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<br /> ! [� '��'j����!n�IE 11�[OYC�A IIOw Of�1GICSftK ClCCTO[�dl��yr�'�CiSC111CQ�.iljl[1YR�'0�1��
<br /> � aad`5xnue:s aaw or t�e�eafta s paR of the piaQerty. Alt repla�nx�s and addidons shat{�Iso be covered by ihis Security
<br /> � � All of the faegoing is tefeaed w in this Se�ttityr Incttummt as the"Pboperty"
<br /> � BORROWER COVENANIS tlsat Bor�owa is lawfully seised of tl�e estate hereby canveyed and has the right to grant
<br /> � and carurrey tLe PtopeRy aa�4,that the P�op�ty i�uneaci�mbe�ed,exctpt for encanbrances of recoid. Borccswer warrants and
<br /> � will defa�d generatly the tide w the Pmperty against aIi clauns and d�mands.snbject ta any encumbrances af re�co�d. ,
<br /> i THIS SECURtTY INSTRUMEN'P combiues uniform wvena�us for national �e and non-uniform covenants with ,
<br /> ' • 1'urtitai variations by jurisdi�xion to caostitute a u�ifomi secarity a�smunePt covahtig real propeitY- .
<br /> � UNQ'ORM COVENAN7'S. Bormw�r and I.ender coveaant aad agte�as foitows: `
<br /> — ` L PsysKat of Ptiocip�l�ad IuLn+at:PreWYmeet 9nd I.afe Char� Barower shall P�'amP�Y PaY when due.the
<br /> principal of and intaesc oQ the debt evidenced by the Nou and anY PreF�f and 1a�c6arges due under the Nute.
<br /> 2. Faads foc'I3�us ad Insnr�uca Subjoct to applicable la�vir�r to a vvritten waiver by Lencie�Boanwer shali pay to
<br /> � ' Le[der on the day monthlY PaY��arc due undec ttte Note,ucrt�1 ti�e�ou is paid"m fntt.a s�n("Ftmds"}for:(a?Y�Y
<br /> � taxes 9ad assessments whid�m�U►s�PIIOrity over�s�n►�nt�a I�en od ilie Pmpe�tc;Eb)Yeazi}teasehold
<br /> - a rents on the Property, Y=E�Y Y �-�P�=.(� Srariy fiood
<br /> 'sf an c earl hazard or proPeltS.
<br /> PaY� � . ais�!�}anY snrns payahle by.Basmwer tfl •
<br /> insvrance p�+emieims, �f anY:te)Y'eartY�metg+8e�a�ce P�emn�=if any;, .
<br /> -- I.epder,in acc:ocdance with the pmvisio�s.'a:��8;in Geu of the paymont of mortga�e izssasanee prenasams.:'i�se
<br />- itans are calted"Escruw Items" Lender�,at any.time.collect aad hold Funds in an amo�mt�t���the rn.wmum
<br /> - ' amoimt a tender for a fede�ally nlated`macc$age tQan may nquit�e for Bor�wer�s escraw aceaint under the fede�al Rea!
<br /> ed al � �unless another '
<br /> - ( ��Seutement proced�res pct of i974 as atnec��u►timc,to time.l2 U.S.C.�26Q1 et seq.("RFSPA'7, -
<br />_== � law that applies to the Fiu►ds sets a Iesser arnc�u�t �sQ��r�y az'�y u�•collect and hold Funds in an amount not to _
<br /> excoed tbe le�ser amauu. L.ender ma:��°�'�s°amount of Funds due oa the 9asis of 4'�ment data and�easanable ���_
<br /> -- —; - es�matcc t�er�ttditures nf futune Esat:x��ns:a� �o�"�e�"ise in aeeardance with aPPlieable law. `
<br /> - ral .instrutnentality,or entity � '°--
<br /> - - ' '�:�y�shatl,b�.lteld in an�� a �eposits are insured by a.fede agencY � �_-
<br /> �s°_�":• . � -
<br /> � `':����,��f�ad�is such an institati4n.�or�g any Federal Home Loaa�3ank. 1..et�der shall apply�he,.�'vnds��y �,r�
<br /> :r; u5e.�tter�s: �.e�der may not charge Bairow��r hoiding and appiy'v►g.the F��ds.annuaUY analY�g �r �
<br /> �� �•� ; •�:`_�cacount�;<?E;�°;;�ifytng`the�scmw IteTr,st�1ess Len:�pa}!s Borrower interest Qs the Funds aad applicah3e Taw peimits y� _
<br /> r '% , ° ,� I.ea�er t��ai:e sach a charge. Howeve�;.tea`der najr require Boaower tm pay a one-time charge for an independent real �,� --
<br /> r„; �' estate tax r�ang seivic�us,ed by I.�der izti cannectiun with this laan,unless applicable law pr.�-.7des otherwise. Untess an .;
<br /> �,,,, - - - 4�_, : . 8gra�nent i"s inade or appUcabte law i�qu�-�^es vstese�c�Qi�e p�id,i.eadec sLallstAt be�'•re�t°.pa�!Boaowef any interest or , f
<br /> `' ' eamings on th�Funds. Bssim�ver and[.ess�ter ma}agae in writing,however.tbat in'�rest sha9t lse�gaid�rni the Funds:�Lendci � , , ,���;:
<br /> � �"F � shall give to Boaowec.ar'u�aut charge,an annua!accounting of the Funds.shawing cnediu and b,brts ta the Funds and the �
<br /> � %�t� � �'he Funds are as a�siitiopal se�ricy for alf sums secured isy - i;� �: � ���:`J
