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<br /> eo�dert�a�ia��r a�d�ec t�kic►�oE�ny p�'e of the PropenY�ov fos canveyance in lieu of condemrtarion,�+e NeRby assigned and
<br /> • s�all be pa'id toLerder. � :
<br /> - ht thC eve�oE a wt�i�taking ot the Qtnptrty,the proCeeds sha11 De applied to the wms secu�+ed by this Secwity . .
<br /> � ��w{�a��n du�with any excess p�d[o Borrowec [n the evrnt of a partial taicing of the Praperty in
<br /> which the fair muket waius of tlta Ptoperty�mm�i�te1Y b�furc tl�e taking is ecival to or gcrater than the anw�snt of the sums
<br /> socut+ed'!sy tf�is Sec�uity inswmd►e immed'eate[y befoR the talting.unle�s Bamwer and L.ender.ati�crwise agrce in writing. .
<br /> the sums stcwtid by this S�urity lnswmtnt sh��b��d��b!' ���nt af the proceed�mu(tipfied hy the folfowing �
<br /> fractian: e�)���a�nt of the sums sccurcd immediately 6efore the t�lcing.�ivided by(b)tite fair market vatue of the
<br /> - •. �ropptg imtnediatet�befonc t6e t�Cia&.AttY b�1�shalf•be paid to Bomnwer. [n the event of�a partial taking of ibe _
<br /> . Pioperty in wli�ch the fsir muket vattte of the Propetty immediaceiy before the[atciag is tess than the 3mount of tt�swns
<br /> . secured immaliacely bcfoae the taking,unlcss Bortawer and Lender ahemise ag�ee in wtiting or untess applic�tile law ` --
<br /> ot�wise pcovides.the pcoceeds shatt be�pplicd to the sums secured tty this 5ecudty 1�tcameat whetheir or ncN the sums 3re
<br /> then due. - .
<br /> - �f�p�ope�,;s ab�donei�by Boirowe�.or if.after naace by[.ender to Borrower that tfie condcmnor offers to make
<br /> an aw�rd ar setck a claiin fa damages,Barrawer faits oo ctsFond to Lender witfiin 30 days after the date the notice is givrn;
<br /> Lender is authorixeA ta colkct and app!ix the praceeds.at its option.either to testotation or repair of tde Frape�ty ar ta the
<br /> - � ��u�by this Securit}r(nstrumca�whtther ar not thea,due. ��cation of [oCeeds ta 1 shall not extend or
<br /> - Uatess l�ec�der and Borrower otherwise agree in writutg.any app' P Pri�Pa
<br /> :_ �ostpane[he due�ate of tUe moothty payments referred ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the amount of such payments.
<br /> - il,�gorru�rer,Not Rdq�sed;.Forbearanoe By l.ender Not A Waiyer. Eatensioa of the time�for payment or
<br />� - madi�icatioo of arta�tir.ation ot'the sums secared By this Secutity lnswment g�ranced by Lender to any successor in iaterest —
<br /> - of Bomuwer shall not operate�o rele�se the G�b��►tY of t3ie original Borrawer or Borrower:s successors in interest.Lender —_—
<br /> _� . ���(��qqireA w�ommence proceediags against any successor in intecest or refuse to extend time for payment or ��u
<br /> :;- otherwise madify aa�o�tization of tbe sums suured by thu Security Insuument by reason nf any deatand made by the original ��_
<br /> - Barowu or�omuwu�s successors in iQterest. My forbearance by l.ender in euercising any aght or remody shall not b�a �_--°=
<br /> — waiver of or p�ecloda the exucise of any right or temedy. �. 'ppe cogenantg and ents af tr'c�,. __
<br /> - �; Soeoe�prs asd Ass�Bawd;Jouat aed Secera�txak�ty;Co-� �m ,
<br /> Savriry Ins�ynt shat�b.'tnd and tieri�:�the succ�...'�GS arii3 ass p�s.of Lender and Bormwec spbjece Eo tne�avjsions tif - __
<br /> paragraph 17.Bormwerrs�savecs�s and a�neem�.s s,r;�D be jomt aad several. Any�Bo�rdwer�;who co-s��vr�is Security .
<br /> - Iasuument but does na exe�ui..�5�e 1!Iot� �a�is�o,s=ising this Security In'suument only w mozt�aDe,granc,...,,3:e�nvgy that � _
<br /> �•r � �`='Borrower'sintet�estfttthe�ca���:thctem��3�:�Secuntytnswmeru: th).i�notpecsoaalt�.o'bliga��'��cci��thesums �+����.;:.--
<br /> `.,' secured by this Security Insir�n�t;arid�F�.r agee�tbat l.endes and any o[her Borroiver may agre�e to exce�� a3i:fy.forbear `°�. f-t;='��
<br /> or malce any accommodaTians aith regaRf.to stce iei�s.of this 5ecwity [nstn�ment or the Note withQia 4�ia;�3osrou�er's ,�.�-.�-_'�
<br /> n=.,��,�
<br />_. -'YI• ^� e ..• . ��� �. . . .
