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<br /> ;� � ., app�c�bie L�msy�y fq�cema�ty 6eface sak of the PtopatY P��4�►Y P�we�:of s�k cnnt�inod in t6is
<br /> �. . ..�10C1.��Y I�b�(bl�Y�`s�enfacing t6is Saaa�ity Iesuwnen�. 7'fwsc condit�a►s m tlnt Ba�a�wer: Ea) .
<br /> ' , NYs�alt aums wfiich t6en would bc due w�der diis Socprity Ia�rttrt�et►t�rc!t�c Note as if ao accekruioa bad _ .
<br /> � occ�u�ed:(b)cuc+es my defaulrof aay ada cavannts or ag�a�ment�(c)Pa9s aIteapenses incu�red in eafo�i�g this Soct�ity
<br /> � Insannaea�incladlog,bat;oot Iimited ta,t+qson�bie attameys'fas:.a�d(d)t�cts sq�ch action as i.enda may reawn�blY
<br /> � �raqatte W assure tUat the`'Gea�ti�s Se�urity inwama�r,l.eader�s�ights in tt�e Ptopaty and Bamwer's obligation to pay We .
<br /> sums secut�ed by tnis Security� Instnmteat sh�it caminot qnchanged. Upon nlnstatement by Bamwer. this SecutitY . `
<br /> W�oment a�!tbe obligations sav�od Me1by sh�tl nmain faUy effective as i�no acceler�don had occvn+ed... Hmwever.this
<br /> _ - ri�lu to:eeqs�e sb�t!n�t apQiy in tbe c�e of�ele�tion ui�kr D�raS�apb 17. .
<br /> 1! Sale'd Nde;C��e d La�s Service�: The NoF�or a pa�tial intecs§t irs tUe Note(together with thi�Sec�iry
<br /> �Iusprnmeat)may be sotd aae a mae'ames'wiUa�u prior notice to Bomnwer. A s�te may result.in a changa.in sfie,saary
<br /> ' � (Imawn u the"Laan Servicer")tl�t cottects manthly payt�eats due wider�Note and ttsis Socurity instrument. Theer alsu
<br /> , msy be ooe or moce changes of.the Loae Servi�xr unrclated to a sak of tbe Note. If thett is a change of the Loan 5ervicer. .
<br /> Ba�towa�ri116e given vvritt�n norice of d�dnnga in acco�nca with paragraph 14 above��aPp�be m�rle�The nati�
<br /> : wt!!snte tht n�me�nd address of the�w L oan Serviccr and the add�ess ta wtich WYmen
<br /> also caotain any odKS infotmatiaa iecN�ed 6Y�PP�ipblo law.
<br /> • 2� Ba�das Sr6sta�ees. Bamwer slWi not cauue a pertnit tbe pmsence.use.d"c�'Posal•storage,or atease of�rsy
<br /> � . Wzatdoac Subetances on ar iu the propeity. Barmwer shall not do,nor aliow aayooe eise to do.anything affaKing die
<br />_-- Propetty thu is in violation of any Envira�mmt�l Law. '['�e p�axding two sentences shall not appty to the pnsence.use,ar
<br /> - ; stc�rage an tf�e Ptoperty of smali qw�+ntiEies of Hnardous Su6.stances that are generaltY rt�wgaized.to be app�apriate to nanal
<br /> - i srsidenttal uses sind to m7intenance of ihe Pt+opat9- . .
