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<br /> � " 7nC�.W1�1N�ihG�YC�lf�i 11OIY Q�CllJ�iEd Q1 tZIC RO�Ei[y.iOd�lfl�tl:i.�ttlt�._.' , :
<br /> ��IILII�Gt OOIY Of�dE�a Q�!OE fbE�y A1�IC�liCC111�'n!f�qd�ittO11S SIHII a1S0�fC OOYtl�by tllil$OCQiT�I . , .
<br /> . �M. ��O�I�IC�ii tCflYl!'�i0r_M t1Y3�CClat[Y`ji1SR11�t is 1hC°Qtt)pl��►."
<br /> ' BOItROW�R OOV�NANTS tbat Boizo�is Iawfatly seised of the estate hecetiy conveyed�nd hu the'right tv�rmi�
<br /> aund cmvey the Ptt�aty and that th Pmpnty 3s imencumbened.excepe for tncum�smwes of roca8. &xrower watr�nts ud, . �
<br /> � will deCend aa�aalty the title io the Property ag�inst�tl ctaims�nd demaods,subject w any eocumdr�of acoN. .
<br /> , 7ftIS SECt1Ri7`Y INS7'RtJMF.I�iT cawbiaes m»fam cov�enants'for aatiooal use a43 n�od-unifam soven�nts wiW '
<br /> limioed vari�tians by puisdicttan w caastitute a unifam security insu�umeat covering nal prope�ty.. . .
<br /> � � UNll�ORM.COVENAN75. Bonower and I�Wnr coveo�it and�gee as foilaws: � �
<br /> 1. Pa��eM eflri�eip�l a�d Ltenst:teeps7ant a�d Latt C6ar�. Botmwa s1�ail Pm�PUY WY wHa►due tbe
<br /> �' primcip�l of�nd ir�erest on the debt aviden�ed by the Nate a��nY P�PaYment and tate chazgts dne imderthe Note.
<br /> Z�_Fti/s for 7iuKS a�I�ars�ce. Subjoct to applicabie Iaw or to a written waiver by LeMfer,Bamnwer swll pay to
<br /> ` Ireedec aa tbe daY�Y P�Y�u+e due under tde Nole,imtil tUe No�e is paid in fWl,a sum("Funds'�for:(a)Yearty
<br /> tues�ad asxsamaKS which ma�e att�in prioriry over this Security Instrwnent u a lien on the Puuperty;(b)Ye�riy.kaseNoW . .
<br /> p�yrt�eRS or�rau�d raits ae tAe Pmperty. J�ny;'(c1 Y�Y �d a ProD�Y ��P��u: (d)Yeu1Y 11ood
<br /> _. �.. -_ ----;�nnrt e.nniw�s_if w}�.ie)_Y�Y �B� ���P��•�y►Y•�(fl�Y�P�Y�bY Bactawa•io.
<br />- L.ender.iq accocd�noe with the p�ovisiau of paragr�ph 8,in lieu of the gayment of morigage iususat�ce premiams. 'I'hese
<br /> itemc arc called"Fscrnw Itsms." Lander may.u any titne.epllect�nd tiWd Wnds in an amo�mt not ta exceed tde muimum " .
<br /> �imaiot a lender for a federaNy ietued mo�tg�e lo�a may iequi�e for Borrower's e�sc�ow accamt under the federal`Real
<br /> Esta�Settkma�Procedurcs I�ct of i4T4 ac amende0 fmm time to time.l2 US.0�26Q!u s�q_("RESPA'�,milGSS anottrer -.
<br /> law tlat applies w ihe�i�r�ds sets a ksser amount. If so,Lender fiay.at any arne,collect and hold iiu�ds in�n amauit nat w
<br /> . exceed tbe kssnr�maunt. Lender may esamue the amount of Fvnds duc an tbe b�sis of curreat dua and nasonabk �
<br /> eatim�tes of e�cpenditu�es of�attne Esemvr Itansor otl�erwise irt aceo�e wiW applic�abte taw.
<br /> � 7'he iimds sIW16e 6eld in yn institutian wlase Qeposits a�e insund by.a fedeta}agency,innrument�lity.or eatity .
