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<br /> � ��Hpt wr}'p�li the iinvco�►anents now or tre�+eattea ereceea oa the q�operty.ana att e�..bpp�cna+ou�ces. �
<br /> � �nd Cut�res noM a Ixseafkr a put of thc pmpetsY-•AI!t�episa�nents and ailditions si�a1!aXso be cavaed by dus Securixy
<br /> Inwumen�•At!dthe faegoi�iis refemed to in this Secwity insavmnst�the°PtupertY" :
<br /> BQRROWEEt CdVENAN'FS d�aR 8aarawes is lawfulty seised ot the estate ueneby conveyed an�!1�the rigNt co grant
<br /> and conrey the PrupatY and dnt�he RopectY is ueencumaend.�xcxpt fix encom6ranccs of recad:Bocrowu w�raats as�d -
<br /> n
<br /> will defrnd geneally the titie to tde�op�KY 38a�nss atl claims and demands.subject to t+ny encum6iances of�
<br /> '�'MS 5ECl3Ri'i'Y INSTRUMEI�iT camtiuxs unifam coveoants far�ational usc and non-unifmm covenants with
<br /> fimited vaciati4as tt►Y J�sdsc�t°�u a unifam secudty in�,�"„rn�coyeting real property. � ,
<br /> (}(1j��ij�V�I��S. �OI(PWCf 911��.tlldCf COY�[3Li1=d��R'S: WI{CO d1iC�%!
<br /> 1. Plqt�t�t af Pi'iM.'iPN aW I�terrst;Pe+ep��t Botcawer shall`protttP�Y PaY �
<br /> principtt of and intarest on the de6t evid�ajced DY`the Note and anY PRPaY�nt and latc charga due under the i�Tate. .
<br /> ' 2 Fris kr'I3�ores aM I�a�ca.Subjact to applic�ble taw or to a wriuen waiver by Leader Batawer shall pag ro
<br /> lrnder o1�dre day monthtY PiY�?�due under the Note.w�611hc Nott is paid in full.a sam("FuncLs"1 fa:(a)yeu1Y •
<br /> tues aad assess�nents wluch maq aua�a pn�t9 aver this Secwriry insonune�E u a lien an the Pmpeccy:(b)Year1Y taseh°W
<br /> P�Y� a 8�� �an the P�p�ty,if aay: (c}gady hazard ar praperty in-SUt�e premiums; (d)yr�19 fl�
<br /> = inwtan�c premiums. �f aaY•l�T Y�Y� ����P�iums..�f auy:u�d t�any sums payabie by 8orrowec ta
<br /> I.ender,in accocdatc�wW►tbe pmvisioas of p�tagcaph S.�in!ku of tlie paYment of matgage insurance p�m�ums. '[liese
<br />- Ite��e cs�k�"�w Items." I.ender may.at any time,callect�nd lald Fvnds in an amauat aot to exceed die maximum
<br /> - "unount.a lender for�federally t+elatad ma�tg�ge loau may rtqu�re for Bo�mwer s esccaw account wder the feder�i Ral' `
<br /> Fstat�e Settk�t�nt p�ocedures Att of I9�J4 as amended fram time ta time.l2 U.S.C.��261?1 et seq.{..RFSPA"3.u�des.s anahes.
<br />_ l�w thu applia to the Fvnds sets a tesser amoun� If so.l.ender may.at any time,coilect and hoid Funds in an amount not to
<br /> - eacood ihe ksser zrtwuot��. i.ender may estimate t6e amount af Fmids due oa the ba�is of currertt data aad reasonabk =__
<br /> estimstes of espen�tures of futu�e Escraw Icems or otherwise in accadance witb applicabla law. � - - --
<br /> _- • The Tvnds sh�116e hetd in an institistion wiwse deposets ace insuted by a fedesa)agency.insw�ntality,ar emiry , _-___
<br /> i
<br /> -- (iacludiag,l.enckr,if Le�der is sucfi�n institution?ar in any�ederal Home.Loan Bank l.ender sha11 appfy the Funds to pay �_
<br /> - iflG ESCibYV TTCf14S. �.C[l�lf IlYdyl tIOL C�18T$C BOIIDWCf fOt�10�d1A$311d��jllll$LfiG�•8l111113��y��tZiD$thC CSCEOVY - �_. .--
<br /> ' accouN,or verifyin8 the Escrow Items,unkss.l:ender pays Barower interest on the Funds and applicable taw pemiits %s:��=L.
