=�� �:�� ��'-"AAmpnte herein ma�de shall caus� the whol�e sum af
<br /> money hereby secured to become immediately due and ao3ia�Liu=o �� '
<br /> the option of the 13ENEFiCIARY, and BENEFICIAEtY sha11 ha�ve the righ�. . :,,. ,
<br /> to cause Notice o�� D�fault to bc� gaven and the premises to be soJ.d. � :
<br /> as provided hereii�: � . � �
<br /> T�� �,�i�iels 'mutually agxee as follows: •�
<br /> A. At aa� time and from time to time upon written request o�
<br /> � ,.a��^.YYY��„ ^f tri a need af
<br /> BENEFICIARY, payment of £ees r�iiu Y'"""
<br /> Truat and the Note for endorsement (in case °without
<br /> reconveynnce, for cancellation and retention),
<br /> a�ffacting the liability of any person for the payment of the
<br /> indebtednesa, �ROSTEE neaY (a) cons�nt to tho making of any map
<br /> or plr►t of suid property; ib) �oin in granting any sasement q;�.,.,.
<br /> oin in anY�
<br /> crsatinq any restriction tht�reon; (�) � �
<br /> subnrdination or ot,h�sr aqre�ment e�ff�a�ting this DeQr� of Trust .
<br /> or the lien or charge thereof; (d) �econv�y this Dee�;�f Txust , ,
<br /> or th� lien ox� aharge thereaf; (d) reconvey, withaut��r�.rrxinty, .
<br /> � a11. or eu►y gart of said �S�operty. . � .,;. ,: .: ..
<br /> a, �,��:�grantee in any_.��eed of Raconveyana� may be aie�'c�ib�d as •
<br /> ' '' ++��e. parso�. ar perbona enti.iclod t�eseta", and tih�: rec�.�als
<br /> • � tt�eYein nf �a�ny matters or:.��cts shall be �o;�clusive proof cif
<br /> the truthf�ulness thereof. ��` '
<br /> C. Upon default by '���sTORS in the payment of. ir�debtedaess '
<br /> secured hareby or � in the perfarn►ance of any 'e�greement
<br /> hereunder, BENEFICIARX ma��t declaxe all mums secursd hereby
<br /> immediately due anc� payat��.m bg deli.ve�cy to TAUSTE]E of writt��.
<br /> declaration of default. I� BENEFIGIARY desires said propertf
<br /> � tcy be sold, �hey shall de�aosit with TRUSTEE this De�� of Trus�
<br /> ar,a a11 pramiesory notes and docusnents evidencing e�enditures
<br /> secux�ed hereby, and shall deliver ta TRUST�E � �p be soldlin
<br /> _r .._r_..,.. a�a nicr.�inri ta cause s�id proparty_ _,
<br /> � Vl {dGLOVi� �� �-____'_ . ...
<br /> the form required by law, wha.ch �h�tl be d�1y Yiled =or �-e��i�
<br /> by TRU3TEE.
<br /> ��) A�ter the Yapse af sur,h time ds may be �equired by law
<br /> - (presently beinq one (1) mnnth followinq the racordation
<br /> of sai.d Notice of Default) , Notice o£ Defau2t nnd No�ice
<br /> of �ale having been given me requirecl by law, TRU�TGE,
<br /> without demand on TRUSTORS, shell sell said prop�rl:y on
<br /> No�ico of S le,�at public auctionato �the h�ghe t biddera
<br /> ..2�.
<br /> _
<br />