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<br /> th• puz�cha�e price pnyc�l�ls S.n lewfut molfgy a# the U�r�ted
<br /> 8tat��s �ti tt�e timo ofi r�r�l�. The pereon aonductin� tha
<br /> na�� m+��, tor. sny r.dtiRR he c�eeme� exp�dient, postpone the
<br /> �r�1� i��t;� �.�.bi�a �� ��:;�u� �x;i::�.l �.5; whalY �� cor�le*cd and i�
<br /> �v�ry �uah cA�e, nol:ir.A of post�onement shdll be given by
<br /> publf.� �i�eclAration thsr.c�o� by euch p�rson et the tima and
<br /> - plac�•l��at appointed S?�r �he sale; provided x if the sa].e
<br /> _ is pa�tpnned tor longax �hnn one� (1) d�y bexond �the day
<br /> desigmated in the Nori,rA of �ale, notice thexedf shal� be
<br /> • q�.vdra i� Che aame mann�x as tihe originAl Idotice ag �ale.
<br /> mRUS��I� shall execut�.e �nd deliver to the purcht�aer his
<br /> Deea� c�nveying said property so sold, but withaut any
<br /> cove�.�,na�: or warrantiy, c�xpxess or implied. `rhe recitdls
<br /> � in tkrn �3a�ed of any mn�tera or facts shall be concluaive
<br /> praof• o� the truthfulne�e thereof. Any �ersQn, inclu�inq
<br /> BL*NL�E'TCIARY, may pural�aaa at the sale. mR�rsTOlas herelay
<br /> � cove��nnt to warrani: t►rnd dei�and the ti.tie �f t?ae abo�ra
<br /> , propa��ty to purchae�� a� sale.
<br /> D. Whqn the TRUSTEE sells �li�; t�cust praperty pur�uamt to the
<br /> � powers gX�nte� Iierein, tho TRU�TEE shall apply the pxnceeds
<br /> ,�. � frem tlae sale of such ��o�er�y in the following order o�E
<br /> a p�iorityt
<br /> 7., (1) To th� cost and e�cp�nr�� of. esercising the pe�wer of sale
<br /> ' and of the sale, i.nClud3.ng attorney fees, evidence of
<br /> ;�� tit1.� arxd other sale c��►ox�ses, and a trustee�s £ee not to
<br /> . exr,eo3d TWO Pexcent (�2�j- o� tme qross sa�e pric�; ,
<br /> � .
<br /> (2) To the paymsnt of thr�.c�blig�tic�n r�Qaurr�c� by thi�.a Deed nf
<br /> , � Tru�t ans� Trust Doed� N�nte; � � �
<br /> (3� To�th�e payment of �uta:in�: Truet De�ids, imr��tgages, er d�Yi��
<br /> �4,� . . J�a.enholders; � .
<br /> ,,.-:
<br /> �.�:}:f,]. �A► m�v.� �..>>�.... ;� �� , t� the nerson or ps�sons legallY
<br /> �.■ �'i� •1�"h`-MM�YJ�V�� � Y��� I
<br /> ex��'�itled thereto.
<br /> � E. Upon tt�� occurrence of a�n�r de�ault hereunder, B�NBFICxi�RY
<br /> ' �•�:� , shal;! Iaeve, in addi�iou to such nther aptionss ms may be . ,
<br /> '�����'�i qr�ntied�hezein, the fur�lio�r aptiox�.•'.to fareclasQ th3.g Deod o# �
<br /> ,.s� � ��:'.:y:
<br /> Trwa'�' 3.a the naann�er �pxc�uif�ed b� Znw for for�cla�ures o� .. .
<br /> aio�gaq�s on real proper�ya �
<br /> � F. BL��6'l11�i�T111tY may, fram tiime ta t:t�te aubstitute a auccessor or
<br /> '•,� suL�a�e�s�r�s to any TRO3TI�E namad herein or actin.q herounder. �
<br /> Up�or� ��such �ppointment, and w:i.thout conveyance to the �ucaessar
<br /> � ; TRU57J�1�� th� latter shal•1�bs vested with al]. ti�le, power�s, , .
<br /> � artd di��iers conEerred upon t�ny TRUSTEE herei.n n�u►ed or act�.ng
<br /> nt � h���?�xnda�r. Each �uch appo3.ntmc�nt and aubstitut3on shall be
<br /> ''�z-�� maai�:�: b�r written inetrumWit� and esecuted by HEN�Fx+CIl.RY, ,;,'�;.
<br /> ''�'� cpn�aiKZa.n� reference ta �Uis� Deed af Trust and itis place vf
<br /> a� record�.,which, when recoxulttc� in� the qtfir.e af the Reqi��er �a�
<br /> , :_� DeRd� �ot t1hQ county or ,r.or�:iati�� ;�.a� which sda.d property �.i�s
<br /> �,;� situa�t�c�, shall be coanclusi�r� pxca����of proper appointment of
<br /> ;�, th�-� ��}��^a��or TRtT�T��. The for�c�s�ig power of substitu�ian
<br /> �''`'� ' and'th� pracedure �7�r��efqs.shall no� be exclusiae of the power
<br /> � and pzo�edur� provi�ted ��car by law for the�;�,uHstiituti�n s�.� .a
<br /> �' TRqS'�E�1 i:x� the place of �,l�n�� TItUSTEL named•'J.x�xein. .
<br /> ..�,..t,� .... � � . .
<br /> ,:_ ,; G. T&J��rdt2:� Covenan�,.... ,,�nd . agre� Lhat upon �ny at��an�+��d
<br /> �• ` cc��ti��j��c�, assa,gnm���j p�,edc�e dr transtes o� ang �� shl.s ,
<br /> `��'; int.er�:�� in the premi5es �c3�xring tha term of the lor�n secu�d
<br /> hexed��r,� tta�s BENEFICIARY �s�37.��:1 have the option of declarinc� �Gfb,,�
<br /> unp�id• ]�aLanGe immediate�p due and paynble, and if said' sum
<br /> � � rema.��s wu��aa�.d for fifteen (15) dr�ys �hereafter, @EHEFICIARY
<br /> can �et�s�� Nu�ice of Default to be given and the pr�mtses be
<br /> � snld a� provi.ded herein.
<br /> -3-
<br />