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<br /> li.BMra�er'��wy. ��xrower�nt1 be given ane confom'rod capY of the Noto�nd of tht�Sccw�ity Instrumen� _.
<br /> ' !7.'C'�c�;:,•��c*tt:!"�;� cr n L�:SEs�ant�!f�Plnrr�wc�r. If ell or nny�.�af tha Propr�ty or any intcrest in lt is L
<br /> aW ar�wuterred(or iF a�W intareat in Borrower i�ao{d�x tnnsfarod and aorrowu is not a nawralpueon)without
<br /> Lerwkr's ptioc wrttncn conaa�t,t.end�r r7uy�at Ita op�n.ro4o�ire irnmod�atc P�Yme+n in fuU of all aume sa.vrat by this Socurity
<br /> insecumen�Howov�r�U►ie opdan shall not be excrcisui by Lc�►d�x iP eaetciso ia prohiblted by foderal!aw aa of the dato of t�is
<br /> Sesucity It�trumen�
<br /> If C,enda txercisa Ihfao�tion,L,endu ah�ll givo Bamwer nodce of accelcxatlon.'1ho nodco shall provido a perlod af not les9
<br /> U�an 30 Nye from thc dato tho notico i�dcliverod or mailod withln wbich Borrowu must pay ell sums secured by this Sxuriry
<br /> lnsaunx�t,ii�wer fpila co pa�y these surt�pr�oc.w . . Plnt�on of this periad�Lender may invoko eny semedies pamfusd --
<br /> hy tbi�Socurity Iaatr�ment ootb�a�tlelr�Mi1 Bamwu.
<br /> 18.�orrouer's Rl�ht 1� te4+k�EsBb[fdMitY'� a certain coadidons� Bamwer shall have the r�ght w tlave
<br /> cnfocoement af this Securi I �;�IiW66Kr�! dmn pda to th�e eaclier of: (a) 5 days (or sach c�a periad as
<br /> �pplicabb Vw mey spoci�y, �bebrtrt'�IS`oF� a ProTx,cty uant to any power of sak cuntained ire this Securi�y
<br /> Inswmar�or(b)entry o�`a judgment enforctng chia Sxurity Insaumenw�rno�e conditiona sre that Bonower.(a)Q�ys Lender a�l
<br /> eucna whkh then would be duo under thls Securlty Instn�ment a�d thc Note a9 if no acce1er�tion had ocrurna: (b)cus�es arty
<br /> defwlt of�ny dher covenenta or agcexmenw.(c)PAY���P�incurred in a�facing this Security Ins�unxnt,x�ul�i�ing,but
<br /> aa:!!.ml�s!to.aze.r_neble at�meye'fxs:i��d(tl)tAke.v FuGh actian ay Lend�t maY reasao�1rdy roquire to asure th�t u?�e li4�a of this
<br /> Socurity Insmtment. l.ender's dght� in the Pro�aty end Sotcowa's obllgabon w �ray tho sums s�ured by 2tus Security —
<br /> InsWer�t shsll cor►tL►ua unctwnged. [Jpon reir.st�t�erna�t by Borrower. this Socurity Inso�umei►t wu�1 rthc obIIgadoc�s securod
<br /> heneby shaU remaiY► t'ully effecHvo a�if no scceferation had ocewral.Iir�wcuu�this righc to reinstate shtill uot nppfy in We case of
<br /> �ccelaat3ot�unilet p�r�graph 17.
<br /> 19.Sak of Note;Cbs��s o�I.o�n Servker. The Nate a a patial intaest in tho Nata (WBetha with tlus SocurlRy
<br /> Inswment)mxy be sold ona or more times without prlor�arx:e to Bormwer.A sak may result in a change i�Qre cntity(kr�wn
<br /> ag the"Loan Servicea")that coI6octs mandtly ymGnts due artr3u Ihe Nais snd this Security Inswcnen�'I1�erc al90 mny bo ono o[
<br /> mace chinges of tt�s Loan Sen►kcx w�to a sale of the Note.U�ru is a ch�nge of the Loan Saviax.Bozmwu wiU be
<br /> given vrtitun nadce of the chaago in eccordanca wIth 14���xu'idapplicabb law.'Itio notka wlll stete the nam�aad
<br /> ddoeaa of�he ne+v �.an Servlar end tho addn.4s to�w�h ,h�payma�ts shou3d be m�de.'It�e nodce will e190 contain any otha
<br /> tnfam�tion roquuod by qrplicabb law.
<br /> 20.14:ardoos Substana� Harowa sfWl aot cawe orpemu t tix� presen�e, uso� dispflsel. starage. a rekasa of any
<br /> Haz�do�v Suhwoces a►or ice�hn ProvertY.Barowcr shall�wt do.nor aUuw anyone else W do.anything affectirxg thc Property
<br /> that L�in vblatinfl df�n�r F�vi:unmental Law.'Ihe procoding two sentex�.`os shail not apply W ti�e per.sence.asa.or�e on ii�a
<br /> Prnpaty of scnati c�wannties af F3azardoua Substanets tbst are generotIx x�c�gnizod ta be appe�xiate w narmal nesidendal uses.
