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<br /> � candet�tion a dirs t�tiag of arty p�t of the Ptoperty.ar fa conveyanec in Iine of condemnatiari,ar�e hereby assigned and ' '
<br /> x6�116e pa�id to I.eoder. . . < ` , �� '
<br /> . . fn the even�of a total taking of the`�L�roperty..tt�Proceeds sh�tt 6e�pplicd to the sams secaced�by thi.w Secudty �
<br /> InStnunent�Mfiiet6er c►r not tha�dae.with any.exccss p:uA to Borrower. in thc event nf.�partial tak+ng of the Pnoperty in .
<br /> whicR tLt fait market vah�o€tt�Ptopeity itnmediatcty befo�r ti�e taking is equai to oc�mater than the�mwctt of thc sums
<br /> '' � secutrd bq this Secu�ty{astrumeist immedi�tety 6eforc the taking.qnkss Bomower:u�d Lender othcrwisc a�e in writing.
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Insdument sh:i11 be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the f4{to�ving
<br /> � °ftaction: (aj the tdat amount of Ne sums secuc�ed immediatety bcforc the�alcing.divided 6y(b)the fair macket�atue�af the ,
<br /> . p�opertY irttmediately befac tde t�lcing. My batanct shalt be pai�d to Barrower. Tn the e�ent of a pxttial t�ing of Ehc - ,
<br /> - p�operty in arhic6 the i'�ir marke[vatue of the Propercy immediatoty before the raicin�is tess d�►n the arrtowst�the snme ,
<br /> secured.immedi3teiy�tiefore tbe taking. anlea�Bortower and l.ender oti�crwise aFree in,writing oc unt@ss applirabte I�w
<br /> othetwise providts.tt�e pmceeds shall bt appfied to the sums secured�y this Securiry Ynst�ument whcttxr or notihe sums are
<br /> tAen due. ` `
<br /> �� If the PmExrty is.a��6y Bortawer.or if,after natice by L.ender to Borrower tl�at the ca�femtwr offers Io malce
<br /> . an awaN or scttle a cL�im for dast�ages.Borrower f�iis to rcspond w l.ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given.
<br /> l�nde�u autho�iud to callat a�x!appiy tt�e proceeds:at its option.eitl�cr to mstotatian ar repair of the PtoRerty or to thc -
<br /> sums secucrd by this Sccuriry tnsvumen�whetbecar nat then due. �
<br /> Uakss Lendcr and Barower aherwise agtee ia writing.any aQplicatioa of proceeds to principai shatl not extend or .
<br /> _ - p�stpone the due due of the monthiy payments referred to in parrgraphs 1 aad 2 or cdange the amount of such payments.
<br /> -- ll. Batrarer Not Ada�ssa: Forbearaacc By I.eader Nat a Waiser. F.xte�ion af the time fix payment ar
<br /> _ modifx�tian of�rnomzatioe of tlx svms secured by this Secarity Instniment ganted by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> of Borrower sh�l!iat aperate to rekase the liabiliry of the original Bo�rawer or Borrower's successars in interest.i.rnder
<br /> = shalt not be requued w cammence proceedings aga�nst aoy successor in inoerest or rcfuse co extend dme fa paymenc or
<br /> _ qhetwise madif�►amo�uat'roti of the sums secated by t6is Security Insirument by reason o€any demand made by the ociginal �
<br /> - — . Borrower or Barawtr's suceessors in intcres� Any forbear'ance 6y i.ender in exe�cisiag any nght or mnedy shall not be a
<br /> -`-_ — waiver df ar p[eciude the exet�iseof arry rigftt or nmedy. . _
<br />-_ ' 12. Saooea�acs a�d A�si�s Bopad:Jaut�td Seveval Liability;Co�signer"�. The covenants and agretrttents of this ,
<br /> - • Sa-a�ty Insmrrnent shall bind and beaefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Barrower,subject to tfie provisions of
<br /> ,+� paragraph I7. Borrower�covenants and agceements shaU 6e joini and severaL My Bocrower whv co-signs this Security
<br /> " Insuument but does nat exe►.-ute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument anly to martgage.grant and convey that =____
<br />� � Bormwer's interesi in the Prupecty undertfse tclms of this Securiry tnmument; (b)is not personally_obligated to pay the snms.� ���
<br /> • �secu�d by this Secu►'ity Insuument;and(c)agrees that l.ender und any other Borrawer may agree to extend,modJy,forbear �.� ' � �.���
<br /> or make any accommadations aith regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note witfiout that Borrawer's ,
