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<br /> S.Hrs�rd or 1'wrarir.r3y Iir�ueaace. 8amwu shall kap tha impcovemente now e�isUng or�ter��d��tt�a P�ropatY °
<br /> Insurod��ut W►x 6y fim�bRxiad� includod withtn Ihe tam "ex�ended covua�e" w�d�ny other h�rardi�inctodL9g tk�als ar
<br /> tboding�for whi�h Lcndnz r�q�►lrt.�insutu�co.ThL�in�ur�rrco ahap ba matntained in thn emounts and for the period�that L�e�►der
<br /> roquire�.The insunnce ct�tri�c�t p'ovkflna�ho inauru�co shW ba choxn by Bamwu subjoct t,o Lendex'�e�,-y,r�ov�l wi�ici�s+"yall�sot �
<br /> be unrcawrubly withhnkl. IP. Sorrower fdla tn m�innin covuage dacribed abovo, l�ndu may, u L�der's optlon, obtain
<br /> cavcx�go ca pcntioc�Land�r'a r�gh�s in tha Prop�rcY in sac�rdmco w►th par�graph 7.
<br /> All lnsunr►c.a pc►liclm ane!reoewals elull bo�bb to i.cndcr er�d shall includo a stenclACo mat8s8a cbuse.Lender ahAtl
<br /> havo�l�e rlght ta hokllhn pnliala+�nd re�wats.If L,aK1er rc�uires�Bomower sh�ll pcompdY give b Lenda eU rectipts of pdd
<br /> premluma and renawal nminaa.In the event of fos.t,Borro�rer ahall glve prompe nodce a U,a insurance carrier encl Lendec.Lx,�xkr _
<br /> rru�y m�icA praof af k�ss if nctt made prort►pt1Y by Ba�rower.
<br /> Unkss Lu►sia i►nA Benrower ahawi�e agcno�1n writing�insunuxe procoeds sh�ll be apglkd a reswradon or cq�alr of the
<br /> p�tiY d�nu�$eA�if tho rr.nx►ntlon or re�r l�economic,�lly fea�ibla end l.enEkt`s socuriry v aot ksseaed.If the cesW[atlon or �
<br /> re{mir is nat oconomic�lly ft;asibla a I�ender's sxurlty would be lessa�ed,the insurenee Ixocoods shall be sppliod w the sums
<br /> socurod by this Socurity Ynsauma�4 whetha or not tt�en due, with eny oaa�pdd to Dorcowu.If Barowa abonAons the
<br /> Prqpaty.or doaa nat snFwnr with�n 3Q Osye�noNco frnm Le��da ttyt the insurnace caaria ha�offaed ta sGqlo s claim,tha�
<br /> L�es may eo!hc!ct�n ina►�!�'�.Lc�d�r may�e�he pmceoAs a r�p�ir ar rGawce U�e Propr�cy or a psy sums securad
<br /> �y thu Soccu[ty insttumant�whethu or na thae dua'11w 30-day period rvill begin wh�x�tha nadco i��ivea�.
<br /> Unks.v I,emia�nd Burr.owa otl�wl�e agra in wrltinB�anY aPPikatbn of procoeds w pdncipal ehall not extcnd or postpcxie
<br /> the due d�e of tlu�mnntl�l�►�gaYments nferrod to in p�ra��aphs 1 anci 2 or changa the amount of the payma►.ts.If under pa�ugreph
<br /> 21 the Pra�paty b soquiro3 by I.ender.Barow�t's rlght w�ny insan�nce policlai�nd p[ooeeds reeuldeg&ntn dam�ga w the
<br /> ��Y P�tc�t��acqniniden shall pass tn Lrndu to the extau of ttjee sums secureA by 16is Security Insuunxnt immaliatelY
<br /> pdor b ttx acquiuNon.
<br /> i.Oc�wptNer�i�'�erv+�tbn.Mai�teaa�ce�nd ProtectEa�at t�te Propert�� Borr�wrr'e l.o�n AppYcatba;I.eueiwl�.
<br /> Borrowa slulZ oocupy.es;t�bliih,end use the Pmperty as IIormwu's principat srsida�ce ar�thin sixty days ift�a the exxution of
<br /> thi�SocurIty Insaumant rmA sluill oondnuc to occupy ds�Propaty at Ba�coxer'a principAt re,sidatice fa at least ono yar�fter the
<br /> d�1e of oocupancy. unl�raa L,ender ott�uwi�se egroe,s in wdting� �erhich consent ehall not be unrea9awbly withheld,a uNas
<br /> �sre,�e,a�iA�c�,cumsrnuoan�:xLgt whkh aro beYOnd Barowes'3 c,ontrol.Boerower shail rat desLroy.cian�aBe tx imp�r tho Pro�aiy.
