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<br /> .. _... .wntll�LdeihiW'i��. •h••
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<br /> " '�•'_ _. ._.-- _ .
<br /> . �y ww .�'�— ' . — - ______.- ._. -:::__ _-__..__ .
<br /> . . i�ti�3idlTi.1�<--�. — - �_-, _---- _ _--..
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<br /> 9�� �o�►c�� -
<br /> t7.Transter of thc Yr��X►erty or s Benef[ria!lnt:��k i�NJorrowcr. If nll or ai�y pn�t of die l'►�o��rty�r uny intcrest in it �
<br /> is sold ar transferr�i(or it'a beneficiul interest in Bor�uvrer i3 sold or tmnsf��rred und Ilorrawcr is not a nntural persnn)withuut
<br /> Le,ncier'F prior written eonsent, Leiulor may, at ir,�i o�ion, require immedinte'pnymcnt in Cull of all su�ns secured by this
<br /> Security Instntn•knt.However,this opti�n shall na�:N�e excrcised by I.endor if axercise iti prohiblted by fedcrnl.Inw as nf th�dato
<br /> of thl9 Security]n�trumcnt.
<br /> If l.cuder cxercises this option,I.e:�dcr shnl�givc�rrowcr notice of nccelcratlan.Thc notice shnll prov�dc n period o rwt
<br /> Ittis than 30 dnys Go�ez �{ie date the nutice is dct:•�crcd ur ►n�it�:r� �vi��iin wiiich i3orrawee must nuy all F�nns sccurcd by thls
<br /> 5ecurity Tnstrument.If iionower fAilA to pay the�su►n�pritlr ro the cxpin�dm�uf�hiA period,L.endcr mny invokc any remexlies
<br /> permittecl by this Seasrit�lnstrumem without furv`nr:r�zoticc or demand on linrrowcr.
<br /> 18. ,Borrywe�'e Ri�ht u� Rc(�te. If �srrower �ncets certain cnnditians, Dorrowcr shall hnve the right to have
<br /> enforcement nf�this Seeurity Instxument disc�ni'u�icrd uc any timc prior ta�thc eurlier uf: (a) 5 days (or sur:h other period ae
<br /> applicable law may specily for reinstatement) Gcf�r.e salc of d�e Properiy pursua»t to Any power of sale cantained in this
<br /> Secunty lnstnimr.nt;or(b}entry of u jud�menQ r.Rforcing thie Security Inst��umr.nt.Thase ec�nditians are d�ut l3onower:ia)pRys
<br /> l.,ender afi Fums whicl� tl�en would be due undnr d�i:�Secua�lry Instn�ment•nnd tl�e Nate ns if no accelerntio�i had occurred; (b)
<br /> cures any default of nny other cavenants �r aIIceeitt�:nts; (c)pAys aD axFwnses incurred in enforcing this Security Instnimcnl,
<br /> fncluding, but not limited to.�easanable�ttar;irr,ya' fee�; nnsl(d)takcs suaii,action as IJendcr may reasonabl,� require to assure
<br /> lhat the licn af this Se�arity Instn►ment, Lertdar's ri�l►ts in the Property s�nd}iorro�ver's oUligution to pay ttre sums secured'by
<br /> this Security Ynst�ument shall continue unaitnaged. Upon rcinstatement, by Dormwr,r, tliis Secunty Jnstrument and the
<br /> obligetions securod hereby shall remain fully eEE:ctive as if no acceleration hnd occurred. However, thls ri�;lit to re[nstate shull
<br /> not�ppI�r in the case of accelcration under pan��uph 17.
<br /> 19. S�le ot Note; Change of Loan &suvicer. Tiie Note or a p�u9lnl intcrest in thc Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrument)r�wy be sold one or more timcs wii:ikuut.Nii�c notice to Sarmtve.r. A snle may re.eult in a change in the entity;known
<br /> aS the Loan Servicer')ehat collects monthly pnyntef�ts due under the Notn nnd tl�ie Security Instru�nent.'Phc:re also may Ue o►x
<br /> or mare changes of the Loun Servicer unrelate�i tA a s:+1�of the Note.If diera ia s change of the Loa�i Servicer,Bonower will t�e
<br /> given written notice of the clianga in accordnncc wi[ta raragraph l4 lbove and npplicuUle la�v.The notice will state the�name and
<br /> addr�ss of the new Loan Servicer and the address to wliich}xiyments st►auld be mnde. 'fi�e notice will nlsc�contain any other
<br /> information required by applicnblc Inw.
<br /> 20. tia:,:.:''�trs �s!'s�°-"-"-°s• BOrr^""'r w1���11 not cause or pern�it the presence, use, disposal, storag�. or rclen�a of uny
<br /> Hazerdoua Subseancas an or in die Properry. Borrower shall not do. nnn altow anyone else to do. anything Aff�cting the
<br /> s�tor�e on the pro vi�lataf smaltn uantities af T�laiclou,Sub pan��Q nt�nm Bc�ernlly rlecogniz«f co b a�?pr ute to nornial
<br /> rcside�ntia!uses and to maintennncc af tl►e Prc{se►�ty.
