S.t. ` - � ' � l ' ' _ � .4 �
<br /> t. - - �'i _ _ ' .- __ ' -. . s--��` '
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<br /> 3 � . p�riods dat i.a�aer ra�uira. 'fUe a�sacanoe ca�iec p�avidtng die�ce sinl!be cha�b�r Bonower subject to i.atdalc
<br /> ..' appr�wal wl�ich alaU�wt be su�sooabiy withheld. U 8ormwer fiiis w maintain cuverage descn'bed�6ove.i,erder may.at
<br /> La�derb option.obt�in ooti'usse w Pn�ctl.enderk rigMs in the Ptii�p�e�ty in ycca�d�nc�witl►`p�us�papir7. ,
<br /> ' All inwaeob policits�nd�rnewais sball be accepibte to t.tader and shall inc(ude a standa�d rtw�tg�ge clause. i.ender _ ,
<br /> ' sini!have the riaht to hoW tbe poticies aad�enewals. If I.tinder zoquires:Bamwer s6aft PanPVY 6►ve to Lendar al!�aeipts
<br /> �. ot p�id pertuums and ceirewai notkes. In the event of toss.BoQOwrer sh�ll give prompt notice to the insurance catsia aod
<br /> Le�der. Lender may m�kc p�Qof of loss if nat made pcompUY 6y Bortoy'� .
<br /> Uaiess�eader aad Barmwer att�wisc agrce�is ecaio�micatl�fea�'���landsr's s�ecun�ty is iiot kssened. �If ti�e
<br /> � the Rvpetty dat�.if-tbe.s�storasioe�flr�epaic- . Y_
<br /> . �atnratioa oc iepair is�tws ocanomicalfy fasibk or L.n�der's secunry would be tessened.�the insurance proeoeds si�tl l�e
<br /> appliod to the sums secu�od lry tBis Secudty Insaurt�ent,whether as na et�ert du�with any excess pud to Bor�aarea: If�
<br /> ' Bortuwer abando�u tbe Pmperty,or does noc answer within 30 days a notice from i.ender that d�e ins�rance c+rrier f�
<br /> - offercd w seule a c1wn,thea l.eade�r may colkct the inwrance proceeds. Lender may use tt�e pnoceeds w tepair 4��s� ,
<br /> the propetty or m Qsy sws�s scrurod by this Security Insinunent,whether a mt tben due. 1tie 30-day penod wi116egin wGeim ,
<br /> ihe�ice is giveai. - � ` - ' ' .
<br /> llnkss l.end`er aad 13arrnwer odrrwise agr�ee in writing.anX aanlication fi�eeds to principal siutl not extend ar
<br /> postpnne tLe dae:d�u of the manthty paynKats zefened to in paragrap�T— or c ge.tfu amount of�he paymrnts.'1f ,
<br /> m�der porsgr,iph 21 the P�ape�ty is xs�u�rod by Lender.Boaowers riglit to any insurrnce policies and pmceeds resulnng .
<br /> Ctom d�rn�ge to the Pmperty pria�to ti�e xquis�uon sbaU p�s to Lender to ehe exteat of the sums s�ecuted by this Sanrity
<br /> [nsuument inunediuely priar to t6e scquisiuon. �
<br /> i. OocNpuc3, Pnsesvatios. Maieteeance spd �rotectbu of tl�e Pcop�c�y: Borso�ra's i.aan Applicatioe;
<br /> [�Id�. Bamwer shatl occupy.cstabtisb,and use the Properiy as Borrowa�principal residenoe within sixty days afur
<br />- tbe executioa o�this Security Iastcument aad sball coatinue w aa�py thc Pmpaty as Barower's priaci�l residence fe►r 3t
<br /> _ k�st one yeu atta t6e date of accupancy, unless Lendci aUe:wise agras in writing. whicb-sansa�t shall noe be
<br /> un�rasonabiy vYithheld.os unless eatenuating cineumstarices exist which ar+e b�eyond Boriower's caitrol. Borra�xer sh�ll oot
<br /> _ destmy�damage or impair the Praperty,altow tUe Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on tbe Praperty 8ortowa SE�U
<br /> be in defaWt if any forfdtute aqion or proceeding.whether civi!or criminal.is begun that in I.ender's goad faith judgment <
<br /> ::.{.- cduld result in forfeiture of the Ptuperty or otherwise materiaily`impair the Gen created by tt►is Security lruwmen� a
<br /> '{ . L,ender's security inter�st. Borrower may cure such a defaWt and re�nstate,as provided'en parag�aph i8.by causing the xtion ,.
