� - _ :`'V `. `_ _ _ _ � � ' _ '-.- � _�-
<br /> ---.t %. . -5,� `Li. ' _ _'_ . ___"— . ' �y'ch -
<br /> , �t^ �, j�. . . ' . -.- . - _, . . �_ .�"' _" �+ '- - -�.', �.
<br /> — _.�L. _.�,ai�. ...i . . . ... . .. . _ . . . . . . .
<br /> __ __ . ( '. . .. , ,` '. . � . .�� i' '- _ ��� ��/i�I—R� _ _ .. . .
<br /> ... ` ' f .; , .� .�. . ` _ . T, . � . . . . . . � -
<br /> . appUc�blc iaw nay�ec�y far�)before s�k of thc Anperty purau�nt to aay Power of s:le�4ntained ie thi� '
<br /> � Sec�sity haau�a�a(b).en�i►of a�ud�a�G�°�1°8����3►�avman. Tlros�conditiaas m t2�t BoROwer. (a)
<br /> ptys iader adl w�s wfiic6 tl�at wuuld be due wder t�s`SocuiicY L�n�ment md the Nate as if ao accekntion l�ad
<br /> , � ocCUned;(b)c�ra�fy defauh of aa�►aber cover�atnta oi ag�eanent�(c}PaYs a11 expcases incumd in eafo�ing this Socutity
<br /> � In�ent,iacladinE,but not Wnitell to.nasat�ble attaaeps'fee3:and td)i5lces such action as I.ender tnay reaspa�blY.
<br /> ; ` roquire to iwu�that t�e lice of this Security Insu�uaea�Lender's rigtus in the PmQe�cY�BonuwePs abligatiao ta pay the
<br /> sums sec�ued IsS+.this 5ecuriry Insaument shaII cmtinue �li�nged. Upan nim�tatemeac by Bonowe� this Socunty
<br /> InsmuneM�d tlx obdigations�ecurod barby shaU�eu�ain futly aftec[iv�as if no acceTeranon t�ad accumed. Ha�rever.this
<br /> .. ri�uto c�i�e stntf not appty in tbe case of acceter�ion�der�a�h 17. - - • : _
<br /> 19. S�ie pf Note;Cl�e d I.e�a Serviar.:T6e Nate or�paniat inte�est.in the Note(to8ether witb�tfus 5ecur3ry .
<br /> ' Ins�eat)may_be sald ane or mo�e tia�wi@rout prior notice W Boaower. A�sale may resnit 9n a change in the`eatity .
<br /> ` (knawn as the"Loan Savice�`)that coIIocts rnomhlY PaY��due under the Not=and titis Security lnswmen� 'Ihae also
<br /> �y��a�ce c�nges of ihe imo Serviatr w�nelated to a sak of the Note. If there is a change of the I.a�n Servicer,
<br /> Barrower wiii be given writtea no6ce af the chu�ge ia accad�nca witl�paragr�+ph 14 above ancl applicabte taw. Tl�e aaicx
<br /> " v�n'II sfate the n�me and ad�ess af the uew.Laan Servioa and the addness to`vehich payments should be made.T6e aotia wiq
<br /> atso ca�tain any otNet infam�tian raluued bY aPP��1aw. '
<br /> 2� Hmrda�s�6sfs�es. Burrower sftalt not cause oc pemiit the p�ssence,ase.disposal,staage,os rekase of arry
<br /> H�dous Sa6stuxes on or in tt�PmpertY• Borrower shall rwt du.noc altow�yone else to dQ anything affecdng the
<br /> — Propecty�lyt is ut viotario�t of any Fmimaunental Law. 17�e prece�Cg two sentences shall not apply to ihe presence�us�or
<br /> = sto�age on tbe Propeity of saaall quanqties of ti�.a�doas Sybstances that are generaUy necognized co 6e appropriate to noaaal
<br /> • nsidential uses and to maintenance of tNe Property. '
<br /> = Bornower shall P�PUY S�ve I.endec watten nutioe of any imvesisgation,c1a�.demand,{awsnii or other action by any
<br /> �. ..gov�attl oc regulataY aB�Y�P�'�P�Y involving the Piaperty and an�y Hazardou4 Substance or Enviranmental �_�
<br /> _ •`':<�,aw of whic6 BoirowC�:��as actual im6v�tedge. If Bomowa Ieams.or is notifed by aay gavemmental or regulatary --
<br /> � ;:=°auti�oritY,duit my nemo�a�iit otber nme�atian of aay Hazardous Substance a ffo�ag t h e P r o p e rt y is i�cessary,B o r r ow e r .
