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<br /> � , D. 11h�A ths T�BTaR all� tl� txust prop�s'tY pursuaut to tI� --
<br /> P�� 9r�� h�rrir►, t2N T�DSTaE shali apply tU�_Fr�ocMds _
<br /> tro� t.h� sal.� o! suah gropas�y ,in tta lolloviaq- or�Mr o!
<br /> griority: _ . -_ .
<br /> (1j ` To ths eost and expttuts o! e�ceraising ths po�r ot �di3�
<br /> � _ and o� tt� sale, � #nclnd#mq attornsy lies, �vie�na�.ot . - - -
<br /> -- " . .._._tit��► �d oth�r sal�.axpeiwes and_a trust.�s�s tM ao.t to . .
<br /> -- - � t=- - '
<br /> -- - - - - -
<br /> . _ _ .
<br /> � e�caead tour p�rc�nt (�t j o! tha gross �alf- ai�-- --- -
<br /> - (Z j To ths payaant ot tLe obligation saaurea by tbis D��d ot
<br /> =-= Trust aaa Tru�.t neea Bota: . . , . -
<br />-..- . .
<br />�=- (3�' To the pay�ant o! iunior Trust Dascls, aaxtqaqea, or ottti� , -. _. -- f
<br />'•�` lienholdara;
<br />�.:.,
<br /> . �4) The balance, if any, to the par�oa or persona ],agA7.ly_ :, .
<br />� eatit].ea thereto. • �`'�;�� .--
<br /> � �:r,:..�::`:
<br /> . , . . ,.,,.. ,
<br />:;�:;,= S. Qpai�e �_�:;�enc�.-,�f any dalault ber.euai�etg _HS�BFI�i11RIE8 . - _ -.
<br /> y� s2ra�;�� °�iaiv�e;:;:.� a8d�;tion .to sach. Qfiher optiia�d :as� say ba . .
<br /> Gf� ` �se�a,� tli�;'-�a�ther opt.ioa�..ta #or8cloas';�tiis;�,�aad o! . ,. —
<br /> °= ::�,�; . . .��; � �at� for larecl�suree of � .
<br /> .: �,�i: ;+t�e" ;s�a�ae�r� pro�fiii�d. hY . . . -
<br /> .':4"':t:. .. . i , ..� '
<br /> ,:r.:* • . sa�t�ages':c�� real pro'perty,.:�
<br /> :;-:. _<<< .. �
<br /> :;�i:� ` F. HSNBg`sCillRiES� aay Froa� tise to tiae subatituta.a sucaaasQr o�
<br />- HSNB
<br />. � succes�ora to aay TRIJSTBB naaed herein or aating horewador.
<br /> ���.�- Upoa snah appoiatient, t�nd without aonvsyance to the succas:or
<br />. .� �. TRt18TB8, the latter shali.be veste� �tith ail titla, po�rs, �- _
<br /> '::`�.� and dutie� aonterrad upon any TAUSTB� Iur�in naar�d or aat3ng �'�`
<br /> � hsrsunder. Eaah such appointient aad substitution sh�li b� — _—_
<br /> . _ . r", .' � astds by vritten instrussnt and sxecut�d by 88NEFIC211RI88, � -_-_ -�
<br /> LL • containing rstsrence to this D�sd a! Trust �►d ita piac� ot
<br /> � � record, wbiah, when recorded in the Ottiae oi thr Regi�t�r o! �
<br /> . �,s, ��g�
<br /> '���'==�==='� Daeils o! the couaty or counties in which aaid prop�rty is ,. �:�
<br /> � �.:��;�.a�.. -
<br /> .: .;;�T; : situated, shail be aonciusive proo! o! proper appoin�nt of .
<br /> the euaaessor TAUSTEE. The foreqofnq power oP substitution • � ` `'�^`
<br /> ''=�{`.�;°.,f � --
<br /> ...x,.�Y� .:
<br /> :�=:;�:=-,F:{, and the proaedure therelor aball not be exc�usive ot the po�ter -- ;.-.��:
<br /> s����.��:."4,"";,, and proaedure provided for by law Por �he substitution of a •- •� �;�
<br /> ,_;.:,_
<br /> � :�r�.��;�a.,�,;; TRIISTSB in the plaae of the TROSTEE n�ed herein. . . ' -_
<br /> } G. TRtTSTOR covenants 2snd aqrees t23at upon any atte�pted _.._ �,�:-:
<br /> � ._ :����.:��.-'� _ � � _ _ - .;',
<br /> ,.,.��r.�.:..- -�_�,-::
<br /> �..,-� conveyance, assignm�ent, pledge or transfer oP aay ot his
<br /> `°`".::.��. �, interest �.aa tr�ae premi.ses durinq t2� term of the Ioan securad � �, ..�`;;:�
<br /> �.,..... .. . . "
<br /> ,. r y:,,_'! . •. �,
<br /> ��":,= hereby, � SENEPICIAR=ES shaii bave the ogtion of dsclarinq � :;
<br /> % ' ';4:; ,� :.:._. ... , r
<br /> : , �.�:� the ungaa� d�aiance immediately du�. and payable, and it said
<br /> �Y,'-_
<br /> -',':..:;� �=�-^y.>�j.,.:; sum reaa3ns unpaid for f ittee�r�.. (15 j' days thereattsr, � ;�� : �..+ .i;
<br /> � �� ' BENEFICI1�RIES can cause Notice of DeYault ta be qiven and the �°r',�r�;;;
<br /> . � A �f3;:..;.� � • .
<br /> >;:;�° ,. presiises be soid as provided herein. � x���"-
<br />. - .��.�k.�r,« _ : ;s, . . � • � .
<br /> "i�J��;a`� �-_�� � H. ]�is a8ditiona1 and collateral seaurity for the loan, and � �` .
<br /> �3.; .r. . � '.
<br /> � � � -- etteative lorthwith upon tiling ot a Notice o� DeYault, this ; _
<br /> ` - � � inatrumeat shaii serve as an assigument by the TRUSTOR to the j
<br /> � � TRUSTEE, ct aii rents and revenuss resuitiag lrom the
<br /> ' property, and TAUSTEE is authorized to take possession ot the ; -- - -
<br /> . � propertiy, rent or lease the ea�e on teras he deems best and to ' ,
<br /> � oolieat the rents and revenues and apply the same upon unpaid i� . �
<br /> :�1:� ; ' intsrest, principai, taxee or inaurance preaiums or !or .
<br /> � � �. � mais►tenance and presarvat�ion of the premisee. ,
<br />� Z. The waiver by TRtTSTEE or HENEFIC2llRIES o! any delsult o! � � �
<br /> . • ' TRUSTOR under this Deed o� Trust, on one vcoasio�, shall not '
<br /> be or be deemed to be a waiver oE any other os similar _ ; , .
<br /> � dalavlts subsequently oaaurring. -
<br /> . � ...V-0,. _ . ,
<br /> , ;.- ; --- -_- J. . If titie to any part oP �he property herein shaii be taken'in
<br /> � condemnation proaeedings, by right of emtne�t damain, ar :- - -
<br /> � - aiailar action, or eha7.1 he solfl un8ar threat of condesnation, ;
<br /> ,�:,�,, all araard�, damaqes an8 proaeeds are:l���by assigned and shall .
<br /> , . � be pafd l:o:�he HLNEFICIARiSS, who �h�17. appiy suah paymant, or
<br /> �,. . �;;�;i���:f•��_� .�;;t�'.� . . -�� _ . . . _- .. •
<br /> . , . - -
<br /> __.. _. .._..., - -
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