<br /> �� 'rcr�; , • puipose fos wiuch eac�d��to the�ds was made. P7� .. . ..i�� ;.f _-
<br /> �.;`.,: �l�';;� . ttris Secariay knsaument ed i�6e heid b �Icca€rTe 1�u; Lender shall account to. ;;F ..`
<br />;.,�:.�;;;°,:� r�.�,:,:. If the Bunds held by Lender exce�the asnQ�ts permic� 3�:�PP � . : -
<br /> . :'�'�'�: Barrower for t he exeess Fands in accardance witin eH�e rr.quinements of apQlicabSe taw. If tfic amaurn of the Funds hetd by ;�.3.�.� •
<br /> 't Lcnder at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow items when due.l..ender siiay sa notifY Borrowec in writing.a n d.in ��'=;t��.;�:�
<br />� . s� � . such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary ro make up the defsciency. Boctower shall make up the _ .� �`
<br /> � - `• � ` deficiency in np more than twelve monthly payments.at l.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> - �'�� llpon payment in full of all sums secured by this 5erurity insaument.l.ender shall prompUy Ic fund to aorrower any _
<br /> � •�'` ' Funds held by Lender. lf,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or scil the Property.l-ender.prior to the acquisition or ,
<br /> � �,, �:� � sale of thc Property.shall aFply any Funds hetd by Lender at tric time af acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums ,•:
<br /> `` ° secured by this Secunty Insuument.� � � . �r��
<br /> _,.�� �:.:,,,:•-' � 3. Applkatbn ot Pt�yme�R�. Unless applicabte law provides otherwise.all payments reccived by l.ender under � ; _..�;��
<br /> �'���;� patagraphs 1 and 2�aU bt apptied:first.to any prepayment chargec duc under the Note:sewnd,to amounEs payable under e'�:�,
<br /> ., � � paragraph 2;�hird.to interect duc:fnunh.ta princ�pa!duc:and lase.ta any ta[e cha�geti due under the Nate. :
<br /> ,' � 4. 4hsrg�: Lkns. Sarrawer shall pay aii taxes. assessmen�ti.c harges.f ines a n d im p ositions attributable to the C __
<br /> � Property which may atta�n priority ovcr this 5ecurity Instrument.and Ieasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower {•, • . - _
<br /> • •_:.•'`' �� shall pay these obligations m thc manner provided ln paragraph Z.ar if not paid in that manner.Boaowcr sdall pay them on G ; _ -
<br /> � time d�rectly ro ihc percon owed payment. Baaower shall prompUy fumisb ta Lender all�atices of umounts to be paid under � _
<br /> `"��":�,�,°,�'j � this paragraph. Ii 8oaower makes thetie payments directly.8orrower shalt promptly fumish to lxnder receipts evidencing W
<br /> the paymenu. � "'"�`'-"
<br /> � k-;��t'� Borrower shall prompAy discharge any licn which has pdority ovcr►his Security lnstrument unless Hortawer.(a)agrees , �;..``�- ,_
<br /> • � �� in wrlting to the payment of the abligauon secured by the lien in a mAnner acceptable to Lender.p�)contests in good fAith the ;;-.-_
<br /> lien by.ar defends aga�nst enforcement af�he lien in,legai pmceedings whicb in�he Lender's opinion operate to prevent the • ,�---
<br /> ' #' � enforcement of the tien:or(c)securew from the holder of the lien an ugreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien �.�t=°_-_;
<br /> ,��,.a.�
<br /> �'� `'' to this Securiry Instrument. IP Lender determines that Any part of thc Property it subject to a lien which may attain priority . -�»��• -
<br /> � �=�'`y � over this Securiry Instrument,Lender may give Hartower a notice identifying the ticn. Borrower shatl ratisfy the lien or take ,� •
<br /> _. ;' "...:�:���� ane or morc of the actions set fotth abnvc wuhin 10 days of the giving ot noticc. .. �
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr sha11 kecp thc improvemeats now existing or hereatter crected on the
<br /> ' PcoQerty insured agaiast Ioss by�re,hAZUrds included within the term°extended caverage"and any other hazards,including i .
<br /> •� ���;. `��.� floods or f�ooding. for which Lcnder reyuires insurance. This insurnnce shal!be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> L ._ _ ._
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