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<br /> � ` . nat ba canalb by said.cartiar vitbQUt tftt�a. (is� dnya .
<br /> . vritt+�n notice to HEli8F2CIllRlas.� '
<br /> �RQSTOR cbVinants and agr�es tbat b iailut� to aalc� an�
<br /> paya�nt, �ith�t prinaipsl or int�r�st, on tl�s Kot�a s�aur�d h�srby
<br /> rh�; dus an� payabls, ;or a lailnss .ta cosply t�rl.t.�t any o! tb�
<br /> . ; cownruts �nd agrs�nts ber�in aad� shall canss th� vhals nis o! - -
<br /> ---_--- -—av�y- - - . _.. _ - '-��t�iafs3g�e--�--s:o�"s�ii�is ai- — . --� �_ _
<br /> ' tt� opt.�.oA ot tlst �8N8FICI�lRI88, aad Hffii81�ICIl►RIBS sha11 haw ths �
<br /> right t+o cause Kotic� af Dalault to l�e givaa and tl� pr�sis�s to ba
<br /> so�d as pr�o�rid�d I�r�3u.
<br /> Tlee partiea �uaily agrad as to�lo�nss
<br /> D. 7�t any tiaa and fros tiss to ti�s upcn writt.�n reqwst ot ..
<br /> - BENBPICIi�RIBS, PaY�ant cf t� and prasentatfoit ot this D��d
<br />_--- or Trast ana ta� xc�ss-for �fa case or ruu
<br /> = rsccrt�syaace, !or cancellatfi�. and. ret�rttfan�, �tlktbout
<br /> ,..- , a!"#�aq t�. 3f.abf�ftlt� o€ . pe�rsott� �tJ� ys�ttt ci! t?�s
<br /> �"i .`�adea�sss. TBQ�BS a�'-;�a.��it'� '�e aal�?tx# cf-��aP,,. ,,
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<br /> �'�.? rvari..�,F�.C�j,` l.rar=.:`:""�,�4�-� . � .b �� '�.'� �, �.
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<br /> . . . �y��:. .
<br /> - - . or ths`�_Iiaa or charqe tE�arQOlt (d) rec6ESVeg thi,s�;of;'�ryst
<br /> __= v" : . . . .. or th+e.�.fer� or, charqe t�reot: �d?.reco�rey� �t�ut�an'ty, „
<br /> e].1 or�tfny part o! said property. � � � �
<br /> - � B. Tbe qtantes ia aay Deed ot Reaonveysnce aay be d�scrib�d as
<br /> ' �the person or persons entitlad thereto", and ths racit.sis
<br /> therein ot any satters or taat� shsli be conclusiv� pzoot ot
<br /> tl� trutUtuln�ss t.beraot.
<br />- C. IIpon dstault by TRtT8T0A in tAe pay�t ot ind�bt�drNSS a�aurb
<br /> �� ��. : l�r�by or in th� p�rtor�anc� o! ang agraa�nt 1�r�uadsr,
<br /> � '�, BENBF�CIIIRIEB say el�aler� ali �wu :�cur�d tur�by ia�iat�lY
<br /> � - dus and payabl� by dalivery to TRtT8TE8 0! writtwn d�ol�ur�tion �- _
<br /> � ot dstault. It HBrIEFICII1RIES d�sir� said prop�rty to b� sold, �_=_- —
<br /> � ; Y' th�y ahall dapo�it with TRUSTEE this Oeed o! Trust and �11 X
<br /> i+�Y t—
<br /> Y ���.
<br /> . prosissosy notes and doouasnt�svidencing expeaditt�res s�our�� ��-���^�=
<br /> , ` l�r�by, and ihsii delivar to TRtTSTBE u writt�n Kotics ot �:��'�.---
<br />� � 0�lault and election to aau�s said property to bs soid in the � �%;-;�;
<br /> -• iors require8 by la�, whiah shall be duly tiia8 tor racord by ..�n;�:��:__
<br /> -- TRUSTEE. . . -_—
<br />_-_ _ S - _.—_.__
<br /> � (i) After the lapse of auab tiae as aay be required by la�t � �f==
<br /> � (presently being one (3) sonth tollowing tha recordation � . __
<br /> - ot said Notice oP Delault), Notice ot Detauit arsd Kotice . . ��;=
<br /> r, o! Sale having been given as required by law, TAUSTEE, . �'�':s
<br /> � without demend on TRUSTOR, shall sell said propsrty an ���f'�-:�
<br /> � ` � the date and at the tise an� plaae designatod in saia . : ��•t,�X; `
<br /> - Notiae o! Sale, at pubiia auction to the bigbe�t bidder, _ _ _
<br /> •�, .'�»;;'.�;� tha purahase price payabie in lawtui mone,y o! tha Unitad .
<br /> � °��:�°��� �� States at the time oY sale. The person con8ucting the
<br /> - — --,;,;�;,::.::.--.--. , sale aay, for any cause he deems expedient, postpono the . , - ..
<br /> , �,,,�,�;,;: _ sale lro� tiae to tiaae until it shall be ao�plet�d and in . . �
<br /> '��`•;��=�.. every such case, notice oP postponesent shall be givan by ,
<br /> ..�.}.�: .....
<br /> :����:���-t. publia dealaration theraot by such psr�on a� tlio ti� an� �
<br /> �:;�:�,�:;Q;:_;�.: , place last appointed for the sale= pravided, if the �ale
<br /> :�;:;;?�:���- •�. , is postponed !or ionger than one (1) day loayon� the day I . �
<br /> '�"���` designated in the Not�.ae ot Sale, notice theraot shsli � I � �
<br /> ,�� -. � h ,
<br /> � � •-�::>::: .
<br /> `�� -�.'� - given in the sase manner as the original Notice o! 8ale. � �
<br /> � � . '-,. �; . TRUSTEE sha]l execute and deliver to the purchaser bis !� _
<br /> � ��:�::�;�;� �� Daed conveying gai8 property so soid, buti vithout any _ �� .
<br /> , covenant or �a.rranty, express or iap2ied. Tne raaitals �
<br /> "`�'`'`""°" ` in the DeeB ot any matters or taots shall be canc2usive i- . � �
<br /> _ ...__ � _ _ praof o! the truthfuiness thereof. liny person, inaluding - - - -
<br /> � � .' . ,:.;�: : HEr1EF2CtARYES, may purchase at the sale. TRUSR�Olt hereby �
<br /> , �-= ���;�.'°:-,� •. covenants to warrant and deYend the title og the above l. .
<br /> ";";., g�opes�y tio purc�t�.ser a� �ale. ,: ' ;•, '
<br /> . ::.i.- '':.'•;-� ,. . I,' .
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