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<br /> paYnxnts m�y na Innger 1►e rcyulral,ut 1ho�pNon�f Lxndr.r� if inortga�C i�uur:ecxr�oveeagc(In Ihe ank�unt a�xl for the�crlcxl
<br /> th�t Lender rGyuirca)pruvldal by un Inxurcr app�ryvcJ by l.e+xlr.�usain bc�:onk�availGblr aixi Ig obtelnecl. Knrrnwar F6al1 {wy _
<br /> thr premium�rcqulrod to r�uintaln nwrtg+�d insurwnce in effa:t,c�r to pmviae w los� re�ervc,untU tltie rcy�dre��unt for nwrtgage
<br /> iibu::�x,;,cnds in�C�ont,,r�r.�veth[!ny written aRrac»�t�t betwcen Nurmw�er ui�d I,cncier or npplicablc law. L__
<br /> 9.InpecNor.. l.ender or ith u�ent may make re+�.wn�ble entricy upi�n w�d. inspactions��f ti�e Fsu�:f ty. la:iul���halt glvc
<br /> 8ormwer notice et the dme of'or prior to an inwnecNon spxifying rcusc►nablr,c�use for tha incpectlon.
<br /> 10. Cont4e++mNt{on• TI►e procads of uny uward or Claini for clai»agrs,direc:t or aonsequcnt{ul, in conn��ction with uny
<br /> condtmnation ur othec'taking at'any part of the Properey� ar for conveya��:e1n licu of condenmatian, are hereby assigned aod
<br /> shall be paid to l.ender,
<br /> !n tha evc�u of a tatal tnking of the Propetty,the proceexls Rhell tse applial eo the sums securod by this Securiry Inatrument,
<br /> whtther ar trot thcn due. wl►h any exccss paid to Borrower. In the event ot a panial taking of ti�e P�'operty in which.thc fai�
<br /> � market value c�f thr,Property irrunediat�ly bef.�n ttr.taking is eq��l to or greatxr than the amount of the sums socured by this
<br /> Security Inswment immediuely bafure tht•taking,unlr.ss Iiarruwer a�xl Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums securaf by
<br /> ►his Saurity lnstrument shali be cr.d«ccd bY the ema►nt of the proceeds ntultipliod by the followfnE f'rnction: (a) the twai
<br /> smount of the sums socured immatiatelY before the txking, divided by(by the fwEr muket value of the Property imm�iately
<br /> bcforo the talcing. Any balincc shall b� ��aid to Borrower. In che avcnt of a p4rtial teking af the Property in wBiah:the fxir
<br /> market v�lue of the Pro�riy t►�u�kdietely b�fore the eaking 9s iFSS chan the emount af the sums secured immaliately b,:fare the
<br /> t�king,u:iless Borrow�er and L,ender olhenvise agrce in writing or unless appliceble law otherwise provid�s, the proceedy shap
<br /> be a�lial ro the sums securod by this Security Instnrment whether or not tho sum�are then due.
