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T_t � _ _ � , . -� .- . . �R . . _ . `.��_ . ��—_� <br /> _: - . . � �, '.��� -z,j �'r.�L G , � _ ` �' .t �;_ _ - <br /> __ t,. ;. 5;=�; - " . , . ; . ' ' ` ` ` , Y ' _ _ .--__ •_• ` �` `, . , <br /> i � .. . � . ' . . . " -' . ' ' r� -. r� ._ ( � ��� ��� ` ' , <br /> ' ` periad:lh�t l.endec nequircs. 'lt�e ins�aai�ce carrier provlding the i►ffiter�nce sh�li be chosen by 8ono�ver subjGCt tv I.ntder4 � <br /> t: ��v,�,b����ot 6e�reasonably withheld if Bcx�nwer fa�(s to ma�ain cuvcr.�ge descn'bed a6ove.l.a�dec may,at � <br /> , ` L,eader's option,abitin coverage to protect Lertder's rights in the Prape:ty in xcardan�with paragraph 7. <br /> ' . ��u�C�pnlicies aed renewats shalt he accepla6le to lrender and sha11 include a standard mortgage ctause. Lender <br /> �itl!6avF ihe dgt�C to hold the potiries aad renewais. !f l.ender mtuires.Borrower shal!promptly give to Lender aU rcceipts <br /> • of paid prcmiums and�enewal nwices. in the event of toss.Brnrower shall give p�+nmpt notice to the ids�ce canic*and . <br /> Lender. L,ender may make�oof of loss if nat ma�le promPUY aY��wer. . <br /> Udess Lender and Boirower ott►ervvise agree in wriring.msurance praceeds sha11 be applied to restoration or mpair of <br /> — ��Y�8� if the restorarion ar repair is econottnca}ty feasi6ted be l�.sened.thc iiuuranACe�p eeds shall 6e <br /> ' nstpaqon or�epsir u not ecanomicaliy feasible or Lender's,�ecurity - <br /> appliod to tI�e sums secured by this Security laStru°xnG whether or noc then due,with an�r excess paid to Borrower. If <br /> gM�w�a�a�ns the property�os does not answer..rvidun 30 days u norice fmm l.ender that the insnrance carrier.has . <br /> offered to settle a claim,t6cn Lender may coilect tht insurance proceeds. Lender map ase the pmceeds to repair or iestorc <br /> . t6e Pcoperiy or to pay swnc sec�ued by this Security Instnmmen�whether or not thea due. '[l�e 30-day period will begin when <br /> the aoace is given. <br /> pnt�s Lec�der and Borrower aherwise agree in writing,anY�PPlication of proceeds to principal shaU not ezoe�ict or `- . - <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments�efemd to in pa:agraphs 1-azed 2 or change the amaunt of the payments. If `' <br /> �de�p�agraph 21,t h e P t o p etty 3s acqui n d bp l.e n d e r.B o c m w e r's r i g h t t o a n y i n s�u a r+c e p o li c i e s a n d proceeds resuttin g � ,. <br /> �om damage tn the propetty prior ta the acquisition shall pass tv l.e�det I°the extent af the sums'secus�ed by Ihis SecuritY ' - �__ <br /> ` .Instnmc�ent immed"ately pciar w the acquisition. � ,: --- <br /> - . 6. Oeenp�cv, Preservation, Mninteo�ace and Pratection o�trie Praperty; Borrawer s.t.oan Applicationt -- <br /> - l.qtseLoWs. Ba.trn��r shall occupy,establisb,ami use the PropertY as Borrower's principal msidence.�vithin siaty days after. _ <br /> the txecutioa af dus Se�urity fnstrurne�t 9ad shaII conti�tue to occupy�he Propeuy as Barrawer�priucipal residence for at <br /> leasc,one year after the date of.occupanc}.