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<br /> ` 'penods th�t t.ender r�: The insura��cacrier pcovid'm8 tLe iasuranee sluill be chosen bl►$onnwer wbject tb Linder�
<br /> appnni�l wLich shall aot,be uen�so�b�Y witUhetd. If Haro+�tfaits to maiMsin caverage deseci6ed�bove.Le�der may,st
<br /> obwin coveiage to pra�ect I.e�der's ri�in tbe P�oQetty in aecnid�.T wiih puagr+ph 7• etanse. I.endt�
<br /> Le�der's aptiort, to I.endsr and shall include a stau�dand mart8�8�
<br /> � � Alt inwrance Poti�and t�"'ais shail.6e yxepeabla uires:�wer shall. m ve t�I..cnde�aU ce�eipts
<br /> sl�all have ehe right ta hoid tlte poiicies and renew�is. If i:.ender-ro4 P� P�Y S►
<br /> � of paid p�emiwns and renewal notices. 4t the event of loss.Bcnrower shall give prompt notice ta�inst�tana r.uriet and
<br /> I.ender. Len�ler may tealce prooE of lass if ttot m�de pcanPdY�j'Bacmwer. ,
<br /> - Untess G�d���d Barower otl�erwise agree in wsiting.uss�uance proceeQs sha116e upplia!w r�staation or cepair Qf
<br /> � �thc�or tepair�eca�omualtg f�le aed Lender's security is nat lesser�. If the
<br /> tbe P�opertY da�Std�� -
<br /> �taatiorr or eqwir is uoc ecaoomicaliY feas��Ie or Lerxkr�s security would be�tessenod.,the iruut�et procadc shaii be
<br /> apQ{ied m tha sums secu�ed bY this SecuritY L�cument,w6ether or nat then`due.with any eacas paid ta Bamwer. If
<br /> Aort�wer aby�dons ttye P�'uPenq• or does not answer widun 30 days a notice fivm l.endtr tltat the insurance canier� ` .
<br /> oftmd to xale a el�inp.the�I.ender may colkct the insuranee pmceeds. Lender may use ttie pcaeeds to cepur
<br /> - tha Pmpesy or to p1y sums secu�ed hy this Sec�t►itY In�u�c•wl��or not then due. 7fx 3Qday periad wili begim arhen
<br /> 'the notice is givtn. . �. _ . . ,
<br /> Unkss Lender aad Barawer aherwise agnx in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shatt oot eatend ar
<br /> pnstpone the due date of tLe monthlY PaYmtats nferKd to in para&"•►pbs 1 and 2 or change the�nount of the paymeats. If
<br /> und�er pa�agrapb 21 the PropeAY is acquued by Le�er.Bomowers right to any insumnce po6c,es and pmceeds raulting
<br />- fio�n dunage to thc P�apercY Fri�to the acquis►uon shall pass to l.ender to the extent of the sums secuned by tlus Security
<br />-- I�stnunent imr�iately prior to the xquisitian. _
<br /> _ f. Occupaac'. Prese�xtios, Msiete�nce aod Protation ot the Prapecty, RorruwK's l.aan Applkatbn:. �
<br /> _ es
<br /> — I.ea�eMalds. Bartowec sh�ll aaapy.establis6.and use tlie Property as Basower's principal residence within sixty days after
<br /> — the exa�ution of this Security Insnument aad shall c�tinne to oxupy the Property sts Bwmwer's priacipal residence for at
<br /> - teast one year aftec the data of occupancy._unless E.ender otherNrise agrees ia wridng. which can.unt shall nat tx
<br /> -- � �sanablY v�nthEkld or�inless ezteauadng�c�rcunutances exist which are 6eye�nd Borrawer's cantrol. Borruwer shalt not
<br /> . destro9,dama8e cx��P�T thc Aropercy,aIIo�S d�e P�vpeny to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrawa shall
<br /> -= � bc in default i�any fafeimte action�proceeding.whether civil or criminal.is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgrtKnt
<br /> cauld result in fQrFeiture of�,..P�aperty dr`otlkrwise materialiy impair the lien crcated by th�s Security Insuument or
<br /> • ��der�secuiicy interest. Bvr�uwer may cure sach a defaait and c�instate.as provided in paragraph 1 S.by causing tUe action
<br /> _ p�p[ageding Eo be disp7issgd y.�t1t�rit1L��E3!�t•in i.ender"s gbod falth,detertnination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrowes's
<br /> ' interest in ihe�li�aperty or oiiior`materia�u�apairment nf the 2�en creat�by this Security Instrument or l.endec's securitY'. . v
<br /> interest. Borrower shall atso be in def�ult if Borrower,ducing tCia'�an'appficatian process.ga�e materially false or . _
<br /> ' � inaecurate iaformation ot s'tas,e�;�its io Lender tor fuiled to provide 1�'+�itb any material infarmarian�in connectian with __
<br /> �' the loan evidenced by the Nd:ine(udng.but not limited to, sepresentations conceming Botrower s accupancy of t6e ��
<br /> � p���y�a pri�pa}r�;�,-�, If this Security Instrumenc is on a leasehald Borrower shaq comply with aq the provuions =--_
<br /> � of tt�e lease. If&urowes a0qui�es fee title w the Property.tt�e teasehotd and the fee title sball not merge untess Lender agnees _ -----__.
