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<br /> � . caadsnrotiaa or ot6er t�in�of rny Pat of the�Firap�rtY•O[f0[CODYt}l�IICC IA IiCU OC COfidC1110atI011.8[L'I'.GR�f�SSt��
<br /> . 5�{iI��C p11�t0 LCIldC[ '
<br /> .' � �e thc evmt,af s tuai,taking of the PtnpertY..the p[o�cdeds shsli'bc apptied to-the sums sccuted by tbis �ocurity
<br /> . , � �unenb whaher oc rwt tixn due,with any racess paid to Bort�wer. In thr eveni•of a paRiai taking o€�ha Pr�op�e�tY in
<br /> which the tair m�ictt v�tue of�he.ihoperty'immedi�tety befote thttaicing is ec�ual to or greater than the amaunt of the siuns_ .
<br /> • secured 6y titis Sccnrity Gnstrumes�t immediate[y hefore tt�e taking.unk�s_Boaawer an�!Letider otherwise ap+ee in writing.
<br /> � the sanns securod by ti�is Security IasL-umene sh�ll be ieduced by the amount of lthc procceds muUiplied bK the feliowing� •
<br /> � fracticH�: (a?�total amount of the sum�secured immrdiateiy beforc the taking..divided by{b)the fair market valu+e of the
<br /> _ _ p�operty immedi�tety befae_the ra�ing, pny balance sha11 be paid to 8orrower. In tlie event of a p�rtiaf talcing of the :
<br /> pmptrty in which the f�ir m�tket value of.the Propem. immedi�tely before the taicing is tes�than the amount af the stutts
<br /> secuced immsdiazely before the taking,unless Bortuwer�nd Lender oti�erwise agn�e m writing or unless applicable law
<br /> othenvise pm�cides.the praceeds shall be apptied ta the sums�by this Security lnstrnmem whether or not the sums ate .
<br /> �„.
<br /> �If tAe Pt�npaty is a6:u�doned by Boaower.or if,alttr aoEicq l�i.:4.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers w make
<br /> - � an award oe seuk a etaim for dunages.Barower fails to r�espaidto.t.e�er within 30 days after the date the naice is given.
<br /> Lendar is aulharixed to colkcl and appt}the pcoceeds.at its option.ei[her to.res[aation or'repair of ti�e ProptnY ar to the
<br /> s�ans saur+ed by this Security Inwumen�wtscther or noe then due. ` '
<br /> Untess tender and Bamwer otherwise ag�ree_in writing,any application of proceedc to principal shali na extend or �
<br /> _ �the due date of tl�e ma►t�1Y PaYmeAU tefersed[o in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amounE�f such payments.
<br /> 11. BorroRer Nd Rekased; Forbean�n�e BY Le�Ae�' N°t a Wai�er. �xtens�°� af the time far payment or
<br />;�'- modifrcation of amortiiatian of tlte snms r,ecdied isy this Security Instrument�anted by Lender to any successor in mterest
<br /> - of 8arrc�wer shall not aperrte to rctease the liabiliry of the original`Borrower or Borrower's succpssors in inserest. Lender
<br /> _: � shalt nat be required to cammen�:e.ptnceedinSs a8ain-�t ai►9 succes.sor in interest ur refase to extead time for payment ac
<br /> _ � �rise modify anwrtization of t!x sums securEd by tU�s Security[nstrument by mawn of any de[nan�made by the onginai
<br /> = gmm�v�rer or Borrowe='s sucressoss in interest. Any for6ea�ance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a
<br /> - waiver of a p�eclude tbe exercise of an�righi or�tnedY. `
<br /> = 1Z, Saoces�oes ad As�sip�s Bwed;,1otaE and Several Uability;Co-slgners. The covenants and agrecments of this
<br /> _ Security Ingtrument shail bind and 6eciefit the successors and assigns of Lender and t�acrower,subject to the provisions cf
<br /> , paragraph !�:bormwer's covenantc and agteementS shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this 5ecarity ___.
