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<br /> ' .� ��i��� n���Po+ria�„���x�u e�,��y e«ro«��;�m��
<br /> ,�pp,Q,►�l whict�sb.0 aa be u�o�ix wi�aew. If a«zower faits co m�iexain oov«a�e aes�ibea�bOYe.�.«�aa ms�.at
<br /> �e[$opti0tf.o6hlf!OOyefs�e LO p1�O�OCt Lende[s riEllts in the PtapORy Il1 OCCadxiCe.wllh p�tdjiaph 7. clsuse. l.eeder
<br /> Ali iasuraa�e poi�cfia and t�enewats st�il be aaepabk t0 Lend�x.an4shall iaclude a stand�n!rtwrc�e .
<br /> shatt havt dK ri�ht fo NoW the peliciesaM cenewats. If Leader cequires.Bamwa shall p�omPdY�ive w Lendet�l!ieceips
<br /> af pid pe�eemiun►s aed Reewai tKxica. In the event of toss.Batower sit�ll�ive p[ompt iaric�to the inwrrnce canier�nd .
<br /> �Lender. LeMer msy auke Qr�oof of ioss if na m�de,[xort!pt�Y b}Barower. ` .
<br /> � ' Unkss U�.nder aod 8aauwer otheewise a�in wnting.iasurrnce p�ooeeds shatl 6e appli�m restoration or nepYir of -
<br /> the ptoperty dams�ed.if�he teswr�tion or cepsir is seonomicaltY feasibk and t�endcr's sectuity is not itss�. (f the --
<br /> - �esta�aon or reQsir is not ecaiomically featibie ar Leader's secunty wautd bt fesseried.t�c it�wance p�oceods sh�ll 6e
<br /> opptied w tht sums secueea by this SecwitY LWcument wAether or na�due.�ariW an?e�s paid to Bocmwu. If -
<br /> Boaower ab�sdons the Propetry.or das not�aswer within 30 days a notice f:um l.ender that the insu�nce pnier bts
<br /> uf�aed w tat{e a claim.tHen L�der nay coUect the insurance p�oceeds- Lender may use dte proaeds ta iepair o[restone
<br /> - du p�operey ar w p.y suias secu�sd ay�his sa�icy ta�t.wlrnder or noc then dur. "11�e 3o-aay period rvile begia wben
<br />_" t6e aaace u�iven. ������yp��11�ot ea�eM er —
<br />'�:� lTalas l.aAdet and Bortovire�atneswise ajcee in vrriim�,an�r app��
<br /> �..•� poupooe the due d�of d�e monthlY Pi}�tee��efemed w in parag�apUs 1 and 2 or change the ama�uu of the p3Yt�,If
<br /> . �u�der p�papb 21 tUe Ptopectp is ace�iced 6Y l.eadcr.B°R°v�as ri�ht ta aey iasiumee pol�cies aM pcoceedt eswlnoE
<br />= - fmm�w the PropertY Pno►w the��i[ioa shall�SS w I.ender to the aetrnt of the sua�seciued by this Saariry -
<br />�' ` �y��,��� a�d Protectlos ot tre P�oPertY+ Earrower's La�t Apptia�: -=�.
<br /> - i.areliofdt. Ho�ruwa shall occupy.aaablish.u�d use tbe PmpeccY as 8o�m�'a s P�PV caidence within sucty days af�ee �y--
<br />-" tbe e�cutiau of this Stcutiry Inm�mntt and shall co�inue to occupy the Property zs Barrnwer's priaFip�l iesidence fa ae -��--
<br /> au ia wridn which caasrnt sh�11 aat be — —
<br /> leaat ane_ye�ar after tbe tiste oE dccupancp.unkss Lender aherwise agcees 8• _�°�=.