<br />--- Bodower sh�ll pomP�Y S�ve Lender writtae notice of any imesti�tion.claim,demand.tawsuit or other action by any'
<br /> ~'� � a ate lAYOIlII the and any Hazardous Substance or Eavironn�eMal _
<br /> _ $6YCI1111lGI�OT IC$Ii�tOlSt 3$CIICS/ pl1V �3tEy� 1� �y'-
<br /> - � Law af which Borrawer has actual Imowledge. If Harower trarns,or�s naified by y►y gwernmental oc regylawry• �
<br />- autt�a�ity,that any remaval or otfier rem�iation of any Hu�dous Substance affectittg tGe Propercy is necessary,Bomuwer ------
<br /> -- �� �P�PUY.take all necessary nmedial actions in accotdance with Enviranmentat Law,
<br />:_-�;_ As used in this pu�gnph 20,"Napardous Substat�ces"are those substu�ces defined ac wxic or harrrdous substances by
<br /> - Envi�unmental l.aw aod tht following substances: gasol'uie,.tcerosene.other ftammable or toxic petrokum products;taxic
<br /> ' posticidts and herbi�ides.volah'le soivents,materiats containmg as6estos or fonnaldehyde,and radIoacUive materials.`'As -- '��
<br /> ' used in tLia paragraph 20.."Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is tocated T,>-
<br /> .that nIace to heatth,safetyor eavhonmentat protectiort. _. _. - ' :;'��
<br /> - NONdTMFORM CdVENANTS. Botrowu and l.ender further cuvenant and agcee as follows: "�x-.:
<br /> � tl. Acoekratba:Re�acdies. Lender s6�ll aive Qottce to Harravres prior.to xcalaadon tollorr�n�BorroRers �'�`'-`�---�-�'�=-
<br /> 6reacb ot aay mveeant or agreement ia tbjs Sec�vity Instrumtnt(Mrt eat prior to accekration ander par�aP617 �_==-==_
<br /> � - alas applkabk Isw provides other�vtse). T4e notice sUall specifj�: (a)tbe det�W�Ib)the actlon required to care tbe �'-: 1--
<br /> defadt;(ca a dste,not tas than 3U dpys tra�t�e date the aotice I�given to Borrower,by which tbe defsalt mnst be ���''�.
<br />. . � � c�red'a�i(d)t6at faihtre to cure ttie detaalt oa or before tbe dnte specified ia t6e nutke ms�y r�sult Is 9ocekntios o� _�_=--.
<br /> � tIK swn�s sccared by thLs Securlty I�arament rnd sak of the Property. 77�e ootice shsN turther iaform Sorrower of ����`
<br /> tle ria6t to reisstste Atter acaekratio�and tbe r�Lt to brtng A court nction to assert the nonexistence ot�ddault ar �__
<br /> • - aey otl�er deknse d Horrower to a�celeratia�,a�sak It the deGwlt�nat cured on a hetore tYe date speeifkd in . . �
<br /> tf�e notic�IRndK atds optioa aw�requirt immediate pxymeat ia fWl of ali snms secured by 1Lig SewcFn In�trumeat ��:�''�:
<br />• � xit6an[fartber de�ad and may invake tlie power of s�k and any otlxr remedies permittM b��able ta+v - _-_
<br /> `,� . _ '� � Lend��siall be entitied to collect all expenses ineurnd in pursuing the remedies provkkd in tb�s�atagrap�Po 2I. , �.
<br /> � i iactuding,bat nM limited to.reaqona6k attorneys'fees and rnstg of titk evideac� _
<br /> � � It the power M sale is invoked,7lrostee s6a11 record a notice M detauit in eacb county in whkh any part of tire ,
<br /> '_ � Property is IocatM and shall mail copies ot such notice in the manner prescribed by applica6le law to Bo�rower anA to . . �
<br /> the other peesons prescribed Dy appllcable taw. Atter the ttme reqnired by applicabk law,l�rusta shall glve public ' -;� - ''•
<br /> j notice af snle to the peesons and in the maaner prescrl6ed by applica6le taw 7�uste�without demand on Norrowe�, .. _
<br /> e
<br /> :_ � shall sell the Property at pablic auctian ta tbe big6est bidder at the time and place and under the terms desig�wted in _ ,. , , _
<br />� � tbe notke d sak in one or morc parcets�nd in any order'llrustee determines. 7�astee may postpa�e sak ot all oe�any
<br />- � ' parcel ot the Property by public annoancement at the Nme and place ot any previousty schMuled sal� Lende�or its • .
<br />' � desl�ce may purch�tlfe Aroperty at Any sak. ��` �
<br /> '� � . Upon receipt d'�ciyment o t t he p s ice b i d,7 Y u s tee s ha l l de l ive�t o t�e p n r c h a s e r T r a s t e e's d e a E c o n v e y i n g t h e t.�. ' . '.
<br />?�,�',`,� � Property. 'fhe recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be pelma�ack evidence o/the truth ot the stateme�es a�de thereln. �• •r;�,�
<br />_ ' 7bustee s�:�l a 1 the racceds oit6e sale in the tolfowtn or�:'ta/to aU costs and expenses of exercos�a�Chep��er " «���'`
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