<br /> aad to miin6aea,+ce of the Pno�pe.rty.
<br /> Barower shall promP�Y &Ya Lender wriuen notice of any invest�g.ntion. claim� dan�d, leMSUit or at�er act�nn by any
<br /> govemma�t�l a cegul�tory egency a private pa�ty involving the Pmpaty and any Hu,�rdou9 Substance ac F�sr�nm�eAtal4w
<br /> of which BaroNa ha�a�;wal imuwbdge.If BomAwer 5eacas.ar is rmdfiod by ony guveinmental a r�ulaoory►authalty.ttut aay
<br /> cr.movsl Ar oQber r�nediatbn of my Haracdow Subsoenco offacdng the Proprsty is noce�ry.acKro�vrr a�u1ll promptly t�ke all
<br />_ noas�ty ranar�al�t;tinns in aocartl�nce witlt Favira�undn�l Law.
<br /> Aa used in this p�groph 20. "Flazardr�us 5ubstances" ere those sabsGu�ces defu�od as Wnic or haTUdou� subetaieces by
<br /> 8nvironrt�aital iaw and the foUowing substaacas: ga9ollne. ka+oeena� other El�iunabk a ¢oaic peoroleum pcOduct�� wxic
<br /> - •pc�ic'w��,�I�u;c�,val�:;a saivH�ts�r•saG,:::.1;cc:.t�nf�g a: �� cr f�s�hy�.a�u1��?�:hv�mar�rl�lfl.As��in
<br /> dti,s p�ragry�h 2l1."Environmaital LaRr"cnean�f�l IawB md lawe of d►e juci.gdiclion wtEa�e t�e Property is locs�ted that tr,late
<br /> lo halth.e�fel.y a��environma�ml pc�oDection.
<br /> NON-UNiLA(3RiN1 COVHNAI�JTS.Hormwer aad I.etsdc�fuziher covc�t and ngrex as itillows:
<br /> � 21.AooeierAtbni Re�aliea.l.ender sl�all�iv��otke to�ormwer prbr W�ooe�eraibn folbwio�Borro�rer'4 bresch o�
<br /> �� mve�rt ot atreenent �n t6y SS�ccn� Ixtrunnr�T lbut oot prior to �ocderitio� a�dtr pars�s�fi A7 n=kn
<br /> Rpplia��ie hw Provides otYerwfie).T6e�otke aiW spaiifjy:(a)tl�aktaaki(b)tLc sclio�*�ietvl.iq cune t���efa+�lt�(c)
<br /> � •date,�at iea�t�30 days fro�t6e date the notice b�ivea ta Bara�owar,e��rhicL tYs default 7n W be car�d;�rd(d)
<br /> tW�t tail�re to au�s tre detadt o�or be(oe+e t�e date spcciried'm tiie�aatia a�ar rawlt in aoctkratb�ot the w�s iecnred
<br /> b7 t�SecMrity Ioatnu�at s�d ssk of�tie Propa tr.Tre nolioe WisY fortier iatans Borrowtr or tY�*tit ta nidtate
<br /> ntYa�aoakr.tion a,a�6e rijht to bri�.court sction eo.eeert eYe aos�ista�«or a aeh�lc or any otLa�ae�e�e or
<br /> lorruwer to sooeieratbn and eak.U tLe defanit ie oot c9ttd o0 or before tbe d�te apteifkd is tlee aoeice. �R�kr.at ib
<br />- optb�,�a� �fn ie�edLte payme�t iq tutl of all wms eecuml b�t6i�Securit�Introsatt�rUf�oat MrN�r de�and
<br /> -, �sd may 6��alce 4Y�e puwer ot eak and aa�y�ther remedia�peirmitted��appiicable law.l.e�der e�W be abitle�to cWlect
<br /> W encpeau� Lcrrn�ed in�anuiog t�e remedies�rovidRd ia 16i�parr+,�r�ph Zl,i�clndie�.b�e aot lisked ta ra�abk
<br /> �tRa�aeys'fees�ad coet�ot titie evidenca
<br /> �T?the po�we� al iaie i� invokal,Trnetee siw11 rreord a notice�14 det�ult ia each oon�ty ie w�Licti aay psrt ot t6e
<br /> Ih-operts�fac�¢e�aal a�l�11 mAil oopies o�sACh oMice u t6e ma�axsr�isscribed by spptkaWe laav b Bairower aad to t�e -
<br /> ; otLv pe*w�s l�cs�cribed by�pplicabk lan.After t�e ttme req�1�2'aPPlicabk law,Trw�ee�h�l�ive pmblic naliee e�6
<br /> .` swbe an t1k pereoas aad in t6e mnnaer preacrFbed b�apRlicabk bw.�ce.wit�oat des�ed um Borrowcr,eLa11 edl tDe
<br /> ' pwe�ai�at prblic anctjoo to tbe 6{ghat bidder At t�e t�e�sd pl�a ansl ander tbe tene�s daisatted id tY�e�tice of eak
<br /> For�302t Y/Y0
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