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<br /> � E pario�t�ac tader requic�s. 'fl�e i�sa��ooe camar p�wi�do,g mc iasura�e sh�u be c�a by sn�nv�er sud;ecc co t.eoaer�
<br /> " • �ppeovil wbk6 shtll aot be umeasa�abiy withl�eld. If Boaower faiLs to mainain cave�age descr�'bed above.La�der mtsy.a►: `
<br /> Leides8 optiort,obt�ici cavengc tap�dect laeder's ri�s in thc t'tnpe�ty in accadooce with pawgiaph?. • .
<br /> -=�ff'msu�anoe poGcies aod tenewals sh�l!be a�aaptable to Lender and sh�U ieclude a standacd mortgage�cla�ue. l.eader
<br /> shall l�aave t�e righc to botd the policies aad Rnew�Is. If I.ender roquires.Harower shall P►omPdl+S�ve to L,cnder ait etceipts
<br /> _of p�id pcemiums�renewal notices. I�s the event of toss.Barawer shait give p�mnpt notice to tht insvr�oe c�rFer an�
<br /> Laxler.Ledler may make proaf of lou if not m�de P�P��Y bY�orxower., � ` �
<br /> 11ak�I.�nder aad Barower atberwise ag�ec in v�riting.inswance procceds shall 6e applled to nstorrtiau or npair of _
<br /> - _ . thc PlroPestY dainsg�.if tl��or�pair is�cally.feas�k aad I.ea�es's s�rity is nai lsssened. If the. .
<br /> — rata�ation ac r�pair is t�ut ecmomicalIy fc�bk ar t.ender�s sa�uity woutd be te�sened.tAe insuranct procoeds shall be �
<br /> . ' appliod to tlie sums sa,vred 6y this Security Insuumeat,whethet nr not then du�.with any excess paid Io Borrower. If .
<br /> Bomnwer�b�ndoas tl�e Property,or does not.answer within 30 days a notice fram L.ender that the,insur.uice carrier 6as
<br /> , offaed w sdtle a ct�im,then l.eader may coltect tl�e ias�rance procads. L�tder may use the pnocoeds to repair or reston
<br /> • tbe Ptopecty or ui p�y sums secuned by this SeFuriry Inswment,whether or not ttien due: Tbe 3Q-day period wiQ begin when
<br /> . . the tfotic�is given. .. ; � � .
<br /> llekss[.ender and Borrower otl�wise agree in writing,any applicatiaa of procads to principat st�all pot extend a
<br /> postpone Me due d�te af tbe manthly paymmts�efe�ssd to in paragraphs i aad 2 or change the amouat of the paymeats. ff
<br /> - uider puagrrph 21 ti�e Ptaperty is acquired hy Lender.Bortovrers right to any insurance policies aczd proceeds resuldng
<br />= fro�n d�nage to the Prapeity prior to the uquisition shaU pacs tQ Le�der to the extent uf the sums sacuced by this Sec�uity
<br />-_ �Instn�ment immediatety pr'ior to the xquisition. .
<br /> _-. � ' , � shal��' Maiehnaece �wd Prote�tian af tHt P�perty; BorroMtr's I.wn Appli�tloe: _
<br />���,, occupy.establish.and use ttie Pivpertg as Bormwer's principal crsidence witbin sexty days after
<br /> -- 'F , the exscaroian of this Secarity Insauma�t aad shall continue w occagy the PiopeAy as Botrawa's ptinclpai cesidence far at —
<br />--_ � kast one year after tbe date of accupancy. uninss Lender aheawise agRes in writing, which aonsent shall not be
<br /> =-- �sonabiy witHhela.ar unkss exta�nating circum.stances ezist wirich ace beycmd Eiomnwer's control. Borrvwer shall not �---
<br />=- destr+oy.dac�8�or impair the ProPectY,allow the P�ope�ty to deteriorate,or commit wa.tte on the PMperty: Baaower si�all . — -.---
<br />- - be in defsult if any forfeiw�e action a procooding,whetfier civ�or criminal,is begun that in l.ender's goad faitlr judgment -
<br /> - ca,la raulc in forceiau�e of the Piropeny ar othecwise mateciatty imgair the lien cn�tee ey this�sec�u;ty Iaca�a►ern vr - _-- -
<br />' '� Lender's security interest Bortower may cure such a default and reinstate.as pcovided in paragrapA 18.by causing the actiacr� ��n-=:
<br /> or pruceeding to be dismissed with a n�ting cha�in I.eader's goud faith detennination,precludes forfeitun uf the Borrowes�s ' "
<br /> '�'"��� .
<br /> "��"°:='inierest in the Property os other tnaterial impaim�ent of the lien cr+eated 6y this Security Instrument or Lendeis secun`ty � �:���.°�•��
<br /> � . . ..� �,.;-
<br /> _ `interest. Borrawer shall also be in default if 8orrower, daring the loan applicatian process, gave materealTy faJse or
<br /> ���.,�-��
<br /> - _ inaccu�ate i�om�ation ar statements ta L,ender(or failed to pmvide Lender with any material informaaon)in com�ection with !�,;�3�:.
