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<br /> ` ca�denn�tion or atTkr iaicina of any part of the Pmperty.or for c�veyancc ia lieu of raodenm�m,ne henetiy usip�ed nd .,
<br /> � s[t816epai��tol.ender. � � �
<br /> Ia_d�e event of a taal talcing of thc Pt6paty.tbe prureeds sball 6c applied.w the sums secunod by lhis SecuritY
<br /> I�.whether or not t6en du�with any excesc paid to Bonower. in the event of a partial taking of the P�opeity in �
<br /> � wliich the f�ir�uket value of the Ptope�ty immediatety befae the t�Ying is eqqal to or g�thaa the una�nt of dfe st�s
<br /> . secue�ad by this 5ecuriry Tastratneat immeffiu+ety`b�efore tlt�taicing.unksy Bamwtr uW t.ender othavr�ist agree in wrjtin8.
<br /> the sums sec4�ed bY this Socurity lasuument shal}be noducod by the amaunt of the procceds muitipI'xd iry the folbwing
<br /> ' fnctian: (a)tl�e tatal�maant oF d�e samc sa�urM immediately befoae th�takiag,divided by(b)the fair matket eaiue of the•
<br /> Ptopect�im�d�ly befar thc uking.- My b�tanee sha!!6e paid tQ Bamwer. In the evsai oE a partiil.taking�tlrc- - -. -
<br /> .
<br /> � m vuh�h_ttr.fair�v_aWe.Qf t�=unmediately_beforc the taking is less tlian the�mount of tLe
<br /> --- =-�Y-� - � - -
<br /> ` secu�ed immediatefy befam the taking.unkss Bomower an�Ce�ei oT�iwise agctie u�cvrtmig-�d�a��v�-.
<br /> ` otl�erwise provi4es,Ux proceeds sba116e applied co the sums secured by this Security Iastrument wi�ether or not We sums a�`
<br /> tbeq due. '
<br /> � . tf the Roppty is ai�andafed hy Borsewer.or if.after norice by Lender w Boriower that the cademnor offers to rtake _
<br /> • an awacd a settk a rhim for damages.Ba'rower fails w tespond to Lender arithin 30 days�ter the dau the trotice is given, .
<br /> Leader,is authoriud to colka and appiy tix pracaedc,at us aptia�.atther w�estoration�r aepanr of the Pmperty ar to the
<br /> � , sums second by this Secur'sty Iasmunent.whetlur�not thm du�
<br /> • � Unkss I.ender and Barawer othecwis�agrce in writing,any applicztion of ptoceecis to principal st�all not eatend ar
<br /> _ - - postpone the due date o€the moathly payma�ts referre�t to in paragra�hs 1 and 2 or cl�wge the amoant af such paymenis.
<br /> Il. Barro�er Not Released; For6earseoe Sy Leeder Not � Wsivtr. Extension.of th� time for paSm�e�rt or
<br />=-- � modification of amatization of the s�uns secored by this Security-lnsaument grani�ed by Lender to any successor in intefest -
<br /> ' of Harower shaU not operate to rekase the liabitity of ihe original Botrowec or Ba�owe''s successors in uite�st.l.ender
<br /> - sh�il not be�quisrd w carunence Pro�eedinSs against any sacces.sor in iaterest or.�.fuse to e�ctend time far payment or
<br /> ` otherwise modify amort�zatian of the suras;ecured by this Security Msorwnent hy re�iof any dac�aiiid made by the original
<br /> �a�rowec a Boriuwer's successois in ia�. Any fo�bea�ance by I.ender in exetf�isis�g any dg{!ir_or art�edy sball not be a
<br /> - wtirer of or precludc the exencise of aaf'�tt or nKnedy. �.: , •
<br /> - - - 12. Sra'essors a�d Ass�.Ea��;JoLit aod Several Lia6il�:Co�iers►:7'tie covenants and agrametrts of this ,
<br /> Security it�strument shaU bi��benefn the se�ccessors and•assigns of I.ender and Sarower,subject to the provisions of
<br />_ � paragraph 17. Bamowes's cou�nants and agreemencs shall be joint and several.Ai►y�Boaower who co-signs this Security
<br /> [nsnument 6ut da.�s not eaecute the Nae: (a)is co-s�igning this Security Insmiment only to mortgage,grant and convey that •.