<br /> .�...Iiw :• W.F�nM •..'_- ' _ . ._' " . . �: � �y -
<br /> } -� ]3. Loiln Charges.�If ihe toAn secuteQ by ihis Seeutity InsWment is subject ta a law whicb sets ena.xsmum taar�" ;,f .`�_
<br /> ctiarges.and that law is finalty interpreted so that the interest or other loan eharges coltected ar to be collected in connection ��*�-� �_
<br /> . with the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge�hall be reduced by the amount necessary ta reduce t�'_:-°�
<br /> the charge to the permitted limit:and(b►any sums already collected from Barrower which excceded pertniued lim�is wi11 be .,.�_�
<br /> • reFunckd to Borrower. Lender mry chc�ose co make this refund by reducing the principal awed under the Note�rr by making a ,�r�;��
<br /> • direct payment to Sorrower. If a ceftmd reduces principal.the reduction wiA t►e treated us u partiul prepayment wi[haut any .�::,
<br /> _ , prepayment charge under the Note. � �
<br /> . ..,_:;.._.
<br /> � "` 14. Notices. Any noticc t�Borrawer provideQ f��r in this Sccutiiy In�trument yhull bc Leiven hy dclivcring it ur by �r,
<br /> �:, mailing it!+y ftrst class mail unicss applicable law rcquireti u.c oP another method.The nt�tice yhall Ne dirrctcd to the Ptoperty • _
<br /> � Address or any other Address Borrower dctiign•rtc.r by n��ticc to Lcndcr. Any nuticc tu IAnder�hall hr givrn by fir�t cla�y , �
<br /> mait ta Lender's addre�s�rnte0 herein nr any othrr addr�titi Lender designate+by notice to Bormwer. My nutice provided far . "'��.
<br /> �`•i in thi� 5ecurity Insirument �hall be deemed to have been given to Sonuwer or l.ender when given as prc�vided in�bis . , •.r=��`
<br /> _ �v_ Pa��� ' - --
<br /> 15. GoverninR 4aw:SevernbDity. This Security In�trument shaQ fx: gnverncd Dy feAeral law and �hc law of the `�
<br /> . jurisdictioa in which the Praperty is located. In thc event that any provi�ian nr claurr�+f this Securiry Inrt�ument or the Note ___
<br />_ conflicls with Applicable law.such cantlict shall nat afi'ect other pravisions af thiw Security Enstrument or the Note which can . , _-
<br /> be given effcct without the canflicting praviyian. Ta tfii�:end the pmvisian���f thi�Seruriry Instrument anJ�he Note are _ : _�
<br /> '� declared to be severable. . _ _ _
<br /> ' . - ,,; 16. Borrower's Copy. 8orrower tihall be given one cnnformed capy of the Nate t�nd of this Security lntitrument. .. __ ____
<br /> ' 17. lransfer of the Property ur a Ben�ciat Intercwt tn Forrower li'all ur any pan oi thc Property ar any interest in , _
<br /> �. it is sotd or transferred(or if a benefisial intere�t in Borrowcr is yold or tr.+ntifcrrcd and Borraw•c�r is not a natural person) - __
<br /> • ;� without Lender's prior written consent,t.cnder may,at its option.reqairc immediate paymcnt in futl nf all sums secured by ' - ,;''_
<br /> •z` this Security Imtrument. However.ihis aption�haSl not he exercised by I.ender if cxen isc is prohibited by federal law as of , :'.�.��-
<br /> ..,.__
<br /> � �' the date of thi.s Security(mtrumeni. ` .
<br /> . _ � �. �-..
<br /> (f l.ender exercises this option.Lender.hal{�ive Borroaer notice af ncreteration. 7'he notice�hall prrnride a peri«!Uf ,
<br /> ��� nat less than 30 days from the date thc notire is detivesed ot snailcd within which Rnrrrnver mu.rt pay:dl�umc�ecuted by this � '�+�.�4
<br /> �. � �l. '^ Securiry (n�ttumem. lf Banower fait�to pay the�e sum�prio'w�he expiration af this period, l.endcr may invoke any 1
<br /> ' ,:j. .f�•..:_�..-, remedies permitted by this Security(nurument withaut funher nni i;e ar dcmand on Harmtver.
<br /> • ' '� i$. Borrower's Ri�hf to Rein.state. If B��rrawer meetti cenain cunditi�►n�. Nuru�wer•hall have ihe right ta have
<br /> .. _�C�i3i/�+1�-i.,'.�^ ."_ '. : --� - �
<br /> ..�;t„�f� ..;,.,,,y,;. enforcement�f this Security In�,trument di�continueA ut any time prior to the e.�riier��f: la)i dayc lor tiuch�tithe�petiad u�
<br /> - .,•.,r.1+�, � _ tiingkF'.�miiy•-Fanak�iLCl}reQdk�facf%li(1R'►11�tiTilC�1F:%T••I'niformCavcm.�N� 9,'90 ipuie4�Jnp,�::��.�� ' . .
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