<br /> � � �� t6e toaa evidenced 6y the Note. inciading.but not limited to, representations conceming Bomower�s occupancy of ti�e �,;��;;�;�.
<br /> ' .�roperty as a princiQal nesidence. If this Security Insuument is on a teasehold.Boaawer shatl camply with aIl the provisiocss �i��=:�y�:.,:�;
<br /> uf the tease. If Botrowcr acquires fee titte to the Property.the lea.�3t�and the fee tide shaU nai m�rge ar�ess Tiender,ag�ees, � �__°z
<br /> `, ?o the merger in writidg.. •' � . .
<br /> , � 7. pi�otectios�aE Ir�nder's Rights in the Pro�erty. ��Bci:rower fasJs eo perform the caven�s���agreemrnts' �
<br /> • raatainz� ��is Se�urity Insm�men�ar there is a legal pm��that may significantly affect l.tnders rights in tlEe• �
<br />. , Pmperty(siac�as a praceeding in bantcruptcy.pro�ate.far conQeccuaauvn os forfeiture or to enforce Iaws or ngulatimts).th� ' =%•�X�' ,
<br /> I.e n d er trsz��do an d pay fos w ha t e ves is necessary to pro t e c t t h e sa tue o f t h e.P to p e n y an d l:e n der's ri g hts in t he P r opesc�, �`�'��';'�"' ^T
<br /> , . l.encter�s�inay:nclude payiag a�;sums szcucui by a lien which fias priarity wer this Security Inspvrner�k appeari�� '-- - - ��_
<br /> ' _ _ in courl,paying reawnable auomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may talce action ��;.�.�. =
<br /> , under tais paragraph 7.Lender does not have to da so. .. . .t�
<br /> �s � Any amounts disbursed by 1.erMer under t6is pa�ragraph 7 s;a:�:l become additional debt of Botrouer secured by�fi�s • ;:_;.;;�"�
<br /> ' � ' Secnrity[a5trument.Unless Borrower and Le�der agree to other ter.-;s of paymen�thesc amounts�hall bear irtterest from��e � '�',;t:��-=
<br /> ' date of disbursement at�t.'�e Note rate and shall 6e payabte,with i:,terest,upon notice from Lerrder to l3orrourer tequesting -�` �° °_�`'�"."---
<br /> �y 8�Mortgr�e Ias�rance. If Lender required martgage insurance as a condition of making the toan s�ured by this �, ' ' ' `F—"
<br /> ' Security Instrumeni,Bi-i.zower shall pay the premiumw required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effec:. if,for any � � `"_=
<br /> _ � �. ,_:c�-:�
<br /> - reason,the mongage in.4nrance caverage required by Lender �;,�s�es or ceases to be in effec� Borrower shall pay the , �
<br /> remiums re uired to obtain covera e substantiall e u�vateRC c�r.ye mo a e ia�urance revinact �n effect,at u co�t • „ ° �``�"-''�
<br /> . P 9 S Y A � nS S P Y � ��,.:;�;-;_-
<br /> . substantialty equivalent to the cost tv Borcower of the mortgz��a-;>�rancc prcviausly in efPect.from an alt�erate mortgage � . � =
<br /> ' insurer approved by Ler,der. If substantially eyuival��:c.*ortgaa:insurance cavernge is aat available.Barrou•er,shap pay to �---
<br /> - Lender eaeh month a sw^s ec�ua{to ane-twelfth of�!Trc�..ar2y mortgage insu�Ance premium being paid by BoRawer when the ° ��_"a``�
<br />' insurance coverage lapse3 or ceased to he in effecG.G:�.der wilt accept,use and retaia these paymen�s us a lass reserve in lieu. I�.s�.-
<br /> , of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve paymen�4 may no longer He required.At thc option af Lender,if mortgage insur.u�ce , � �.A.,``;�*�
<br /> � coveragc(in the amount and for the�r"�d thut Lender reyuires)Yrmided by an insurer approve�6y Lender again becomez , ' ,�,':.'
<br /> : ' Available and is obtalnedl.8orrower�:��:;pay�he premium�requin•r��ta maintain moRgage insurance in eifec�ar to provede a !:'':' "''
<br /> , lass reserve.until ihe caar:�remcnt fo�r martgage insuranee ends ir.accordanee Wzfi any written agreement be�;aen Borrower `s,, �
<br /> . ' ��_';.� and Lender or applicab��['aw. . �` . . . .
<br />. :�;�:.''�::' ' - 9 Insptetinn. Lender ar its agent may make reasonable entrics upon and inspectian�of the Praperc�•. l,ertder shalt � �
<br /> .;,.� ,.•-. �� give Borrdwer notice at the time of or prior to nn inspection tipecifying reasonable cause for the inspertion. • � . � ________. _
<br /> � ` ,;?,�..''�..';� ';;; 1!� �andemnAfton. The prtxeeds af any award or claim fc�r damages,direct or c��nsequential,in connection with�y � `' '
<br /> � ;-;��=~?.. Sin Ic Famil �annk 1fadF►edQk Sf�c C�IFORM1t I�tiTlll;�f�4'f•-1!mfurmCuvcnanl4 4/90 / u a.+a b �
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