<br /> - � �.�,.'•-s6aii pomp�tY take ati neoe�Y r�ial actions in accadance vrith Environmeual Law. •
<br />-'y ` , As usa��tt this paiagrapb 2(1,°Nazacdous Su6stances"an tt�ose su6stanees det7aed as toaic or hazardous substanees by
<br /> ,'• �Fnviroaisaa,�i7;Law and tiie followin�sectistances: gasaline,kerusene.other flamrtsable or toxic petroleum products.toxic � --
<br /> pesUCides;�;.i 3serbicides.volatile solveats,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materiats. As —�-
<br /> � � asety inti�s�ph 20."I?nvironmetitaF Law"means fecteral laws and laws of the lurisdictioA wfiene the Propetty is located �,�_.
<br /> � tbat retate ta ikalth.safety or envIronuieirtal protection. , _ . . . � _ �
<br /> fNON UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agre.e as follows: �y,,a� =-
<br /> a ` 11. Aocder�tjun;Remedks. l.eader sha118�e notice to.6a�oWer prioc to aceekrntian fdlo�ring Borrower's =� --
<br /> ,�� �: breach of aay cavenaM or agreemepE in tbis Secucity IasGru�t6ot not prtor to accekration ondes parsgaph 17 ��__
<br /> ,;� : OIIIlS9 A�IIIpM!IlW pfOYldlS OIII�7SC). T6e notke s6ai1�:ts�)tbe defaatt;(D)thr actlon required to cure t6e �.�.�-��
<br />'.:; 4. , i . �.r=-:.e°.-
<br />:�a, " 1 defiaih te)a dste.aot kss t6pe 30 dsys from the date the notke is givea ta 8orrower.by vohich tbe Ile�s�It must be =�
<br /> • c�red:aad(d)tl�t tAilat�cure tlie defaail os or 6etae tbe dsite specifie�6w tbe notice mn�r result i��eientios d
<br /> tUe snffi sccured dy 16is Secnr�ty Instrument and sak of the Property. 7ge�tice shAil farther intms Boerowtr of �,,�.-k--
<br /> 1;.,. ' tlie rt�t to reinstste aRer Accskration and tbe�ht to Driag a eo�t act�o�to�ert the���existenre o�A defaolt or . �'— _
<br />- � . any MUer detease ot Barrower to accekratioo aed sak. If tdt defwit is�ot cQred oa oc#�efore the date s�ecffkd ia , —.---
<br /> the notWe,i.e�des at its optbn rtwy requice immediate payment i�ta(I atal!su�ms secured by this Security Instrameit-, � �-_�::-
<br /> i
<br /> withwt turtlier demand and may invoke ihe power ot s�k and any otb�semedies permitted by applkabk Ixw ' ;.�.T,�_;�_
<br /> � Lender sha11 be entltled to calkct all expeases incuned in pursui�g tbe re�edies provided in tdis p�r�graph Zl, ' ;;�.u�;�
<br /> . � � including,bat noi Umited ta reasun�ble attorneys'[ees and costs o�tifie evidenca �' ' ' -`-"-
<br /> •� �� � If the power ot sate is ievoked,71ru.ttee siw0 record a notice o�detault In eacb county in which any part of the ��;�'°-•''•'�.� `
<br /> . . j� Property iv lacated 9nd shAll mail copies o[sucb notice in the manoer presc�bed by�pplkabk law to Borrawer and to � �`
<br /> t6e dber pe�aoes prescribed by applicaMe law Aner ihe time required 6y applicabk tAw.Trusta shaA give pubHc ,'"'`���
<br /> ",:�?i=
<br /> �olice ots�le to the persons and in the manner pr�scribed by applicaDte Is►w 7tustee,without demand on Borrower, � -_
<br /> � shalt sdl the Propecty at publk aucNon to the htgbest bidder�t the time and place and unde�t6e tern�designatcd in - ��•�-
<br /> � the notice of snle io one or more parcets antl ln any order 7frustee determ ines. 7 l rnsta may pns tpone sA l e o f a I l or any °'��rr'�_
<br /> - pArcel of Ihe Praperty by pabHc annoancement At tde tlme aad piace ot any previously scheduted rale. i.ender or jts '-. � . _
<br /> desigeee may purchase the Property at any sale. .;.?:
<br /> : Upon receipt ot paymeat of tne prke bid.Tru�tee sfwll delives to the purchaser T�stee's deed conveying tlie -��.,;•
<br /> . � `•,�r property. TAe recitals in t6e 7Yustee's deed shail be prlma tacie evldence of the truth of tt�e statements made theceln. _ :-:::X �r.,
<br /> . � 7�ustee shall appiy the praceeds.of the sale in the t�lowing orde�: (al to ail cost.4 and expeases of exercising the power •�-Y�i__�
<br /> .:3:.• ,
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