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<br /> _ �`�znc3e�R,wm��u w���a�r+��a oa���y:�a.0 a��. , ` .
<br /> �` •`,.d�uA�aow a nae.�lcr:p.�c arare p�opRty. �w reqsoemeas aea aaaitia��6.n also be co�►aea 6y�his sa�rity� :
<br /> Ip�ee�. AU d�hr tae�oit�is tefated io i�►tbis Sec�ity ta�umdit as t6e'Ft�opat�r." .. < . . . . _ . .
<br /> :�80RROWFR CQYIIVAN!S th�t Barmw�er is lawfutlr aeised o€fhe estate haebyr caaveyed and has the.�bt w gsat
<br /> � . aud canr�r Wt Pbop�eity aad 8�at Qie Pm�ty is�mmc�m6erc4 exoep�fa�of terad..Boaower wamnts ao� �
<br /> will ddad Seneralty the atk w tDe Ptaperty a�unst sil ct�ims aod dera�nds,subjxt w aaY eacumlx�s d�o�a�f. . � �
<br /> � '['tIIS S'ECURl1 Y INS7RUMEfiT oombiaa imifann cOvenmts fcr i�tio�l ose ard tan-w�ifate�ovea�nts with ,� .
<br /> . . lie�ed.vaci�tionsby�sdi�ioatamesaiwoeauoifa�so�ityina�utna�tcavaiag�sa3.piopenY• - - �------..
<br /> —_`:--- 1JI�tI[�ARb1 CdYENAN'�5. BoROwa anld�ao�►enant aod a�+ee a4 idbwa: .
<br /> _ _ � _ ��Tir a�i�L�ft Cif�;.BonaWer : � ��'�__ -._ ---
<br /> p�idcip�l of�td iikaat od tbe debt evidmced bg d�Note and any prcpaynient and Tate ci�s due under the Noie. ,
<br /> •- �. E�di�ir 7lrres�M ti�r�ac+a Subject to appi�rabi�law ac to a wcu�ee x�ves by I.eoder,Bo�mwtr sball pry to ,
<br /> i.endeF oa the�aY moMh1Y PR�aaks�ce duc mdes�6e Nate.aM�die IVa�is p�id'ni full,a wm("F9nds'7 for.ts?yrsi�
<br /> - —. —lRe���nrLast�iemt�_vhvlrnd��_!1�[7i11t.n�Clflly QYl�tb1S$ECltfllS►]05ti11I0E0t�f i�1p{QI 1�1G�kUpRiy;(�!)�y►�Eit�O� �
<br /> �.ymeds ar po�ua reiiis ai a�e Ropercy,if any;cC�Y�y emna ar p�ap�cy �r�ce p�mi� ca�yarty flooa
<br /> i�oe pnmi�ns.if�ny:(e)Y�Y�b��Pmn�s.d any;md tf?�Y�P�Y�tiY�iO • _
<br /> . E.etider.in accard+MCe widt the porisioos of p�ragrapb S,in lieu af tJ�e psyrnait of matgage ins+uancG p�uras. 'Ihesc
<br /> - — itans are eatkd"Escmw Itemc." Leodet may.at any rima.colket md MM Fands m�n amwat not w a�ceed d�e ma�immn `
<br /> . a�nown a iender fa a fideraUy telated matga�e k�n msy neqnin fa Hortow�r'§escmw aocauit ander tbe fedaat[tnl , -
<br /> Fst�te�ent ptoced�es��ct of�974 as ameadod itan time to time.l2 US.C.�2601 a uq.("RESPA'?,�mless aaod�r
<br /> bwr d�M�PP��to the I'w�ds s�ts a ksser amouot. If so.Le�der may,at aay tinte�collect�d hotd Fuds ia an amouat na to •
<br /> excoed tbe ksser art�ou�t. i,a�der maY amnue t6e �moaat of Eirods c�e art tLe Uarsis of cumeat data and reasomble � .