<br /> Lende�to make such a charge. Howevet. l.ender may require Bnrrower to pay a one-time charge for an independern real . �..�,-�_.�,
<br /> ' estau tu repostiaS�vice�osed by I.ender,in connection witd th�s luan.unless applicable taw provides otherwise. Unless an ��,=';:'.;;;, -
<br /> agrEement is made or appticable law requires interest to be paid��stiali not be required to p�Y Hortower anY interest or -
<br /> eamings on the Funds. Barower aad Le�Mer may agree in writing.however,that interest shall be paid on the Fvnds. l.ender ,• . _
<br /> shall give to�ariawer,without cbarge.an annual accounting of the Funds+sfiowing credits and debits ro the f�nds and the �.; : ;s,..*�-
<br /> • purpose far wtuch each debi[to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additionat secmity for all sums secured by .
<br /> � u; this Security InsttumeriG • _
<br /> ' If���W by Lender exceed the amount�permitted to be held by applicable law,l.ender shaU account to j:. �`. ��
<br /> -:` Bomnwet for the excess Funds in accardaix:e"with the requirements of applicable law. tf the amount of the FLnds belA by .«��:-_ "r^.,-:
<br /> Lender at any time is not sufficient ta pay the Escraw Items when due.Lender may so notiiy Baaower in writing.and.in f^;, _..,, --
<br /> � . _ , . . such case Borruwer shaN pay to l.ender the amount necessary to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall malce up the _. .�;.i:
<br /> ' � �d�ficiency in no more than twelve monttily payments.at Lendcr's sote disct�tian. r;'}'`;;.*.:;-.
<br /> ,. 1�,. 'ar.,t:. • ..,`.i._
<br />. Upon paymen[in fvdi of at)sums recured by this Security Insmcmen[.Lender shall promp dy refund to Boaower an y ;�����_ ; - ._,
<br /> ,,�„,, l �
<br /> Funds held by Lender. �f:under parasraph 21.Lertder shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender,priat to ihe acquisitiori or . `,,:,..
<br /> ° sate of the Property.shal}apply any Er;ads held by Lender at the Gme af acquisition or sa[e as a creclit against the sums � .t��;,.:
<br /> secured by this Security Insttument ' �.•`��-•�;
<br /> :k � 3. Applkatioa dFPayments. l;ntess a licable taw rov�des otherwise.all payments received by Lender under �� „
<br /> � paragaphs 1 anA 2 shaL 6�applied:first.to any prepaymem ch�ges due uader tBe Note:second.to amourc[s Qayable under �-�%;. . •.
<br /> ,. ' ;, paragraph 2;third.ta.interest due:fourtb.w princiPal due:and tast,ta any late charges due under the Note. .�;<< '.' � . '��
<br /> • ., •i;, . 4, Chsirges; Liens. Borrower shuli pay aU taxes.assessments,charges. fines and lmpositions atuibutable to the � � , '.�:�_�
<br /> •'>�, Ptoperty c��icb may attain priority over this Security lnstrument,and leasehold payments or 8mund r�n�s.if any. Borro+�e�'
<br /> "� _ y:�`!: ahal!pay�.'�ese obligations in the manner provided in patagraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Barrower shalt pay titem aq.: . �`�.-:'s.r'�r
<br /> time directty to the pers:�:flwed payment. Borrawer shall prompUy fumish to Lender a0 natices of amoums to be paid under � -
<br /> this paragraph. If Bozna.c:r makes these paymenu directty,Borrawer shall prompily fumish to Lender re�ts evidencing �:;•,;, �
<br /> . �;�,:. .
<br /> the paymenu. i;,` ��
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority aver ihi�Secarity lnstrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees
<br /> ;; in writing to the paymertt of the obligation secured by the.lien�n,a manner accepwble ta Lender.tb)contesu in good faith the • r
<br /> • lien by.or defends aga�nst eafotcement of thc lien in.tegal pracecdings which in the L.endcr s apinion operate to prevent the _
<br /> ' ' enforcement of the lien:,or(c)secures from ihe hotder of the lien an agreement satisfactory ta Lender subardinating the llen-
<br /> � . j to this Security instru�nG If Lendcr dctcrmines t�aa�.any parl of the F'roperty is subject to a lien whictr may attain priority ,
<br /> .. . over this Security lnstr�men�l.ender may give Baa�er a noticc identifying thc licn. 8orra�er shail satisfy the lien or take
<br /> .'� � one or r*�s.e af the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giL.ing af noticc. • • •
<br /> ' �- •r• ' S. E(az�lyd or Proprrty/nsurance. Bortower shall keet�c�:a�mprovement:�now ex��:z�or hereafter erecteci on the �
<br /> ' ::�='u�,<;';;�`.:r�'' � Properay ursureA agalnst logs by fire.hazardg included wi[hin t'sa�:y°rm"extended coverage"a:�:any other hatards,including
<br /> - � .,�;—. ;riz,.,;u,:: floocls vc�laoding. fos ivhich Lendec requires ins��rancc. 'f'his insarance tihall be maintained in the amounts and for ihe _
<br /> :✓ � Ld�:'�%?
<br /> . ,f :�� . � Fam 3028 9J�A (txr�;e 2 af h page.+l ,
<br /> f �.:: �
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