<br /> �a�anablY withhld.ar wless eateawtin;�es eaist which a�e Geyrrond BoRawers cmavt. Boaower si�a11 aot E�""' -
<br /> Ge .,�--
<br />" druroy.d�nage o�unp�ir d�e PtopertY•altow dx P�opecty w dececier�te or canmit wasu en the Property. Senowu staU =�__
<br /> � � 6e in def�ult if aay farfeituce acaat ar p�ocadin8.whetlier civil or crimin�l.is 6egun dTat in Lendet's good fauth judg�mnu �__
<br /> V` `_, ' cauld nwlt in.forfeie�u+e of the Rope►ry or oetxrwise m�tWiallY impair the lien created by this Security Instn�mertt or ------°=
<br /> �:=-_,._
<br /> T f�`
<br /> .�:is;,; i.ender's securicy intenst. Hactawer may cuce such a default aad reinstate.as provided in parsg�apb l8.by causing the action '':y_�.,.,
<br /> ' ��r,:: ' ' ot p�ocadiag ta be dismissod aith a tulire�d�. in i.endec's good faith detaminana�.preclwtac forftinue of tbe Bormwer's -- �``_ _
<br /> ; -- :�; ; intecest in tbe Frnperty or otber material impaim�ent of tlx lien crraced by this Securiry insAVment or LeRder�s secwity : ---
<br /> inteaest. Bormwer shatl also be ia-default if Bortower. during she lwn applic.ltion process.gave maurially false or
<br /> : � .:,- inxcuraoe Infortnatian ar staumenes to Lender lar failed to provide i.endec witb ai►y material infom�won)in conqecaon witb .� ;�: --..
<br />• • . ��°-; = ` the lo�n eviden�xd by the Nate.including. but noe limiud to. npsesentaaons coriceming Barowers occupancy of tbe �,�1,:±
<br /> pmpeny as a pmu,tipal nsidence. If this Sectuiry Instnunent is on a te�sehold.Bortawer sltalt compiy with all the pmvisioas �`.,.:�. , �'
<br /> , of che kssa If Baaower acquircs fa ade to the Pmpercy.du teasehold and�tse fee aUe st�ll noc merge unless L.ender agioes j�...'iY t�l _:
<br /> " LO i�1C 1Z1CT$t[IIL witO:II$. ��'-'' •` -
<br /> ��' ' '1. Frotati�e a(L�eade�s Rit,6es id t6e PrnpMy If Borrower.faits to pe�fonn the co�rnants and agceements �.,-r,�: _ `.-
<br />'. " - .,.- - ' co�ia rhis Securicy Fhsor�mt.or t�ecc's a legal pcaceeding t6u may sigoificandy affect Lender�s righcs ia the r.:��.,,�.:.,:;"---
<br /> . . " �kir;�,:��. pbp�9(such as a p�oceedin3 m banlctuptcy.prubace.far conderanaaon or forFeiture or to enfocce laws a ngulati�a►sl.then •J.:.;:. ..�
<br /> a �.
<br /> �.�� :_����.._' Lender may do a�sd gaY for wt�ace�er is necessary to pmt�x c!u vaiue of tbe Ptoperty aad L.ender's rights in tbe Pmpaty. '4,' ----
<br /> " • �•-..r=`..-,:T,_.`�� L.en�iers acuons m:�asctade paymg any sums s e c u n d b y a i�t w h ic h has p ri o ri ty o v e r t h i s S e c u r i t y I n s h v m e n i.a p p e a r+n 8 . ; .�
<br /> . � .-..x.-,7�..-, .. —
<br /> � "`�' r-_�- . ' {�court.PaYinB re�sonable attameys'fees and entering on�fre Prupeay to ataice npairs.AJthaagb Lender may take acdoa �, ,.
<br /> � —��„'�__:. .s...` . . .-.