<untess Lendsr otiterwise agrees en writ�ng, wFiich �onsent shall not be . -- <br /> 'uiae�oaa6ly withbeld,ar��s�„xtenundng circumstances�xist which aie beyond$urr�wers control-'Borrowet shal!_not . —__- <br /> � d�trci�r;.tlamage or imp�aiF tae Pra�etly,allow the Propetty ta.deteriarate,or'commit waste an the Property $ori�uaeet sE+aE[, <br /> be ia.3efault��:fnrfeitur�a�orpcaceeding.whether•cryel ar crbn� beguil thaY�ia l.endec's good faN!ju�ent • — <br /> , coutd r�solt in Kar�'�ture of�he,Ptoperty or otherwise maiL�ajiy iinpait the tien cmated Ay this.Security ln"stru�ent or <br /> Lender s securit�:�erest gamoRer may cure such a default and reirsstai�:�.prUVided in paragraph causicig tfte actian � <br /> of�dia�;a Iie•rtisms� �aaih a rulittg that,ia Lender's gaod faith deierinination.precludes fot#'eiuice oE the Borc4wer g ��; -- <br /> in:-�r��.-t t3�e�rapefir�ar ot3ser material impairment of the lien cceated iiy�tfiis Secant�7nstrpment oi:[:endra�s s�i�triiiy <br /> �n:,�=,esi.'$ortoa��a[I also be in default if Borrower, during the taan appJicatiai%:process, gave rtiateriallyf�7se or. . . ���•:d�- <br /> ;, � , inaccaratemfw-assatianor stateme►its to Lendpr(or failed to pravide Lender�uith any mateiial infarmaiion)in ec�cmecc�on,�ith ��,� <br /> the taan evidenca�3i}r ihe Note. inctuding.?h�not limited to.representafions coneeining B"oriowers occupatrcynf.'the , ��,,,"•���' <br /> � property as a prin�aL residence. If this Securizyr Instrument is on�teasehofil:Barrower sha[!cc�mply t�ith al!the provwsions .. �,�-__�_.: <br /> .w�reaskr;�a- <br /> of the leasc. lf Sbrrawer acgui�s fee title ta the Property.the Icas:ehold and the fee title shail not merge unless Lender agrees =___ _ <br /> to tha merger in wrlting. = —� <br /> - 7, protection o(l.ender's Rights in the Property. If 8orrawer fails to perform thc covenan�c And agreements ��.�.F=_ _ <br /> -..- cantuined in this Security Instrtrmen�,or there is a legal pracceding that may significantly affect L,cader's rights in the ---�� <br /> Prope[ty(such as a proceeding in bankniptcy.probate,for candemnation or f�rFeiture or to entorce laws ar regulation�),thcn �r <br /> ' � Lender may do and pay for whatever is nrcessary to protect the value�f ihe Prapeny and Lenderti rights in the Property. <br /> l.enders Actions may iaclude paying uny�um�.+ecured by a lien which hati priarity over�his Ses:urity in�tnimen4 appearin� �; .t..�:�•. <br />. in couri.p�ying reasonable uttomeyc tres ana cutcring�n the Propeny to make repairs.Atthaugh I.rnder may take actiion :. <'..•';+:�;:. <br /> -^w'M':.... .. <br /> • und'cr this para�rs►ph 7.l.cnder docs not havc to du.a. ,�;€=r;r- <br /> . � � Any amountti disbuned by I.ender under thi,p:uagraph 7 .hall hecnme udditinnal deht uf Hurrower�ecured hy thiti - . ^�_ <br /> � 5eeutity Inxtrument. Unless 8orruwcr:mJ I.endcr��*rce tn mhcr Icmi�oP paymcnt,thc.r amountti�half Ix:ar intcrc�t frum ihe ���� .�__ <br /> ' � date af dicbur.;ement at the Noee r.rtc sind�halt Ix pay�.►hle.�vith intcrcyt.upon n��licc 1'ram l.ender to Borrawcr tkque,ting ,._,.�s.