<br /> Borrower's'interest in the Property under the"tenns of this Secunry Instrumenk fb)is not persanatty o6ligat�cd to pay tha sums ::_ ::°:
<br /> secureA by this Security Insnument;and(c)asnees that Lender and any other�orrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear
<br />= or make any accammadations wiih�gard to the temis of this Secwnty tnstrument or the No[e withoat that Borrower's •...:-�..`
<br /> - consen� . , � .
<br /> _ 13. I.o�n C6arges. If the loan secured by this Security lastt�unent is subject to a law which sets maximum loaa � -
<br /> = charges,and that!aw is finally interpreted,so tdat the interest ar othet;fa�charges coUeCted or to pe co�tected in connection •'
<br /> ' with the toan cxceed the pem�itted limits."d�►: (a)any such Ioan chaiga.�aall be reduced by the an��:4necessary to reduce
<br /> the charge to the pertniued limit;and(b}a�ay sums alrcady collected fi+?�xc;�orrower which exceedea�em�itted limits wiA be —
<br />�-�-;: refunded to Borrower. l.ender may shaase to make this refund by reduee�g the principal owed under the Nate ar 6y making a ':
<br /> " -- d�rctt payment to Borrower. If a refund redu��principal,the reduction wilt 6e treated as a partial prepayment w�thoue any - _
<br /> . prepayment charge undec the Noce. • -_��
<br /> 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Sesurity Jnstrument shall be givea by delivering it or by ' ;--
<br /> . mailing it by first class maii unlessapplicabte law requim use of anpthermethod.The natice shall bedimcted to the Ptoperty . �.;��'
<br /> Addre.�.s or any ather address Bocrowet designates by notice to l.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given 6y fust class `_"`-
<br /> , mail to Lender's•address stated hcrein or any ather address l.ender designates by notice to Boaawer. Any nurice pra��ed for -
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be decmeQ to have been�iven to Bortowcr or Lender when given as prov�dra�`i�this �. r�•
<br /> ..s ParaBraPh, � :°:=:
<br /> : 15. Coverning law: Severability. This Security Instrument shall be gavemed by federal law and the law of the ----
<br />- • jurisdictian in whicb the Praperty is tacated. In the event that any pravi.�ian or clause of this Security'Instrument ar the Note `'-''''
<br /> conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this 5ecurity Instrument or the Nae which can -; �_-
<br /> - be givcn effect without thc conflicting provisian. To tbis end the provisions of Ihis Security Instrument and the Note are -
<br /> �. 'deciared robe severable. ' �;
<br /> -- 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower ahall be given ane canfarmed copy of the l�arc ard of this Security lastrument. , . :
<br /> .'.:y;;�r.t� 17. 7lranstes ot the Properly or a Beneflcial taterest in�orcnwer. lf aU or any part of the Propeny or any interest in �?._
<br /> ';'`:�••�• it is sold or Iransferced(or if a beneficial intere�t in Borrower is sald or ttansfened and Borrower is not a natural person)
<br /> :;:��' • -
<br /> � without l.ender s prior written consen�Lender may,at its option,requ:re immediate payment in f;�ll af all sums secured by '�`'�_
<br /> �- � this Serurity lnstrumem. However,this option shall nat be exerrised by Lendcr if exercitie is pruhibIted by feQeral law a5 of �, . _
<br />- ." ��� the date of this Security Instrumenl. • ' , '
<br /> If Lender exercises thiy aption.L.ender shall givo Bamower notice of arceleratlan. The nuac�tihall.provide�,perial of
<br /> . notless than 3Q days fiom the datc the aotice is ddivered ur mailcdwithin which 8arrawer mu�t.�ur:�II sumr secured by this .. •
<br /> ';, , Securiry instrusnem. li'Borrower fuils ta pay thesc.ums priar tu the expiration of this p�•cibd:.C�nder may invoke uny I
<br /> �'•'`" 4 remedies pemtitted by this Security In.trument withuut funher nntice or demand an Borrawer. • •
<br /> �,,t;;, _
<br /> , ------',- 1$. [Suasawcr'.s Ri�st ro Reinstute. If Borruwer mret� ccrtai�conditions. �c.rrower shall havc the right to have �. :___
<br /> . • enforcemcnt of thiti 5ecurity Inytrumcnt divantinucd at any timc prior.to the evli��r r�r: �a)S days�ar such athet periad uc� I. •
<br /> . t • .
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