<br /> If the Prc�percy 1s abAndanod by Borrower.or if, after nottce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to mak,e sn
<br /> award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to rosporod to i.znder within 30 dsys aftor tho date the t►otia is givcn,
<br /> I.��ier is authorized to coUat ancl apply th�pr�oceais.at its aption,either ta restoration or cepair of the Properey or to thG sums
<br /> secured by lhis Security Instrument.whether or not then due. li�inn of roceals to rinci 1 shail not r.xtend ar
<br /> Unless Lender and 9ocrower otherw'ise arree.in writing, any app P p P�
<br /> postpone Yhe due dau of the manthly puymcnts refarral to in paragra.phs t and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> �1���w�,N�K�,���o���e Ily Lc�ndcr�'ot r Waiver.Sxttnsion of the time fnr paymcnt or m�odification
<br /> of amortiiation of the sunss secured by this Secudry Insuument grnntod by l.ender to any suocassor in interest of Burt;axer stwll �
<br /> noc ope�aie io Ric��w ii�;:2ity af tl:s o�io»-�!p^r!'^wcr or B�orrower's suaeswrs in inte�+est.I.GGnder shall not be nqintrd to. ,
<br /> canunence proceadings ag�inst any succefsar i•n intarest or refuse to eatenc�time for payment or otherwise modify pnnRir.t��idn :�• ",
<br /> of tt� sums sacurod by this Securiry Instmmen� by reason of eny dema►id made by the original Horrower or�'�crnwer's:•: `,,;
<br /> succcssors in interast. Any Forbearance by I.en�er in exerCising eny right or remcdy s1�n1! not be a waiver of or:�n+�qtude the •;:;;�
<br /> exercise of e��y right or nmody. . � ����� �{ ���;uf this
<br /> 12. Suoc�eura wud Assi� 13ound: doint And Se�veral LiabWty; Co-�i6neYS•
<br /> Saeurity IRntqt�iieat•st►tll bind ancf benefit the stjcceasv*s eu�d auig�s ot I.erider and Barrow�r. sub,�ect to the provisions bf� :
<br /> p��ph 17'. Borrower's covenants und agroements shall be joint and severol. My Borrowor w}�a,ca-signs this Security
<br /> Ins►runxau but does not exxute the Nou: (a) is co-signing this Socuriry IrstYUmen�oniy to mortgage. grant and:c�qnvey tlu�t
<br /> Borrow�r'e interest in the Propercy utxkr the tenns of this Security Instnanxnt;@)is not personally ob(i8ated ta,�pay the sums
<br /> securod by this Securiry Instcumcat:and(c)agroes that I,encler aid any otlneT Borrower n�y agree to exte�xl,uacli€y,'�or�ear or
<br /> �z�y�,,omrtyo�l�tirnu w�th reg�rd to the cerms of this 3ecur+ry tnstn►i'nent ar the Noto withou!that 8orrower's coa�ant. _
<br /> 13,I,osa Ch�r�es.If the loan secured by this Security insnum�nt is subject to a IAw which scts maximum�o�n chargeat, ' .
<br /> nnd Uwt law is finally intecpcctat so that the interest or ottkr loan charges collxted or to be colloctrd in con�.t�s!.with the
<br /> fwn exaal the pernuttod limits, then: (a)any such loan charge s1u11 be roduoed hy'the amount nxassary to red�vt,l�e chuge
<br /> to the permittai limit; and(b)any sums alreadY ool�atal fi�°m B°rrow�r which exaE�od pem►ittal t'units w�ll ix;�rrfa�ded to
<br /> � Bonrower. Lender rru►}r choose to make this rc'furxt by reducing the principal uwod uncier the Note or b�nmaki�di�
<br /> ppYment to Bunawer. If a refund rcaduas pri►xi�al, the rc�duction will be treated as a putial P�Y ..
<br /> prr,�yma�t charge under the Noic.
<br /> 14�Noticts. Any notice to Sorrower provided€or in this Sec�ariry Ieutrument siiall be given by delivering lt�oc by mailing
<br /> it by first efass iurail uniess applicable law c+equires use of aiatl�er method.The notia stull be dircctod to thc Pc�ecty AcWress
<br /> or Any ot6er addreu Borcower desig�ates by notice to L,endu. Any notice to L.ender shall be given by fltst clau maii to
<br /> Lender's addrcs.c �ced Ixreln or any other address i�ender desigaates by notia to Borrower. Any notice providod,for in this�
<br /> Socurity Insuumcnt shall be d�c►t�pd to have been given to Yiorinnwcr or I.erdor when geven as provided in this pFUSry�rc�h. �-�
<br /> t�.Governing Law; Sev�rubWty. This Securily Instrument shall be gover�ied by feder.Q law and tih�'law of thc
<br /> jurisdiction in whicb the!'roperty is located. In thc event that any provision or ciausc:of this Security Insirun�er�,�er the Note
<br /> conflicts with appiicable luw,surh oonflict s'�n11 not affect other provisio�s of this Seci�iity Instrument or the Note which can de:
<br /> given effcct without tht Gonflicting provie3on.To this�nd the provisions of tius Secutity Instcument and thc Note ute declar�e►d
<br /> tu be s�verable. .
<br /> � IG.Borroher's Copy. Boitower sha11 be Biven one confornx:d copy of thz NoYe n:�a of this 5ecurity instruix�e-ie.
<br /> Fwm 3b28 9180
<br /> ; v,�e+a a .
<br />