-�°_= <br />, � payment. . . <br /> � S. Morty�e In.suraaee. If Lendee rci�uireci mnrtgage insuranee ati a a�nditic►n of making Ihe loan�ecured by Ihiti . .��i:`_:,•-.- <br /> . ���. � Security ln+trument.Barrawer tihall puy thc prcmiums required to maintain the numgagc in�ur.�nce•in cf'(cct. li. for any • . '>;� _ <br /> _ i reason. the martgagc inrurancc coverage reyuirrd by Lender lap�es or reatic� to bc in effect. Qorrowcr .rhall pay the . :�..•,��_ __ <br /> -'• � premiums rcyuircd ta c�btain caveragc �ubstantially eNuivuteni w thc mangagc in�urancc previously in cffrrt. at a co.t _._e <br /> ' ' I substantially eyuivatent ta the ccnt to B�rrower af ttus m��rtgage intiurance pnvioti�ly in effecl.frnm an altemate mortgage - <br />_ � -. j insurer approved by Lender. Ii substamially equivalent martgage insurunce coveragc i�not availablr. RaROwcr�hall pay to . �`,:' <br />_ � ` l.cndcr each month a sum equal t��<mc-twclftb of thc ycarty modg:►gc in�urancc prcmium hcing paid by 8c�rcowcr whcn 1hc .�; ,:,;� <br /> • , insurance caverage lapsed c��ceayed to be in effect. l.ender will urc��t.u�e and r�ta�n the.e paymems ur u la�ti re+erve in lieu ,.;Y '•�;�.}.•, <br /> - ! af moRgage insurancc. I.�ss reservc paymcntti may no longcr bc reyuirc�l. at thc��pticm af I.ender, if martgage insur.�nce (�� , <br /> � cavcrage fin the Amount and for the peri�xl that Ixnder requires►pn�v�dcd By un in�urcr approvcd by L.cncfer again bccames �': . • '.�w, <br /> '�' - available and iti obtained.Borrowcr+hall pay thc prcmium�required t��maint:iim m�rtgagc in�urancc m effect,or to provide.i <br /> i,�. . ,;�:, <br /> ,s. j toti�+reserve,until thc requirement fnr mungagr insurance end�in accardauce�sith:my w rilten.�Lreement Ixtwecn Harn�wer - . <br /> . ae��Lendee nr applicable law. ' i • ""' ' • <br /> �;'p�A � 9. Inspecdun. l.ende►ur its agcm may makc matiunable ent�ie�upun and in.pection�uf'thc f'roperty. In;nder�h;iU . � . <br /> ,._ _ `____ _•�:+:__: g�s�c Borrower no�ice ut the timc uf ur priar tu:u�inspection yperifying rca�emable cautie fur thr impectinn. ±' � ._. . <br /> 10. Cundemnatiun. 'I7�c pr�xccds��P any award ur claim far clama,c�.dircci ur cun�c�� caitncction wi�h:my E-,. — . . . <br /> ,�� ' tiinglel•nmiy..Fainnie�tne��'�cddiellnc4�IFU[tNf�ti'1'It1S1}.�f--lmwnn('mcn:un. 4;9(1 ��a�cr.<„�r,�,��e�•�� ' . <br /> = 6rr.0 L�k��Ituvn�w 1�eln•.tfi% � �. - <br />_�. � � R�nrdrr Gm tdt(US t09J'.Y,1:)Fil 61tr7'rl•�t it � • �. <br /> ' , � , <br /> 3�.,,. . <br /> . � . . <br />. � '� —'--- - - - <br /> .... _., r �. � - ----- -- — - — r- - ------- ... , <br /> , 'a�..'f_!'raC '. "�'��s,.�..��=..f,.—. — '—_'"_'"... � . . , . . . . ' ' ' - . . . . " . <br /> c.� <br /> ,.'"'`""`�-_�' . . . ` ' " . • , ', <br /> • '�t.:�{•' • • � � . . . � . . . . i - . <br />- l�',al 4 . . � . . . • , . . . . � <br /> • " • "„�' _'"' _ . , ,�. �', ' . , � , , - . _ . �� • . _ - <br /> . x,�-., t .,y . ' � . . <br /> .� . .``�}�a�..... , . . . . . . . ' ' . ' ' - • . . <br /> ' ''�'F�`�;�':ir•+. . ' . � ' • . . ��r:• • • • . . <br /> �;'•,.�_ . ' ' • . 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