<br /> ;.: }r under this paragr�ph 7.Lender daes nat have to do so. 7 shall become additional debc of Honower secuced by this ��-
<br /> a�
<br /> " � . ��., .� My amounts disbuised 1sy Lender under this paragrs��i `� ;.: ��'
<br /> • ��� �•t S e c u r i I n s t r u m e n� LTntess Bo�m�er and Lender agree ta c�r cem�s of pay�nen�.these amounts shall bear inutest fmm the
<br /> . ��-,,��.E� : � cy ._ _
<br /> �y�� date of disbu�sement at the Yore n�:e and sit�ll be payahte.��i�intetes�apon notice f r om L e n d er to Horrow e r r e q u e s d n g , ;:;•;.;,
<br /> � L;'•.;:r:`;. � ��=
<br /> r.�-
<br /> ��'�°- � �� Murtt�,te�.wsanca �f Ler►des i�iur�d morc�,°e insurance Fs a condition of making the Iaan secuoed by this - . ___
<br /> .!r '�•�. �_ •
<br /> .--1 Security lnsttume�c;'I�orrower shatl pay ttte`gn�n:uras�:red to mairc�s the mortgage iruusance ur..effect. If.for any r:°
<br /> . '`.`.��; teason. the mort�.�suc�caverage reqi%:red by i�n3�lapses or ceases to be in effec�t. Bormwet shaU pag the ;, . .. :'
<br /> :����...'.. .. S Y 9 � P �' �;,,;`�..� �___
<br /> ' ,,,.�:�._, . premlums requircd ro a�c�uvera e suDstant�all e us�sli�is to the man e irtsurance t�evioasly in effect. ac a cost
<br /> '-.�Cy� � = substantially eqaiva�c ts�c�t�;.�.-�t to Bonower of the mortgage insurance�eviousty in effect.from an uitemate martgage
<br /> �•:;_r�:. � �%._
<br /> ' � �' ' '� insuar a roved by L:,.�nder. If substantially eq:;ivaltnt mortgage insaratt�coveragc�s not avaiiabie.Borrower shall pay to ;..�
<br /> �- Leadet q�ch mon�li�sum equal to vne-twelf�h��'the yearly mortgage insurance premium beia�p��y Borrower when the '. � '- ;;.
<br /> z4 � , �-.
<br /> insu�ance coverage�apsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender w�ll accep�use and re[�in these pa;�r�e:o����+�tass reserve in lleu
<br /> �'u�T�"� ' of mortgage inswance. Loss reserve payments m�y no longer be required.at the optiaa af�dr.:+�'moRgage insnranee .,, • :z
<br /> ..;" . '-r:;:T- �:. ' -.
<br /> -:�, -_ wverage(in the amouat and for the period that Lender rcquires)provided by an insaree.:u�:oved[�-�.ender again becane� 4 :y,�<<:�•, '
<br /> ��s, ',�:__,: -`_ � • . ava i la b le an d l s o b t a i n e d.B o r r o w e r s h a l l p a y r h.e.p r e m i u m s r e y u i r e d t o m a i n t a l n mort�e'snsuranoe isr-effec�or to p r ovide a � :,a:.;�:� .
<br /> r. � ��� '�, loss reserve.uneil�ite rcquirement for mortga.��: �nsurance ends in accordanrx v�ith any wntten agr�betwan Hormwec
<br /> . ;:,,;j � -''' � andLenderotappdiixblelaw. : . . .
<br /> . 9 i�speciiQai. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entrie"s u�utt and inspections of the Ytoperty. Lender shall �
<br /> , - � �• - '--�—�-� .-- give Borrower m1�:cce at the time of or prias to arj inspection.�:ifying reasonable cause for the inspecNon. _ ,;:';'`'`:�—
<br /> -�;r:`•�. � 10 Conde�naUon. The procecds of any award or ctairn fot damages,direct or consequential.in conneetion with any �'���. :;:: �,
<br /> ' � Singte Funily•.F'annk NaelFredAk N�c U�1FqRN I�S1'RC�tEfi'P•-Uni[om�Covenan�s fllA Ipaar 3 oJ6 padeal , �� •
<br /> ..,;:t ... � ` Gea�fdesl�reer Pmr.l�.■ .
<br /> � Toaeaer C�It:t800S�D979ci D tA71 itb191�tt31 .
<br /> ' ;r.�..`+: ' , , . � .
<br /> �v..:t'ts;: ' � .
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