<br /> ;.<.: to the merSer�a�,�icing. . � , --
<br /> . ,,rr,; �� If BamoKer fuils to rfortn the wvenants and agreements ���_
<br /> �' prateetion ot I.ender's Ri�i6ts in.the Property. Pe _
<br /> `,s�?�. contained in this Security Inmument, or ihere is a legal proceeding ttFat may signifiea�tUy affect Lender's• rights in the _�_
<br /> z: ,; { propeny(su�h as a proceefing in bankruptcy,probate.for cotidemaation ar farfeiture or to enforce laws ar regulations).then �
<br /> l.ender may do and pay fos whutever is necessary to protect the va[ue of II�e Propeuy and Lender�rights in the Pnapecty. ,���
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by�a Icen a•hich has priarity over this Security lnstrumen�appearing --,��_;r,�,:;_,
<br /> :. in courl.paying reasonabte attorneys'fees and entering an the Propect�to make repai�.Although Lender may take action ,�; . 1
<br /> �' �;
<br /> � � '�r- ; under this paragraph 7.[.enderdnes not have to do so. - --�
<br /> Any amnunts dicbursed by Lender under this paragtapk�7 shali become udditional debt af Borrower aecured by this :•,�.,,-4.:�`�
<br /> . • Security lnstrumenG Uniess Borrower and L.ender s�ree to other terms nf payment,these amounts chall hrar interest from the ,-k:;�t '. ,
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be paya6fi:,with interes�.u{�n notice fmm I.ender to Borro�ver myue�ting ��=�;;�.�.-�f,
<br /> . � _ paymen� . ...- .^;
<br /> _ S. Mastgage Insurance. li Lender reµuired mortgage insur:xncz.as a condition af making the loan secureA by this .J._
<br /> Security Instrvment. Bartowcr shall pay thc premiumti reyuired to ena�tain the mortgage iR�rance in cffecl. lf,far any -`•��:� -�
<br /> reason, the mortgage insur.�nce coveragc rc�{uired by Lender tapses or crasc.r ta be in effech. Borrawer�hall pay the ; .
<br /> ' premiums requircd ta abtain cavcragc subtitantially eyui�alent to the martgagc inrurance previauyly in cffect. at a cost ._ ,
<br /> - • • substantialty eyuivAtent to the co�t tn Burr��ver af the m�rtgage in,�crance previou+ly in rffect. from an altemate mvngage
<br /> . •�• � insurer approved by l.ender. lf+ubslantially equivalent rnorl€age in:arance caveragc i�n��t available.BnrraHer tihall pay ta
<br /> Lcndct each manlh a sum cqual to ane-twclfih af thc ycarly mnrtgae::nsuranrc prcmium being paid by 8orrower when the x;•.
<br /> insurance coveruge lapsed or eea.�ed ta be in effect. Lender will acrrpt.use aad re�a�n these payment�a�a!ms rererve in lieu � ,"�:
<br /> . '- ; of martguge inzurance. Luti.r rescrve paymcnts may no longen c�rrquircd.at thc uption of l.cnder.if mortgage inw�ance ..':'; . _•
<br /> � caverage lin�he amounf and for�he periuc!tlwt Lendcr reyuiresl pu+vicl:d by.+n in�urcr appwved by Lender;�gain becnme� �,',,\, -;-
<br /> .�•�� ,
<br /> , � Availabk and i��btained.Bc�rtower shall p:►y the premium�reyuired 1�maimain memga�e insurance in ei'fecr.��r to pcovide si L,�,.
<br /> • �f , loss re+e�ve,until the reyuirzmen�fc+c martgage in�urance end�in accordance�vi�h:my wri�Fen agreement t+et«een 8orrower
<br /> und Lender or s�pplicablc law.
<br /> -�r . � 9. Inspection. Lenderar it�agrnt may make reasonahlc cntci�.upon and intipecti��n�of'thc Prupeny. Lendrr tihall ,
<br /> , wy'J.� ... .
<br /> =- +`"' '_�:.. i give Borrowet notice ut the time of or prior t��an in.perti�m�pccil'yinr rea+onablr r.ai�r t��r thc intipectinn.
<br /> 10 Condemnation. The puxeedr��f any award ur rlaim for damai�e�.direct ar cun�rquen�ial.in catmcclim���ilb:iny � �
<br />. �. � Smglr I.miily--Fannle�lac��'reQdk�1ac f�IYUR�11�ti'i'Nl'StEYf•-t'nttunn('u�cn:mt. 4:9U ipdtr t���i,�,ac��,� .
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