<br />: - conscnt. •- - �T__ -
<br /> 13, Lupn C6arges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject tu a!aw which sets maximum toan �_-3�
<br /> _ ' charges,and that!aw is finalty interpre4ed so that the interest or other ioan charges coUected or to be coltected in comtection ' ���-:�__
<br /> with due�oan exceed the permmed lim��s,then: (a)any sucb loan charge shall be mduced by the amount necessary c^:reduce _ _
<br /> the chacgc to the permitted limit:and(b)any sums alneady collected from Borrower ahidt exceeded pertnitted limi�'�ciil6e
<br /> tefiuided to Bomower. I:ender may ehoose to malce this refund by reducing the prineip2E i�u'ed under the Note or b�'�Ycing a � -
<br /> . .� disect.paymeat w.�rmwer. If a refund re�principal.the reductian A�7b�e�ated as a partial prepayment a"�th�,aut any -
<br />: .�; prepayment char�2z�:under the Nate. . ' � � '�`�_ `��
<br /> 14. Ndices. Aay notice to Borrower�rovided for in this'Security P��uinent�hall be�iven b delive�n it or b _''''�''"�`=.�
<br /> �: b Y S Y , :,x�:e t�;�-
<br /> -� mailin�it by first class mail uni.essapplica62e faw requires use af another methad.77�e r�'Sie chall be ditected to the Praperty . �
<br /> Address or any other address�'rnrawer designates iry notice to Lender. Any notice to f�ender shalt he given by first c(ass :�
<br /> � mail to l.endcr:s addtess�statect�:in or any o[her addre:s Lender designate�+by natice to Rarrower. Any notice provided for __
<br /> ' in ihis Security lnstrument shall'be deemed to have been given to 9anawcr ar Lender whea given uc provided in this , . -
<br /> 1�P�Ph• , . . -
<br /> 15. Gorerning Law;5evera6iUty. This Security Instrument sha116c gavemed by feaferal taw and thc law of the • . �` � '
<br /> • �a%sdiction in which the Propeny is lacated. In[he event that any provisian or clause af thi�Sccurity la�trument ar lhe Note '.-•`
<br /> ' � corrtiicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affcct other ravisiansof this Securit Instrumeaf or the Note�fiio:�ran � �������
<br /> P Y ;:�::�,.;�-
<br /> _ t�given cffe�t without the conflicting pravision. 'Ib this end the provi+ians of this Security Instrument and the h'c�:,are � '. ____
<br /> � �; deetared to be severable. ` -_-----
<br />. :�;i�,r:;E� �_ 16. Borrower's Capy. 8orrower shall(xaiven one conformed copy oi'the Note and of this 5ecurity/n.rtrument. _ _- -
<br />_° 17. Transfer of the P�erty or a Be�!"�ial Interest in Borroq�er !I all ar any pan of the Pro�crty or any intere�t in . : �_�
<br /> � ' it is so1Q or trnnsferted(or if a�i�teficial intcrest i�Barrowcr is xuld or transferred ac��f i3ormwer is not a natural person) . ,;,•.`�.;?�,�=`;:
<br /> • ��� without Lender�pr�pt writter�c�n.:ent.Lender may,:�t itti aptiun.reyuire immediate p��mnt in fuA of atl sums secureii by ���. -;
<br /> � � this 5ecurity Instrument. Hawetier,this option�:hall nat be exercised by Lender if ezereise iti prahibited by federal law as of '-"'� '� �°`
<br /> the d�te of this Security Instrument. �:'i-'�
<br />., . ` T, • .�'_
<br />. " lf I.endes exercises this aptian.Lender�fiall give Barroa�rr noticc��f;Kceleration. The noticc shall prrni d o u peri a d of - � • .�.:��-
<br /> , nai less than 30 days from the datg the notice is delivered or mailed tvithin�vhich Barrower muyi pay all sums secured by this ' •
<br /> S�:urity [nstrument. lf Sorrawcr faif�to pay thetc ��niy prinr tU ihc cxpiraiion af thi5 periad.Lender may inta�.c,:iny
<br /> . - . p`� ` reanedie4 permitted by this Securiry In�trumem withaut fiu�yf��.�r natice or demand an 8urrower. � • , _
<br /> • y'i-°._:;-; 18. Barrower q Right to Reinstate. If Borra�ti�r irectti rertain am�iition.. Nurruwcr �hall havc thc risftt ro have
<br /> - Y r'..
<br /> , - - enforcemem af this 5ecurity Instrumcnt di�continucd at:u�y timc priur tu thc c,irlir�of: {a)5 day�fi*r yuelti athcr pr:ria!ati , -- - - -
<br />' - ` . Singtc�:unity..iannk�far�treddb�lacl'�IFI�R�11�5TIt1'qEYC••Unitumitinrnant. 9,9U q,u�c�,tel'�rsr�� .
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