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<br /> `THIS Tt�BT D�BD sads t�bis �O dsy Of . , 199Z,
<br /> batw�n HRT�►li !C. HQEEtLB, s Sinqla p+�rson, o Grand Isiand. -
<br /> --
<br /> Iitbs'askal, tts TRQSTOR, att11 C0�1D 1QLIili. ]1 LiC�lrls�d A�sl Estat� . .
<br /> ---
<br /> - - __ ,__.__�Steoksr_o! lisbr�ka, as TiHTST88, and li1sLLY Q. YO[iliG aAd PI1TRICI7► _ ,
<br /> _ yOQI�G;�-�nd-an�--Wila,-as Jc�at-�..l3a�r�i-l��inaftar.r�tli'�i�Q_to _____ ---
<br /> , as B8liSFIC3�IR�S• �• � : . _
<br /> Nl'1'liESSBTH•
<br /> .
<br /> Tbat Tit08'l�R herebY 9rants s ��, � sells, aouvsys. aAd .
<br /> � �ra�crants to TAQSTSB, Zli .TRITST, Lis suaceesors and .assigns, vith
<br /> - povar ot sale, tha lo2l�vfng-dasaribed real propsrty: .
<br />= The Rorth lZ5 Feat ot I+ot Tw�nty-Sigbt ;{Z8), Hlock Four _
<br /> ' 1 5
<br />-� , � (�)• ia the Ropl�tt o!�ltiverside 1lcre�, �!n 1Wdition ta ths
<br /> - - City ot Grand Is�and. H�.l CouAty. Kebraska,
<br /> -- ioqefiher � vfth. �a�.�. ���Sr. ..�Proveaeats and appurtananceR ==_ --
<br /> - � --:�°°n�- ..•`;:. � =_------
<br /> r,� .� � �;���.���hg a�ema�ad�s��a�d ags+ess `►ith�ths T�Sr88 Lha►t .. � -
<br /> • ' 7. �,e . fa� : ��Y Be�Zl�� a�d �Ea� ,t�M�. Ot the BbQVE-�SC=fbed •-
<br /> �� , .BropasfE��f..�-•�DSTCIt-����.a�iiefend th� t�t�+a._;�said.. _ ���`;�--
<br /> ' �y • . . cgaas� of.�al.l perrsors whoii�oev .�;• ' ��; �r �
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<br /> ��` ', , �h nt ot ONS HUNDRBD SEV�i ���,��
<br /> '= TAIISTOR h+erein .coAtai.ned and tbe payae
<br /> j` LiO� ._5_�,
<br /> �. � Tsous�m no�s tSio�,000.00�, ttsa �tosTOR bas execut�.a t�ro O �,�: -
<br /> Proni�sory Notes be�inq even d a t a, a t t h s rate o! iAter�st and on ----
<br /> tlw teras and aonditioAS as set torth in each Note until paid. The � ` ��.:��
<br /> - prinaip�l aus rnd fnterast snall be pay a ble in accordance witb and � �.�:�'
<br /> �; upoA ths terws ana conditions o! said Hotes oi even dat�, and in , .;���,.-v�
<br /> any event tbe entire prinaipal balanca dus beraunder and any -��:�'�;'_;;'�
<br /> ' accruad interest shall ba paid on Nove�bsr 1, 1994. All �� �
<br /> � instaliwent psyse 1 �.;--_
<br /> �, �- nts hereunder shall bs appliad lirs! to the . �
<br /> pay�ent oi interest coapute8 annually on the unpsid balance, . : ___
<br /> - �` ;-- pursuant to the teras o! the notea, copies ot srhich havs b�en . ---
<br /> ' -;. prcvided to each oP the parties herato, and reasindar ot eaah .�=f
<br /> pay�ent oi each installaent to be applied to prinaipal. �11 . _._*_:�—
<br /> �f� .. psyaents due hereunder shali be paid At the residenae ot th� . - --
<br /> Bffi�EFICI�RIES or as the halder of�said security shali designate in :�"�"_
<br /> ffi E --
<br /> = � writf.ng. HENEFiCT.�RIES designate payaents to be aad�e at Young 011 _ ��`--
<br />