<br /> _ (iacludiag Lajd�r.if I.ender is such w iastitution)a in any Reder�l Home I.oan BaNc. i.ender shall aPP1Y�e Fiuids to Wy
<br /> . tbe Fs�taw Items. Lender may nat 41�ar8�8arowa for holding and aPP�l�S the Funds,annuallY analyzin8 tht escrow
<br /> sccount.or rerifyinS the F.serow itetrts,w�iess L.ender pays Hamwer iate�est on t6e Fw�dc aod applicable law permits �
<br /> -- l.ender to mate such a ct�arge. However,Lender may rec�uin Barowec to pay a one-time et�arge fa an independmt rcal
<br />--- ' estate tas reporting service used by l.end�er in causecdon anth Utis toan,untess applicable law provides otlxrwise. iTnkss an
<br /> : _ �aae�xn�ent h mde or appliatbk taw ra�u'ves interest to be p�id.�.er�kr shall nae be nquiced to pay Honawer wry intenest ar
<br /> - - eaminy,s on the Funds. Bormwer arxt l.ender may ag�ee in writiag,however.that interest shall be paid c�n the Fimds. Lender
<br /> ,� � shail give to Borrowa.without charge,an annual accounting of tbe Fuadg,showing credits and debits to tl�e l�nds and the �
<br /> puTpose fa whicB each debit to ihe F�mds was made. Th�i'w�ds are pledged as additForel secwity for ail snms secured by
<br />'�:►� this Secutity Insinunen� ,
<br /> If tde F�uxtc held by Lender exceed Ihe amounts pemtitted to be held by apptieable law.Lender shal! account to —
<br /> - Boaowa for the excess Funds in accadance with the requirernents of applicable law. If the an�qf the Fh�nds held by
<br /> = Lender at any tirpe ls not su�cie�n to pay the Escrow Items whert due.i.ender may so aotify Baffm�in writing,and.in
<br />`_;'::..; such case Barrower siall yay to LerMer tt�e amount�necessaryr to make up the cfeficiency. Borrower shatl malce up the
<br /> � deficiency In no more ihan twelve monthlY PaY�.at l.ender�s sole disecetion. —
<br /> Upon payment in full of a14 sums secured by this Security lnstwnen�lxnder shal!prompily refund to Borrower any `--
<br /> =-- --- ' Fiinds held by[.eader, if.undcr paragrap��21.Lender shall acquire or sell the�Propaty.Lender,ptior to the acquisition or °-
<br /> sale of the Pcopeny,shall apply any Par.�G��ld by l.erider at the rime of acquisition or sale as a credit agalnst the sums
<br /> � secutrA by this Savrity lnstrumen� -
<br /> � 3. Application a�Payments. Unless applirable law provides otherwise. all payments reaived 6y l.ender under -
<br /> paragnphs 1 and 2 sha116e applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under
<br /> = puagraph 2;third.w interest due:foueh,to princlpal du�and 1as�to any late charges due under tlie Note. '
<br /> • ' 4. C6sr6es;Lkas. Borrower shali pay all taxes.assessmenu,charges.fines and impositions attributable to the
<br />- Ptaperty which may attain priority over this Security lnstrament.and leasehold payments or gro�md renis,if any. Brnrower . -_
<br />- •t shall pay these dsligatians in the manner provided in paragraPh Z.or if not paid in ihat manner.Hoaower sha11 pay them an -
<br /> dme directly tv the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender ail notices of amounts to be paid under
<br /> . thFS pa�agraph. If Barrower makes these Qayments directly,Boirower shall promptly fumish to Lender reccipts evldencing
<br /> � � the�rs�+:nenu. .
<br />° ..,:�,.`- Borrower�u:ll promptly discharge any lien which has priority over rIus Security trtstrument c�niess Borrawer.(a)agrees .
<br /> �_ ;;;. : , ln writing to t3��ymcnt of the obligation v�ed by the lien in a mamrr���aceptable to Lender.(b>�;sntests In good faith the . :;:
<br /> -�`•'.` ' tien by.or Qe�ar�s against enforcement of t�n_lien i�.tegal praceeding�G•hich in the t.ender's apinion operate to prcvcnt Q�e
<br />-= eRfa�cement of the lien;or(c)secuns from the holder of thc lien an agrcement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien �
<br /> - rr.a�'ss Security Inswment..If L�mAer determines that acr����.-t af the Property is aubject to a lien which may attain priodty
<br /> , a�vrthis Securiry JnstrumeM,l.ender may�ive Bosrowec a rsssice identifying the lien. Barrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> ;:.:;;• = o�se or more oY ihe actlons sct forth above wi�tr:i.�10 days ogthe giving of notice.
<br /> �'�'�� S. Has�or throptrty lesurance. �Lfio;rower shall keep the icr�ovements now existing or hereafter erecteA on the
<br /> �� -'`_ Froperty insa�againsl loss by fire.hazarda 1:cluded within the tertn`c�rrnded coverage"and any other haaatds.inciuding �
<br />• tIoods or ftoading,for which l.ertder requ'ues insurance. This insura:►ce shall bc maintained in the amaunts and for•the
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