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<br /> D=aD �1� '�lUg�' ��
<br /> THIS 7�RtTST DEEA mad�a th3.s 13T�' day af Septemb�r, 19�6, �
<br /> betwoen �tJ1YMOND J. O'CO�tNOR and J��iLTIFER S. O�CONNOR, Huebaad a�nd �
<br /> Wife, ancd JAME9 NARBER and DONYdA NARB�;R, ,Hueband and Wif�, r�s
<br /> TgtpgTOR3, whose addresaes are Grnnd' Islitnd, Nebraska; LAWYER'S
<br /> TiTLE INSU$I,NC� CORPORATIQN, as TRUSTEE, whos� address is 113 W. �
<br /> 3econd Street, P.O. Hou b27, Grand Islr�nd, Nebraska 688�2; and MJT r�
<br /> LTD. LIABILITY CQ., hereinaf�er referac�ad to ms �LNEFICIARY.
<br /> isjQ4 TD�am�»e ��`n1�i ar�t�� h�r�llin� SBll; conveg.�and warrAnt _ . ,_
<br /> ta TRU3TEE, IN TRUST, �its suacessors and assigns, with powsr of
<br /> sale, the following-det�cr3.bed. real pre�perty: •
<br /> The �ast One Hundred Fif���-�'iv+� at�d �'wen�y-�'wo Hundredths , ,
<br /> (155.22} Feet a�,,'Lot Twr� (21, Block One (1), Nelsen . :•
<br /> Becond Subdivisicin, City, Af Gran�d Ieland, Htall County, .
<br /> Nebraska,.. more canunonly D�.rsown as 26�6 West ald Fair. Road,
<br /> Grautd Is�and, Nebraska,
<br /> together with �11 buildings, improvemenks and agpurtenanceg
<br /> ther�os�.
<br /> The TRUSTURS hereby cov�nttnt and agree with the T�tUSTEE and
<br /> . ggNE�'YC�1�RY that RAYMOND J. O'CONNOR mnd JJ►ME3 NARBER mXa� layfully ; ,
<br /> � seia�t� �°end the awners� nf the abo�e-d�scribed property; and the�� ',..:.��
<br /> . theii� �pouses axecute� t�is De�d of Trust far purposeg �f conveyinq - `'�: ,'�':,:
<br /> ednd pledging . thei� � spausa2".:interest in t�e above desaribed
<br /> property; thaw•. they hdve qood ra.qht and lawful autho�ity to sell
<br /> and canvey.s�;d prem�.ses and that sa�id pxemi�es are free and clear
<br /> .. of a�11 ].iens and er�cumbrancss, and fustheXr that TRUSTpRB will
<br /> warrant and defend Cfii� t3tle to said premises forever nga�inst �h�
<br /> � clalms of r�ll pert�ori� whomsoever.
<br /> _ For the purpose, of �ecuring performmnce of ��;a�2� �qreemen�• of
<br /> TRIU3TOR8 herein cont�f.ned and the payYnent of oI��;tit'13�DRLD FIF�Y
<br /> THOUSl�NA DOLLA�tS ($150,000.00) , the TRUSTORS h�►ve'' executed a
<br />- Promissoxy �iote bearing eve�a date, at the rate of interest and �n
<br /> the terms aa� +�onditions as ,s�t forth in such Note until paid, . �he
<br /> principal �uin and intierest s�x��:0. be paya�ble in accorda�nce wStl� �and
<br />� npon.the terms and cpnditions.:of snid Nate of even dr��e, nnd in��n�r
<br /> event� �the entire pr.#.n�ci.pal balance d�o hereunder and any accrued
<br /> r interest ahs1� be paid o� .�ugust 15, 20i��.�. Al1 instatlment �'
<br /> � pa►ymentc� h�r+��nd�r sh�l1 b�► �appl3ed firr��: ta � the payment of. ',���
<br /> ...r�.i.- �1 1 v •wv., '�.ha ■ins�ni rl I'1lL�111tttlp.. *fIlYC11Ai1't t� dl1 .
<br /> � lAL�re73i. �iVA��IYC'YV�i �sssu::��sJ +w.. .��..� �...r......� ._�...__«�., r------- -- -- ._.
<br /> '. amartization ech�dua�J a copy of wl�ivh h�s �edFi �kov�dad �o eseh oi ,
<br /> ' the parties heretc�, and remainder of caach pa�u,nL• of each ,
<br /> � installment to be app�.ied ta� �rincipal. All payment's due hereunder
<br /> , shall be pa�d at the resid�n�� of the HENEFIGI��l�t�F or the halder. of.
<br /> sz�id sscurity sha11 desiqnate in writinq.
<br /> It fe agreed by and b�tween the parties her�to that whi.le
<br /> title fs vested in the TRU�TEE and until filing of Notice of
<br /> Default, th� TRUSTORS sh�ll:
<br />