.�. "" �_3 _ .. . c ' . - -_ -_
<br /> ..- .._ ' — ��:1' , ' . ' . . . _ _ _a�_h_'�.
<br /> �`T�c 1' . _ _ . . �i G', y __ - _
<br /> {- _ � rd' .� ' , ( . " c -� _ _ '" __—�--._ . . ` — _- , -
<br /> . . • � _ • a . . .. . ... - . - -. ._ .. . .�� . _-- -
<br /> " . < , �. . . . . . .. `� . " . a. ��i���=`" _ ' . . ' .
<br /> � '(�'�['�(��;i��i�RID'�IOYNIIEIM3 tIb1K Of�ICt�f dlCfGd OR,�E p[t1pC7i�.���tiSG7fIq1LS�.�fYftl0�1. .
<br /> ��t�IIDN Q�1�kt�Q�ft Op t�IG QI�GIIy tR�tl�IlL0i5 iA���llOfB S�li���SO QG COYEIiGd�/tf11S$OC11f�1y .
<br /> � �t1]oE,the fo�going is nefemed to i't�this Suunty Insmunent�as the°Ht�perty" `:
<br /> � , ` �BORRQWER 001/ENAI�i'fS th�t Ba�a�vu is lawF►lly`seised of thc estate heceby ca�vcyM and t�s the righc m gamt . .
<br /> u�d rnnvey t6e Pkvpaty md t6at the Piopaty is axncumben�d.exapE for�m6r�ncts of record. 8anawer wa�nms aeJ
<br /> wrill defeed ae�eratly the ritle w ttre.Pmpeny againct alt ctaims and dem�ds.subject w�ny encumbrmas of rccocd.
<br /> T�l1S �F.CLJRTfY INS'TRU11�N'T canbimes uiu�am covenants for nuiona!vss�and nart-uniform covenants with
<br /> . �timitad variatinns by j�isd'ictian to coostito�a uaifam security Inwum�covecin8 sr�t pr'�atY- � - .
<br /> _l - �M C�YENANTSt Bort�owet sM Lert�er covannt and ag�ec u foilaws: • •`
<br /> l. lqaart dPri�efpal a�i IMere�t:�aM LNe Clw'!t� Boaower shalt Rc'nmP��Y P�Y whm due tUe
<br /> � p r i n c i q l of�d intsc+est uo tbe debt tv9d�ced b y tbe Nae and�Y PRPaYment and late c6arges due under the Nate. .
<br /> . Z FiMr tK 7lt:a�d Lt�ra�ce. Subject to applicaMe tsw ur w a wntten waivcc by t.ader,Bamwar shai}p�y to
<br /> t.a�dec aa tbe daY�Y PaYmer�s aee due uodes tbe Nate,�adl the Nde is paid in iWl.a sum t"F+�ods'1 for:(a)Year1Y_
<br /> taxes�na assesunaus which may main priuncy ov«this savcity raswment as a r,rn on ttu Ptope�ty:rof Y�r�
<br /> - ----- ---- -----_ . _ _ i�.�-n°-a�ay.-(�}yrstty-hu�t�d ssr-�ty:.�c��..�ums. (d� y�i't)niiA. _
<br /> i�u�ct p�miwns,if any; (e}ye�iy motigage iasur�nce p�emiums,if any:and(f}anY�P3Y�bY Barrower w = - -
<br /> I.endeG in acxacdu�ce witb the pmvisions of puagraph 8.in lieu oE thc payment of raortgage insnranca p�emivms. '17xse ,
<br /> iiems aEe called"Esccow-Itrn�s" Leader m�y.�t�ny tune.colkct�od hoW Funds in an aaoouot na to ezceed t6e muimum
<br />=__ � ama�u a knder for a fedeiaUy celatcd mo�tga8e Inan may mluir�e fa Bamowa's escraw accouat urder t6e federal R�+1
<br /> - Hst�te Seulem�t Procedure,a Act of 1974�s�mendcd fran da�e to pme.12 US.�$2601 et seq.(°RFSPA'7,�mkss ano8ier
<br /> =-- � 1aw tiut applies to tiie Funds sets a ksser amo�mc If so.l,cndec may.at any wne,collect and bald PYu�ds in an amotmt not to
<br /> -- exceed d�e lesser amain�. I,eoder may estimate cbe amoa�of E'wids due an ibe basis af a�meat data and rrasonabk
<br /> -- e�n�es of expeadinaes of fotme Escmw Items ar at6erwise in accard�nce witt�appGcabte taw.
<br /> T 'lb�e Rwids sLaU be heid in an iastitutian ailjose deposits at�e inswed Dy a fedeiai agarcy.lnswmenttlity.ar e�i►Y
<br /> (includiqg I.endec.if I�ender is sucU aa institutiao)ar in any Fbderal Home Lou�Banic. Lender shall appty tbe P�nnds to P�Y
<br /> �; fba Escanrv Items. I,rnder may uat chalge Botrower for talding and aPPh�B tht Funds.annually anslyzittg tl�e ese[uw
<br /> acooun�ar verifymg the Fsccow Items.unkss l.ender pays Bamwer iutenest an the Funds aad applicable law pem�its
<br /> `'l,ader to ma�e suc6 a chuge. tlawever.l.ender may rtquire Bamnwcr to pay a one-time cdarge for an independent re�!