<br /> altow ttie Pmprny ta d��rrriantc�a canmit waste on tho Propaty.Bamwer shall be in defa�ilt if any forfeian+e adion a
<br /> p�r�tn8�whdhe,r civU.rx criminad,b�egure tl�t in I.ender's good f�iW judgimont couid rctwlt in fotfeiuue of the Propaty ot
<br /> c„�»i�r�v�te.-i:lly impnn dt,^.L�m axrat�od by this Securiry Inst�uina�t or L,easda's sa.�►y�lnta's6t.Bamwa mzy cure such a
<br /> dd'ault�nd teinete�.an grovidod in par�gtaph 18,by causing the ac8on or proca�ding p�be ditmissed with a ruling thtt,in
<br /> I.ender'a gaod faid�dt�sna�inHion.procludes forfei�ce of the Bomowa'a Ntaest in tbe Prapaty ar olhea mrtaial imp�irmeat of
<br /> � tlto lirn exo�ted by thla Sttcuriey Instrutuent a I.a�da's sectuity inta'est.Ba[totva aball alw be in ciefwlt if aomo�ru.d�ring the
<br /> 1an�pPtic�lion Proass�!��Y filso or irtaccw�te infarm�tion a smt�anaiW m La�tiv(a f�ibd oo pc+ovfda I�ader with
<br /> any m�tetiat Wamation� in 000noction wid� the laa evidenad by the Note. inclnd'mg, but not Wnitod oo.re�att�t�iOns
<br /> caocxroinq Boaow�r's accupu�cy of the P�nqx�ty as a principal n�sidenoe.If dw Sacurity Inswment u an a 1a�+eliold.Baa�owa
<br /> ' sh�ll oomply with sll die•�pmvlsiona of the la�o.If Borrowa acquir�s cee title to tue Pmpaty.the k�xhold�nd the fa qtk shaU
<br /> " not mago unkas Lendar u,grocs t�the mager in wrltinng.
<br /> ' �.i�rolettion of Leaorkr'�RigMfs i�t�e Propert�. If Boaower fails a pafam the covaur�ts md agreements caotained in
<br /> � this Security Inqcum�mt��or th�7t is a kgal Proceociin8 thu maY slgni£'�n►tY affc+ct Ixrder'a righb in the Pmpaty(auch in a
<br /> �'� pncoodin�in bani�.rupN.�r:prot�ata,fa coadaru�d�on a farfe.�tura a a�t�fa+x la+vs ar regnLuions)�tben 1.�1a rosy do aod psy
<br /> far ah�oever is n��w poote�ct the value of tbe Propa�ty a�td Lduk�'s�igha in d,e Pt�c�Oriy.iaendtr'a actiona nury it�cLx3e
<br /> � pa�r,�any sume socuaid by a lia� whicte has priority over tfiis Sa�urity 7nslcumeat,a�Qoait�g�n �aut. P�Y�B�
<br /> aq�mr+zys' fas a�►d a►umSng on tho ProgacY w malca re,patrs.Altlw�gh La�t�er may teicc aation wxba�d�b p�ragca�h 7.L.aW3ar
<br /> d�oee.iu�i Eiave tn do so.
<br /> My aroounts disbuivotf by Lendu nnder this pa�h 7 shat!bxome addidona�debt of 86crmva eocurod by this Socurity
<br /> Inst�wneat Unkea Bumrrwer snd I�agroe to oihcr t�am4 of payment,th�se a�nounts�lull bar inoaest f�m the d�e of
<br /> . di�Muea►xnt at tho Nuuciato and shalt be paysbLe.with intdrest.upon notico fmm I.�nder to Bormwa re4�i PaYmai�
<br /> �,MortEsge Ir�nrr•na. If Lender requin�d mortgago insnran�ce as a aondtt+on oF inaking the lan eecu�rod by this Security
<br /> Tn9krunknt,Bo�mRbr s2+alt paY � P�� �4uirod to maintain dse moctgage inswrsu�a in etYoct. If, fa any rc�►ton� tha
<br /> mortgag�insunQnce cas�srage cequirtd bv I,ender la�pses a aa�s w be in effxt,Borrower shall pay tho p�ert�iwns roquired m
<br /> ' obtain co�veraga aubstnntially oquivakot to the rtwrtgage insurance prevtau�sty f�effect,at a oost subs�nWilly equivaknt to the
<br /> cost to 3�naoRr,r af�I�h nw�tgage insuranoe previonsly in effect� from am altanato mo�tgage iiuura approvod by Laida. If
<br /> sub�tnntially equivalt�aC matgage insur�nee coverago is not:rv.aiiabb,Borcnwel ahall pay eo I.enda each moath a sum oquaD to
<br /> • cx�e-iwtJ�th of tha ynaLy mo�ge 3nsuracxe premium befc�paid by Bcxmwer when the irasurince cova�ge lspscd or cea�od w
<br /> be!n ctte�c4 I.e��dar wifl acce�Ot.usc and netain these paymenta as a loss re,ave in tku of moitgage inuu�nce.Loss rese�ro
<br /> ' Fonn aD2�O/i0
<br /> I �•�r+l{NF)n�1Z).Ot Pay�Ools IMN�I�:
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