<br /> �o�expeMitu�es of futune F.scmw Items ar athawise in a�ccad�oa whh applicabk 1aw. �
<br /> 'i'be Rmds sh�tt 6e�beld jn 3ur in�aeu6an wl�ose deposits�nne it�Isy a federal agency,insaumaaali►Y.ar e�ity
<br /> • (�i.ender.if l.ender is sucb aa institution)ar in ony Federnl Nane L�Bmic. L,a�der shal!apply the Fa�ds W pa►Y
<br />-- the Esc�ow Ttans. i.endet may not du�rge'Bamwer for hoiding�d appiying the Funds,�nnually analyiro�the ascruw
<br />- - : �000un�ar verifying the Escmw ltems. tiekss l.ender p�ys Bormwer intenst on tbe Auds aed appi'icable faw ptmtits
<br /> Lead�s w maice such a charge. Howeves.Lsnder may requue Bartower w pay a aio-thne cUarge for an indeperident n�al
<br /> esqte tu i+epoRing service used by l.ender in cau�octian with tl�is loan,unless applicable iaw provides otherwise. Unkss an
<br /> �eement is`made or appi'x�bk 1aw aguires interest to be paid Leridet shati aot be teqQhod m pay Bamower anp it�tel+esror � —v_
<br /> qmings on the Funds. Bomower.and l,ender may agret in wnting.however.that inteiest shail be ptid on tlu Fw�ds. Lender =-.e==
<br /> sh�11 gire to Basawer,witlwut charge,aut anaual accaanting of the Funds.showing c�edits and debas to tl�e Fimds and the � __ ----
<br /> � - pmpose for which eacd debit to the Funds was made. 7Ue Plmds are pledged as additianal secarit�fpr all sams secu►td iry �--�
<br /> - this 5ccurity Iasttumen� , '%- —=_�--__-
<br />_- If the Runds hetd by l.ender eaaod the a�no�u�ts permitted to be hetd by appticable Ia�?,�tder s�iL•account to �"=—�`��
<br /> �s -. Barowa for the excess Funds in accordancc with the teqairementa of applicable taw. If the ama�rnt of the�iva3s held bY ---
<br /> f - Lender at any time is not suffiaent to pay the Escrow Items wl�ea due.l�ender may so notify Botcnwer in wiiinsg.and,in �r
<br />- - such case Bormwec shaU pay to l.eader the amount necessary to m�ice up the deficieacy. Bamawer shaii a�lce up the . — ---_
<br />� defictency m no mae than twetve manthiY Paynxnts,at Lender's sok�scretian. � ci����;-
<br /> ` � Upon paymart in full of all swns se�vred 6y this Securiry Jnam�en�I.ender shall promptly refund w Baarower any ��2,:
<br />` Funds held by Lenrkr. If.uader paragraph 21.Lender shall uin or sell the Lendcr.prior to the acqnisition or ri ��- -
<br /> . sak af the � ��• �..� ,��,,�:�-
<br /> P�optny,shall spply any FurMs hetd by I.ender at the time of acquisition ar sale as a credit against the sums •'.•,*.�� ,._�:-:
<br /> .. se.ctu�edby this Securiry lnsuwnent . �.�..`. �
<br /> , 3. Appliation a�P�ymeat� Unless applicable law provides othenvise.all payments teceived by Lender under ' }`�`` ;„;.;'
<br /> patagraph.s 1 and 2 shall be applied: first.to any prepayment charges due under ihe Note:second.to amounts paya6le under
<br /> ` ` �. _:..,__._�_:
<br /> paragaph 2;third,ta inurest due;founh,to principal du�ana lac�to any late charges due under the Note. _.-� .,•;�
<br /> d. Cisrfes; Liens. Bormwer shall pay al! taaes. assessmenu.cbarges. fines and imposirions attributable to the
<br />• Ptoperty whieh may attain prioricy ov�r this Security Insaument,and teasehold paymenu or ground rents.if any. Borrower ; -.:.`:.�:�.
<br /> .r sdall pay these obiigatians in the manner provided in parzgraph Z.a i!noe paid in that manner,Barrowa shalt pay them on '.i'�•.>r--'`:�.�;•.
<br />- time diraxly to the person owed paymen� Borrower sha�pramptty fumish to Lender all notices of amaunu to be paid under
<br />_ thia paragraph. If Boaower makes these paymenu directly.Borrower. shall promptJy fumish tv Leader receipcs evidencing •
<br /> • �P�3'ments. � '' � :.•-.;_"�
<br /> Borrower shall pramptly discharge any lien afiu:i:t t�s priority deL°sihis Security Instrument un:ess Borrower.(a)agrees � '
<br /> in wrltin to the yment of the obli ation secured by�cii,�fie:s in a manner acceptabfe ta Lenckr.(b�contesu in good faith the . ,�';'��`�«���:�'f
<br /> . 8 Pa S ,,.,..t,,;_ _:..
<br /> lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien ia.Ie�I proceedings which in the Lender's opinipn operate to prevent the , �. •�-�!�:
<br /> enforcement a€L�e lien:ar(c)secures from the holder of ihe liea aa agreement satisfactory to Lec�ier subordinating the lien � `:�-_ "'' ,
<br />�..�?�, , to thls 5ec�uity:�ystrument If Lcndet de[ermines that any part of the PropeRy is subject to a tien wfiich may attain prlority "�
<br /> `�,'''' oyer this 5et�u:ty insuttment,l.ender may�v�Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lIen or take . �_�• ' .
<br /> ' ccle or more of the actions set forth above.wi�.in 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> • � ' S. Ha7ard oe Peoperty Iawneot. S3orrower s5ai1 kcep the improvements now eaisting or hereafter erested on the ,
<br /> � . Pioperty insured against lass by fve.ha7ards inctuded wlthin the tem�"extended covetage"and any othcr hazards,including
<br /> __. F---'�_�`Y_ �� floods or tlaod�ng,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance sha116e maintained in the amounts and for the t ___,__
<br /> • '. � . Pot�3i28 �l� IpaRe 2 nJb pog��l � •
<br />. � ,�
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