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<br /> .r.. ._ iqrBYli�p�.'MkMfdI�LHRKh�Fr,�.'.w{�..-.:�.- .� ..�+4 ,,�... . , ,y, _. ... , ..-h�. ._ .... , .. „ .., r u..�ti. 51.ti..t�.. ;,M --..
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<br /> ._. '__ --eMBHh+!Rtia.w:..,...a:.....�..��,. �, �� .�r-._.n. .,r..,.. '�'
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<br /> P�9maiw m�y no bngu be�oquired,�t the option of I.endu�lf mnrtgaga inwnutice covcrago(in ihe u�wunt and fae the period
<br /> tf►�t Ixnder roquirc�)providod by an insutrr approvod by I.cndu ageln bocarKa av�tt�bb�nd la obtatned.8orrnwer shall p�y thc
<br /> praniuma roq�irod a m�inmin mor��o insuroa�co in efiocb or w prri�vide o{o�r��a� u�itil ti�a coqni:N���t Ec�� ��wri�i*B� �
<br /> ins�uwncx a�d�in accordance with any wtitia��gnetr�ent betwaai Hortowa�nd l.ender or appllcabb law.
<br /> 9.Io�patbn. L�cnckr or lv agent may maice reasanabk enuies upon uKl inspectlone af 1ho Pro�xxty. I,endcr shail glvo
<br /> Barowa nodoc�t the time of or prfor W ui inspxtion apocltying�ners+on�bk c�ux fo�the inapection.
<br /> 10.Condc�astioo. 'Il�e procoafs of a►y �waM or cWm fa darnagw,diroct cx consa�ua+tl�l, ln connoction with �ny
<br /> condemn�tion or otber taking of any part of the Fropexty,a fa con.v+�yanca ln fleu of condemnation,are hereFry asslgned and
<br /> s1u11 be p�id to I�e�der. -
<br /> In tha event of a tQtal talcing of the Propeaty.the pcoceods ed�?3 b�applied t�th>sums sxured by this Security Insuume�t, -
<br /> wl�a nat tha�due,with eny exc.�ss p�id w Barowar.In 4'tia event of a�utitl��k.�r�p a�P the Proptsty In which tha fuir matia
<br /> v�luo of Uu Pmpany immediaeIy bofae the t�icing is eqoal tn ar grr.�ta thx�tM ar.sr�ti�ll,of,ifia�ums secured by U�is Secacity
<br /> �nsaument immedi�qely befoco tbe ts�in�,unkss Borrower end�.c�er otherw�.ie a�m� in,waiNs�g, tho sums securod by �his
<br /> Socurity Instruma�t shaU be redu�cad by�he amount of the procee�ls multiplied by tM fpil:ra����iri:�+an:(a)the toW amount of
<br /> the sums sxucod im�r�edir�xly before cho teking, divicbd bY(b)tho feir m�ket vn1�o af,d�3 Ar�}lcrey immalLtely befae the
<br /> Wcing.My bpt�a�oe shall be pid w Barowu.In the i:rm.ni oF a p�rtLt t�{cLig of the I'ro�►stt��:n�w�skh the[ait madca v�luz of 1�e
<br /> �rq�p�ty tmmrrrxdlataly bcfae tloe taldng is kss tlwa �he a�r�ount•of,tM s�uum� sxnrod itv►srlt�Ji�lolY bctare tbe Wcing. unkss
<br /> Aarm�ver�ndl Gender othawlae e,gree in w�iting or unle�applicabU:!xH os!'�t�vixa pmvf3�.tho pinceeda shall ba applied to ihe
<br /> ' aums securod by this Socurlry Instn�ma,c�hatia or na the surr�m rhen fir�, �
<br /> If the pmjxxty is u�r�ionod by Baaowu�or i�.�,6'a�nodca by Lendes u►,�nmrn�rr th�t the conAamwr otfers to make an
<br /> �ward or seab a cWne fcryr t"tntntgw.Barowa fWa�s�spond to Lsnda withi+�3a��9ty,e�tins tha daRe the notxx i�given,I�ender
<br /> is authorir�od a colioct ar�c1 npply t!�proc�a�da��c its opdon�eitha w rest�ration a ce��r af tho P�aty a eo tho sums eec�cad ---
<br /> by this Sacurlry Instcument,whGha ar ncx d�en due. -
<br /> Unkss I.ender aad Borc+nwa ad�etwix eg�ee in vvridnB.anY apPlicaBai of prooeeda ta prurc;�in9 sh�ll not extaKl or posf�pc+ere
<br /> the due daDe of dro monthly paymaim nf'ared to in pera�ph.s 1�nd 2 cx change tfie�nsoui►t�f�ch paymtnc�.