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed with a iuting that.in Lcnder's goad faith detenronation.precludes forfeiture of the Barrower's
<br /> ' � intenst in the t'roperty or otf►er materiai impaimient ot't}�e tlen created by this Secarity trauament or I.ender�security
<br />;�;, irrtecest, Bormwer shall atso be in default if�omawer. during the loan application pcocess.gave materially false or
<br /> inacc�uate information ar statements to l.e�dec(or failed to provide i.ender with azry material informahon)in caw�ecuon with -
<br /> 'the loan evidenced by the Note, ine[ud'tng.but not limitcd ta.representadans conceming Borrawer's accupaney of dte
<br /> Property as a principal nesidenee. If this Securiry Instrumen!is on a leasehold.Bonower shall comply with a11 the provisia�ns
<br /> of the lea� If Bortower acquires fee titte to the P�operty,the teasehold and the fee titte shall noE merge unless L.ender agrees
<br /> to tbe merger in writing. .: .� ,
<br /> 7. Psotectian af I.e�y�der's Rlghts jn the Psopevty. !f Borrower fa�'Is ta p..�form the covenan�s and agreemena ___
<br />_ contained in this Secudty�icsicumeai.or there is a legat praceeding that may seg�ificantty affect Lender's rights in the _ _
<br /> Pcoperty(such as a praceeding in b�liuixcy.probate.for condemna�iorr or forfeiture ar to enfoi+ee laws or regulations),then
<br /> - Lender may do and pay far whate�er�G necessary to proteci the value oi the Prc�percy and i.ende�'s righu in the Propecty. .�
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioritg over this Security Insuumen�app�tnng . 4, 4K�
<br /> -- - in court.paying reasonable aaameys fees and eatering on the Property to m�ce regain.Althouglt Lender ma$take action �~�-..by_.__i__'.;°
<br /> unckr this paragrapb 7.Lendes does not have to do so. ��• �g'" ������
<br /> I ;.y�,.,.
<br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lcnder under this paragraph 7 shall become additianal debt of Hosrower ser�d by thi4 �°��=�'-°_- —
<br /> •;':,; t _ -:':°:i� -
<br />=,;;;;�;.; Securiry Instrumen�. Unless Borrower and Lender agree ta other terms of payment,these amounis shall bear interest from the ._;,_�.. '
<br /> date of dis6arsement at the Note rate and shall be payabte,with irtterc��upon natice from Lender to Borrower requesiing ::���_-
<br /> payment. � "
<br /> �' ��
<br /> ' & Mortgaae losurinc�e. If l.ender reyuircd mortgage inxurance ati a cocs�,�.�ioo af making the loan secured by this •..a ::�
<br /> • Security Instrument.Bocrou:�ar shall pay the premiums reyu�red to maintain t6ie�yrt�age incurance in effcct. if. for any �.�";;��:.
<br /> reason. the mortgage insurairce coverage reyu�red by l.ender lapses or cea.�e� ��s be in effecE.Borrawer shall pay the � �:�,_;W-�;-:,_r,_��
<br /> . � premiums reqoire d ta a b t ain c ove�age su b s t a n t i a l l y e q u i v a l e n t t a t h e m a r�a g e i ns u r A n ce previqa�l y in effect,ai a cact , =;; ? ;f,�;.:,�_.
<br /> _ substantialty equivalent to the cost ta�orrawer aP�he m��rtgage insurance preti•�ausly in effect,from an altemate mort � e '�"' � �-��
<br /> S 8 ;::�f:;1: �.=.,:"
<br /> : insurer pppmved by Lender_ If�;ubstantially equivalent mortgAge insurance ca�•erage i�not available.Borrowea shall pay to � 'y;;`�'�t��'�'F�
<br /> [.ender euch montb a sur�e ea;�al to one-twelf�h of the y.arly mo»gage in�ucan��:��ium being paid by Borru«er when the - t�'�"=��'
<br />- insuranee coverage tapsed or aea+ed to bc in cifect. L.ender wiU accept,u�e�nd i�ai.it thc�c payments as u loss n..�nre in 1ieu =,� ��_
<br /> • of mort a e insurance. Los�re�rve a m�nt�ma no!an er 6e r uiced at th'e o tian of t.ender. iF mort a e insumnce �4''
<br /> S S P Y Y S � P S �, - �`�.���r'
<br /> � . j rnverage(in the:�mount and for thc period fhat Lender require`)pravcded by an imurrr appruvrd by l.ender s�gam becamcs . �--,,_ r-
<br /> avaitable and ic obtAined.B�nowcr shall pay�he premiums requircd to maintain mortgagc imurancc�n ePfect.or ta pravide a �-�;.
<br /> to�.c r�erwe,until the�myuiremcnt for mnrtgagc insurance ends in�rcardancc with any written��rcemcnt bctwccn Barrnwer � _
<br /> • and Lender or applicable law. • ' . • .
<br /> = 9. lnspectiun. Lender ar itz agcnt may makc rra��mublc entric�upon and ia�pc�hianc of thc Propeny. Lender+haQ
<br /> , ---�'�='_v give Borrowcr noticc at thc eim,.��f or pric,r ta an in+�•c�iun+pecit�inb cra+�nablr rautir fnr th��inspcctian. ��- -- ...:.
<br /> 10. Condemna�ion. Thc nxeed:c�f an tiward nr claim fi�r d�ma cv,dirrct ar�mr uential,in ranncction with an • '''�`'�'�
<br /> . , ' p y: � 4 y f� ,;:;:•
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