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<br /> ._� �_ �<< _ � .� � . - _-- : � � � 9�— -so4�s� . _� �.
<br /> '.caode�n�tia�a'ur o�er n�of�ay p�of d�t�Fmpertr.or for canvhyaa�in tieu ofoa�de�onstio�4���E��` - t
<br /> ` < �be p�id 10 Lender.< `
<br /> . : -Ie�Ae-tve�t af a,t�oW tatana of tht Pnopacy.tt�e ps+oceeds sfnll be sipplied ta the su�ns s�t►Y tbis.SxuritY
<br /> oW
<br /> • � • lusuumneat.wlraher or iprthen du�with any ea�cess�id to Banowet in-the event of a par6al mking of the P�ra�pc�ty in
<br /> �vhich the fiir m=icd vatue of the�'1�ioper�Y iimnediately befo�e tt�e t3dcing is oqua![a or gRater ti�ao ihe amount af the s�uns.
<br /> sxw�ed by dus Sect�itY htttnunent immeEtitistely 6efocr tue t3lcing;wikSs Sar�wrr aa�Lender oUxrwise agc�ee in'wrifmg. � .
<br /> � the sums socuced by t6is Seauity Inst�uaKat s6a11 be`reducad by the amounc of tIn pcoceeds muldplied by the fdlowing
<br /> � , fwctian: (a)the total artiou�n of the sums secured immed'atety before the taking.divided by(b)thc f�ir marhet valne of the
<br /> ����Y����� ,��Ce shall bF P�!d to Botrnwer. in the event of�partiaf raking of the' ' _
<br /> E Fmpetty m whicb the fair muica vaiue af the rty unmediateiy befoce the t�tg is less dt�th�amannt of ihe stuns
<br /> secu�ed imit�iuely befae the taking,_�mkss Borrower and Lender dt�awise agne in writing or unkss applicable law
<br /> ot6e�wise ptovidr�c,ti�e proceeds shatl be applied to tha sumS seeuted by this Security Inspum�en�vvhethet a not the sumy are
<br /> then due. '
<br /> tf the Pmpe�cy is absndoned bY�Banow�ir.,or if.after mtice by I.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers ro make
<br /> aa awa�d or satle s claim fa d�mages;Bamwec f�ils w respond ta Lender within 30 days�the date thc notice.our ovdrnie
<br /> Lender is wdwr�ed to collect and appiy tEu g+roceeds.�t its optia�,eitlki to cestaraatiion or re ir of the PtoperlY
<br /> smns socaied by dds SecuritY InWrumen�whether ar aot tbea due. shall not eztend or
<br /> - Unkss Leoda and Barow4t otherwise agtiee in writing,any application of proceeds w ptincipal
<br /> postpone the doe date of the mouthlY PaY��nfeued to in patagtaphs 1 and 2 a change the amaum of such payntients. ,
<br /> 1L aamower Nat 8da�cd; For6earasce gj'''Leeder Not a Wa[vac Fxtension of�he time far gayment or ,
<br /> modificatiat af�nortizacian of We sums securod by.this Security Instnrmentg�anted Dy Lender to any successac m inte�est
<br /> of Barower shall na aperatt to rekase the tiability of tbe original Borrower or Bomnwer's success�xs in inte�st I.ender •
<br /> sdall not be ioqaircd to commence pcocaedi�gs agaimsi anY Succassor in interest or refuse to exoecid.a;ne fu�ga}�ment or
<br /> dherwise modify amoKizatian of tt�e su�s se��aed by ttus Security Insdument by reason of any decraxt tt���ti��e ong��al
<br /> BoRUwa ac Barower's soocessors in intencst. Ai►y�by Lcadcr in enerrisiag any right or remedy sh3T!aot he a
<br /> waivei af or pseclude tbe exercise of anY nB�T��':'...: �
<br /> 22. S�ace�ors a�d A�si�as�ousd:Jatt�'Slr+eral Li�6ilit9;Co�ae�. T!�cwenants and agt�eements of this
<br /> � .. Securiry insaument sha11 bind md 6enefit tI�saccessors and assi�ns of Lender and Bocrower,s�cbject to the pro�isions of
<br /> - paragsaph 17. Bomnwer's covem�utts and ageemenu s�ha�l be joirrc and several.Any Bozrower who co-signs tlus 5ocurity
<br /> Instrwnent but daes not execute the No(e: (a)is co-signing this Security Insuument only to moRgage;grant and convey that •
<br /> - Barrower's interest in the Pmperty mtdtr the tenns of this Security Instrumari� (b3�rat pe�sonaUy abligated to p�y the suins , r_
<br /> r�ured by this 3ecurity Incwment;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to eatend,modify.far6ear.
