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<br /> S. tiw�arrr� or Ch-u�e�1y It�.SUi'uu�,r. 13arruwer sl�all kc�p Qic iazprovc���ent5 nc►w cxistin� or hereaftcr erect�*d an ii►c
<br /> Pro}Kriy iosu�eJ ugaf�ttit �u,s t�y fire, ha;tcrtis includul �vlti�in�Itc tcr�i� "extr.it�lEd cavcra;;c" aitd �ay otlice tiazarci:,, incli!ding ,_
<br /> flocxis nr flucxllu�,for v+iilch i.crxfcr rc�{UtCCS insurancc.�Cllifl IlltilfCiitlCL'EII�II I1C tll[LI11107I1C(I IIl[ItC(I1fl17Ulltti AIlA fOi I�1C�1C�I�S
<br /> th�t Leixler reyuirey. The Insur�nca carder pxavi�ling the insurAnce shall bc ch���en by Borrower subject to Lender's approval
<br /> which si�all not be unreu�rab9y wlthh¢Ich. If�rrawer fuits t�i muintuin eoverage descrilx.�d above, Ls�xlrr may, at l.tnder'e
<br /> nption,oMa►in covcrago t��pmtect ixncler'n rtghis in�he Property in accordanco with parugrAph 7.
<br /> All insyrnnce Ex+licie9 ancl rznewnlri shall be acceptabla ro [.e�xier aixl sF►all incluoie n stundard r►x�rtgage cluuse. I.trxter
<br /> �h.�ll have the rl�ht ta hold ihe poHcles a�x1�nnewais. If Le�xlnr cr.quirrs,['x��iower sl�uii �n�a►uptly give to Ler.dr:r all rcccipts of
<br /> p�id prenriums su�d renewal notices.In the,event of laqs,B�rmwer shall give prompt rx�tice to the insurance esrrier and�.ender.
<br /> L.c�uler�rwy make pr�f��f loss iF not�nuS�prumptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unlcss�.cn�lcr dnd Borrower othenviars agree in wridng,lnsuran:.�procads shall bo epplied to restoratian or rcpair of the
<br /> 1'ropeny damagai,if tho resioratian or re��i�•is eco►wmically fea�ible au�d Lender's ucurlty Es not Iess.:ned.If the restnration or
<br /> npAir es not e�.�nomicxlly(easible or l.eortc:'°security would be lessonal.the insurance procteds Ehal!Ce applied so the sums
<br /> �securai by this Security instrument, whCth�r or not then dua, with airy ex�es9 paid to I3otroucr.i:�Banower ubarnlnrs the
<br /> Property.or does not answ�r within 30 el�ys a notice Crom Lencter that the insarance cnrrier has offered to settls u clalm, then
<br /> Lendcr nwy colloct the insurance prncr.Mfs. l.ender may use the prcwr,als to repair or restoro the Property or to pay sums
<br /> securat by this Socurily Ins�rumznt,whcthtA or not then duc.Thc 3Q-day periai will begin when the notice is given. .
<br /> Unless [.encier ancl Borrower othenvdse agree in writi�ig, any application of proceeds to principal shall no! extend or
<br /> pc�stpone the duo dute of t�e monthly pay.�nents referrod to!n parngraphs 1 and 2 or changr,tho an�ant of the paymcnts.•If
<br /> unckr oarnerrph 21 the Property is acquitt�l by I.ender,�rrower's right to any insw�nce policies end procoeds resulting from
<br /> dainAga to the Propeny prior to the ecqu.is�tion shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security insavment
<br /> immcdjately prior to ihe acquisition. . •
<br /> 6.Oocup�ncy,P►�esenation,Mr�fritl:nance s►nd['rotec0ton of t�e Properiy;Borrower's I.oan AppiEcatbn;(.e�eholds.
