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<br /> 'Li __.� . . _ - . . . . .. . . - L. �
<br /> =a:�iry'� rl.. . . . .. � � , r ' —-_ ' .
<br /> __�'_a_v����.� . ... ' . . � � . ' . . . . _ � . . .. �. . ,
<br /> , . �, ,,: - - ` . . � �_ ._ -- � . 9�,,,., � _ ` ..s` ; . � 4 ,. . �,, .
<br /> -• �r;ods u�t Lmaec�.�-„�e�e c�rrier p�wi�o��ne ia�noo��d,tie cbo�ato����,o r.eaaa?� _ -
<br /> �ppriw�l wfiid��inli}wt be une�eaoa�bly wdd�heW: If Bontower f�b q an�iaum cavaa�e d�c�ed atiove,!�&x n�.�t .
<br /> � •Leeder�cptiou.obt�a cover�e w pokct l.sndal�ri�ii�tbt Pnopelty utaooa�anoe wi8t p�n�raph 7-
<br /> � Ail�oce peticie:�nd�ewals sA�ll be aviceptabje to Lender and�luil includc s=tandard mort�clau� t.endcr _
<br /> ` a6sII ir�ve the right to hoid tbe policies�d m�ew�is. If.l,erder ra�ui�es.8atruvrcr stWl p�oNptty B�re tu isadet al!reoeipts
<br /> d p�id premi�s and e�eneaal�iotices. ta d�e even�ot tos�,�oaawer shalt give priomp naica w die i�aoce caakr�d : ,.
<br /> . I.eMer.l.ender may eahe penof ctlass if aa made promqty by Barowa. ' , .
<br /> � � �Unkss l.er�dec�nd Borsower a�berwtse sgeee ia wnta►a.inwrance prooee�s shall be applied w iestaeation ar repair d
<br /> �� •- ibc�ta�eetg dams,e�.if�e:sstar�tioa oe iepeir is eqa�mipi�f�bk and 1.tnderk,securlt�r is acd ksse�d, .It We -_ -
<br /> • �tora4on a teg�rir is mt aawmically fezcible,a.loudertc sauriry rvouW be kssened,the i�r�noe Proo�ula -
<br /> � m s6�1t be
<br /> — -- - - . — _
<br /> �pplwcito t e�sua�saiue-3 Ii}i�is�cY�ame�+�'i�tlt�vr s��-�:���xc�;�sss�- --_-=--
<br /> Ba�mwa aDfndora Ihe PrapMy.a das aoE antwer arithitt 30 days a ootice ftom t.erder th�t the inw�ce c�ries tns
<br /> o�'aed�o aetlle a ctwn.tden I.eoder msy colkct the io.wr�c�poaeods. Lafder may use tNe poccedc to np�ir or�estae
<br /> �e a to py s�ans seciuied by tbis Securiry iradumrnt,wl�he�ar not tbea dua'!'f�e 3Qa1ay pericd wIll 6eain�fien
<br /> . • �.�SP�' - • - � w shall na eatand or .
<br /> LTnkss Isyder�od Bamower otlrtwise ag�oe in vrritin�,any�ppliptia�of ptncads P�ciP�l
<br /> postpone the due dMe oi dit modhly PsYnwtts'referied to ia pa�r+pl�s 1 ana 2 orchanae�6e�sa�nt of the paynrnt:..If ,
<br /> m�dK p�ph 2i the Prope�ty is acqui�od by Len�kr 6amwer's nght w any�nsmance poC�c�es aod P�resuh�t
<br /> {��ta the ptnpe�ty prior w Uu 9cqu�smon shaU p�sc w[�ender to the e�ctrnt ot tAe swas sa.-weQ by tbis Savr�ry .
<br /> lashraoeet inunedi�tely prior to the�cquisitian. `� �
<br /> �, poq�cr, pnqtrratlor, Mai�m�ee a�8 Prohdio� of tie Pro�ert�; Barl�wes's l.o� ApafaflM's .
<br /> I.�auMoiir. BaserMer ahall oc�cupy,establish,aM usc�Propaty as Bormwer�prmcipal reside�ice within sixty dxys afia
<br /> the cicavtia�►of t6is Security in.�anQ slnA cauinue w occopy the Prupett_y ac Barorras priacipa!nsideace for at
<br /> iase aie yen after the d�e af occupmcy. nnkss Lendes otliawise agsees m writing. wUich coosent ahaU not 6e
<br /> �p�a�tY w�d�dd,a�nkss cxtenmting circwnsiu�ces ezist which an beyond Bonawa�s canaoi. Barower sh�U aa
<br /> d�my�du�ige tx impiir the Pt�operty,altow tLe PropeTty to dettriorate.or cammit w�ste an t6e Ptoperty. Hanuwa sh�ll
<br /> 6e in def�Wt if my forfnaae actian ar puoceediiag.wbetl�tr civ�o�criininal,is begun ttat ib l,ender�s Eood fiitb judpaait
<br /> conW tesuIt in fafeitu�e of the Ptope�l.y or otherwise m�terialiy �mPoir the Gen coe�tod 6y this Socurity last�urt�wt oG
<br /> I.ender�s security interes� Bocrower may cune such a defauit and reinstate,as pmvided"ur para�18.by c�asia$the sctjon .