<br /> � It�suument 6ut daes na execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Insaument only to mortgage.grant and convey that = _
<br /> - * Botrower s in[eiest in the i'lopaty uader the tem�of�his Secerity Instmment: ib)is rwt personatly obligated to pay tUe_sums �=�:-�+s--
<br /> secured by this Security lnstrnmen�:And(c)agrees thai l.ender and any other Borrower nlay agree to extend,modify.forbear :�=`;.;��:
<br /> - � or make any accommodations with regard ta the tem�s of.this Security instrument or the Note wichout that Borrawer's ,;
<br /> , . �_.• . consen� , � • '=���?�":
<br /> l3. Laan Charges. if the toan se.curcd by this Security lnstrument is subject ta a law which sets maximum toan �,-.=,.=��
<br /> charges.and that taw is f nally intecpreted so that ihe iateresc or other toan chargcw coltected or to be collected in connection =� +�'
<br />" with the loan exceed the permirtted limits,then: la)any tiuch loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary ta reduce � t� ���
<br /> rm'
<br />� the eharge ta the permitted limit:and(b)any sums already collected from Boaower whic6 eaceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> t�efunded to Borrower. l.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the pzinripal owed under�ne�Fote or by s�aking a
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. [f a cefund reduce�:pcincipal.the reduction wiU be ucated a.�a partial pmp��mera uithout any
<br /> ^ prepagment ci►arge unQer the tia�e ' " � �'
<br /> � "�'. ' I4. Notiees. Any naticeto Barrower provided far in this Security fnstrument shall be givert b}� delivering i!or by -_:�:_��•
<br /> mailin�it bp fu�n elas.y mail unles§applicable law requires use of another m.�hod.Thc aotice shall be�irr.eted to the Property • . �•:•r J�`�
<br /> • � Addresc ar an3���z:r addmss Borrower designates by natice to Lender. :�ny natice to Lendet sha11 be�i ven by fi n t c l a s s �
<br /> ' mail to Lender's•acfdress stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice ta Aorrower. Any natice provided for . _.__
<br /> in this Security Imm►ment sha{B be deemed to have been �i��en ta Barrower or Lcn der w hen given as provided in this '.` '• •�
<br /> : : arar�ra h � —
<br /> � ` ` p • ]S Goveming Law; Severa6llity. Thiw 5ecurity lnswment ShaU bc govemed hy federal law and the law of the =—
<br />� �"'J jurirdiciion in whicb the Property iv lacated. In the event that asty provisiorr ar clauye of this Security Instrument or the Note . _ _
<br /> conflicts with applicable law.such canflict tihafl nat affect o�er provisions of thiti Secutity in�trument or the Nate which cs�n . _
<br />: _" ,f� .: be given effect withaut the cunt�icting provisian: Ta this e:s�the pravisians of thic Security instrument and ihe Nate are ��:� '-z__�
<br /> dertased ta be severable. �' � ���--
<br /> 16. Borrower'g Copy. Bo:sawet shall be given one c�+-.`ncmed rnpy�f the Notc a;z�of Ihiti Security Instrument. • ��::<<<� -�=-_
<br /> � s•�= ` 17. 7Yansfer of the Proprrty or a Beneticial Interest a�s�orrnwer. If:�ll ar any�p;.a.of the Property or any interest in ���' _
<br /> it is sold ar tran�YerreA I�r if a bene�cial intere�t io RUrrou�er ic�atd c�r�:.�:�sferrcd and Sorrower i:aot a natura!person) •-"
<br />_ without Lenderk,prior writien can�ent,l.cnder may,at its optian.reyui:e:�cdiate p:+ymeni in full af all tiums secured by . :�:.-�
<br /> .�.,�_� this Security Tnstturnent. Hnw•eves.ihis option shall nat hc excrcised by L;ader if exerrivc i,prohibitcd by fedCral l�w as af . �_ =�-
<br /> • ttt�a�e af tbis Seeurity lnstrumen� . `�
<br /> �--:�;
<br /> � �`' �f l.ender cxercises this option.L.cndcr�hall give Horr�wcr natirc of acccicratin:�_ ihc naticc�hail provide a perial af . ,. • .j'
<br /> . �� .;;':. ` � '4 t
<br /> ' � not less thun 30 dayr+from the date the notice iy delivered or mailed within w hich iie�rr�::z:t u�u�t pay aN sums��cured by thir f` � ,,��,:
<br /> � .�,;�= Security lnstrume:n. lf Banowcr fuilx ta pay �hesc �um�. pri��r to Ihr e�c�ir;�tifln ni this p�tritxf.I..cndcr may invoke any � . ; '
<br /> ..,f �,s;>�., , ...: . .
<br /> ,..�-•>�;-,�•=:': z s r e m e d i e s p e rt n i u e d b y t h i s S e c u r i t y l n s t r u m=n l w i t h a u i f u r►h e r n u t i c e�N d e m a n d u n B u rrower.
<br /> �'�'' �� � � l8, Borrower's R1ght to Relnstufe. If 8nrn►wcr meet�ccnain con di tinn�.g.�rro�vrr �hall have thr ri ght to have `�'� •
<br /> � �''=s'�`�",;;.',;' , enfa,cement o f i his 5ecurity Ins[rum c r rt discon tinued a t u n y�i�n e p r i c�r t ef th c ravlier of: !.�►5 da y�tor�uch uth�r peri�xl ati � _ ''"' .` •_ _- .
<br /> � -. .;:•�,. �.
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