<br /> 11.8on�ower Not Rda�eal;Forbaurana B�I.eswkr Not�W�iver. 8ataision�of Ibo tarr4 for ptyrt�ent or nwdi�n -
<br /> � ot�nocti�ion of d�e sums aocuro�l by d�ia searc;ty Inatrumenc gr�nted by L�a�aa w any suoo�xvo�r in inoa+ac uF s«mwa s�rnii�
<br /> ` not opxalo�o ariwe the liability ut tbe atIginat Somawu or Bairotivrrb s�ocasaors in intaest.I.ia�de+r eball not bo req�iriali'to
<br /> cortuopice proeeedings�g�inat any suoct��sor in intaest or refuse to ex+te�td timo for p0.ymat:or od�a�wL�e madify artwctmtioo a#
<br /> ; the s�uns eec�ued t�y this 3tx�uity In�sur�ent by rr�von of xny danand mde by tht originxl Harowa or Ba�rpwa'e a�cesaon
<br /> � in ia�aea�.My fabea�aonce by La�m exerclsing any ri�ht a ranedy sbaD not�e�waiva of a procludo�t�n eza�cise of my . :
<br /> rlght a i�eaaedy.
<br /> � 12.5rooa�oi��d Away�.i;Ja�t iwd Severai Li.bil�ty: Casi�.en.Tbe covea�ente �ad agroaneaa of d3� ,
<br /> ! Socurity Inst�uma�t stnl! bind and ba�ffa tho suooe�acs and�igns of L,enda end�3txco�ver,eubjoct to the proviaio�a af .
<br /> � P�re�h 17. Batn�ra's covaunts md agtearkats stu�U be jo6it and sevaal. My Bormaor w�ho oo-� this Sea�rity
<br /> rn�a�c twt aoa�ne,c�zoa,�e the rrote: (a)is co»s;,qu�mg this socur;cy Insauma�t«ay to�no�tgage.s[ac►t,�na eonvey thac -
<br /> Ba�m��a's inlaest in the PiroQarty w�da tba tr�ms o�this Sea�rity Inswmai�N)�S�1��Y��$��P�Y�� �
<br /> _ �ecurod by ttn�a Sexwity 1n�vrt�enr ana(c)�roes d�st I.�'sa�am;y otha Baroarr may agroe b aq�od.modifY.farbam,tx
<br /> � a�aa�y�wrid►reg�rd w the�ams of this Stc�ri�y:I�trwneAt a tho Note wiU�out dut Borrower'�ooa�a�t •��. �
<br /> . 13.l.on�CY�r�a. If tho loan xcurod by tdb Securiry�natnmsa�t L�subjax b a laa whiclt sds ma�irnwn lort ch�ra,
<br /> ���at 4n�i�fnu�lly ira�d eo Ihx d�e inoa�.a ee�ther loen ct�rgaa oollxte�+�t 1�be collectoA 1n connecdon a+jtQ the k�on
<br /> eacbad tl,e pami�6ad limi►s.•tl�n�(�)any aoch]o�n ch:rge atutl bo raduoed by tba a�noimt�eoesa�y a reduaa,�he cb�rge obr'.aDie :
<br /> " pern►ided tiwi�;rod(b)zny a�uo��lteady colbc�etl from Bo[tnwer�whi:h eiccaodod ptimiticd 1i��s wjll 6e refl�ndod ID Fionor�tr.
<br /> _ Lr�ikr may.•cbooee to mate thia r�fiuid by reducing ttia.grincq�el awed uudair the MoOe s�r ih;y�awcing a diroct paymant o0
<br /> _ Bprm�va.if a e+efimd reduop pcincip�l,the redac�cm wlll be trr,aled a�a p�wd�prepryment vvithuut aaY P�Y���++�B�
<br /> . ,'
<br /> �n�der d�e Nole.
<br /> � . 14.Nafkea. �lny notica oo BomowKr provided far in this Security Insorw�xant sh�ll be givas.bY delivaia��t oc by n�uling u � ;
<br /> ' 6y firat ri�s.mt{I m�lesa applicabb laM toquicrs use of�notl�a mdho�d.'It�e notica at�ll be direatixl to dro R�ipaty Addmets oc
<br /> aoy�tha a�37rpa Bamo�rer daign�es by notice to Cxnder.My�wtice w Ler�ahall be gm.�n�by fust claa mail w I�ensfa'a
<br /> a8d�sa�ari�hatL�a any cKl�er aAdreas Lrndu designaks by no�iae to Baroker.�lny notioe provided f�ir► thls Security
<br /> �nstwndet dutU be deemod oo hnve ban given oo Ba�u�a or I�ender whcn giva�u provided in this pa�pi�.
<br /> • iS.Gqrenl���.aw;Scwera6Wt�. 1hi� Sa:urety In.stnunent shaU be govamod by foder�l t�w and d►e Iaw of �he � ,-
<br /> jurisdictio�3n ahich tho Pmpaty u Wcated.In the evait that any provision nr clouse of thls Sa,�rin��instcw►xx�t or the Nole ...
<br /> : oonfliqs�i�1n�ppli�abb law.such oa�fl;wt shslf not a�'oct whir pem+�isions of�his 5ocuiity in�umeat or tha Nota which a,�a mc
<br /> giva�et�'rct rvidioat Iha conflicdng provision.Ta this end tho Ixovisions of this Seeurlry Inswmcnt ancl tha Na�arc docl�d to
<br /> � be eaver�tfle.
<br /> ° For�7U2� flo0
<br /> � ��R�NE�n1�a�.o� n.o.�c+e �nnaN: _
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