<br /> or pcooeeding w b�dism�ssed whb a suliag tf�at.in Lendes�s gaod faith determinatiat.pnxWdes forfeituc�e of the Hamwa�
<br /> intenest in tha Ptopetty or otlkr mareriat irtipairment of tfie lien created by tUis'Sec�iry Insdvment or Lender'�secaoity .
<br /> inierrst. Bamwer shall aiso be ia defauIt if Bormwer.during the loan applir�atian process, gave materlaliy false or
<br /> iaae�cur+te infolntation ar statements w i.eader(or faiied to pmvide Leader witI�any mataial informatlon)in cau�ectlan with, .
<br /> -- tht laan evidenced by the Nae.including.but not limited w,r+e ntapans conceming Bamnwerls accapancy of d�e
<br />= P�opeity as u pcincipal nsidence. If this Secucity Instsument is on a�tiold.Borrower shall comply wit1�ap the provisions
<br /> of the kase. If Barower acquires fee dtte to the Ptupercy.the leasehold and the fee title s1�11 not merge unlcss Lendec agras
<br />_ — to the Q�erger in wrhing.
<br /> - 7. Pratectios ot Leader's Ri�ia the Property. If Bonawer fails to perfam Ihe covenants and agroementa
<br /> cuntained in this Security lnsuu�or the�e is a kgal praceeding that may significandy affect Ltnder�s ri�ts m tGe
<br /> • Property(such as a proceeding m baniauptcy.probace,for ca�demnation or forfeituie ar�o enfocre Iaws ar iegWations?,then
<br /> � Leader may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and l,eMer's rights in the Pmperry.
<br />= l.ender's actions may include paying any sums secnred by a tien which has priority over thisSecarity Instrurtient,appea[ing
<br /> in couR,paying�sonable attamcys.fees and entering on the Ptvpe�ty to make repairs.AU�SOUgh lxnder may take action
<br /> ut�det this paragraph 7,Lender das nwt have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts dubursed by I.eader under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bocrower sceund by this _
<br /> - Suuriry Instrumen� Unless Borrower and l.ender asree to other tenns of payment,thesc amounts shall 6ear inteiest ftom the -
<br /> date oP disbu�entent at the Note�ate'and shall be payable.with interest.upon notice fmm Lender to Borrower reques�nS -
<br /> PaY��
<br /> S. Morf�e Iawnaca If�.ender riequired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this
<br /> Security Inatrurnent,Borrower shaC[�y the pnmiums required ta maintain the martgage insurance in effecw It,for any
<br /> • '� rrason, the mortgage insurance wverage requ�red by L.ender lapses or ceases to he in effect. Banower shall pay the -
<br /> premiums rryuired to obtain coverage substaan:allv equivalent to Ihe mortgage insurance previously ies effect.at a cost
<br /> - substantialty equivalent to the cost to BoROwer c.*f;,i�e mortgage insurance previously in effec�from aet�ltxrnate mortgage - _
<br /> .� insuner approved by Lender. If substa.--*�:"sally equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not acailable.Borr�wer shall pay to =
<br /> — Lender each manth a sum equal ta��welfth of the ycarly rt�rrtgage insurance preminm b�i�„paid by Borrower when the =
<br />�r:; insu�coverage tapsed or ccas�d tu be in effect.�l.ender wilr a:�sept,use and retain these paymenu as a lass reserve in i'iea _
<br /> -� of mortgage insur�nce. t.oss reservc payments may no tonger be required.at the opticx�of Lender.if mortgage insurance -
<br /> crnerage(in the atnount and for the.period that l.ender requires)provided by dt►inturer�tpraved by Lender agam becomcs . -
<br /> avAilable and is obtained.Borrower.shall pay the premium�tequired to mainkur��ves�age�ctsurance in eifect,or to provide a
<br /> lass reserve.unGl the tequirement Coamartgage insurance ends in aceordance�ith any�i€itten agreement beiween Borrower
<br /> and Lxnder or appllcable law.
<br /> 9. Inspectian. E.ender or its agent may make re�sonab2a.e::eies upon and inspectians of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> _ give Borrower notiee�cU.:e tlme of or pnor to an inspection specif5 ing reasoaable cause for the inspection.
<br /> 10 Condemaation. The proceeds of any award or claim foi damogev,direct or cbnsequential.in canciection with any
<br /> :;`� • Singlc Family..`aenk Mae/i'ieQdie�1x C�IY(1Rtt I�tSTRL�tF.:�i7'--Uniform Covenan�� !;� I/xrFe 3 njb par�sl
<br /> "•�:% ara�tates eWerae vass�x.•
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<br /> to(Mda Cat fd0653D�9393 O PA3 tl1M91df31
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