<br />_ - esta�e'nx�+eporting service used by I.ender in canaoctia�a with this loan.nntess applicable/aw provides ahemise. Unless an - _--
<br />- � agroemtnt is made or appllcabie law requires inteiest to be paid.I.ender shall not be required to pay Botmwer ar�y interest a �-_—
<br /> on the Ii�ads. Bormwer and l.ender ma agree in wnun however,tbat interest shall be paid an the Funds. Lxnder =���-
<br /> . �e to SoaoweG witliouE charge.an annua accountiug af�Funds.stwwing cndiu and debits w the Fimds aad the �`'�=�_-
<br /> purpose for which e�ch debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums secured by �_;,`
<br /> .. tl�is Secu�icy Insuu�nem. ���
<br /> ecu� nsu ne __
<br /> _ If tbe Funds held by i.�der eaceed the amaunts pem�itte0 to be held by applica6le law.Lender shall account to ----=
<br /> Boirower for the excess Funcls in accardance witb the requirements of applicabk taw. If the amount of tbe Funds hetd by , --=°
<br /> ., l�eoder at any tirt�e is nat su�cient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bomnwer in wddng.and.in �����-�.
<br /> - sudi c�se Bor�wer sball pay w l.ender tl�e amount necessary to make up the deGciwcy. Borrower shaII make up the �..�. °':
<br /> _ . defcdeix.y in po more than twelve monthtY payments.at l.ender's sole discretion. �:�-}�_:
<br /> t in full of alf sums secured 6y this Security Instn�ment,Lender shall pmmptly reFw�l ta Bonower any �;_-
<br /> ��� 21.Lender shall uire or sell ttie Pto Lende�pdor to the acquisition or �'"°"-
<br /> • � Punds hetd by l.ender. If.under paragraph aeci P�Y• �
<br /> . ; sale of the Property,shalt apply any Famds held by l.ender at the time of acquisidon or sate as a credit against the sums ..
<br /> • " secured 6y this Secority Instrum�mt. , � . '_
<br /> � ;� 3. Application o�PJ�yments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under
<br /> "`- patagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under 1he Nae:setond,to amounu paya6le under ,',-�{_
<br />_ ;:_ ._
<br /> paragraph 2:third to interest due:fauRh,ta princ�pa!due:and last,to anY tate chazges due under tt�c Note. :��:�:,:-�
<br /> - 4. Chsraes; Lieea Borrower sha1T pay all taxes.assessments.charges. tines and imposiGons amibutabk to the -
<br /> Prcrperty wluch may attain yrioriry over this Security I�trument,and Ieasehold paymenu ot ground rents.ifany. Borrower - _- _.
<br /> - - - - shail pay thesa obligations in the manner p�avided in paragraPh 2,oc if not paid in that manner.Bonower shall pay them on �`� -
<br /> ' pme dim,ctiy to ihe person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender all notices of amaunts to be paid under ,.,. "-'
<br /> ` this�xgraph. If Borrower makes these payments dimctly.BQ;rower s ha l l promptly fumisb to l.ender receipts evidencin g ,��, ;
<br /> , �'°� the�yments. �.�_',�;�::��
<br /> ,. �'�::-�•
<br /> '. Bortower shall pramptly discharge any lien whicb ha.c priority over th�s Security Instrumem uNess Borrower.[a)agrees _
<br /> '�; . in writing to the payrt�tt of the obfigation secamd lsy the lien�n a manner 2�aptable to Lender.(b)cantests in good faith the
<br /> . _• l ien by.or d e f e n d s a g a i ns t e n f o r c e m e n t o f t h e[��n i n,t e g a l praceedin gs which in the l.ender's a pinion o p erate to prevent the __
<br /> • . -';�= • cnforcement oF�he lien;or(c)�r�>u�e.k Prom the holckr of the lien an agreement satisfactory to L.ender subordinating the lien �� _ _
<br /> . ;f . to this Secudty lnsuumen� [f[.�r�3er detem�ines that any part of the Property is tiubject to a lien which may uttain priodty �_ "'.
<br /> � r� aver this Secariry Instrumcm�f,r�+xi�r may give Boaower a notice identifying thc lien. Borrower shall_satisfy the iier�or take `
<br /> �° � one or more o!the actions set far3t abave wichin 10 days of the giving of natice. • .
<br /> -•x�`�• �� S. Ha�rd or•Propeety Iasu�aace. �usrower shall kcep thc impro.cjmcnts now existing or hemafter erect+ed on the t • . ,
<br /> � ,; -?n,:,:�;%:�! ' Property insureA against toss t�y f�re.hazards included within ihe term"exr:-:�dzd coverage"and any ather hatards.Including I �
<br /> --` • r�� �r�=•=-� ' floods or floocfing. foc which�Ger reyuires inwtance. This insurancc�hall be maintained in Ihe amounts and for the ` - -- ---
<br /> . �,�;�;,
<br /> � r:r:�c"' , ram 3bZa 9/f6 1l�Re 2 njb puQee! � ,
<br /> - . ..Ixit.�
<br /> � -.a. '"�:y r'.,.:� � - . '
<br /> • :'�`�-etS�.y.s�w•�-. . � � .
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