<br /> Borrowor�shall aecupy,�stablish,and usc the Property as Borrower's princ3pal residence withEn sixty days xfter[he ex.ecution of
<br /> this Sacurityr Instrument a»d shalt contar�Jti•to occapy the F�roperty as Bonower's principaf resideneb for at lcast one year after
<br /> the duta of occupancy,unless I.ender otturwise agrees in wr!ting,which consent shall not bo unreasonably wlthheid.or unless
<br /> exte�ivating ci�cumstancesexist which�su:i: beyond Borrower's wntrol. Borrower shall not destroy, dam�ge or impzir the
<br /> pnrpeny.allow the Propeny to detrciazsitc, or comnut waste on thc Propeny. Borrawer shall be in defau(t if any forfeiturG
<br /> actian or procading, whdher civil ar crirninal,is begun that in Lec►sler's guod fr►ith judgmeet oould result in fotfeiture of the
<br /> Ptx�{�erty or otherwise materially impaix,the licn created by this Sccuriry Instn►mcnt rot L.usder's security interest. Aorrower map
<br /> cure such a dcfault and reinstate,a9 pxavir�ed in paragraph 18,by causing�:a actian ar proceeding to be dismissed with a culing
<br /> thwt,in Lcnder's good faith detcmui�uian, procludes forfeituse of the Aoerower's interest in tne Y[optrry or aner�
<br /> impairment of the lien crated by this Security Instrument or Lender's s�curity interest. Rorcower shall also be in defrwlt if
<br /> Barrawer;dudng thc loan application pdaxss,gave mttterially falsc or inacxurate infom�adon or statements to L.end�r(or fuled ,
<br /> to providc Lcnder with uny materiel Infa�rrnatjony in canriection with the loan evide�d by thc Note, includjng;but not IimIted �
<br /> w,represrntAtions corxerning Bormvmr'ts occupat►cy of the Property as a�rincip�l reside�ce.If this S�curity��lnsttuma�t is on a �
<br /> . , lea�sdxild, i3�urrower sh�ll comply with�c4ll the provisions of th�e ieese. If Sorrower �cquircs fa tetie W t}a��'�Prupeny, the .
<br /> : •ae�.sehald and thc fa title sMll not mr.�a unless Lender sgror,�ta tt�nxrger in writing. -:'.';�•
<br /> 7.Protection oi Lp�lnr'�Ri(�fiis�4n thG Property.If Bormwer f�ils to pedorm•the covenu►ts uxl a�+emoitts.contait�ed in
<br /> this Security Inst►umcnt, or ther�ia a le;qal procecding thar,may significantly ufFe�t�Le�xler't rights in tht�fc�tty (9uc1►iw a
<br /> pnocoaiing in bankruptcy,prabite,fc�r�condemnation or fodetture o�:tq�.enfor�e l�ws�r ragulations). then Y:er�der may do And •
<br /> pay for wiutever is nec�essuy to prc�t�s+uY+;Yhe value of the Property and't.ende�"s'• qhts in the•�#operty L�ender's actions:`.ii�uy
<br /> include paying any sums securod by��'pien which has priority �ver thls �cvr�ty Instruman, rip�patring i� oourt, pej�ir►8
<br /> ressonable attorncys'faes u►ci enterir�z�o�the Property ta make repairs.Althoygls�I:euder mny take action uttier this�n�ra�b�
<br /> 7. I,ender does not twve to da so. . ::
<br /> Any atixwnts disburseti by [�erxl�efr uncle� this psngraph 7 qts�ll bdon�ne addit'son�l debt of �o�rov�!fa'•:'sa�ural by this
<br /> Sec�rity In.9truma�t. Unless Hor�n.ratD�Lender agra to other texnu of psymeat,these anxxmts sluill txac interest frovi►:'tbe
<br /> dau of d'i!�hursement at the Notc rnt,o und shall be payable, with'3nterCSt, upon notice from�..�ender to Borrowec raqu�king
<br /> �y��. . � ��
<br /> 8.Mo�t;age[n�tt�sace.If I.endtr rcquind rtxxcgage insuranoe es a�ndition of maicing the los�n secu�ci by thia Securicy
<br /> Insuu�nrnt� Burrower slull pay tk�:,pken�iums requi►rd to maintain the nwrtgagc:'ir�surancx in effoct. If, foi�auy rraxx�, che
<br /> . moctgage insurance cover�ge roquire���,��Lcs�der lapses or ceascti to be i�effoct,Homower sUell pay the premiums reqnirod to
<br /> obtein coverago substanti�lly equiv;d,ttu^ti�tv the mo�Cgage insucance previuusly in affoct,et a cost subssu�tially equivalent to the �
<br /> cost ta Borrowcr of the mortgage iruurancc prevlously in effect, from en altqrnate�ortgage insurer approvcd by Lender. If
<br /> substantially oquivalenx m�r.tgage ir�umnce cover,�e;�,s not available,Horrow�ar�shail�aay to Lender each month A sum oqw!to
<br /> ono-twelfth of 1.he y�aci��,nurtgage in;�uct►nee premi�t:n being paid by Borrower wheu ths insura�xx coverage lapsod or ceasod to
<br /> bc in eitt�c�t:{xndcr wilj �ccept,use:ua��tetain thesc paymcnts as n�uss reservC in licu of nrortgage insuram:e. L,oac stserve
<br /> � - �orm 3028 '8/80
<br /> ,. , r•aao�e . ,
<br /> ., '
<br />