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<br /> • � . �.�3�1t t1�M Q�i #h�s DNd O!.'1'i'N�t aAid Tl'OSt DNd lbt�si Yilb`sliy � .
<br /> � .3�ZS1fC� il�Oft! t�.a10UAt t�lit 11�l�1lCa�r j�Yab�.� t0 t�! TAZT�1�. .
<br /> �. Tbo H3NElICI�iEB, their mg�ants cr i�pr�s�ntatiws, as� b�r�by �
<br /> -- �- - .-- ,._aut,�oris�d_to �ntss,_�►t. aay r�onahl� tia�, npoA a�►Y Psrt a�_ _ ._ .-
<br /> t�s trust prop�ty tor t2is purpasas o! insp�ctinq tt� aaai aad -
<br /> _ � __--=- : _�-'- -- � .. �--�t=-p�.-t��-m.-�_--d-�--a�-�.,���—. ._. -- __--
<br /> -- - , autlloris�d to parlors utx�r th� tss�s of t.his DNd. ot Truit
<br /> . :e�nd ot3�r a000�panYin9 docwnt,s- , .
<br /> � I.. '�hi.s Daad o! Trmt and all acao�pa�yioq doat�eata,:ars.sa�f aat
<br /> :��o.. c�nstxu�¢t�t .and qoa�rne�t I�Y'�:�:tt�s Iavis ot �'t���tats_ o!
<br /> � �. ;Nabraslm �tor a�l_purposes• .�_ ,:;::: ' ' ;,;,,�.
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<br /> ..: . , .. ri�aips��, . � 3.nvai�dity, #T1egali�, oi m�entorc�sbility .
<br /> '::`';.:;-�`` sba,I7L, at tha option o! tbs , nat a€�iat any
<br /> � . otUir provisions ot tbis DMCI ot Trust or Trust O�� ltot�s. —
<br /> - but t,his t�sci o! Tiust and Trust D�ed �iot�s slu�].1 b� conatsv�d � .
<br />.=r� as i! suah invslid, ill�qa! or uaentoraeabis provision Isad =
<br /> - - -- �v�r l�n coatain�ct th�rsin, it b�ing•th� intontion o! tha =.-_—
<br /> _ � parti�s ti�st tbe provisians of this Daad ot Trust ar� dralar�d � ' ��_=-
<br />= - . to Io�, s�v�rabls. __
<br />.-�:: --
<br /> ' N. This D��ct oi Trust shall i.nure to and bind ttu tiiirs, -:�_
<br /> -r` • d�visNS, p�rsonai rspr�a�ntstiv�a. 'succissors sAd ussigns o! ��---_
<br />�:�- tl� purti�s I7sz�to.
<br /> ' TAs TAOSTOR r�quasts that s copy ot any itbtic� o! Dstault and
<br /> • ot any Notice oi sale hereundar be aailed to thes at tDe addr�f - -
<br /> -� h�sein set torth, or such o�her address as thay say provid� to ths =��-----�r
<br /> �*.s.s.w=_...
<br /> TR�TSTEE an8 BENEFICI�lRIFS. TRIISTOR turther ststes tliat thsy havs �;:�,_
<br /> , giv�n the BENEFICI�RIBS a written l�clrnowied at vbich statea th�►t L•�
<br /> 9� ,:�a:-:.
<br /> as TRQ&TOR, they understand that the docusent that thay ars � - � ;t,::�_-
<br /> �-� executing herein i� a Deed oi Trusfi and not a aortqaqe, and that ��.-_���'__.�
<br /> ��:'�� the powr ot sale provided for in this Deed ot Trust provides �:��-��=
<br /> �,�•,:
<br /> �:- stibstanti�ily dilt�rent rights and obiigations than a sortgaq� and : �;�;`.
<br />-� �-�:� in sn evant ot defauit cr breacb of the obliqations sst lortte ��Fr``��-v
<br /> herein, the TRIISTEE and the_BBNBFICIl1RIES aay tak� such action as - .=�'•"�.j
<br /> � �r�f,�. --
<br /> h�r�i.n providad, iaciuding tlie exesaise ot the power o! sals, and ���::�_�:��>.z�
<br />- ths partias agres that said ]Iclo�ot4ledgaent abovs reterrad to has . � �'�t��'���-�.'�;
<br /> bsen executed prior to the execation of this Deed o! Trust and .'"?'�`�'W
<br /> .���_�
<br /> � �, ahall b�.recorded prior to the recordatian o! t„�is oe�d o! Tsnst. a:_':'�==�°�-
<br /> L k�:,
<br /> ., � �a,�v_ —.
<br /> - � �� EXSCUT�D the date first above written. -_=-_��
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<br /> � f t��n��r Hi�if+s� R• aV � T. . . � .
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<br /> �� j ss. � ; �
<br /> . � �' � COtJIi'1'Y OF IlALL j ,
<br /> . NOW ON this Z� day of �� , 1992, p�rsonsily , . � � �
<br /> app�ared batore ss, �e undersicg�ed Notary Public in and !or ths � .
<br /> Caw'►ty o! Haii an8 9tate o! Nabzaska, HRIAt� IC. HOEHLE, 1! 8inq1�
<br /> � � � �'�` Pe=son, Trustor, to �e Ici�own to be tha identicel p�rsons wbo � :
<br /> . _ �x�cutiad the loreqoing Deed o! Trus�t, and aokrtowle�tqod th� ,
<br /> � euecutian theraot to be his voluntary aat and da��. �
<br /> : � ;�,�;� �_::�__._
<br /> � - :- - :-��,r:� 2H WSTNESS WHEREOF, -i�have haseunta affixe8 my han8 ana seai � . :
<br /> !�'' ��_��,.� t�he day .an8 year lirst above written. � ,
<br /> �. t-.�:� ( ` �� � .�
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