<br /> _= ot make any accommadations with'regard to the terms.of this Security Instzument or the Note witha►t that Borrower's
<br /> ° consen� _
<br /> �3, (.o�n C6aeEes. if the loan secan�by this Security lnstrument is subject w a law wbich sets maximam loan _.
<br />'=" ¢l�arges,and that law is frnally interpreted sv['r.at the inte�est or other toan charges coltected or to be coDected in connection
<br />:_�,� with the toan exceed tt�e pem�itfed limita thers: {a)any such laan charge sha116e reducee�by the amount necessar�:Eo mduce
<br /> `�� the charge to the pem�itted limi�and(b)an}sums already collected from Borrower whicb exceeded permiued i��s wi116e
<br />:`�"= refunded to Barcower. I.ender may choose t�s�satce this�efund by reducing the principal owed,under the Note�_�`�naking a
<br /> ��, direct payrtKnt to Bomower. If a refun�rz.�ss principzl.the reducpon will6e veateA as a partia!pxepaymers:��thout any
<br /> :; _ � prepayment charge undcr the Note. _
<br /> -- - - 14. Notices. Any notice to Borru�:�r provided for in this Security iastrumeat shall be gi���n fa}+delivea�,.it oc by _
<br /> mailing it by fi�st class mail untcss applicable law requires use of another methad.The notice shall be d'uected aa t'e�'Properiy �
<br /> Addra�s o�any other address Borrower de�g�ates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be�i�en�frst class =
<br /> • muil to l.�nder§address stated herein ar a�g a�her addresa I.ender designates by notice ta Bartower. Any notice provided for �.
<br /> in this.Security Instrument shaU be deert;ec�:to have 6een given to Borrowet or l.ender when gires�as provided"m this �f
<br /> - _ P�S�Ph• _-
<br /> - 1S. Governing Law:Seveeability. This Secur6t} lnswment sha11 be govemed by federal law and the taw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In the evenrthat any provision or clause of thic Security instrument as the Note -_
<br /> conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security lasaument or the Noce�hich can �
<br /> be given effect w�thaut the co�sflicting provision. Ta thi�+end the provisions of this Security lnstrument and the Note are f
<br /> � declared to be scverable. 6.
<br /> � • 16. Boerower's Capy. Borrawer s+.�:[I be given one confortned capy of the Notc and af this Saa:�ity ln.v�rumen�• �
<br /> • 17. 7lransfer ot the Prceperty or a Seneilcial interest in Borrower. If all nr any part of the�rapecty or aehy interest in =
<br /> �� - it is soid ot transferred(or if a,5eneficial interest in Barrower is sold ar tran�fcrred ar=d Borrower is not a natuc'al person) -
<br /> ,Y;;:..` � withaut l.ender:s pdar wdtten consent.Lei�der may.at its option,require immediate�:;ment in fpA af alI sums recured by =
<br /> `��`. ' thls Security Instrument. However.this eption shall not be exerci.ed by l.ender it'exeresse is prohibited by federal law ac of _
<br /> :�°f��° the date of thjs Seaurity Instrument. _
<br /> '4����• If l.e�exercises this option.LectdkT shall give Banower notire af acceferation. The n6ti��hall providc a period oi
<br />_ ' , 1w less than 30 dayw fram tlie date the notire is delivemd ar mailcd within which sorrawer must pay all sums.ecured by this _.
<br /> ' Secudty Instrument. 1f 8orrower i'ails to pay thcse tiumw prior to�he expirution of this period. Lcndet may invoke any - ..
<br /> remedies pertnitted by this 5ecurity Instrument without furthcr rtrnirc i�r demand on Bonower. -
<br /> � � • 18. Boreower's Right to Retesta�C�. lf Barrower mcets rcrtain canditions,Borrn�ver shal! have the right ta have t:
<br /> a
<br /> enfarcement af this Securiry instrume;-*.�;�:cnntinucd.�t any time prior to thr ear�ier af: fu)S days(ar such ut6er period as E
<br /> S.:oL family�--Ftinek�faelFtMAk Nvc I;�iIF(1R�11rS'f'RC�If.v�T-•UnifvrmCuvenant� 9191) 1/xte����h{w.L'e.0 �
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