<br /> Borro�er shall promptly give Lender,wcictr.n nodce of any investiQation,claim, demand, lawsuit ar other action by any
<br /> ¢ovemmentat or regiilatory ag�ncy or privatL�arty involving the Property au�d uny Htrzardous Substance or�?nvironmental I�w ,
<br /> of which Born�we.r 3ins.actual knowiedga.:Ii e`sorrower irwi�, o� .s n:.:.t.w�}':s2i o4`•'�S�nntal nr rettultttoiV OulllOilty,[het .
<br /> nny re�aval or otbir rernodiution of an���zard�u�Substance affecting tU�1?roperty ie necessnry,Borrower shall promptly take ,; .
<br /> all ncve�sary remediai acdons in ueCo�dxutce wir#�Cnvironn�entxl I.,�w. '
<br /> �,s used in this paragraph Z0, "Flaa.anl�ju�a Substances" are those substnnces defvned as toxic or ha��rdous suiiSfA�x:es by
<br /> ' Environmental I.aw and che foltawin�r•sul�ntances: gc�soline. kerosene, other flumin.�h�e•or toaic petrol4um pn�duats, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicidts,valatile solve►tt�,matcrials containing asbestos or,.formaldcliyde:and rndioactive�riaterials.Aa�used in .. .
<br /> this paragtaph 20� "Environmental L;a�u" �tcans.federal laws ancl la�vs c►F�J�e jurisdicciun where thc Prol�ctty is 1o¢ated that.'•..'�;.
<br /> • � ralAro to hwlth,safety o� r cnvlronmaneuU�rroG:ctian. '.
<br /> N4N-UNIFORM COVENAAPi'3:Burrc�wer and Letxler further cove�kuit and��.z`cc`as follows: •
<br /> 21.Accd'ration;Remedle�,�E.raxb:r xlenll give notice to Borrower txio�t+s:�;cePlei+atbn fullowia�Bormwer'a brakh
<br /> of�ny coven�t or �treanarQ•i�n tb€a Seeurl9,Y In�tRUmer�t (hut not �}xw•to'sh,�t+�ration und�er Wu'agn►PM 17 udee�
<br /> applicabk law providr�ot6erw�ixi)�. Tt1�nat.i¢e shall specify: laj tite ce�i.nuii;(u)f;.x r�c;2:�u r::{«:�c�t:.c�-�::��::+:t;
<br /> (c)�da�e,not less thwn 30 day9l�r�e�t3�e dute tbe�wtice i�given tn 1D�a.;r.bwa•.bY whkh the defaalh murit be ieured;and
<br /> (d)that fdlure W cw�e the deT�uCt am ar bclore the�te speci�e noticc st�iatlafuM!cr In[am Ao�rower'°�t1��a
<br /> secwred by this Sacurlty It�truttu�at sut�sa[�o�the A'opetty•
<br /> rd�etate dter �coelerAtbn an�++t�u ri�ht ta txi�4 court octlon to n�at the ran-existenee o��tdetauk or any atLer
<br /> ���t garower to�oeict�h;�a�aad eale. ii thr,defi�ult Is aot cured on or be[ore the d�te hp�dfitd �p t�e�otioe•
<br /> �.,eader,Ai!ts option�ma9 raNtire fmmediate p4ymeni 1n fWl of all c�ims�x.�ured by thiA Securlty Irotrua�ent wkbout
<br /> t�isther dan�d�nd awy invoWe d&s�tnwer oT Kak asd any ot1Kr►r�u�lics lkrmltted by a ble law.LeAder si�1t bt
<br /> . e�ntlt{ed W cdlect�ll txpenses ttlaica�rrd in pt�rsuing the remedies p►�n��E�lied in►hie M►ragraph l,[nclwdi�,but not 1lrok�d
<br /> to,ceaao�wWe attorneys'feet Att�ti coni�a[4itIC�vldeoce.
<br /> If the powa ot s�is in�t�t�K�d;'Y'n�tee st�ll record A noNce of deiKUtt in tsch county in w�l�kf� �ny p�ut ot tlie
<br /> propM�is{aatai And sfwll tqaEt capies a[such nutice in the mo�uiur prescriiwd��Y APdf���'to Barower aed to
<br /> the other person�p�cdbed bY:aP�1(cubl�Ittw.Atter tix time regutr�i by uripli�}e law,Trustee�1 give pubNc notice
<br /> ot anlr to the Qer�ons and in th�rtts�tner.�pPcgcrEtfed by npplicabk tu+��.:l n�stee,withuut demsuid un Borrower.sl�ll�� ,�
<br /> t6e Property at puWic�tuctinn ta�'t��tgh�st I�lader at the time and r�!�ece and untkr the terme dc.�n�ted in the natke�qat' .
<br /> ' s�le tin one ar more p�reels and in An,7•anOer'fruetec c9etermines. 'Cruxtcc may postpone sale oP i�l1 wr any par�xl a�tlre
<br /> ' P��i't�bY IwMk wnnoun�n�ent ad tS,i!time aimd pixae o�any ��revlously aclicciul�d salc. L�endcr ur ity i��c.rti�nes may
<br /> , pnrrhase she Property At s�qY�te. �
<br /> � ' ,
<br /> ,.
<br /> = Fam 30:ta S'�
<br /> . - � Pepe 6 a10 - . , � .
<br /> i
<br /> . i,
<br />